Home > Other > THE BLUE STALKER > Page 21


  Ella looked through the large plate glass window in the dining room.

  “Looks like a storm coming in tonight. Juan do we have enough firewood for the evening?” Ella asked. Knowing Juan would bring a nice stack of firewood in for the evening.

  “I’ll get some wood in before the rain starts.”

  Juan loaded his arms with firewood just as the storm hit. The wind and rain whipped through the breezeway. Before Juan could get in the back door the rain was slapping at his back.

  “My my, that storm sure set in fast.” Juan commented as he set the wood in the wood box.

  Maria got the popper out and loaded it with popcorn and carried it to the fireplace.

  “The popper is ready when we are ready for popcorn. Maria said.

  Jose was having fun crawling around the house. Pulling up to everything. He would soon be walking.

  “Maria,” Ella asked.” When’s Jose’s next appointment wit Dr. Burnett?”

  “It’s pretty soon. Let me check.” Maria took the appointment card from her purse.

  “It’s in a week. Hope he gets a good report.” Maria said as she put the appointment card away.

  The evening was filled with good conversation. Earlier Ella found a boxed jigsaw puzzle in the game closet and placed it on a card table in the corner of the dining room. The three of them worked at putting the pieces together. Laughing and talking about life and its experiences.

  “Life is a jigsaw puzzle if you persevere all the pieces will fit together.”

  After a nice evening with the family Ella excused herself retiring for the night.

  Again she wondered if that was Phil Young she saw at the coffee house. She should have walked around to get a good look but she didn’t and that’s hind sight. The man will probably never be in the coffee house again when she’s there. Since he was with Larry maybe he lives here or maybe his one of Larry’s good friends. She could ask Larry about him. She was sure it was Phil Young. Why didn’t she walk over to Larry and say hello? Maybe because she was such a mess or maybe because she didn’t want to know it was Phil Young. Maybe her love lies with Frank Smith. Over and over she asked her self… Why?

  Ella ran a bubble bath. She stepped out of her jeans. Tossed them in the hamper and continued to strip. She whirled around like a stripper in need of a few bucks as she undressed and laughed at her silliness. Stopping to look at her body in the mirror. This body looks damn good. She made her way to the bubbling tub. Almost thirty eight years old or is that young? With a hand towel she wiped the steam from the mirror, threw the towel over her shoulder and sashayed to the waiting tub.

  She turned the radio on to ‘old pop tunes’. ‘Will You Love Me Tomorrow’ by the Schrilles was playing. Ella remembered that was their song. Her and Phil’s song? Childhood thoughts moved through her head like sheep jumping the fence. One memory after another filled her mind as she laid back on the towel she rolled up for a pillow.

  Ella put on warm comfy pajamas and curled up in her empty bed. She fell asleep clutching her pillow to her chest in wonder of what tomorrow would bring.

  After the flower shop settled down from Amy’s funeral Alicia and Susan got on their orders for the supplies and materials they will need to decorate the shop.

  “Ella, will you call the order in? Alicia asked. We need it soon.

  “How about I call it in and you and Susan make a trip down to Baker to pick up your order. You might see other items you would like to have.”

  “Can you and Ron handle the shop while we are gone?” Alicia said with a grin.

  “You bet we can and if we have deliveries we will deliver in my sports car.” Ella said with a big grin.

  “We are outta here.” Alicia yelled back as the door just about hit her on the rear. Susan and Alicia were out the door heading for the big town. They took the delivery van knowing Alicia’s sedan would not hold all they were purchasing.

  The ladies no more than got out the backdoor when Mark Brandon walked through the shop door.

  “Hello Mark.” Ella said in a quiet voice.

  “Just stopping in to tell you, you did a damn good job on the flowers for Grandma Amy. She would have approved.” Mark leaned on the front counter eyeing Ella with his striking deep blue eyes.

  “Well, thank you we appreciate you stopping by.”

