Bad Boys of the Underworld Box Set

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Bad Boys of the Underworld Box Set Page 11

by Jacey Ward

  Her eyes blinked, focusing back on his face. “I knew you’d save me, Torin. What’s going to happen to James?”

  He shook his head, a wry smile on his face. She was surprising him again by her strength of character, her resilience to what had just happened. “James won’t be back again. Don’t worry. He made his choice.”

  Sasha nodded, slowly, one hand reaching up to brush his cheek. “I’ve missed you, Torin.”

  He swallowed the ache in his throat and pulled her into his arms, feeling her settle against him. “We have got to be the two most confused people in the world,” he muttered, resting his chin against the top of her head. “I can’t work out what’s going on between us but I’ve found this last week really difficult.”

  “Really?” she whispered, looking up at him. “Why?”

  “Because I couldn’t stop thinking about you!” he growled, letting one hand trail through her hair. “I know that I abducted you at first for revenge, but dammit, Sasha, things kept changing and I just couldn’t bring myself to hurt you…and -”


  He gave her a half smile. “I think I have feelings for you,” he muttered, almost resentfully. But then he smiled slowly. “They’re pretty genuine,” he admitted, shaking his head. “But I didn’t think you’d ever want to explore a relationship with me, given what I’d done.”

  “Neither did I!” she exclaimed, with a quiet laugh. “You’re right, Torin, we are both probably a little crazy, but I couldn’t stop my feelings for you either.” Her smile was soft, her eyes warm. “So, do you want to explore a little more?” she asked with a cheeky grin.

  “Yes,” he murmured, lowering his head to capture her soft lips in a gently kiss that became more aggressive within moments. He pulled away with a groan. “Just let me go shower first.”

  Sasha didn’t move away, her arms circling his waist. “I can help you with that,” she offered.

  Letting out a groan, Torin leaned down and brushed his tongue against the seam of her mouth. She opened for him and welcomed him inside. He couldn’t deny her this. His need for her had never gone away and, after what had just happened, it had only been heightened. He didn’t ever want to let her go after this.

  “Are you sure?” he whispered, his lips still against hers.

  “More than sure,” Sasha replied, pressing the length of her body against him. “Love me, Torin. Please.”

  His breath came out in a hiss and, lifting her in his arms, he carried her up the stairs to the shower room, ignoring the pain in his thigh from the knife wound. Putting her down gently, he turned on the hot water and dropped the towel from his waist.

  Sasha licked her lips, her cheeks pink. “You do need to clean up after all that fighting,” she murmured, her eyes running over him.

  “Well, I’m naked and ready to get clean,” he challenged. “What about you?” Torin growled, lifting one eyebrow.

  With a coy smile, Sasha pulled her shirt over her head, only to catch her breath when he grabbed her at the waist and pressed small biting kisses against her neck. Torin let his hands run down her back and dug his fingers into her jeans. He wanted to rip each bit of her clothing away, waiting impatiently as she finished undressing.

  He didn’t think he’d ever seen anything so beautiful. Her cheeks were bright pink as he looked at her, letting out a long, slow breath.

  “Fucking hell, Sasha,” he whispered, taking her hand and leading her into the shower. “You are stunning.”

  Sasha’s breath was coming so fast she could hardly breathe. Her entire body was burning already, desperate for him to touch her. After everything she’d gone through, this was the healing she needed. She needed Torin. Needed to make everything okay.

  The warm water washed over the two of them, and Sasha waited until the shower water stopped running red, before letting her hands trail over Torin’s skin. He was cut and bruised in a few places, and the cut to his thigh was ragged. She looked at him with anxiety in her eyes. “That looks bad.”

  Torin shrugged. “It’s nothing I’ve not experienced before. I heal quickly.”

  Sasha dragged her eyes away from his lower half before looking up into his face, seeing his eyes darken. There was an invitation there, one she simply couldn’t pass up. His hands were gentle, as he slowly lowered his head to her breasts, pulling a cry from her lips.

