Devoted - General ePub

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Devoted - General ePub Page 11

by Shirleen Davies

  But he was nowhere close to being a teenager, and it certainly wasn’t his first time. There’d been women before and a few after Julia, yet not one had ever touched his heart the way she had. Not one he’d wanted to marry. Only Julia.

  He’d removed his boots not long after she disappeared into the bathroom. Tempted to pull the t-shirt over his head, Tracker had waited, deciding it better to gauge her mood after she returned to the bedroom.

  The sound of the door opening had him turning around, his mouth going dry at the sight. Wearing no makeup, her hair had been brushed until it shined. Her feet were bare, the same as her legs, at least to her thighs. What drew his attention, and surprised the hell out of him, was what she wore. The t-shirt he’d given her not long after they’d started seeing each other draped over her soft curves. After what happened, he’d thought it would’ve been the first thing she trashed. It hung halfway down her thighs. She was breathtaking, more gorgeous than the first time she’d slipped it on.

  “You kept it.”

  Her hands slid over the worn, cotton fabric, looking down on it with affection. “I tried to throw it out more than once. Each time, I retrieved it.” Raising her head, her mouth twisted into a self-deprecating grin. “Getting rid of it felt too final.”

  Walking toward her, he stopped a foot away, hands clenched at his sides. The t-shirt was a string he hadn’t expected her to pull. It had always meant something to both of them. More than flowers, candy, or jewelry.

  “I guess letting it go meant we were over. The forever kind of over.” Shaking her head slowly, she kept her gaze locked on his. “As ridiculous as it sounds, I could never get myself to take the final step of cutting you from my heart.” When he didn’t speak, she went on. “I’ve never worn it for anyone else.”

  Heart beating painfully, jaw clenching to keep himself under control, he reached out, taking her hand. “You’re killing me, Jules.”

  Chuckling, she grabbed his other hand, tugging him forward so his chest touched hers. “We can’t have that,” she whispered.

  Touching her lips with his, his voice came out on a rasp. “We certainly can’t.”

  Then his arms banded around her, the kiss intensifying, his tongue plunging inside to taste her. She met each thrust with one of her own, moaning as their tongues tangled.

  Gasping when he slid a hand under her shirt to massage one breast, then the other, she arched into him, waves of heat already flashing through her. Wanting, needing to feel his skin, her hands grasped the edge of his shirt, yanking it up. Breaking the kiss, he waited as she whipped it over his head and tossed it aside before claiming her mouth again.

  Her hands explored him, thumbs flicking over his nipples, eliciting a deep, unrestrained groan. She loved the way he responded, letting her know what he liked. It had always been this way between them.

  He pulled his hands from under her shirt to grip the hem, removing it in one fluid motion. Leaning back, his breath caught. Her breasts were more perfect than he remembered, round and firm with puckered nipples which begged for his mouth.

  Bending her over his arm, he took one taut bud between his teeth, nipping lightly before his tongue swept across it. He drew the soft globe into his mouth, both of them moaning when he lazily made love to one breast before shifting to the other.

  Holding her steady with one hand, the other shoved her panties down her legs, fingers delving into the damp folds. As he began stroking, he felt her kick the panties aside, giving him better access. He pumped his fingers in and out, massaging her clit, increasing the speed when she moaned into his ear.

  “Nate, I’m—”

  She didn’t get the rest out before her body tensed, a cry slipping through her lips as she found release. He held her against his chest, capturing her mouth as she began to come down. Before she could catch a solid breath, he swept her into his arms, taking the few steps to the bed. Placing her in the middle, he removed his pants, tossing his briefs on top of them.

  Coming up over her, he kissed her again before settling his hard length between the juncture of her thighs. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she bit his bottom lip before soothing the spot with her tongue.

  “God, babe…” It was all he said before levering himself up, using his knees to spread her thighs. Reaching down, he positioned himself at her entrance, meeting and holding her gaze as he pressed inside. “You’re so tight,” he ground out, jaw clamped shut in concentration.

