The Third Reich
Page 83
radio and, 238, 308–9
Rath shooting and, 362
regional elections and, 155
Reichstag fire and, 240–42, 245
Roosevelt’s death and, 557
on Roosevelt’s letter, 426
Russian negotiations attempted by, 564
SA rebellion and, 116–17
Stennes and, 128
Storm Troopers and, 183
Strasser and, 85–88, 111–12, 199, 200, 211–14
Total War speech of, 518–20, 534
Wessel’s death and, 125
working class and, 258–59
Goebbels, Magda, 240, 562, 564–65
Goerdeler, Carl, 453, 535–38, 540
Golden Twenties, 99, 100, 124
Goldschmidt, Jakob, 186
Göring, Hermann, 42–44, 82, 131, 137, 147–49, 158, 216, 219–22, 248, 275, 277, 351, 386–90, 461, 465, 467, 476, 478, 517, 521, 532, 543, 560, 562
age of, 171
ambition and ruthlessness of, 235
arrest of, 566
Austria and, 392, 396–97, 404
in Beer Hall Putsch, 55, 56, 59–61, 560
in bunker, 557
Communist headquarters raid and, 240, 245–46
concentration camps and, 320
Czechoslovakia and, 404, 412, 414, 422
and financial difficulties in NSDAP, 218
as Four Year Plan leader, 361, 384–85, 386, 392, 475, 542
Hitler’s chancellorship appointment and, 178, 234–35
industrialists and, 236–37
Jews and, 361, 367–68, 490, 505
Kristallnacht and, 363, 364, 490
Night of Long Knives and, 281, 283, 285, 288
Poland and, 447
police forces controlled by, 234–36, 240, 241, 246, 270
Reichstag fire and, 241, 242, 244–46
Reichstag presidency assumed by, 184–85
SA prisons and, 267–69
Soviet territories and, 486–88
Strasser and, 199
suicide of, 566–67
in Vatican negotiations, 263
Göttingen Institute for Quantum Physics, 298
Government of National Concentration, 231, 234, 248
Graefe, Albrecht von, 69, 72, 76, 79
Graf, Ulrich, 44
Graf, Willi, 533
Great Britain, 86, 99, 357, 373–75, 379, 387–89, 419, 429, 439, 481, 501
Anglo-German Naval Agreement, 375–76, 391, 415, 427
Austria and, 397, 440
casualties in, 567
Czechoslovakia and, 402–5, 407, 408, 410–16, 440
Hitler’s defiance toward, 272–74, 371
Hitler’s desire for agreement with, 376, 477
Jews and, 463
Munich Agreement, 414–17, 420
Mussolini and, 377
Poland and, 425–26, 433–35, 440–41, 449
Royal Air Force, 465–67, 512, 521, 535, 545
Royal Navy, 375, 376, 457, 464–65
war against Germany declared by, 440, 449, 451
in World War II, 452–55, 458–59, 461–68, 469, 470, 495, 511–13, 521
Greece, 425, 476
Groener, Wilhelm, 155–56
Groscurth, Helmuth, 453
Gross, Walter, 343, 344
Grynszpan, Herschel, 362
Guderian, Heinz, 452, 454, 458, 473, 497, 527, 547, 556–57
Günsche, Otto, 564
GVG (Greater German People’s Community), 69
Haase, Hugo, 49
Haber, Fritz, 298
Habsburg Empire, 8–10
Hacha, Emil, 421–23, 436
Haeften, Werner von, 538–39
Haile Selassie, 377
Halder, Franz, 404, 445–46, 452, 453, 464, 482, 494, 496, 497, 500, 515, 516, 536
Halifax, Edward Wood, Lord, 402, 436, 464
Hamburg, 521–22
Hamilton, Duke of, 477
Hammerstein-Equord, Kurt von, 222, 223, 233, 404
Hanfstaengl, Ernst “Putzi,” 44–47, 63, 67, 148, 149, 240–41
Hanisch, Reinhold, 6–8, 11–12
Harnack, Arvid, 532–33
Harnack, Milded Fish, 532–33
Harrer, Karl, 30, 31, 40
Harris, Arthur, 512–13
harvest festival, 316
Harzburg Front, 135
Hassell, Ulrich von, 535
Hauptmann, Gerhart, 294
Haushofer, Karl, 41
Haus Wachenfels, 95, 153
health, 341–42
diet and, 9, 341
doctors, 257–58, 341–43, 357
genetic, 339, 340; see also eugenics
war against cancer, 341
Heiden, Konrad, 23, 36, 49, 111, 201, 248
“Heil Hitler” greeting, 95, 311–12
Heines, Edward, 282–83
Held, Heinrich, 76–77
Henderson, Nevile, 315, 408, 433, 435, 440