  He looked up at her, the effort to stop clearly a battle. “Are you okay?” When she nodded, he dipped his head back to her chest, relieved that so far, she could hand him. He pulled her a little closer. “I’m not always gentle.”

  “Maybe I like it a little rough.”

  She laughed softly as he groaned, kissing her hard before letting his hands explore her body further. Sasha let out a shuddering breath, tangling her fingers into his hair and throwing her head back. Resting her back against the shower wall, she gave herself up to the sensations he was pulling from her.

  Torin lifted his head, letting his hands caress her breasts instead of his mouth. Kissing her hard, he caught his breath as her hands reached for his manhood, almost losing himself entirely with a single touch.

  Sasha smiled at his reaction, exploring him gently. She took in his strong jaw, the way his eyes were tightly closed as she caressed him. He was holding himself back, she could tell, not ready to lose himself with her. There was more to do, more to explore, more to feel.

  He lowered his head and kissed her again, his lips nipping at her neck. A shiver shook her, speeding its way up her spine but she didn’t let him go. Working her hand slowly, she gave him a wicked grin as he rolled his hips and groaned.

  Apparently, it was too much for Torin to take. Stepping back, he pulled her up into his arms, her legs spanning his waist. Pressing her back against the shower wall, he braced his legs and grasped the top of her thighs, strong enough to hold her tightly. Torin looked into her eyes, pressing a kiss to her mouth as his arousal rested against her core. Slowly, he slid into her soft folds, a moan of pleasure coming from her lips. She was ready for him.

  Flooded with sensations, Torin held himself back, moving slowly as Sasha let out a soft moan of pleasure. He didn’t want to move too quickly and let things end before they’d even really begun.

  “This feels right,” Sasha whispered, as Torin pressed his lips to her collarbone, making her groan aloud.

  “I feel it too,” he whispered, gently nipping her lip as he pressed himself a little deeper into her. She leaned back, her hands grasping the top of the shower cubicle, giving him greater movement. His quicker strokes built a fire within her, driving her closer to the edge. She could feel his body tense, amazed at the strength with which he held her. As he began to move faster, Sasha moaned again, her world exploding around her as she found her release. Closing her eyes, she held onto Torin as her body grew weak.

  “Torin,” she breathed, her body shuddering as she arched back, her breasts pushing against his chest. Torin dipped his lips into the curve of her neck, crying out her name.

  Warmth flooded her as Torin let go, his head thrown back as he growled loudly. His chest began to heave with exertion, his hands gripping her tightly. Sasha clung to him for a long moment, seeing the light in his eyes as he looked at her. There was a beauty in this moment, something that she did not want to ever forget. Finally, she’d given in to her feelings and this was the result. A man who shared his heart with her as well as his body.

  “Sasha,” Torin murmured, kissing her eyelids lightly.

  Her heart melted, as she lifted both hands around his neck. The passion was sated and the feelings left behind were profound. In a strange way, it was the answer to the questions she had been asking herself. Her growing feelings were finally confirmed, as she grew safe in the knowledge that she could be as honest and as vulnerable with him too.

  He carried her into bed where they lay wrapped in each other’s arms, learning each other’s sensitive spots and ticklish spots. Each other’s hopes and dreams. Soon, their passion overtook them again,
and they finally felt free to give in to their desires. Learning each other’s bodies was such a great gift when there were no ulterior motives and hidden agendas to hide behind. Finally it was just the two of them with nothing standing in between.


  Torn Between

  Two Brothers:


  Angel vs. Demon

  The evil angel, or the good demon…who will Sera choose?

  Nathaniel and Cassiel. Brothers in life, enemies in death.

  The ultimate betrayal pushed a wedge between the brothers and sent one to heaven and the other to hell. But was the wrong one sent to hell?

  Now they have both been sent back to earth. One to find love, the other to take down his brother – however he can. Even if it means trying to steal Sera away.

  There’s a reckoning coming, and past betrayals will be exposed. Oh, and the Devil is playing along too…for one of them.