  Mark fiddled with a pen on the counter and finally he came out with it.

  “Ella, would you like to go out to dinner in Baker with me Friday evening?” Mark’s eyes traced the grooves on the wood floor.

  “I think that would be nice.”

  “You do? I mean good, that’s good. Is six okay?” Marked looked up surprised with the words coming from Ella’s mouth.

  “Six will be fine.” Ella smiled reassuring Mark.

  “See you at your place at six on Friday.” He awkwardly made his way out the door stumbling over his big feet.

  Ella and Ron did a lot of talking during the time the ladies were off shopping in San Francisco. Ron showed Ella the plans for the renovation to her house. He suggested she not put too much into the place. He felt it needed painting inside and out, new carpeting and the kitchen totally renovated. New cabinets and appliances. All the bathrooms should be gutted. A pantry could be added to the oversized wash room.

  “This all sounds good. Send me a bill for all your hard work.”

  “Oh Ella I couldn’t charge you for drawing this up. You’ve done so much for Susan and I.” Ron rolled up the plans and slides them in a cylinder. Tapping the end he handed the plans to Ella.

  “Yes, I will pay you. This is your business and you should be paid. Ella pulled her check book form her over stuffed purse.

  “If you insist but it’s not necessary.”

  Ron gave her a very reasonable amount and Ella wrote the check for double the amount.

  Ella folded the check and put it in Ron‘s hand.

  “Don’t look at the check until you leave and don’t mention it to me. It’s pay for a good job.”

  The ladies made it back before closing. Everyone helped with unloading all the merchandise and materials. It was time to head home another day they would put everything away and get on with the designing and decorating the shop for Christmas.

  Maria had a pot roast dinner almost ready when Ella arrived home.

  “Oh, my goodness if I didn’t know better I would think my mother was in the kitchen.” Ella put her purse on the floor making her way to the stove.

  “This smells absoluately wonderful. Ella’s nose was about to meet the pot roast as she took a good whiff.

  ‘Ms. Ella I used your mom’s recipe for the pot roast. I’m glad it smells like good to you. That means I must have done it right.”

  After dinner Ella helped clear the table and pulled the renovation plans from the cylinder.

  “What do you have there Ms. Ella.” Juan asked.

  “It’s the plans for the renovation.” Ella said as she rolled them out on the table anchoring them wit the salt and pepper shakers.

  “This looks great; Ron’s really good at drawing blue prints.”

  Ella and Juan went over everything making a few minor changes. Ella decided the place didn’t want to do much structural change. She would have all the necessary things taken care of but as far as changing there would be very little done.

  Juan made a materials list and told Ella he would get on it.

  “First I want the living and dining room painted and new carpet laid in the living room. After Christmas we will get on the renovation.” Ella said.

  “I’m planning on giving a New Year’s Eve party.” Ella told Maria and Juan. We will use the same caterer’s we used for the Grand Opening. It’ll be fun meeting the people of Coopersville. I’ll put a notice in the local paper a few days before the end of the year. This will give the people in town without a party to attend somewhere to be on New Year’s Eve.

  “That sounds really nice Ms. Ella.” Juan said as he scratched his head thinking this woman ke
eps busy.

  The next day Ella made a call to the caterer and ordered the same food they served at the Grand Opening. It would be an open bar for two hours and the caterer would furnish the bartender. Probably from eight to ten o’clock. This way everyone would be sober by the time midnight chimed in the New Year.

  Ella also called the party store and ordered hats and whistles.

  “Ms. Ella you sure know how to live.” Maria said.


  Mark and Ella drove down to Baker to a nice dinner house. The restaurant had a small band and the music was soft and slow. Just right for having a good conversation.

  Ella asked Mark about his parents and he told her they were dead. Grandma Amy was the family matriarch and she kept the reigns on everything, so she thought. Dad let her think she was in charge. I’m next in line so I will take over everything. Although, I have taken care of the estate since my parents died. Grandma Amy just thought she was in control. It made the ole’ lady feel good. Good enough to live to be 93 years old.”

