Devoted - General ePub

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Devoted - General ePub Page 16

by Shirleen Davies

  “It’s not our problem, babe. They’ll either work it out or they won’t.”

  She laid her head against his shoulder. “I guess. It’s just hard to stay out of it when Tori’s so upset. After years of speculating, learning you two are part of the investigation made it real for her. Dylan’s role added to what she’s already dealing with.”

  “If it makes you feel better, he isn’t going anywhere. They’ll have to figure out a way to deal with each other until the investigation ends or Armando and Diego leave.”

  With all they knew, he didn’t add that she and Tori would always have to be on alert. It wouldn’t matter if their father and brothers were arrested or not. The fact they’d visited Julia and Tori indicated a connection others could use against them.

  If Burn and Zahir didn’t already know of them being Armando’s adopted daughters, it wouldn’t take them long to connect the pieces.

  Slipping back under the covers, he tugged her down next to him, wrapping her in a protective embrace. Hearing her tired sigh, he kissed the top of her head.

  “I love you, Jules.”

  A deep, leisurely yawn signaled the extent of her exhaustion. “I love you, too, Nate.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “You know the problem we have with Quintero?” The muffled voice vibrated through the phone line as the caller shot furtive glances over his shoulder.

  “Do you know the fuckin’ time?” Burn slurred the words out.

  “You won’t care about the time when I tell you what I’ve learned.” Police Chief Chuck Abernathy leaned against his car in the parking lot of the station, watching the door for anyone leaving at this late hour. “Are you someplace you can talk?”

  “Hold on.” A moment later, Burn growled into the phone. “Tell me.”

  “Armando doesn’t have just two sons and two daughters.”

  “What the fuck do I care how many he has?”

  Abernathy didn’t hide the sneer in his voice. “Because he has four daughters, Burn. The youngest two live in Liberty Lake.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “A hundred percent. He and Diego visited them. They all went to dinner at Hawthorn’s. And get this. They sat at a table with Tracker and Moses.”

  “Sonofabitch. He’s cutting a deal with the Brethren.”

  “Could be. I’ll need more time to find out. The important part is Quintero has a weakness and they’re right here where we can get to them.”

  “The deal is going down in a couple days.”

  “And you want a bigger cut.” Abernathy wanted a bigger cut and saw the daughters as his way to get it.

  “What are you suggesting?”

  “Hell, Burn. You should be able to figure it out.” He had no intention of discussing details, not even on a secure phone line. A minute passed before Burn spoke.

  “You tell me where they live and I’ll take care of the rest.”

  “Mario can’t be a part of this. Taking the daughters would be the perfect opportunity for him to turn on you, leak what’s going down to Quintero. You’ll be dead and he’ll take over the Devils.”

  Burn didn’t respond to the warning. Mario was the cousin of the club’s national president. It was Vulture who’d insisted Mario become the VP over Burn’s intense objection.

  “Then you’ll be the one to handle this.”

  “Hell no,” Abernathy blurted. “I’m the police chief, not a fucking kidnapper.”

  “Too late for that now. Either you take care of the abduction or it will be your family who suffers.”

  Tori took the turn onto the main highway on her way to the vet clinic. She’d be an hour early, but the added time would give her time to familiarize herself with the facility, help her relax. Her excitement at starting her new position was tempered by the anger directed at Moses.

  Since leaving her place after the discussion about her family, he hadn’t tried to speak with her. Instead, he’d followed her while she completed errands, kept watch outside her house, and spent the night inside the cramped quarters of his truck.

  Before leaving that morning, Tori had carried a cup of coffee to him. Neither spoke when he accepted the cup, but she hadn’t missed the slight twitch of his lips. He looked tired, the stubble on his chin and jaw giving him a slightly menacing appearance. Her heart had thudded in her chest.

  Tori had never experienced such a strong connection to a man on both an intellectual and sexual basis. Maybe that was why she’d broken her own rule of not sleeping with a man until they’d known each other for a while. A couple weeks didn’t qualify as a while, yet she’d fallen into bed with him with little hesitation. Tori found herself wondering how she’d allowed it to happen.

