Christmas at Pendragon (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

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Christmas at Pendragon (BookStrand Publishing Romance) Page 8

by Rosemary J. Anderson

  Stunned she waited. Where was the water? Where was the struggle for life-saving breath? And where was the drag of the current taking her out to sea? Curiously she sat up. Peering through the curtain of falling snow she realised she was perched rather precariously on a ledge hewn out of the cliff face. Keeping as still as she could she looked around moving her head slowly from one side to the other, then up and down. Upwards the sheer face of the cliff rose before her, it was a long, long way up and she blinked rapidly as snow got in her eyes. Downwards was what was left of the cliff and the angry, slate-gray sea foaming like whisked egg whites across the rocks. Clutching the spiky snow covered grass on her perch she closed her eyes and slowly counted to ten waiting for the dizziness to pass. She had always been afraid of heights but this was no queer spell brought on by standing on a ladder whilst cleaning the windows, but a catastrophic, earth-swaying, knee-wobbling, zombie-inducing, gut-wrenching faint that brought moist heat to her upper lip and a hot flush to her heaving breasts. Eventually bringing her queasiness under a modicum of control she opened her eyes. She was now covered in a fine film of snow and she knew she had to find some way of getting back up the face of the cliff. Stiffly turning her head from side to side she sought inspiration, but there was nothing out there but a cold, raging sea and thickly falling snow and it was dark, so dark. So, out of options she started to cry, silently at first then, thick, throat clogging sobs that shook her shoulders and heaved her breasts. It was the small slide of snow from above that abruptly stopped her cries. If the snow got any thicker she was at risk of a small avalanche pushing her off the ledge, so instead of wallowing in self-pity she had to think. How could she get to safety? With that thought fixed firmly in her mind she started to shout. Surely someone would be looking for her by now? She must surely have been missed? When shouting didn’t work she resorted to screaming, a high pitched shriek that pierced the air and made the birds in the nearby wood flutter into the air.

  The hours passed and she had long ago given up screaming, her throat was horse and her mouth dry. She shivered violently, her coat had long since failed to stop the insidious wet of the snow and her hands were icy, she lost one thick red mitten in her fall. And her feet, if she had any feet left that was, were now numb, the fashionable boots no match for the severe winter. Leaning her head back against the rock face behind her she closed her eyes feeling the tears seep slowly out from under lashes which also had a coating of snow. Why hadn’t someone come to find her? Was she such a nonentity that no-one even gave her a second thought? Not even Goran? Well now she knew, she knew her love for Goran, which was very real on her part, was for him just a fantasy, a game to be played out like one of those murder mystery parties held in remote castles or mansion houses.

  How long she sat there in a semi-conscious state she had no idea, time had no meaning, nothing else existed but the cold, the night and her fear. So sure she was going to die if not of hypothermia, of falling from her small ledge to the churning, icy waters below.

  Jerking herself awake for the umpteenth time she frowned, was she now hallucinating? Trying to block out the sound of the sea she listened intensely. Yes, there it was again, the sound of someone shouting. Opening her mouth she shouted, “Here,” but the sound was not the full-bellied shout of her imaginings but a pathetic mouse-like squeak. Taking a deep breath she focused all her energy and tried again. This time the, “here” came out loud and full bodied, and to be sure she had been heard she followed it with a piercing scream.

  Light blinded Hannah and she raised a hand in protest.

  “Hannah, what the hell!” Goran’s deep tones had never sounded so good.

  “Goran thank god, I’m so scared.”

  “Hold tight, Hannah I’ll be with you in a minute.”

  Moments later Goran’s legs appeared over the side as he swung his whole body downwards. Apprehensively she held her breath frightened for herself but also scared for Goran as well. Magically it was but moments before he hung perilously, held only by a series of hooks and rope beside her ledge.

  Wanting nothing more than to launch herself into his arms, it was only by a feat of will that she refrained from doing so, knowing that to behave so irresponsibly could put both of them in peril.

  “Right Hannah, slip your arms and legs through this harness and then we’ll get you home.” He smiled in a reassuring way as Hannah carefully and slowly complied.