Henlein, Konrad, 402
Hess, Rudolf, 41, 43, 68, 186, 190, 207,268, 352, 398, 476–79, 566
flight to Scotland, 477–78
imprisonment of, 478
radio address of, 280–81
Hessen, 136, 157
Heydrich, Reinhard, 249, 269, 277, 354, 358, 390, 398, 400, 475, 489
assassination of, 511
as Final Solution architect, 442, 511
and Himmler’s appointment as Reich Commissar for the Strengthening of German Folkdom, 443, 490
Jews and, 358, 367, 442, 443, 447, 480–81, 491, 492, 501
Kristallnacht and, 367
Night of Long Knives and, 280, 281, 288
Poland and, 437–38, 442, 444, 445
as Reich protector of Bohemia and Moravia, 503–4
Soviet territories and, 488
Wannsee Conference of, 354, 503–6, 508–9, 524
Hiedler, Johann Georg, 1
Himmler, Heinrich, 97–98, 154, 207, 215, 249, 264, 269, 270, 277, 390, 398, 489–90, 535, 552, 556–57, 566
age of, 171, 358
appointed head of SS and police forces, 321, 357, 366
appointed Reich Commissar for the Strengthening of German Folkdom, 443, 489–90
and assassination plots against Hitler, 537, 538
in bunker, 557
Catholic Church and, 323, 324, 329
concentration camps and, 320, 321, 526, 553–54
Dachau opening announced by, 253
Goebbels and, 363, 366
Hitler’s conversations with, on Jews, 508–9
Jews and, 347, 358, 360, 367, 447, 448, 481, 486, 492–93, 523, 526
Kristallnacht and, 363, 364
Night of Long Knives and, 280, 281, 285, 288
peace negotiations attempted by, 562
Poland and, 446, 447
propaganda operations and, 97–98, 105, 110, 131
Soviet territories and, 488
speech to SS men about elimination of Jews, 526
Strasser and, 97
Hindenburg, Oskar von, 108, 197, 206, 216
Hindenburg, Paul von, 17, 108, 109, 123, 159, 165, 182–85, 196, 208, 211, 212, 215, 219, 221–23, 231, 233, 243, 250, 259, 275, 279, 280, 317, 347, 459
ancestral estate of, 205, 206
and boycott of Jewish businesses, 256
Brüning dismissed by, 158
ceremony honoring, 250–53
death of, 289
declining health of, 277–79, 289
decree suppressing Communists and Social Democrats issued by, 234
decree suspending civil rights, 243–44
elected president, 80
in elections of 1932, 141–52
Enabling Act and, 231
Hitler’s chancellorship and, 177–79, 196, 215, 216, 218–24, 226–27
Ludendorff and, 226–27
Night of Long Knives and, 283, 284, 288
Papen and, 158–59, 197, 206, 207, 220, 221, 279, 279, 281
Reichstag dissolved by, 23
Schleicher and, 206, 220
and Schleicher’s request to dissolve Reichstag, 216–17
Strasser and, 199
Hitler, Adolf:
age of, 171
ambition of, 226
apartment of, 153
artistic pursuits and ambitions of, 1–5, 7, 13, 294
assassination attempts and plot against, 455–56, 536–42, 561
assumes position of Reich President, 289
banned from speaking in public, 79, 82, 83
Beer Hall Putsch of, see Beer Hall Putsch
Berghof villa of, 95, 392–93, 406
birth of, 1
birthday celebrated, 271, 289, 313, 558
Braun and, 154, 558–59, 562–64
in bunker, 154, 557–59, 561–64
cadre of followers built by, 40
chancellorship of, 224–27, 229–64, 272, 370
chancellorship demanded by, 176–79, 196, 207, 215–24
childhood and teen years of, 1–3
clothing of, 45–46, 67, 138, 152, 239, 318
confidence and intuition of, 219, 379–80, 416, 440, 451, 473, 498
criticism of, 278–79, 521, 534
cult of, 95, 271, 278, 317
defiance toward great powers, 272–74, 371
diet and lifestyle of, 4, 19, 67, 152–53, 341
directionless, bohemian life led by, 4, 14, 219
in elections of 1932, 142–52
entry into politics, 30, 151
erosion of myth of, 521
