by James Mason
And while no - or next to no - "Nazi" groups, per se, exist on the scene any longer, George Lincoln Rockwell's' spirit and leadership have long since come to pervade every single aspect - high and low of the Movement which, so long ago, had the wits frightened and embarrassed out of it by this man whom it then wished would just go away. His own prophecy is only lately beginning to make itself manifest...
"I knew I would not live to see the victory which I would make possible. But I would not die before I had made that victory certain.'
1918 - George Lincoln Rockwell (hereinafter GLR) born on March 9th, in Bloomington, III. Son of George Lovejoy Rockwell and Claire Schade Rockwell, both vaudeville performers. Of English-Scottish and German-French descent.
1919-1937 - Traveled with parents on vaudeville tours. After parents' divorce GLR spent his youth between Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, California and primarily Boothbay Harbor, Maine. Studied at Hebron Academy, Lewiston, Me. First encountered and noted subtle liberal and communist influences.
1938-1940 - Entered Brown University at Providence, R.I., in fall. Majored in philosophy. Was co-founder and art editor of college magazine, "Sir Brown".
1941-1942 - Enlisted in March in the U.S. Navy at Boston, Mass., as Seaman 2nd Class. Was accepted as aviation cadet and received flight training at Squanttan, Mass. Commissioned on December 9th as Ensign (Naval Aviator) and subsequently flew from the USS Omaha, Wasp and was Senior Aviator aboard the Mobile.
1943 - Married Judith Aultman on April 24th, at Barrington, R.I. Attended naval photographic school at Pensacola, Fla., the same year.
1944-1945 - Promoted Lieutenant. Was Air Support Commander at Guadalcanal and during invasion of Guam. Promoted Lt. Commander in October, 1945. Was released from active duty as Commanding Officer of SOSU-1 , Pearl Harbor, having earned nine decorations.
1946 - Moved family to East Boothbay, Me., and opened Maine PhotoArt Service that summer. Moved to Mount Vernon, N.Y., in fall. Birth of first child, Bonnie. (GLR's first marriage would produce two more children, Nancy and Phoebe-Jean.) Studied at Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y., majoring in commercial art.
1947 - Returned to business in summer and then bark to Pratt that fall. Studied at the Institute of Commercial Art and was special student of Norman Rockwell.
1948 - Won national prize of New York Society of Illustrators for his full-page advertisement for the American Cancer Society which appeared in the New York Times.
1949 - Founded Maine Advertising, Inc., at Portland, Me. After selling interest in company to partner, organized Rockwell Publishing Company, Inc., producing tourist and radio guides.
1950-1951 - Recalled to active duty at outbreak of Korean War. Assigned Air Support School Instructor at Coronado, Cal., near San Diego. GLR's political career began when he heard radio broadcasts Sen. Joseph R. t.kCarthy, became involved in campaign for Gen. Douglas MacArthur's Republican Presidential nomination and attended a rally of Gerald L.K. Smith. Saw issue of Common Sense newspaper and was first introduced to the extreme Right Wing as well as to the Jewish Question. Read Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" and was instantly converted to National Socialist belief. Wrote his "Fable of the Ducks and the Hens".
1952 - Was assigned in November to naval duty at Keflavik, Iceland, as squadron Commanding Officer. Increased reading of Right Wing publications including "American Mercury", "Williams Intelligence Summary", "Dan Smoot Report", etc. First marriage ended in divorce.
1953 - Married Thora Hallgrimsson on October 3rd, at Reykjavik, Iceland. Honeymooned at Berchtesgaden, Germany. Requested and was granted extra one year of duty in Iceland.
1954-1955 - Birth of son, Lincoln. (GLR's second marriage would also produce two more children, Jeannie and Evelyn.) Detached to inactive duty December 15th at Brunswick, Me. Family resided at Bailey's Island. Moved fall of 1955 to Washington, D.C., and founded "U.S. Lady" magazine for service wives. Sold interest and began Rockwell Promotions, Inc.
1956 - Formed American Federation of Conservative Organizations and broadcast over D.C. radio attempting to unify Right Wing elements. Associated with John Kasper, Ezra Pound, Adm. John G. Crommelin, William F. Buckley, Jr., etc. Failing to effect conservative coordination, held final meeting of A.F.C.O. at D.C.'s Mayflower Hotel July 4th at which time he met Robert Snowden. Was persuaded by Snowden to move family to Memphis, Tenn., to be part of his "Campaign for the Forty Eight States". Briefly recalled to active service as Navy Task Force Commander at Grosse Isle, Mich. Moved to Moonachie, N.J., to become assistant publisher of Russell Maguire's "American Mercury" magazine. Met DeWest Hooker on Thanksgiving plus members of his "Nationalist Youth League" in New York City. Became radicalized and convinced of dealing openly and forcefully in pursuing the struggle he was involved with.
