Space Crazy

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Space Crazy Page 13

by K. Rowe

Dar’s hair. “Ah, so you’re the half breed.”


  “I heard you got shipped off to space.” He gestured to Dar’s clothes. “I guess that rumor was right.”

  “Yes, and I’m doing quite well out there. I’m on the Cunik, the biggest freighter in the galaxy.”

  The bartender poured his drink. “Well, at least you escaped this dirty old outpost.”

  “It wasn’t that bad, except getting the shit beat out of me all the time.”

  “And I think my son was responsible for most of it.”

  “Krodus? He’s your son?”

  The bartender frowned. “Unfortunately. I tried my best to raise that youngling right, and all he did was become the town bully…I feel bad for everything he did to you—you seem like a nice youngling—err, adult.”

  Dar took a sip of port. “So, what happened to Krodus?”

  “Mmm, not long after your class graduated, someone from a mining company came through looking for big, dumb recruits to dig Thidium on Ladnis 5…Krodus thought the drig would be good, and he wanted to get out of here.”

  “Ladnis 5?”


  Dar didn’t immediately say anything. “Uh, I hate to tell you this, but Ladnis 5 got overrun by Renthids and is nearly a dead planet…Most of the Crinians were exterminated.”

  The bartender shook his head. “I’d heard rumors of that…I don’t know where he’d be now.”

  “If there’s still Thidium to mine, they’ll have him digging. If not, who knows.”

  “I told the youngling it was a bad idea. He could’ve stayed here and taken over the tavern from me. I’m not getting any younger, you know.”

  The door opened and Garnic walked in. “By the light of a full Erotin moon, it’s my best friend Dar!”

  Dar stood and greeted his friend with a big hug. “Ah, you look just the same as the day we left school.”

  “Was that supposed to be a compliment?” Garnic said as he took a seat at the bar.

  Dar sat down and grabbed his glass. “You want something to drink?”

  “What are you having?”

  “Malikin port.”

  Garnic shook his head. “Shit, that’s way too strong for me. I’ll just have a Bodnarian ale.”

  The bartender approached. Dar held up his finger. “My friend here will have a Bodnarian ale, please.”

  “Coming right up.” He went off to pull a pint.

  “You know who that is?” Dar asked.


  “Krodus’s father.”

  “No way! I never knew he owned the tavern.”

  “I was chatting with him before you got here. Seems Krodus went off to work in the mines on Ladnis 5.”

  Garnic leaned close to Dar. “I heard the Renthids overran the planet to get the Thidium for the Versithians.”

  “Yup. So poor Krodus is either dead, or a slave now.”

  “Kinda serves him right for being such a bully.”

  Dar shook his head. “I may not have liked him, but I wouldn’t wish slavery on anyone…When I was on Sirrix, they had some Priddin slaves being used to support their military. They looked so miserable.”

  Garnic’s drink arrived. He held it up for a toast. “To my best friend, Dar, who I’m so glad to see in one piece, and doing well.”

  He picked up his half-empty glass. “And to my best friend, Garnic, who I’m happy to see doing well…Have you picked up a female yet?”

  “You just had to ask that didn’t you?”

  “Just curious.”

  Garnic touched his glass to Dar’s. “I’ve been seeing Martia Boknod, but nothing in stone as of yet…Did you ever find someone?’

  “No, but I’m not a virgin anymore…Had a few joinings.”

  “The blush is great, huh?”

  Dar smiled broadly. “Amazing.”

  “So, tell me, who was your first? A Satiren?”

  “Nope, a beautiful Elemenel named Kikka.”

  “Ohhhh, I hear they’re great.” Garnic took a sip. “Was it like they said in love class?”

  “Uh, pretty much. Except I was scared out of my mind!” They laughed.

  “Where are you off to next?”

  Dar finished his drink. “Darminitus, and then on to Thokin.”

  “I still wish you could take me with you.”

  “Space is really dangerous, Garnic. Be happy and proud with what you have here.”


  “Here we go again,” Dar replied from his position at helm. Ten years had passed, and he was one of the most respected of the Cunik’s crew. He’d matured, filled out, and added quite a few new experiences to his list of accomplishments. Even still being the smallest of the crew, no one messed with him anymore.

  “Yeah, same old story,” Vikkis said as he settled down at the weapons console. “Blasted Soothians just won’t take no for an answer.”

  “All right, little one, slow us to one-quarter impulse and show him our right flank,” Gwog said from his captain’s chair. Three pirate ships faced them.