fantasy world of, 2–5, 13, 380, 419, 500, 559, 561
flights over Germany, in 1932 campaigns, 151, 156, 162, 187–88
German citizenship of, 143
guards of, 55, 60, 94
“Heil Hitler” greeting, 95, 311–12
Iron Crosses awarded to, 15–16, 20, 63
last will and testament of, 563
life in homeless shelters and men’s home, 6–8, 11, 12, 399
martyrdom following Munich putsch, 67, 68
Mein Kampf, 27, 38, 40, 68–69, 75, 83, 95–96, 153, 163, 335, 336, 340, 358
military evaded in Austria, 13, 14
mother’s death and, 3
mustard gas attack and subsequent blindness of, 20–21, 23
“My Program” campaign declaration of, 150–51
mystique surrounding, 95, 142, 152, 178
as national celebrity and major political force, 152, 168, 175, 184
opera loved by, 1, 4–5, 219
orphan’s pension of, 3, 4, 6, 13
passionate opinions of, 3, 7–8
personality of, 5
politicians’ belief in taming of, 204, 225
popularity of, 46–47, 270–72, 274, 287, 375, 401, 416
populist image of, 317–18
in prison, 62, 67–69, 74–77, 89
private vs. public persona of, 36
procrastination and indecisiveness of, 82, 112, 142–43, 280, 351–52, 497
public absence in latter part of war, 544, 561
reading of, 7, 14
refusal to enter coalition government, 176–80, 188–91, 198–200
relationship with Geli Rabaul, 154
rise to power, 225
routine and schedule eschewed by, 4, 219
society patrons of, 45, 46
in speakers courses program, 28
as student, 2
suicide of, 564
swastika symbol chosen by, 37
trial of, 62–66, 67, 71, 84–85, 127
unknown grandfather of, 1
Vienna period of, 2–13, 20, 23
will of, as law, 287
Wolf’s Lair headquarters of, 482, 538–59, 538–39
women and, 2, 4, 19, 154
worldview of, 12–13
World War I military service of, 15–16, 18–20, 23, 28, 32, 66, 318, 459
Hitler, Adolf, speeches and addresses of, 29, 32, 35–37, 39, 41, 46, 56–57, 64–65, 77–79, 96–97, 153, 164–65, 188, 489
anti-Semitism underplayed in early years, 166
on art and politics, 292
on British bomb attacks, 467
at Bürgerbräukeller, 77–79, 455
for business leaders, 137–39
at ceremony honoring Hindenburg, 251–52
on Czechoslovakia, 405–6, 409, 426–27
in Eberswalde, 165–66
on Enabling Act, 258, 262
first national address as chancellor, 232–33
first public appearance as chancellor, 239–40
in Lipperode, 210–11
on purification of public life, 291
radio broadcasts of, 232–33, 238, 309
to Reichstag, 291, 302–3, 419–20, 426–28, 438–39, 461–63
on Roosevelt’s letter, 426–28
in Thuringia, 279
at trial, 64–65, 84–85, 127
on women, 306
on working class, 259–60
on youth indoctrination, 302–3
Hitler, Alois, 1–2
death of, 2
Hitler, Klara, 2, 3
Hitler Youth (HJ), 171, 226, 302–5, 312, 313, 322–23, 363, 386, 390, 405, 555, 558
Christianity and, 303, 324–25
Hohenzollern monarchy, 22, 250, 278, 279, 535
Hoffman, Johannes, 25
Hoffmann, Heinrich, 36, 44
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 8
Höhler, Ali, 246
holidays, 313
Hitler’s birthday, 271, 289, 313, 558
May Day, 258–60, 313
Mother’s Day, 305
paid, 310
Holland, 453, 456–58, 531
Holocaust, see Final Solution and Holocaust
Home for Men in the Meldemannstrasse, 6–7, 12, 399
Hoover, Herbert, 130
Höss, Rudolf, 523–24
Hossbach, Friedrich, 387, 388
Hossbach Memorandum, 388
Hotel Hanselbauer, 282–83
Hoth, Hermann, 514, 515
Huber, Hans, 533
Hugenberg, Alfred, 106, 107, 123, 135, 186, 205, 222–24, 230, 237, 261–62
Hitler and, 214–15, 217, 220
and Hitler’s appointment as chancellor, 226
Papen and, 215, 221
Schleicher and, 214
Hungary, 421, 556
Illustriert Beobachter, 166