  “Nate…” Her hands grasped his shoulders, digging into his skin as he slowly moved inside her. She met each thrust, her body vibrating, breath coming in gasps.

  Legs wrapped around his hips, pleasure ripped through her, muscles tightening as her thighs quivered. He was hot and thick, and she was close. Very, very close.

  Thrusting deeply, he began pounding into her, his breaths turning into guttural pants of pleasure. Feeling her coming climax, she called out his name, her muscles tightening around him. A moment later, a husky growl burst from him, his body going rigid as he found his own release.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Tracker’s hand moved up and down Julia’s back in lazy motions, her breath coming in soft puffs against his chest. It was close to sunrise, yet he had no plans to leave for several more hours. Since waking, he’d spent the time watching her, afraid what happened in the last twelve hours was a dream.

  They’d made love a second time. This one longer and slower, before falling asleep, then waking with voracious appetites.

  After placing an order for pizza, they’d talked about not using a condom. He’d begun to apologize, but her fingers against his mouth stopped him.

  “I’m on the pill. So unless you…” Her voice had trailed off, letting him figure out the rest. He explained it had been several months since his last encounter with a woman and he’d been checked not long afterward. “Good, because I don’t want anything between us, Nate.” He knew she meant more than just a condom.

  After the pizza arrived, they ate a few slices before making love on her new sofa, which both thought appropriate since they’d done the same to the sofa in her house in Coronado years before.

  When they’d made it back to bed, he’d kept her up for hours, exploring every inch of the body he already knew by heart. Sated and spent, both had fallen asleep.

  A noise outside had woken him an hour earlier. Grabbing his SIG 9mm, he slipped from the bed, making a full sweep of the house and back yard. Finding nothing, he’d slid back into bed, but hadn’t been able to sleep. Which was fine.

  He’d spent the time thinking through what they’d do when Armando arrived, how to muzzle Delphine, and searching for ways to stay occupied instead of waking Julia for another heated round of lovemaking.

  Draped across his chest, moonlight framing her, she looked like a goddess. A beautiful, desirable siren…and she belonged to him. At least she would as soon as he could build the courage to ask her. But it wouldn’t be today or this week.

  Stroking her hair, he allowed himself to relax enough to enjoy the feel of her naked body against his. He’d dreamed of this, even sent a prayer to the man upstairs, never believing she’d return to his life.

  The sound of his phone had him muttering an oath. At least he’d had the good sense to put it on the nightstand when they’d returned to the bedroom. Doing his best not to disturb Julia, he reached over and grabbed it, seeing Wrath’s name.

  “Yo,” he whispered.

  “Where are you?”

  “In bed. Why?”


  Well, hell. He hadn’t planned to share her being back in his life. “No.”

  “It had better be Julia.” Wrath’s voice held a hint of amusement, causing Tracker to relax a little.

  He looked down at the sleeping form, warmth spreading through him. “Yeah, it’s Jules. Why the call?”

  “A heads-up for your ears only. Grayson got word Armando and Diego Quintero flew out of Monterrey an hour ago. The flight plan shows them arriving at Dove Valley Ai
rport at ten o’clock.”

  “They’re a day earlier than Jules expects.” Tracker glanced down at her. “She’s not going to be happy. They expect her at the office this morning.”

  “Don’t tell her or Quintero will wonder how she learned of his early arrival. It’s a normal day for both of you. Just be prepared and keep her with you when she’s not at the clinic.”

  “Jules isn’t going to like me tagging along.”

  “No doubt, but I know you can find a way to convince her it’s important. I’ll alert Moses and Ghost. They’ll shadow the two of you.”

  “Thanks, Wrath.”

  “One more thing.”


  “Delphine and another agent are watching Julia and Tori. Two cars. Delphine is on Tori.”

  Irritation rushed through Tracker at the change in plans. “The sonofabitch agreed not to put additional surveillance on them. At least not until I’ve had a chance to try getting information from Armando.”