  Taking a couple more turns, she looked in her rearview mirror. Moses followed two cars behind. His large, silver truck was easy to spot. Julia had warned her Tracker and Moses would be providing protection while their father and brother were in town. The women thought it insane, believing their family posed no threat. Privately, both welcomed the peace of mind their presence provided. Not from Armando or Diego, but from their associates, men they truly did fear.

  Checking in the mirror once more, a slight grin tugged at the corner of her mouth. He was less than fifty yards behind her. Activating the turn signal, she slowed to navigate the approach to the entrance of the clinic. Momentarily taking her attention from the road ahead, she didn’t see the van heading straight toward her.

  She screamed when the impact shoved her car toward the culvert. It was less than an eighteen inch drop, deep enough to cause her car to roll. Instead, it landed on the passenger side, with Tori suspended at a slight angle with the airbag pinning her in place.

  Before she could catch her breath, the car continuing to slide had her curling into a ball, covering her head. The grating sound made her cringe, fear swamping her already trembling body. Shouts, gunfire, more shouts, the squeal of tires, then silence.

  Body rigid in terror, she forced herself to breathe and stay calm. Her head and neck hurt, but as far as she could tell, no broken bones.



  She tried to turn her head at the sound of the door rattling, then curses when it wouldn’t budge.

  “Tori! Are you all right?”

  Unable to turn her head, she opened her mouth to respond, but all that came out was a weak yes.

  “Hang in there, sweetheart. I’ve called for help.”

  Tori could hear him talking to someone else. It was a voice she couldn’t place, although it seemed familiar. Less than a minute later, sirens were followed by the sound of boots on gravel.

  “We’re going to get you out of there, Tori. Can you hear me?”

  Moses’s question brought a wave of relief, but did nothing to loosen her voice enough to respond. The airbag had become her prison, keeping her neck and head twisted in a painful pose.

  Closing her eyes, she continued to take slow breaths at the sounds of people working outside the car to free her. Hours seemed to pass before the straining of metal against metal ended with the door being yanked open.


  She could feel Moses’s breath close to her ear, then the release of pressure against her head as he adjusted the power seat back as far as it would go and released the seatbelt. Sucking in more air, she tried to swallow, finding her mouth and throat dry.

  Moses ran a hand over her back, sides, and legs, checking for breaks. Finding none, he leaned close again. “I’m going to lift you out, Tori.”

  “I can’t let you do that, sir.” A firefighter came to a stop beside him, but Moses ignored the warning.

  “I’m Sheriff McCord. This man is a trained medic. He also knows the victim.”

  Another minute passed as those outside the car spoke, sometimes in heated voices, before she felt strong arms slide under her legs and back. Careful to pull her out without causing further injury, he settled Tori against his chest.

  “Dylan…” Her voice cracked, b
ut at least she got the one word out.

  “I’m here, Tori. The paramedics need to check you out before taking you to the hospital.”

  She wanted to protest, tell him she had a job waiting for her. The throbbing of her head and neck, pain pulsing through her legs, erased the thought. “My job…”

  “I’ll talk to the doctor for you. All you have to do is let the paramedics do their job. I’ll meet you at the hospital.”

  She felt him settle her on a gurney before the warmth of his touch disappeared. “I’ll be fine, Dylan.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  “No.” This time, her voice sounded stronger.

  He let it go. His job had changed since meeting Tori. He’d been tasked with getting close enough to learn what he could about her father and brothers in order to protect her. Somewhere in between, his job had become muddled. Moses had developed feelings for her, a connection he hadn’t felt in a long time. Not since before he entered the Navy. Now she no longer wanted anything to do with him.

  Giving a terse nod, he did as Tori wanted and turned his back on her. It didn’t mean he wouldn’t do his job. Moses would continue to protect her while he hunted the men who’d run her off the road.

  “What happened, Moses?”