individuality, 297, 331
Innitzer, Theodor Cardinal, 400
interest slavery, 28, 38, 115, 137
Isherwood, Christopher, 161
Italy, 86, 99, 377, 378, 386, 388, 392, 434
Abyssinia invaded by, 376–77, 379
Allied invasion of, 528
Anti-Comintern Pact, 386
Austria and, 392, 394
Czechoslovakia and, 403
Pact of Steel, 428, 434
Jannings, Emil, 294
Japan, 379, 470, 473, 501
Anti-Comintern Pact, 381, 386
Pearl Harbor attack, 501
Jarres, Karl, 80
Jehovah’s Witnesses, 329, 527
Jewish organizations, 355, 356
Jewish question, 30, 166, 186, 337, 367, 368, 443, 447, 470, 490
Final Solution for, see Final Solution and Holocaust
Jews, 334–36, 343, 346–59
absorption of Austria and, 357, 359–60, 400
anti-Semitism enters German politics, 167
artists and writers, 293–96
and Aryan Paragraph in civil service law, 257, 263, 298, 327, 328, 337, 338, 347
Austrian anti-Semitism, 10
Bible and, 263
Bolshevism and, 86, 209–10, 329, 335, 347, 381, 419–20, 463, 469, 479, 489, 527
in Britain, 463
businesses of, 119, 361
businesses boycotted, 255–57, 337
card index for identifying, 358
citizenship revoked, 351, 352
Civil Service Law and, 257, 263, 292–93, 298
definition and classification of, 352–53, 506
denunciations and, 355
deportations of, 362, 447–48, 490–92, 510, 522
Drexler’s views on, 31
eliminated from German economy, 367–68
emigration of, 355, 358, 360–61, 367, 368, 420, 447, 505
Enabling Act and, 255
Eternal Jew exhibition, 358–59
Evian conference on refugees, 360–61
Fatherland Party and, 17
Feder’s views on, 28, 29
in German army, 17–18
in ghettos, 445, 492, 506, 508, 524
Goebbels and, 336, 337, 359, 380–81, 463, 489, 491, 509–11, 519
Göring and, 361, 367–68, 490, 505
Heydrich and, 358, 367, 442, 443, 447, 480–81, 491, 492, 501
Himmler and, 347, 358, 360, 367, 447, 448, 481, 486, 492–93, 523, 526
Hitler’s views on, 8, 11–12, 20, 23, 27–30, 35, 39–40, 96, 166, 209–10, 335, 336, 419–20, 463, 489, 508–9
Hitler’s ancestry and, 1
Holocaust and, see Final Solution and Holocaust
identity cards for, 360
initiation of measures against, 257–58, 263, 336–37, 347
inventory and seizure of assets of, 361
“Jewish intellectualism,” 300–301
Kristallnacht and, 362–67, 417, 424, 426, 490
Lueger’s views on, 10
marriage and sexual relations with non-Jews, 348–54
media campaigns raising awareness of Nazi atrocities against, 255
military enlistment and, 355–56
Mischlinge, 353–54, 357
in Nazi ideology, 39, 40, 73, 77, 78, 84, 86, 121–22, 134, 166–68, 186, 209–10, 336, 469
Nobel laureates, 298
Nuremberg Laws and, see Nuremberg Laws
occupations forbidden to, 356–57
Pan-German movement and, 9
Papen associated with, 186
passports taken from, 360
patriotism forbidden to, 350
physicians, 257–58
in Poland, 425, 443–47
professors, 298
property and, 258, 333, 337
Protocols of the Elders of Zion and, 41, 335
radical left associated with, 27
“rational anti-Semitism” and, 358, 367
Roosevelt and, 426, 502
Schönerer’s views on, 9
SD and, 358, 360, 368
in schools, 258, 367–68
social and psychological isolation of, 355, 356
Social Democratic movement associated with, 10–11
social interaction between non-Jews and, 354–55
SS and, 357, 358, 363, 367, 448, 480, 481, 483, 485, 492–93
stepped-up campaigns against, 348, 359, 360–61, 367–68, 400
Storm Troopers and, 167, 240, 255, 256, 348, 354–55, 363, 400
in Vienna, 9–12, 20
World War I service of, 17–18, 347, 355
yellow badges for, 490–91
Jodl, Alfred, 391, 497–98, 557, 558, 567
Jung, Edgar, 279, 283