  “And Diego. Did Julia know he was coming?”

  “She only mentioned her father.” Tracker paused a moment, remembering what happened during the rescue of Wrangler’s son, Jamie. “Diego might be a problem.”

  “Because he thought he recognized you in Nogales?”


  “Play dumb. You didn’t acknowledge his comment and he didn’t get a good look at you. He’s guessing.”

  Tracker thought back on that night, recalling Diego’s words.

  “We will meet again, Nate Kincaid.”

  The comment had stunned him, but he made no reply. He’d been wearing full combat gear, his head and face covered. Even his mother wouldn’t have recognized him.

  But Diego had recognized his voice. Or thought he had.

  “No worries about playing dumb, Prez. It doesn’t matter what Diego thinks he knows. He won’t be able to place me in Nogales.”

  “Good enough. I want regular updates after the Quinteros arrive.”


  “Now, get back to your woman.” Wrath ended the call before Tracker could reply.

  “I plan to,” he whispered to himself, setting down the phone before smoothing his hand down the silken skin of her back.

  Hearing her breath quicken, he continued his ministrations, gently rolling her onto her back. Cupping a breast, he flicked his thumb over the already tightening nub. Bending his head, he took it into his mouth, suckling as his hand cupped her mound.

  “Nate…” His name came off her lips in a low moan, her arms wrapping around his neck.

  Slipping fingers into her already swollen folds, he groaned at the wetness. Sucking in a taut nipple, he laved her with his tongue while thrusting his fingers in and out until she trembled with need.

  “Open your legs for me, sweetheart.”

  She didn’t hesitate. Positioning himself above her, he drove inside, filling her until she arched against him. He started slow, pumping in and out with measured strokes, until her moans and whimpers of pleasure ripped away his tiny thread of control.

  He drove deeper, pounding into her. Wrapping her legs around him, she met each of his powerful thrusts with one of her own, their mutual heat scorching and consuming her. Hearing his deep growl of pleasure, she let go, rushing to release a few short moments before he roared out his own.

  Tracker sat next to her, each finishing a bowl of cereal before Julia had to leave for the clinic. He debated going against Wrath’s orders not to alert her to the early arrival of Armando and Diego. In the end, he withheld the information.

  “What are your plans today?” She absently stood, rinsing her bowl and spoon before placing them into the dishwasher. Julia was relaxed, calm, showing no regret about their lovemaking.

  He watched her, expecting some level of remorse once the passion disappeared and she was faced with what they’d done yesterday. And last night. And this morning.

  Instead, she acted as if all the years apart didn’t exist, falling into the comfortable companionship which had come so easily to them at one time.

  “I’m heading to the restaurant. I’ve got some interviews scheduled for an assistant manager.”

  “You’ve done a wonderful job at Hawthorn’s. You should be proud of all your hard work.”

  “It is going better than expected. We’re pretty much booked for the next two weeks. When does your father arrive?”

  Turning around to rest against the counter, she swept her gaze over the somewhat disheveled kitchen and eating area. “Tomorrow. He’s taken a room at a hotel downtown.”

  “Why not stay here?” Joining her, he rinsed his own bowl and spoon.

  “Good question. I offered, but he’d already made reservations.” Shrugging, she reached up, kissing his lips before turning toward the bedroom.

  Such a simple action, yet his heart squeezed at what it signified. Following her, Tracker straightened the bed, for no other reason than he needed something to do while she finished getting ready. He had no intention of leaving before her.

  Emerging from the bathroom, her fingers slipped when trying to clasp a necklace. Moving behind her, he took both ends, securing the chain. Then he took a good look at it.

  “You still wear this?” He’d given her the gold cross with one solitary diamond a few weeks before he’d planned to propose.

  Touching the cross with her fingers, she moved away. “I’ve worn it every day. Kind of strange, I know. I suppose it was a little like the t-shirt. If I continued wearing it, maybe you and I being apart wouldn’t hurt so much.”

  He stepped next to her, settling his hands on her shoulders. “Did it work?”