  Ethan’s voice cut through his thoughts. He’d yet to go over the details with the sheriff. Now wasn’t the time, but he knew Ethan wouldn’t let him leave before going over the sequence of events several times. Glancing toward the ambulance, his gaze locked on Tori before she looked away. Shaking his head, Moses shoved aside the regret, but not the determination to find the men who’d attacked her.

  “Her name’s Victoria Stanifer Quintero.”

  The last name got Ethan’s attention. “Quintero, as in the Nuevo León Cartel?”

  “Yeah. She’s the adopted daughter of Armando Quintero, as is her older sister, Juliana.”

  A few minutes passed while he explained what he could about his and Tracker’s relationship with the women. Moses knew Ethan would check with his oldest brother, Wrath.

  “I was following her to her job at the vet clinic down the road.” He nodded toward the road where Tori had been headed before the crash. “The white van came right at her. They tagged her enough to shove her off the road before jumping out of the van. I saw two men, both wearing masks. That’s when I drew my weapon and shouted for them to stop. When they responded by drawing their own guns, I fired at the van and shouted again.”

  “Not to kill?” Ethan asked.

  “I was prepared to if necessary, but they got the message, jumped back into the van, and tore off. The back plates were missing and I couldn’t see any identifying information on the vehicle.”

  “Nothing to ID the men?”

  “I wish. When I find them…” Moses let his words trail off, unwilling to share his plans with a lawman, no matter if he was Wrath’s brother.

  “You’ll do nothing, Moses. It’s my job to find the men who did this.” Ethan looked up and down the road. Few people traveled this way unless heading toward the animal clinic or a few other businesses tucked into the trees. “You’re fortunate it happened a couple hundred yards into the county.”

  “You’re saying I should consider myself lucky not to have to deal with Chief Abernathy?”

  “Wouldn’t you agree?” A grin quirked the corners of Ethan’s mouth.

  Both watched as the ambulance doors closed before making a U-turn for the drive to the hospital.

  “Absolutely. What would make me feel a whole lot better is if you let me follow them.”

  Ethan studied him a moment, then nodded. “Go ahead. I know where to find you.”

  Climbing into his truck, Moses turned around to follow the ambulance, his mind going through the possibilities of who would want to go after Tori. If her father ever felt the need to silence her, it wouldn’t occur in such a public, unprofessional manner. In truth, it would shock him if Armando caused harm to either Julia or Tori.

  The man had obvious affection for both women. He’d adopted them at ages three and one, treated them as part of the Quintero family, provided every possible advantage. If their doubts about him ever became known, he’d be more likely to marry them off, send them out of the country surrounded by armed bodyguards. All for their own protection from his enemies, not to squelch their ability to voice their thoughts to anyone of importance.

  Pulling out his phone, he called Tori’s boss before contacting Tracker, smiling when his friend groused at his timing. Julia didn’t need to be at the pediatric clinic for another hour, meaning he’d interrupted their early morning activities.

  “Tori was run off the road on her way to work. White van, two men wearing masks. She’s at the hospital being checked over.”

  “What the hell,” Tracker rasped out, giving Moses his full attention. “Is she all right?”

  “No broken bones, but I’m sure they’ll take x-rays. She, uh…doesn’t want me around, but I’m going there anyway.”

  “Julia and I will be right behind you.”

  “Watch out, Tracker. The van is unmarked, no plates, and the men are armed. It may be random, but…”

  “Yeah. Random doesn’t work for me, man. It’s the attack we’ve been expecting.”

  “I’d bet my life this wasn’t Armando’s doing.”

  “Agreed. My vote goes to Burn and the Devils. They’ve learned of our connection to the women and are coming after us through them.”

  Moses navigated a tight curve in the road. “Or they’ve learned they’re Quintero’s daughters by adoption.”

  “The worst possible situation.”

  Parking in the hospital lot, Moses blew out a breath. “Armando’s daughters consorting with one of Burn’s real enemies.”