  “Yes, sir.” Slowing the ship, Dar fired the directional thrusters positioning the starboard side of the ship toward the pirates.

  “Vikkis, let’s try out those Newrillian cannons. My sense of humor has run out, and I can’t afford to get this shipment of gold taken.”

  “Aye, captain.” He punched a few buttons. “Starboard cannons online.”

  Gwog reached out with one finger and pushed a button. “This is Gwog to Nekis.”

  “Don’t even bother with the formalities, Gwog. I know you have gold,” the reply came.

  “All right then, I guess we’ll dispense with any talk and just open fire on you.” He looked around, making sure his crew was ready. “All hands, battle stations. Vikkis, commence firing.”

  “Yes, sir.” Vikkis brought up the targeting screen. “Ah, I think I can put a nice spread right into Nekis’s ship.”

  “Then do so, and make haste. We need to be at Thokin in less than three days.”

  “Right.” He typed a couple of commands on the keyboard and watched the screen. “Commencing firing.” Pushing a button, the ship jolted as a salvo blasted from the starboard cannons. They watched out the side of the view screen as the concentrated plasma “cannon balls” streaked toward the lead ship.

  A moment later, the ship exploded. There were cheers from everyone on the bridge.

  “Finally, after all these years, I’m rid of Nekis,” Gwog said with a little growl. The communications panel beeped. He poked the button. “This is Gwog; are you preparing terms of surrender?”

  “No, in fact we are targeting you this very moment,” the voice said; Gwog didn’t recognize it.

  “Who is this?”

  “You may have just killed my father, but you won’t kill me.”

  “Oh, great, Nekis had a youngling,” Dar said, holding his gaze on the screen.

  “I am Nokkis, the leader of the pirates.”

  “Why don’t you run along, youngling, and pick on someone smaller,” Gwog replied.

  Dar noticed movement on the scanner. “Captain, I’m picking up a small ship inbound.”

  “Boarding party.” Tregis hurried over and grabbed a phaser rifle from a cabinet.

  Gwog motioned to Dar. “Go with him, and pick up the twins on the way.”

  “Yes, sir.” Dar grabbed a rifle and ran after Tregis. They got maybe two hundred yards and the ship took a forceful blast. Dar was knocked from his feet, smashing into Tregis. They tumbled to the metal catwalk. Another blast rocked the Cunik, Dar slid off the walkway. “Ahhhhh!”

  Tregis managed to get hold of the railing and got Dar by his belt. “I got you!”

  Dar looked down to see the deck probably fifty feet below. He was helpless. A fall from that height meant certain death. “Tregis!”

  “Hang on!”

  “To what?!”

  Tregis strained, trying to pull Dar up. “Sorry, a figure of speech.”

bsp; “Please don’t drop me!” he called over the noise of battle. The ship continued to shake violently, the sound of explosions echoing through the cavernous cargo holds.

  “I’m hanging on, not sure I can pull you up.”

  Dar saw Ethoic and Pthoic below. “Hey, help!” he hollered. They looked up and immediately started running the maze of catwalks. Dar dangled, hoping Tregis had enough strength to hold on. “How are you doing up there?”

  “I got you, don’t worry.”

  Another blast shook the ship, Dar was swung wildly around. “Not good!” He saw the twins doing their best to cover the distance. They kept glancing up to see if he was okay. “Come on!”

  It seemed to take forever to reach them. Ethoic jumped on Tregis, hoping to steady him while Pthoic leaned precariously off the walkway and reached for Dar. “Can you reach my hand?”

  “I’ll try.” Dar brought his arm up and stretched as far as he could. “That’s it.”

  Pthoic reached back and grabbed Ethoic. “Hold on to me.”

  “Right, brother.” He locked arms, almost digging his claws into his brother’s arm.

  “Try now,” Pthoic said, leaning further. The ship continued to take heavy fire.

  Dar stretched as far as he could, reaching his hand, he could only grasp the end of a claw. “I can’t go any more.”

  Pthoic growled and wiggled a little further. He leaned so far he thought he would fall. “Hold me tight, brother.”

  “I am.” Ethoic tightened his grasp. Pthoic felt claws puncturing his skin. He ignored the pain.

  “Almost,” Dar said, straining.

  Pthoic was nearly off the walkway. He made a wild grab and caught Dar by the wrist. “Gotcha!” The ship took a nasty hit, and Dar was jolted in the air. Pthoic refused to let go, digging his claws into Dar’s arm; he wasn’t going to let him fall.

  With all his might, Pthoic hauled Dar onto the walkway. They were bucked and bounced by more blasts. They immediately

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