1957 - Worked as salesman for Cleworth Company, Inc., in management engineering. Business assignments to N.Y. and N.J. Transferral to Lincoln, Pa. At request of DeWest Hooker, GLR traveled to Knoxville, Tenn., to attend Rightist gathering in his stead. There collaborated with Wallace Allen, Enory Burke and Edward R. Fields in establishment of "United White Party", later the "National States Rights Party". Promulgated his "Lincoln Plan" for repatriation to Africa of U.S. Blacks. Accepted invitation of Wallace Allen to work in Atlanta, Ga.
1958 - Moved family to Newport News, Va., to collaborate with William Stephenson publishing "The Virginian" magazine. Appearance of GLR's "Odd Birds" illustrations and stories. Met Stephenson's financial backer, Harold N. Arrowsmith, Jr., and with his help began the "National Committee to Free America From Jewish Domination". Moved family to 6512 Williamsburg Blvd., Arlinton, Va., to begin publishing and distributing Arrowsmith's series of documents on the Jewish Question. Led first anti-Jewish picket in U.S. since World War Two before the White House on July 29th with members of "Nationalist Youth League". With aid of Allen and Fields, simultaneous pickets were held in Atlanta, Ga., and Louisville, Ky. Atlanta synagogue bombed October 12th. Media attempts to implicate GLR and associates. Arrowsmith panicked and withdrew support. Attacks began upon home at Williamsburg Blvd. and GLR sent family to safety in Iceland.
1959 - End of "National Committee". James K. Warner makes GLR gift of Swastika banner. American Nazi Party founded by GLR on March 8th. Soon joined by J.V. Kenneth Morgan, Louis Yalacki, etc. Floyd Fleming becomes backer. "World Union of Free Enterprise National Socialists" created by GLR, existing at first only on paper. Media smears by Drew Pearson. Raided by Arlington County. Williamsburg Blvd. headquarters lost. Moved from Arlington to Fairfax Co. to Falls Church and back to Arlington. In October flew to Iceland for one-week final visit with family. Building at 928 N. Randolph St. purchased by Floyd Fleming in December as headquarters. J.V. Morgan named Deputy Commander. Regular distributions in D.C. of "Gas Chamber" leaflets.
1960 - GLR honorably discharged from U.S. Navy in February with rank of full Commander. Appearance of political manifesto, "In Hoc Singo Vinces". Attended national convention of the N.S.R.P. in Dayton, Ohio, March 19th. First "Rally on the Mall" held April 3rd at Constitution and 9th Sts., between the Capitol BIdg. and Washington Monument. GLR article printed in Willis A. Carto publication, "Right", in May. First A.N.P. publication, "National Socialist Bulletin", also appeared in May. The "Riot on the Mall", July 3rd. GLR arrested and committed to thirty days observation in D.C. General Hospital's psychiatric ward. Released August 4th, adjudged sane and competent. Resumed regular rallies in D. C.'s Judiciary Park. Wrote autobiography, "This Time the World".
1961 - American Nazi Party granted official charter by the State of Virginia in March. First "Hate Bus" travels U.S. South. GLR and crew arrested in New Orleans picketing film, "Exodus", May 24th. Jail hunger strike. First issue of "The Rockwell Report" appeared in October.
1962 - Addressed rally of Black Muslims in Chicago, III., February 25th. First issue of "The Stormtrooper" magazme also in February. Traveled in August to Ireland and to England to meet in the Cotswold Hills with Cohn Jordan, John Ty
ndall, Savitri Devi, Bruno Ludtke and other National Socialists from Britain, France, Belgium, Germany and Austria to form the World Union of National Socialists. GLR bodyguard Roy James assaulted Martin Luther King in Birmingham, Ala., September 28th.
1963-1964 - First issue of "Intra Party Confidential Newsletter" appeared in March. Virginia speaking tour opposing integration. GLR leads sole White opposition against Black "March on Washington ", August 28th, with his "Valiant 87". First serious Party split occurred December, 1963. Major reorganization. Entered Canada to appear on C.B.C., November, 1964.
1965 - GLR confronted Martin Luther King in Selma, Ala., in January. Robert Lloyd leaped onto floor of Congress in blackface as " Mississippi delegation" also that January. First issue of "W.U.N. S. Bulletin" appeared that spring. Campaign for the governorship of Virginia. Booth at Virginia State Fair. Television broadcasts from Richmond, Va. I.R.S. seizes Randolph St. headquarters. Hq. moved to location of barracks and printing, 6150 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, known as "Hatemonger Hill".