  Tracker bit out a few choice expletives. “The Eternal Brethren.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “Please do not let Father know what happened, Julia. All I want is to finish up here and go to work.” Tori felt better than when Dylan had slid her from the car. Her head and neck still throbbed, and she felt bruising on her right side, but she didn’t want to miss her first day at work.

  Hands on hips, Julia stared at Tori. “Why don’t you want Father to know?”

  She was glad Nate had stayed in the waiting room. According to Julia, Dylan was with him. “Come on. You know how he and Diego will be. They’ll order bodyguards and make my life miserable. Yours, too.”

  Julia had to concede her sister’s point. “You’re right, but do you have to return to work today?”

  “Return? I haven’t even been there yet.” Wincing, she touched a finger to her pulsing temple.

  “I’m getting the doctor. She can decide if you should go to work or head home.”


  “I’m not letting you do something stupid out of pride. I won’t tell Father if you’ll promise to take the doctor’s advice.” Crossing her arms, Julia pinned Tori with an unwavering look. It took a few moments before her sister gave a slow nod.

  “How are you feeling?” A female doctor entered the cubicle staring down at her iPad before taking a solemn look at Tori. “Are you still in pain?”

  “My head and neck still hurt.”

  “That’s to be expected. I’ll write a prescription, or you can use over the counter pain medications. I want you to go home, but you’ll need someone with you for twenty-four hours. You have a slight concussion that needs to be monitored. Someone must wake you every few hours.”

  “Nate and I will take you home and I’ll stay with you,” Julia said.

  “No. I can get a ride home. You’ve already missed too much work.”

  Julia spoke as if she hadn’t heard Tori. “We’ll talk about it on the way to your house.”

  Not wanting to argue further, certain she wouldn’t change her sister’s mind, Tori gave a clipped nod.

  “You’re both doctors, so I’m certain you realize the importance of following my instructions.” The doctor handed Tori
a document with what to expect. “I recommend you make an appointment with your doctor within a few days. Do you have any questions?”

  “No. I’m good.”

  “All right.” The doctor looked between the two. “As long as you have a ride home, you’re free to leave. Take this to the front desk.” Handing Tori another slip of paper, she excused herself.

  “Did you say Dylan is waiting with Nate?”

  Julia eyed her, disbelief in her gaze. “Yeesss…” She dragged the word out, waiting for an explanation. She knew Tori and Dylan had slept together, understood her sense of betrayal at learning he was there at Wrath’s order.

  “He can stay with me until you’re off work. After being run off the road, he’s not going to go too far away. Dylan might as well be inside.”

  “Are you certain having him close won’t upset you?”

  Tori slid from the bed, holding onto the side when a wave of dizziness hit. Waiting for the woozy feeling to lift, she tried to straighten, wincing at the sharp pain in her back.

  “You should have your back and neck checked out soon, Tori. Do you want me to set up an appointment with a local doctor? Tessa would be happy to refer someone.”

  “That would be great. First thing in the morning or last appointment in the afternoon would be best.”

  Julia didn’t respond, choosing to ignore the request for now. Taking Tori’s arm, she supported her as they left the emergency room. Spotting Nate and Dylan near the front window, she leaned close.

  “Are you certain you want Dylan to stay with you?”

  “Yes. I don’t hate him, Julia.”

  “I know you don’t. What worries me is I’m afraid you believe yourself in love with him.”

  Gaze straight forward, Tori saw the moment Dylan noticed her. Getting Nate’s attention, the two men strode toward them. Leaning toward Julia, she lowered her voice.

  “I do love him. It’s just that he’ll never know it.”

  “How could you screw up something as simple as taking the daughter?” Chief Abernathy glanced around the shopping center parking lot, confirming no one watched him speaking into his phone. Wearing gray slacks, a short-sleeved golf shirt, and hat to obscure his identity, he’d driven his personal car to the lot, parking it far away from the other shoppers. “You were supposed to grab her tonight when she left work. Not in broad daylight.”


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