  Sun flittered through the bountiful clouds, the serene light casting a sweet glow about the kingdom.

  The gentlest breeze blew, filling the air with the scent of vanilla and incense.

  The angels were filled with happiness, pious but frolicking, humble but happy, modest but jesting.

  Cherubs and archangels ran among the messengers, darting in and out of the buildings of marble, donning crosses and laughing among the animals who roamed freely.

  It was Heaven, in all its perfection.

  Nathaniel was oblivious to the glory of the day.

  Why should he notice? Every day was the same, ad infinitum.

  His brothers nodded as he passed, and Nathaniel kept a smile plastered on his face, bobbing his head like a trained monkey, inwardly gritting his teeth.

  This never gets tiresome for them, he thought, swiftly moving through the gold-paved streets, his pristine white robes swirling about his feet effortlessly in the perfect breeze. They are a brainwashed bunch of sheep who know only one shepherd. And that shepherd may as well be in a coma or drunk for all he knows about the goings on around here.

  “Good morrow, Nathaniel,” Bria sang, dancing around him in her teasing fashion, scarves whirling over her head as she winked at him with crystalline eyes. “I hear you are on a mission from God this morning!”

  Nathaniel swallowed his displeasure and lowered his grey eyes stoically, clasping his hands before him as if to praise her words.

  “I haven’t confirmed word, but yes, I am meeting with Michael.”

  “I had a vision in the night,” Bria chirped. “You are going to deliver the kingdom of heaven from evil, protect us and go forth to become an archangel.”

  Under normal circumstances, Nathaniel would be hard pressed to resist the urge to snap her annoying, fluttering wings and bid her good day, but that morning, her prophecy stirred something in the depths of his chest.

  It was a rare occurrence for Bria to call upon him with a sight.

  “Go on,” he demurred, eyeing her carefully. “Tell me of this vision.”

  Bria laughed, a sound the others agreed was lyrical but made Nathaniel cringe inwardly. The sound reminds me of fingernails on a blackboard, he thought but he quickly shoved the bitterness from his mind. He wanted to hear her words for once.

  She was a prophet angel after all, and no matter how he felt about her, she knew more than most.

  “You will learn all you must from Michael,” she assured him, whirling to leave, casting him a coy look as she did. When she winked, fury exploded inside him, stirring his loins.

  Lust is a sin, lust is a sin. He chanted to himself. It seemed that lately, whenever his anger was stimulated, lust came with it. He needed an outlet. Badly. Bria licked her lips suggestively and spread her wings to soar away, her laughter taunting him in her wake.

  Perhaps that was the issue; he had always wanted to take Bria savagely and without mercy, but if anyone was to learn about his innermost thoughts…

  But he needn’t be concerned that anyone here would be able to discern his innermost thoughts, Nathaniel knew that now. But there had been a time when he had been fraught with worry that his darkest secrets would be exposed.

  As it turned out, Heaven worked more on an honor system than any true monitoring.

  They don’t know a damned thing up here, for all their infinite wisdom, he thought, scowling inwardly. But still, he forced himself not to react…just in case. He was sometimes worried that if he gave himself just a little free license to act on his violent urges, the two-centuries old boiling mass within him would erupt and he would have a heyday the likes of which the residents of Heaven had never seen. No, it was better to hold on to his urges with an iron fist.

  It was not a risk he was willing to take, not when he had already come so close to ruining everything for himself all those years ago.

  “Nathaniel, Michael awaits!” Josiel appeared at his side, a slight scowl on his face as he watched the younger angel.

  “I am journeying to him,” Nathaniel sighed, trying to keep the annoyance from his voice.

  Josiel was his counsellor, and if possible, even more irritating than Bria.

  Of course he is; he is at my side constantly, like a wet nurse. At least Bria keeps her distance most of the time. And she is much easier on the eyes, he thought with a smirk. Oh, what I could do with her with five minutes of alone time…

  “You appear to be staring after the angel Bria,” Josiel growled, startling him from his reverie.

