Heaven's a Beach

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Heaven's a Beach Page 15

by J. A. Cipriano

  “We got the report back from the medical examiner,” Mandy said as I threw a piece of pizza in the microwave. “What are you doing?”

  “Making breakfast.”

  Mandy made a disgusted noise. “It’s almost noon. Are you just getting up?”

  Leaning against the counter, I snorted. “More like you woke me up.”

  She sighed. I could imagine the look on her face. Her utter disapproval clear in that one sound. “You shouldn’t stay out late when we have a pending investigation. It’s not very responsible.”

  This time I had to laugh. “Says the woman who was nursing a hangover just last night.”

  There was a pause, and then Mandy said, “That was different. I was keeping you from doing something stupid.”

  “Like getting drunk in my hotel room alone?” The microwave dinged. I pulled the pizza out and shoved half of it into my mouth. “Hot! Fuck!” I said my words all garbled from the food.

  “That’ll teach you,” Mandy sniffed. “In any case, you and Gabriel were right. Ernie died of suffocation, and Crystal has an alibi for the time frame we have for the time of death.”

  “Oh really?” I took another bite of my pizza and chewed as I thought about what she said. It wasn’t surprising that Gabriel had been right or that Crystal had an alibi. Gabriel had said she didn’t look like the killer. The problem was, if she didn’t kill Ernie, then who did?

  “Yeah, Crystal was at some employee party the night he supposedly died. She had half a dozen witnesses to corroborate her story.”

  My eyes widened. “Oh, I was at that party with Michael. Well, for a few minutes anyway. Then you called, and I came down to see you at the station. That’s where I’d learned about Ernie and Crystal.”

  “Did you see either of them at the party?”

  “No.” I lifted myself up and sat on the counter. “I searched around but didn’t see either of them. Then again, we didn’t stay around that long. She could have come and gone at any time.”

  “Still, we don’t have anything on her to keep her much longer. If we don’t find something, we’ll have to let her go soon.” Mandy let out a heavy breath. “I just want this case to be over. Not like I don’t have enough on my plate as it is.”

  “Still fighting with the FBI?” I asked, finishing off my breakfast. When Michael showed up out of nowhere, I almost choked on it.

  “Jane? Are you alright?” Mandy’s concerned voice called over the phone.

  Coughing, I got the piece out of my throat and swallowed hard. Hopping off the counter, I glared at Michael before answering Mandy, “Yeah, I’m fine. Just about died is all.”

  “Remember to chew before you swallow, Jane,” Mandy chastised.

  “I’ll remember that,” I told her, my eyes firmly on Michael. “I’ve got to go, I’ll call you if I find anything out.”

  “Okay, but we should really think of a p—” I cut her off before she could finish her sentence and sat the phone down.

  “Michael,” I drew out, holding my phone in one hand and leaning my hip against the counter. “You’re here early.” Then I remembered the time. “Or I guess it’s not that early. I’m just late.”

  The archangel was quiet as he took in my nude form not leering but inquisitive. “It seems you had a nice time last night.”

  “Yes, I did.” I moved away from the counter and over to the end of the bed where I kept my pile of clean clothes. “For once, no one interrupted us.” I shot him a warning look.

  Michael made a face. “That was entirely not my fault. There was a problem that had to be taken care of.”

  “And the hand of God couldn’t deal with it on his own? He needed the Devil to help?” I asked, pulling a shirt over my head and then digging for a pair of bottoms.

  “It was a team effort kind of problem,” Michael explained, his eyes moving over my legs as I pulled on my panties. “As I recall, our date was cut short as well.”

  I scoffed. “It was paused not cut short. We finished it later in my room.” I pointed a finger at him with a smirk. “You just like to pull Lucifer’s chain.”

  “I’m not sure about what chain you speak of, but Lucifer could use being knocked down a peg or two. He can be quite big-headed.” Michael had moved closer now. If he were corporeal, we could almost touch.

  “Like you’re one to talk.” I smiled up at him. “Save Gabriel, you two all think mighty high of yourselves.”