  Then everything then seemed to happen in a flash. Goran eased her off the ledge into his arms amidst her squeals of fright and clutching hands, and it seemed only moments later that they were safely back in the wood surrounded by burly men.

  “Thanks mates, I’ll see you in the pub tomorrow, drinks on me.”

  Amidst much back slapping the men dispersed in all directions and Goran taking one look at Hannah’s woebegone face pulled her into his arms and kissed her soundly.

  Everything stilled, the snow seemed to hang in the air before falling in slow motion, her heart missed a beat, and the forceful crash of waves seemed to grow dim as his lips caressed her cold ones. Wrapping her arms around his neck Hannah leant in and gave herself up to his embrace, to the magic of his arms and the fantasy of her own desires.

  Eventually Goran pulled away and smiling wryly wrapped her in the blanket he had in his pack and taking her cold hand in his carefully led her away from the cliff toward home. Pendragon had never looked so good. The windows were ablaze of light looking from a distance as if the house had been surrounded by a ball of fire. The dawn breaking held her enthralled. The sky now streaked with purple, pink and blue made a perfect backdrop for the medieval castle. Sighing in contentment Hannah realised that, she had finally come home.

  They were all there, in various states of dress. Annabel in a floaty concoction smoking a forbidden cigarette and looking rather like the leading lady of a 1950s Hollywood film. Ethel wrapped in a woollen red and gray checked dressing gown was the archetypical grandmother with a pink net in her hair holding small rollers in place and wringing her hands in worry. Then, there was Henry who was still the epitome of status in his pinstriped trousers and immaculate shirt and coat, and Mrs. Henry still fully dressed but sporting frivolous beribboned pink slippers on her feet.

  Surrounded by people all talking at once proved a bit much for Hannah’s equilibrium and she could feel the tears rise in her eyes. Goran noticing her distress told everyone to return to bed as explanations could be left until morning.

  “Hannah you go with Mrs Henry who will see you into a hot bath and then bed, and give you a little light supper and then, when you’re ready I’ll be in to make sure you’re okay.” He nodded at Mrs Henry and with a quick word to Henry stalked off to the study.

  It was bliss to emerge herself into a hot, bubbly bath giving off the aroma of April Violets and then snuggle into a warm feather quilted bed. Hannah sighed as she tucked in to fluffy scrambled eggs on toast. She felt so very tired, her limbs ached and her hands were sore where she’d clutched helplessly at the rocks as she fell. Popping the last morsel of toast into her mouth she sipped her hot tea and waited for Goran to join her.

  However, her eyes were beginning to close and soon she was asleep snoring gently.

  Goran opened the door and standing on the threshold gazed at Hannah. She looked beautiful, her damp hair spread across the pillows, her lashes like perfect crescents on her pale cheeks and her little red mouth slightly open as she snored gently. Quickly moving across the room he removed the tray which was balanced precariously on the side of the bed and reaching out he brushed his knuckles tenderly down her cheek before switching off the lamp. Explanations could wait until the morning.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Hannah came awake at the rattling of cups. Slowly opening her eyes she blinked rapidly as the previous evening came flooding back.

  “Finally, you’re awake.”

  Her head jerked to the doorway at Goran’s words.

  Struggling to sit up Hannah pulled the duvet up to her chin h
er eyes feeling big in her face as she stared bemusedly at him.


  Sitting beside her on the bed he placed the tea tray across her knees and proceeded to pour two cups of coffee. Hannah’s puzzled stare went from Goran’s set face to the tray with its two filled cups, to the silver coffee pot, sugar basin, jug of steaming milk and plate of hot buttered toast.

  “Eat up and whilst you’re doing that you can tell me what happened yesterday.”

  Lifting the cup with a hand that trembled slightly Hannah took a sip of the sweet creamy brew and closed her eyes in appreciation.

  “Hannah.” Goran growled. “Don’t go back to sleep. You’ve some explaining to do.”