  Nathaniel did not respond, knowing whatever denials he offered would be dismissed.

  Because this bloody bastard is always correct. How am I to survive in eternity with this man as my wife?

  Instead, he turned and moved away to save himself from answering.

  “Nathaniel, one moment!” Josiel called, hurrying after him, but Nathaniel did not slow his gait, eager to be rid of his tedious tail.

  “What is it, Josiel? As you have mentioned, I have an appointment with Michael.”

  “You must wait a moment,” Josiel gasped, as he reached Nathaniel’s side.

  The younger, ruggedly good-looking angel swallowed a groan and paused to face his advisor with cold, grey eyes.

  “What is it, Josiel? I do not wish to keep Michael waiting.”

  Josiel nodded and lowered his gaze.

  “I know what it is Michael will ask of you…, and I fear you may not like it.”

  Nathaniel became statue still but spoke not a word, waiting.

  “You are free to refuse but I believe you are the best angel for the task,” Josiel continued, staring nervously at his hands as if the answer lay in his palms.

  “What is it, Josiel?” Nathaniel asked tightly, but there was a foreign feeling growing in the pit of his stomach.

  The feeling was fear.

  “Now, before you refuse, Nathaniel, you must know that Michael and God would never put you to a task of which they did not believe you could conquer. You have proven your strength and loyalty to Him and our kingdom through the most devastating choice all those years ago.”

  Nathaniel exhaled haltingly, and he knew he was right to feel terror.

  “It is Cassiel, is it not?”

  Josiel cleared his throat.

  “He has been permitted to leave the underworld to perform Lucifer’s bidding.”

  “For what purpose?” Nathaniel demanded. “Why is he on Earth?”

  “We are not clear, but he has been seen in the Americas. He must be stopped.”

  The last sentence was unnecessary. Nathaniel did not need to be told that Cassiel was a danger to everything he had worked for.

  “Will you do it?” Josiel pressed. “Will you send him back to Hell where he belongs?”

  The angel stared at the old one with piercing gray eyes, his mind awhirl.

  “I cannot,” he whispered.

  “You must,” Josiel agreed. “It can only be you. Who knows him better than his own brother?”

  “Stepbrother,” Nathaniel
corrected shortly.

  They must never mistake us for more than stepbrothers. I would never have done what I did if Cassiel was my blooded brother, he tried to tell himself, over and over, attempting to appease the guilt that sometimes plagued him.

  “Still, you must agree that you are our best hope for peace. He is a menace to both the earthly world and ours.”

  Nathaniel stared at the glittering bricks of gold beneath his bare feet, closing his eyes.

  Why did you have to return, Cass? Why did you not stay cast out and in Hell where I sent you? He wondered mournfully.

  Nathaniel could think of only one reason why his brother had returned from the underworld.

  He was seeking revenge.

  “Nathaniel – “

  “I will do it,” Nathaniel interrupted, his strong jawline raised defiantly toward the old soul, his full lips pursing into a fine line.

  Josiel’s face exploded into an expression of great relief.

  “Michael will reward you greatly for your trial,” he assured him, but Nathaniel was not so certain.

  Reward will be the last thing Michael is thinking of if he should ever learn the truth of Cassiel’s banishment from Heaven.

  Nathaniel knew that Cassiel had to be stopped.

  “You are a brave soul, Nathaniel,” Josiel continued, linking his arm through Nathaniel’s to escort him toward Michael’s glass palace. “I understand how this must conflict you, but you are a righteous being, and we are all proud of you.”

  Do not be so certain of that, old man, Nathaniel thought grimly as they approached the gates of the palace.

  “You are doing the godly thing,” Josiel assured him.

  Nathaniel smiled.

  I will do the godly thing, he agreed. I will cast my brother back to Hell where he should have stayed.

  Chapter One


  The weather made him feel slightly less melancholy, but no matter how hard the rain pelted against the grey, filthy streets, the sensation never quite left him.


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