  Michael’s hand brushed against the side of my face causing me to jolt a bit at the sensation. “I wouldn’t think so highly of Gabriel. He can be just as high and mighty as the rest of us. Especially when it comes to you.”

  I flushed and bit my lower lip. “Well, I’m flattered.” Turning away from him, I grabbed a pair of shorts and pulled them on. “So, to what do I owe this pleasure?”

  “I heard from Gabriel that there was now a killer on the loose instead of just a burglary. I wanted to make sure you were okay.” Michael crossed his hands over his chest and looked me over. “It seems like you are in one piece.”

  “For now.” I winked and headed over to my bag where I’d tossed it last night. “I’m heading to meet Mandy now. Hopefully, we can get to catch the burglar and the killer all in one go. I have a feeling they are one and the same person.”

  “Then I’ll accompany you.” Michael approached me from behind. “Though I hate to ask, I will need to be solid if I am to be of any use.”

  Grinning, I pulled out the same nail file from last night. “Oh, I could think of a few things you could be useful for.”


  I texted Mandy to find out where she was and was surprised to find out she was at the spa. Redirecting my car toward the spa again, I filled Michael in on where we were going.

  “I don’t understand.” Michael frowned his eyes on the dash. “If they already arrested the person they think did it, why are we going back?”

  “Because Crystal didn’t do it. She has an alibi and witnesses. Plus, Gabriel had a vision. It wasn’t her.” I pursed my lips and tried to think of what Mandy had planned. They’d already made me check out so coming back here wasn’t going to help. I couldn’t just check back in and act like nothing happened.

  We were quiet while I drove the rest of the way to the spa. This time I wasn’t as giddy to arrive as the first time. Of course, that could be the fact that I wasn’t going to relax and spend the taxpayers’ money. I was going to find and catch a killer. At least, I hoped.

  I parked the car and got out, directing Michael to follow me. I shot a text to Mandy letting her know we were here. I found her in the lobby waiting for me. Alone.

  Frowning, I glanced back at Michael who didn’t seem to know what was going on either.

  As we approached her, she turned to me. Her eyes went to Michael, but she didn’t comment on it. “I’m glad you’re here. I had an idea that we haven’t tried yet.”

  “An idea?” My eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Like what? Wave a sign and shout, ‘Are you the killer?’”

  Mandy gave me an incredulous look. “No. You said that Gabriel had a vision of the killer. Well, maybe the killer and the thief are the same person. If they were wearing dark clothes, maybe they were robbing a room when Ernie found them. It could explain his sudden death.”

  I clucked my tongue and then nodded. “Yeah, that sounds pretty plausible. I had sort of the same idea. Except without the whole ‘catching him in the act’ bit. So, how do we catch our thief-slash-murderer?”

  A wicked grin covered Mandy’s lips. “That’s where you come in. Or well, you.” She pointed at Michael.

  “Wait? What?” I asked, placing a hand on Michael’s arm. “What about Michael?”

  “Well, your cover is already blown. Everyone has seen you and think you worked here. So, we’re going to send someone else in.” She eyed Michael with a grin. “Someone no one will suspect of being part of the police department.”

  “You’re forgetting, Michael was my date at the staff party. The whole room
saw him with me. I’m sure they’ll figure it out.” I crossed my arms over my chest and felt like stomping my foot. No way was I letting my best friend put my boyfriend in the line of fire.

  “It’s fine, Jane.” Michael touched my arm, his eyes soft. “I doubt anyone will remember me. I’m sure whatever Amanda has planned will work.”

  Chewing on my lower lip, I wanted to argue, but we didn’t have any other options at the moment. Besides, I didn’t even know her plan yet. It probably wouldn’t be anything bad. It’d be fine. Right?

  “Come on.” Mandy waved us down the guest hallway. “I reserved two adjoining rooms under two different aliases, of course. Not even the manager knows who rented them.”

  She opened the first room which had a bunch of surveillance equipment set up. There was even a monitor showing another room on the screen.

  “So, you plan on spying on them?” I asked, sitting down on the couch in front of the monitor. “How’s that going to catch the thief?”