  “May I ask how your parents died?” Ella said quietly not wanting to bring up old memories. Memories that might hurt too much to talk about.

  “Mom and Dad were driving through the canyon going to Baker shopping. It was late afternoon and we think the sun was in dad’s eyes. A witness said a deer ran in front of the car causing dad to over react sending the car over the cliff. The car bounced from boulder to boulder resting at the bottom of the swift flowing river. The story is, dad was able to unbuckle his seat belt. He tried to unbuckle mom apparently her buckle was jammed and he couldn’t release it. Dad stayed with Mom and they drowned together. When the recovery team pulled the car up they said dad and mom were embraced in each others arms.” Mark’s chin quivered his eyes filled with tears.

  “Mark, how tragic.” Ella put her arm around Marks neck and pulled him close. Mark was quiet for a few moments. Ella realized he was reminiscing back to that fatal day.

  “Ray became withdrawn from the family. He lives alone in mom and dad’s old house, keeping very busy with his mayoral duties. Trying to keep the city council from spending too much money.”

  “Ella what about your parents? Are they still living?”

  “No, my father died in an airplane crash and years later my mother died, her heart just stopped one day. I think she died of a broken heart. She never got over loosing Dad to such a tragic accident.

  “I know how you feel loosing your parents.”

  Mark and Ella danced a slow waltz. In fact they danced the night away. Holding each other each feeling the loss of their parents in someone’s arms that understood the feelings of loosing someone you love.

  Mark and Ella drove home laughing and talking about the fun things in life. As Mark stopped his big truck and put the gear in park. His arm wrapped around Ella’s shoulder he slowly leaned in to kiss her. They kissed.

  “I had a nice time, thank you.”

  “We’ll do it again sometime.” Mark jumped out of the truck to help Ella maneuver the long step to the ground. He walked her to the front door, kissed her gently on the forehead and bid her farewell.

  Ella enjoyed the evening but wanted to keep their relationship on a friendship level. Mark probably had different ideas but…

  Ella arrived at the store just as Alicia was turning the OPEN sign around.

  “Good morning, Ella.”

  “Morning Alicia, how’s the day starting out for you?”

  “We have plenty of orders today to keep me busy.” Alicia tied her apron around to the back straightening it to fit over her belly.

  “Susan started decorating the shop, she sure bought some weird stuff. I hope she knows what she’s doing.” Alicia wiped her knife on her clean apron as she looked over the boxes of things Susan purchased.

  “Believe me Susan knows what she’s doing.”

  The shop was buzzing with people making Christmas orders. The high school Christmas Ball would be in a couple of weeks and the kids were making orders. Girls ordering boutonnieres. The guys coming behind them wanting to know the color the girl chosen so they could order the corsage in the right color.

  Susan had the front of the shop in pretty much of a mess. Ella was wondering when it was going to start looking like Christmas.

  “Ella, I know this place looks a mess. Would you mind if I come down tomorrow and finish up the decorating?”

  “That will be fine. Do you think you will be finished tomorrow?”

  “Yes, Ron and I will finish up tomorrow. I want it to be a surprise when you and Alicia walk in Monday morning.”

  Ella dug in her purse for a spare key to the shop and handed it to Susan.

  Upon Ella’s arrival home there was a beautiful vase filled with a dozen red roses. Ella read the card and smiled. Tucked it in her purse and sit the roses in a conspicuous place where everyone could enjoy their beauty.

  Sunday morning the Hernandez went to mass the house was quiet. Ella missed the noise of people. She had become accustomed to having a family in the house. She gave Frank a call thanking him for remembering.

  During the morning Ella received numerous calls from people asking for Juan. Ella took the names and phone numbers and gave them to Juan when they got back from Sunday Mass.