  “I’m sorry, Jules.”

  Brows scrunching, she tilted her head to the side. “For what?”

  “Not going to your house, not forcing you to listen to me. When you didn’t return my calls, I shouldn’t have given up on the chance there might’ve been a way to work it out.”

  Lightly stroking his cheek with unsteady fingers, Julia kissed him again. “I probably wouldn’t have listened. Maybe even called the police. It took a long time to consider there may have been reasons for what you did. By then, you’d changed your phone number and been reassigned. No one would tell me where.”

  “You asked?” The disclosure stunned him. None of his teammates ever mentioned Julia trying to find him.

  She recalled those miserable weeks when she’d tried to locate him. “Yes. I asked a couple wives. When they didn’t give me anything, I contacted Fuse. He said he was sorry but couldn’t give me your new number. He even refused to pass along my message to you.”

  “Sonofabitch,” he ground out under his breath. He and Fuse had been on the same SEAL team in Coronado. Now they were both Eternal Brethren. Not once had he ever mentioned Julia trying to find him. After he followed Julia to the clinic, Tracker and Fuse would be having a quick conversation.

  “Please don’t worry about the past, Nate. It won’t do either of us any good to keep dredging up the mistakes we made.” Brushing her lips against his, she picked up her purse and keys. “I’d better get going.”

  “I’m right behind you, babe.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He hesitated a moment before deciding it best to be as honest as he could. “Can’t I follow my woman to work?”

  Lifting a brow, she studied him. “Your woman, huh?”

  A goofy grin split his face. “Sounds good. Kind of rolls off the tongue.”

  Shaking her head, she chuckled. “All right. But you’d better hurry or your woman is going to leave you in the dust.”

  Waiting until Julia locked her car and waved before entering the clinic, Tracker backtracked to her house, spotting the agent with one quick scan of the street. Slowing his truck, he studied the car, confirmed only one person inside. Stopping next to the driver’s window, he made a circle motion with his hand. A moment later, the man rolled down the window.

  “You know who I am?”
r />   “Yeah. You’re the man sleeping with the Quintero woman. I’ll never understand why someone as beautiful and smart as Doc Stanifer would want to be seen with a lowlife.”

  Tracker showed no reaction, relieved to know Delphine hadn’t blown his cover. He respected those who worked for the DEA, putting in long hours and risking their lives for moderate pay. Still, there were always a few boneheads like this one.

  He’d like to dump Delphine into the same scrapyard, but the man was a damn good agent. No matter he couldn’t be trusted.

  “Then you know I’ve got this.”

  The agent lifted one shoulder. “Orders.”

  “Get new ones.”

  Before the man could respond, he took off, turning onto Tori’s street. Delphine’s car sat two houses away from hers. Pulling up behind the agent, he jumped from his truck.

  “What the fuck are you doing here, Delphine?”

  The agent’s expression was as bland as always. No tells. No anything. He wondered how the man would do at poker.

  “Orders.” His words were as bland as his features.

  “Bullshit. You were ordered not to show your hand before or while Quintero is in town. If I can make you, there’s no chance he or Diego won’t.”

  Mouth twisting into a sneer, Delphine snorted. “They won’t be looking for me or anyone else. They’re here to visit Julia.”

  Leaning an arm on the roof of Jaeger’s car, Tracker bent down. “Are you willing to bet your career on another bad assumption? This reminds me of another time you ignored common sense and busted out on your own. What do they call that?” He snapped his fingers. “Oh yeah. Déjà vu.”

  A flicker of anger flashed on the agent’s otherwise serene face. “You’re out of line.”

  “Less than you, Delphine. Do I have to ask Wrath to pass this by Grayson, or will you go peacefully into the morning light and continue the op as we all agreed?”

  Tracker saw the instant Jaeger accepted the warning as real. The agent didn’t need any comments except exemplary work in his file.

  “You sure as hell better not screw this up, Tracker. If you do, I’ll make certain every hammer available will come down on your head.”


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