  Mandy shook her head, her blonde ponytail bobbing behind her. “No. I mean yes. The plan is to have Michael go around talking about the fact that he has something really expensive in the safe in his room. That way it draws the thief’s attention.” She sat next to me and pointed to the screen. “I have cameras set up in the room we are going to pretend is his. That way, when the thief comes to steal it, we’ll have him on camera.”

  “How do you know the thief will even hear me talking about it?” Michael asked, sitting on the arm of the chair.

  I pointed a thumb at him. “That’s a good point, or even if the thief will come today. Maybe they don’t show up until tomorrow. Or whatnot.”

  Mandy held a finger up. “Ah, I thought of that. The thief always stole from guests who were only staying one night. So, I made sure to book the room for the same time frame. If the thief wants to get the prize, then he will have to do it today.”

  I reached out and tried to adjust the camera screen, but Mandy smacked my hand. Glaring at her, I rubbed it. “How do you know he’ll come today? Maybe he’ll wait until tonight to do it.”

  “Because the thief knows the guests will be out during the day,” Michael explained before Mandy could. “It is a spa, correct? They will be at the beach or getting a massage. It would be easy for the thief to know where you are.”

  “Especially if they worked here,” I added, beaming up at him. “We make such a good team.”

  Michael smiled back at me. Mandy cleared her throat, interrupting our moment. “As I was saying. We already had suspicions that the thief was part of the staff. It was the only way to explain the ease of access to the items and being able to break into the safes without knowing the codes. Obviously, I would have pinned that on the security guard but since he’s …”

  “Dead,” I supplied.

  “Yeah, that.” Mandy frowned before standing. “Since Ernie is no longer in the picture, it couldn’t have been him, or if it was then, he had a partner.”

  “I don’t think so.” Michael shook his head. “This doesn’t seem like a two-person job, and if it were, why kill this Ernie character now?”

  “Exactly.” Mandy’s brows furrowed. “I’m surprised you figured that out without all the information.”

  I placed my hand on top of Michael’s and grinned. “Well, he is the hand of God for a reason.” I couldn’t help the pride in my voice.

  “It’s a bit more than that, but yes, my position does make it easier for me to see the big picture and to find those facts that others miss.” Michael squeezed my hand in return, a soft smile on his lips.

  We were quiet for a moment, and then Mandy clapped her hands together. “Alright, then. We might as well get this show on the road.” I started to stand, but Mandy stopped me. “No, Jane. It’s best if you stay in here. We wouldn’t want someone to recognize you and know we’re still investigating. I’m going to stay in here, as well, after I tell Michael what to do.”

  Pressing my lips together tightly, I refrained from arguing. Mature of me, I know. While Mandy talked to Michael, I tried to wrap my head around the plan. The idea of Michael going out into the human world all on his own bothered me. I’d been holding him and the others’ hands this whole time. It almost felt like I was unnecessary, like they could handle themselves. Which I supposed they could. They were angels after all. If anyone could deal with humans, it would be them.

  “Do you think you have it?” Mandy asked, drawing my attention. “Go to the lobby. The dining room. Anywhere there are a lot of people and make a lot of noise about proposing to your girlfriend and that the ring is in the safe in your room.”

  “Understood.” He nodded and then gave me a sideways glance. “I’ll be sure to make my intentions loud and clear.”

  My mouth went dry at his words. His intentions? What were his intentions? Suddenly, it wasn’t about the thief anymore but about us. Michael didn’t expect to one day marry me, did he? Could he even do that? I didn’t find the idea horrifying. Though I couldn’t imagine marrying one of them and not the rest of them. The country wasn’t quite that accepting of alternative lifestyles yet.

  I could just imagine how that would go. “Hello, I’m Jane, and these are my brother-husbands. Also, they’re angels!” Yep, we could have our own reality T.V. show. Or a room in the insane asylum.

  In any case, we weren’t even close to ready for that kind of commitment. At least, I wasn’t. We’d only been able to really have a relationship in the last few weeks, though I wasn’t sure that doing it at every opportunity classified as a relationship. Sure, we’d started going on dates, but I think we needed a few more uninterrupted dates to constitute a serious relationship. Calling them my boyfriends was a big enough step as far as I was concerned.