  Her eyes snapping open Hannah took another reviving sip before carefully placing the cup back on its saucer. However, her nerves were as such that it clattered, sending coffee spilling into the saucer. The noise sounding loud in the silence of the room made her nerves flutter like a kaleidoscope of butterflies.

  “Mmm, what do you want to know?”

  “Every bloody little thing. Do you realise, Hannah, that disappearing like that had this house in uproar, with Ethel beside herself and the Henrys blaming themselves? You didn’t tell anyone where you were going or when you would be back. You just informed Mrs. Henry of your intention to take a short stroll in the woods, and so it was assumed that you had returned and were in your room.”

  “I know, I know!” Hannah wailed, “But I meant to be back really I did, it’s just I got caught up with the beauty of it all and lost track of time and then realised I was lost. It got dark ever so quickly and unfortunately before I realised it I found myself on the cliff edge.” Her eyes filled with tears and she blinked rapidly to dispel them. “And Goran, someone hit me, on the back and I fell, right over the edge of the cliff. The rest you know.” She looked fearfully into Goran’s set face.

  “You got hit? Just who the hell do you think hit you, Hannah?”

  “I don’t know, but someone did hit me, Goran. maybe it was…”

  Goran narrowed his eyes his gaze cold and his face set. “Was whom?”

  “Mmm, well I thought maybe it was Annabel, she might have just meant it as a joke.” Quickly continuing as Goran’s stare grew icy she drew a deep breath.

  “You know she was annoyed by our engagement and maybe she was just, you know…”

  “No I don’t know, Hannah. Perhaps you’d better enlighten me.”

  “Well maybe it was just her idea of getting back at me.”

  Rising from the bed Goran went to the window and looked out, his shoulders set. “I think you’re mistaken, Hannah. I don’t think Annabel would even contemplate such an action and I’m amazed you could even think that of her. Annoyed she may have been, but no one goes around pushing people of cliffs because they’re miffed.”

  “Well who else could it have been?”

  He swung back to stare at her and she felt herself shrivel beneath his contemptuous stare.

  “I don’t think anyone pushed you, Hannah, I think you probably slipped or a stray branch brought down by the storm unbalanced you, and you’re just trying to find someone to blame for your own irresponsible behaviour. So I thank you to keep your unfounded suspicions to yourself and not go upsetting my household more than you have already. Understand?”

  Nodding silently, Hannah suppressed the ready tears and in an attempt to appear unconcerned picked up a piece of toast and took a huge bite.

  Watching as Goran left the room she chewed mechanically. The toast felt as dry as dust and she had difficulty swallowing, but whether that was the toast or because she desperately wanted to cry she had no idea.

  It took until lunchtime for Hannah to gather enough courage to face everyone and it was with some trepidation she made her way downstairs. They were all there at the table, Ethel, Annabel, the twins and Goran. Quickly she took her seat and without so much as a word she helped herself to the rich sustaining casserole. Briefly meeting Goran’s eyes she took a deep breath as Henry entered, and made a heartfelt if rather subdued apology for causing so much trouble.

  Annabel glared at her from across the table as Ethel fluttered nervously never quite meeting her eyes, whereas Henry, bless him, smiled kindly and assured her that it was no trouble.

  After the meal Goran announced that he wanted to see them all barring the children in the study. Ethel bade Emily to take the twins to the playroom until she was free and they all filed out behind Goran as he strode purposely toward the study.

  Sitting neatly like naughty school children they faced Goran across the desk waiting for whatever was to come.

  Hannah was shocked when Goran announced that he wanted to know each of their movements yesterday afternoon.

  Hannah made to speak and was instantly stopped by Goran raising a hand.

  “We all know where you were, Hannah. It’s everyone else who needs to explain their whereabouts.” He pinned each and every one of them with a hard stare and Hannah knowing where this conversation was going shifted nervously in her seat.

  “Annabel?” He raised an enquiring eyebrow. “Perhaps you can start?”

  Annabel her face set into angry lines glared first at Hannah and then at Goran. “Why? Why should we have to explain? What exactly are you accusing us of?”

  “I’m not accusing anybody of anything, I just want to know where you were and to be honest, Annabel, if you’ve nothing to hide you won’t mind sharing.”