  Juan returned the first call. A woman wanting him to build her a patio. He told her he would get back to her.

  “Ms. Ella how does this woman know I’m a handyman?”

  “Juan when you introduced yourself at the Grand Opening you told everyone you were a handyman.

  “That’s right, I did.”

  “What should I do, Ms. Ella?” Juan asked knowing he had work to do for Ella.

  “You should bid on the job and start a business.”

  “Really? But I have plenty work to do for you.”

  “Juan you can do my work when you are not busy with the work for your clients. We are not in any hurry to get this house renovated. You need to get a business started and here’s your first job.

  Juan called the lady back and headed out to make his first bid.

  When Alicia and Ella walked up to the shop on Monday morning they saw the most beautiful window display they had ever seen. Ella had seen many window displays in San Francisco and this one would show well there.

  They opened the door to the shop and both stepped back. Susan was already at the shop hoping to see the look on their faces when they saw her work. She, like any display designer was delighted at Ella and Alicia’s response.

  “Susan,” Alicia said, “This is absolutely beautiful. I’ll tell you girl I wondered if you really had it in you. Where did you learn to do this kind of work?”

  “I’ve had some professional training.”

  “You have done a magnificent job on decorating this shop. I couldn’t be prouder.” Ella walked around admiring her shop.

  Susan was delighted at their response and went about the day on cloud nine.


  Maria was hurrying around the kitchen when Ella came through the kitchen on her way out the door.

  “What’s the rush about Maria?” Ella asked.

  “Today’s Jose’s appointment with Dr. Burnett and I’m worried Juan won’t make it back in time. He knows I have the appointment but he doesn’t have a watch.” Maria gazed out the window trying to see farther than the main road.

  “I thought you gave him the watch you bought in Baker.”

  “I didn’t want to give it to him before his birthday. He took a bid over to the lady that called a few days ago.”

  “Well, look there he’s coming up the drive. You’ve got yourself in a tizzy for naught.

  Juan rushed in the house. “I hope I’m not late. The lady just kept talking. She wants a lot of things done at her house.”

  “Did you get the job?” Maria asked.

  “Yes, my first job as a handyman, aside from the job I have with Ms. Ella.” Juan told Maria.

  Juan, Maria and Jose headed down the drive to Jose’s ap
pointment. The clinic parking lot was full. Juan dropped Jose and Maria off at the door and found a parking space across the street. Juan looked to the heaven’s and thanked God for his new job and asked God for Dr Burnette to give them a good report on Jose today.

  Maria had already checked in when Juan made it to the clinic. The waiting room was full. After waiting for over an hour the nurse came through the door and called Jose Hernandez. Juan and Maria loaded up everything and headed though the door that was being held open by the nurse.

  “How are you all today?” She asked as a courtesy.

  “We are fine, we’re hoping for a good report on Jose.” They said in unison.

  The nurse showed them in to a small room, she checked Jose’s vitals and wrote them on his chart.

  “The doctor will see you soon.” She promised.

  Eventually Dr. Burnett entered the room dressed in his white coat. Doctors look so official and sterile when they are dressed in white. Maria thought to herself.

  “Remember last month all the testing we did on Jose?”

  “Yes.” Juan and Maria said as they anxiously set on the edge of their chairs.

  “The tests are all normal. The surgery was a success. Jose can live a normal life. I want to see him annually. I take care of pediatric heart patients. I won’t be his primary doctor. The Clinic will set you up with a pediatrician. Do you have any questions?” Dr. Burnett said as he washed his hands.

  “That’s it, he’s fine, and we don’t have to do anything special?” Juan asked.

  ”Just love him and raise him to be a good person is all I ask.” He said with a smile. “Jose was lucky you got him to the hospital or he probably would not have made.”

  Juan and Maria were overjoyed and sang all the way home. As for Jose he laid in his car seat and enjoyed his nap.


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