  “Jane,” Michael said, a bemused look on his face, “are you alright?”

  I cleared my throat and shook my head. “No, no. I’m fine. Just got a bit lost in thought is all. Are you ready?”

  “I’m prepared.” He answered simply, but then sat down beside me. “Are you sure you’re alright with this? I don’t have to do it, you know.”

  Sighing, I placed his hand on mine. “I know, but we need you and like you said, you’ll be fine. If anyone can catch this guy, it’ll be you.” I paused for a moment, my tongue wetting my lips. “Just … just don’t do anything heroic okay? You’re solid now, and we know that means you can get hurt. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  Michael reached up and brushed my hair away from my face. “I’ll be alright. I hardly doubt the scrawny person Gabriel saw will be able to overcome me.”

  “But what if he has a gun?” I asked, my heart suddenly starting to race. “Or a knife? Sure, hand-to-hand, you are the bigger person … angel … thing, but that doesn’t matter if he shoots you.”

  Wrapping an arm around my waist, Michael dragged me into his lap. “Don’t worry. I’ll be careful. I won’t do anything rash and will come back to you as soon as I can.” He pressed his mouth to mine in a quick but passionate kiss that left me breathless and not a bit less concerned.

  However, before I could protest, Michael stood and left, leaving me alone with Mandy. Taking the seat beside me, Mandy patted my leg. “Don’t worry, he’ll be fine. Plus, all he’s doing is spreading the word, not confronting the thief head on. He has clear instructions to come back here after he tells everyone he sees about the ring. Then we’ll watch from here for the thief.”

  I nodded. I heard the words coming from her mouth, but they didn’t make me feel any better. Just because Michael wasn’t going into the room, it didn’t mean that the thief wouldn’t try something with Michael. Maybe they steal the room key from their victim first. If they weren’t part of the maid's group, how else would they get in?

  My mind reeled with all the possibilities. It only got worse as time went on. A minute turned into five and then half an hour. Before long, it had been an hour, and still, Michael wasn’t back yet. I had long since left the couch and started to pace the floor. Man
dy stood a small distance from me on the phone with O’Connor.

  “I’ll be back in shortly. Yes, we’re taking care of it.” Mandy crossed an arm over the other and sighed. “No, you don’t need to come down here. We’re fine. You just keep working on Crystal. We still have time until you have to let her go.”

  I waved at her, trying to get her attention. Mandy glanced my way and held a finger up.

  “No, it’s fine. I’ll call for back up if I need it.” Mandy nodded. “I promise. Okay, I have to go. Bye.” Mandy hung up the phone. “I swear, that O’Connor. He’s worse than my mother. You’d think that he’d trust me to run this operation.”

  “He’s just concerned, I’m sure,” I quickly said and then stepped toward her, my arms hugging myself. “Shouldn’t he be back by now? Should we go look for him?”

  “No.” Mandy put her hands on my arms. “We can’t go out there right now. I’m sure he’s just doing a thorough job. He’ll be back soon.”

  I started to ask her how the hell did she know but there was a knock on the door. My feet moved beneath me on their own, urgency causing their pace to quicken. I glanced in the peephole briefly, and Michael’s distorted face greeted me. I jerked open the door and pulled him inside, hugging him to me.

  “I’m alright.” Michael hugged me in return, his hand stroking up and down my back.

  “I was so worried.” I sagged into his embrace. “I thought you were never coming back.”

  Michael shut the door and brought us further into the room. “My apologies, I got stopped by a rather talkative group of women. I had a hard time getting away from them with my shirt.”

  “Did you do it?” Mandy asked, not at all concerned about his wellbeing.

  I frowned. “Give him a chance to catch his breath before you start interrogating him. Jeez.”

  Michael pressed his lips to my cheek and grinned before turning to Mandy. “It’s done. I doubt there is a single person in the spa who doesn’t know about the ring.”

  “Good.” Mandy nodded and went over to the couch.

  “Now what?” I asked, clinging to Michael as if he might disappear at any moment. Which he just might. They had a bad habit of that.


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