1966 - GLR's appearance on the "Joe Pyne Show" from Los Angeles, Cal., and his interview in "Playboy" magazine both in April. First issue of "National Socialist World", William Pierce editor, appeared that spring. Establishment of ANP-Dallas business center in June. To Chicago that summer to counter integrationist drives. Defeated Stokeley Carmichael in televised debate in July. Great reception at Marquette Park rally, August 21 st. GLR leads "Great White March" in Chicago, September 1 0th. GLR meets with John Beattie, Canadian Nazi Party leader, that summer on the Oueenston-Lewiston Bridge between Ontario and New York. GLR met with Hell's Angels head. Sonny Barger in October in Oakland, Cal. Returns to Brown University in November to address student body.
1967 - "Esquire" magazine interview appeared in February. Called A.N.P. National Leadership Conference at Arlington in June. Wrote second book, "White Power". First serious attempt against GLR's life in July. Killed in ambush on August 25th on Wilson Blvd., near headquarters. Apart from capture of one known gun man, no satisfactory revelations as to what may have been behind the death of GLR have ever been found out. Following government denial of burial at Culpepper National Cemetery, GLR's remains were cremated at Arlington.
Appendix V: Universal Order
James Mason Interview with Brian King
The following quotes are excerpts from a 1987 video interview with James Mason conducted by Brian King.
"Myself and a few others were trying to convert the Nazi Movement from a Right Wing thing to a truly revolutionary movement - not of the Left, not of the Right, but truly REVOLUTIONARY. So I went on my own and I started SIEGE to expound this idea."
"My involvement and intensity with the National Socialist Movement continued and grew., and some of us - certainly my quarter - grew more and more radical, more and more extreme... Manson began to look... better and better."
"Manson, who had been referred to as sort of a 'Right Wing hippie' type - that's incorrect but it sets a certain premise - seemed to me as a possibility of housing at least part of an answer."
"It was just like 1966 all over again. Nobody suggested to me I should contact George Lincoln Rockwell. I mean your pals and your buddies, and certainly not your parents or your family, [won't] suggest you join the American Nazi Party... And it would be just the same within the Party of that day, the early and mid 70's - nobody is going to walk up to and suggest you contact Charles Manson... nobody. So that was just something that occurred to me."
"It was under that title [N.S.L.F.] that I first approached Manson. And he looked at that, we exchanged much correspondence and many phonecalls and he - he's very forthright, he's not worried about sparing anyone's feelings or ego - simply said: "That's preposterous and it has to go... if you're serious." Of course I was and I am, and he said, "Here's what you have to go with - get rid of that title N.S.L.F. and use 'UNIVERSAL ORDER', because that is, after all, what we must have. We have to have complete balance, universal order - not a little bit of order over here, or some over here, because that still renders everything out of balance... it's like grabbing a control knob and turning it to the extreme one way or the extreme to the other way - it's no good. It's merely a reaction." And I thought about it and I said well, that's what Commander Rockwell was advocating - not extremism of any degree Left or Right, but the right balance. As he [Rockwell] called it, 'The Golden Mean'."
"The connection with Manson doesn't interrupt, or interfere with, or contradict in any way my National Socialist beliefs - it's an extension of them."
"Where there are hundreds of thousands of willing and dedicated hands, and millions of dollars in budget funds, you can afford to be sneaky and subversive, because time is on your side. But where there are only a few hundred individuals involved and next-to-no funds, why, you can't afford the luxury - you have to be direct. Even if it means putting your life and liberty on the line... This is what Commander Rockwell did; to some degree it's what Hitler did in the beginning, though he had the people behind him soon enough. We today are very, very much in a minority - we don't even qualify as a 'respectable' minority, we're so few - so we have to be direct, just to be heard, just to be felt... Manson and his people in '69 did this - it was the supreme sacrifice. You could say that they had willingly sacrificed their lives... except... they were miraculously spared. We all have to be prepared for that, just to be heard - just to be known. But through that, why, Manson today is one of the most widely known personalities in the world.., he did accomplish that much, which if you don't accomplish then nothing, nothing else, can proceed."
"We're trying to back away from old-fashioned antisemitism and the 'Jewish Conspiracy' and all that... it's a Jewish/Anglo-Saxon conspiracy because if so many of the 'Anglo' types weren't wholeheartedly involved - and they outnumber the Jews in this thing by far - why, it couldn't have taken place at all. So we really don't differentiate any more - you're either part of the System or you're not."
"As far as we're concerned a member of our own tribe, or Race, is far more of a culprit than any alien, as we view the Jews... So now we're not the old-fashioned Jew baiters - you're either with the System or you're not, regardless of who you are.
"When those killings went down, especially after La Bianca, the word is that Elizabeth Taylor and Frank Sinatra went into hiding - took a dive.
And to what further extent it might have gone we can only guess. If they (the killings) had continued what kind of panic might have broken out - that's up to anyone's best guess also..."