  Hannah bit her lip and looked down pretending to find an inordinate amount of interest in her shoes, as Annabel shot her a look of intense dislike.

  “Very well, Goran, but I’ll have you know I object strongly to this interrogation. We are guests in your home and as such we should be treated with utmost respect not like some petty criminal caught with her hand in the cookie jar.”

  “Playing for time, Annabel?”

  Grinding her teeth in annoyance Annabel took a deep breath as she became the censure of all eyes. “If you must know I spent the afternoon in my room, I took a long bath, did my nails and rested on my bed reading a magazine until all hell broke loose when it was discovered little miss perfect here had done a disappearing act.”

  Goran nodded ignoring Annabel’s derogatory remarks about Hannah. “Ethel?”

  “Oh dear, oh dear, this is all so very unpleasant. However, I spent a short amount of time with the children then, I” she frowned, looking towards the ceiling. “Oh yes, then I to rested on my bed. Oh, and I can confirm Annabel was in her room because as you know we share a connecting bathroom and I could smell that particular kind of bath essence you use, Annabel, mmm, rosewood I think?”

  Annabel shot her a quick look. “Sandalwood.”

  “Ah yes so it is.”

  Goran nodded. “Very well, thank you ladies, I’ll see you at dinner.” Obviously dismissed, they all rose and filed out.

  “Not you, Hannah,” he said just as she reached the door.

  Leaning back against the desk his arms folded across his chest he waited as she slowly step by step walked back toward him.

  “Now, what have you to say? Annabel was obviously in her room, a fact established by Ethel and vice-versa. Henry and Mrs Henry were in the kitchen this I know as I joined them for a cup of tea and to discuss the up and coming festivities, and Emily was at home. So now after hearing everyone’s alibi do you still think you were pushed?”

  “No, I must have been mistaken after all.” Hannah, still believing someone tried to kill her, gave the answer she was sure Goran wanted to hear. After all, everyone did have an alibi and with no proof how could she continue to point the finger.

  Taking a deep breath she forced a smile to her lips and looked at Goran.

  “Well…” She hesitated. “Well that’s that then.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Goran rose to his feet and gently cupped her face. His hands felt cool and slightly rough and Hannah closed her eyes. He gently dusted her lips with his and she pressed closer wanting, needin
g more.

  Wrapping her arms around his waist she moved closer, hips touching his pelvis and breasts brushing his chest. Goran deepened the kiss and with a small sigh of contentment she opened her mouth. The invasion of his tongue was like an explosion in her mouth and she used her tongue to capture the fallout of sensation. Entwining it with his she explored the contours of his mouth. His arms pulled her closer still and then his hands found their way up her sweater to capture the soft mounds of her breast. His fingers played with her hardening nipples, and sensations detonated in her stomach, arrowing toward her pelvis.

  No longer being a virgin didn’t stop the nervous feeling of desire fluttering in her stomach and rapidly beating her heart. This was where she wanted to be, in Goran’s house, in his arms and in his thoughts. Soon he had divested her of her clothing and she stood before him dressed only in a minute pair of panties. Feeling suddenly self-conscious she made to cover herself, but by capturing her hand he foiled her attempt and instead tugged her toward him. Willingly she went into his arms and surrendered herself to his expertise. Gently lowering her to the thick rug in front of the blazing fire he soon was just as naked. As he came down to top of her, his weight only inflamed her senses and in an expression of total surrender she willingly opened her legs and gathered him to her in the cradle of her pelvis. Goran’s hands, mouth and tongue did incredible things to her libido and as he entered her she cried out his name in an agony of ecstasy. Hannah’s thighs quivered as she wrapped her legs around Goran’s hips and urged him on. Teasing her nipples with his tongue Goran played her body like a finely tuned instrument. Time stood still and the air became thick and heavy as the guttural sounds of sex filled the air. Bringing her to the brink time and time again Goran never quite gave her the satisfaction she needed until, with an almighty push home he touched her G-spot and she detonated like a Catherine wheel spinning wildly out of control.


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