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Fire Warrior

Page 7

by Trim, Brenda

  She dashed outside to tell her brother they needed to call an ambulance.

  “Fuck. What a damned mess,” Bhric cursed. “I’ll call Zander while you deal with them,” he murmured as he tilted his head towards the human crowd that had formed.

  “I canna handle them Bhric,” Breslin admitted. “I used too much energy with my fire and I doona have anything left in the tank. The two humans inside need to get to the hospital.”

  “Shite. Alright. I’ll handle the humans and you call for help then let Z know what’s going on,” he replied.

  Breslin pulled out her phone and looked down at the children by her side as she called 911. They looked terrified and Breslin would be glad when Bhric erased their memories of the evening. The ambulance was on its way so she and Bhric would need to hurry.

  Next, she called Zander to tell him what happened. She purposefully left out how drained the altercation left her body. She wasn’t ready to deal with Rhett and the collection of his blood. In her weak state, she wasn’t certain she could keep her hands and lips to herself if Rhett showed up.

  Chapter Seven

  Breslin stopped in the middle of Lake Washington and killed the motor. Nights on the lake were peaceful, and this spot was her secret haven. The sound of water lapping along the boat without any city noise eased her agitation. There was always commotion when living in a large city like Seattle, but she loved the tranquility she felt when she was on her boat.

  The world was closing in around Breslin. Part of the problem was she’d been cooped up inside Zeum over the last several months. Her family was grating her last nerve. Her brothers hovered over her, driving her insane. And, she was surrounded by happy couples which drove the stake in deeper.

  The cherry on top of the sundae was coping with Bhric’s constant arousal and sexual activity. The bond with her twin brother had been a saving grace more than once in her life but lately it was a source of torment.

  He was newly-mated, and his libido was at an all-time high. His mate, Alex, was beginning her four days off from the hospital and Breslin knew they would be going at it like horny rabbits until she went back to work.

  That wasn’t something she complained about, though. She’d deal with ten times more agony to see her brother deliriously happy. He’d been through enough in his life and deserved everything Alex had to offer.

  Releasing the anchor, Breslin kicked off her sneakers and grabbed a towel. Summer nights in Seattle were her favorite time of year. She loved the dichotomy of wearing shorts and a long-sleeved top. Soft, oversized sweatshirts topped her list but she was hot-blooded by nature and needed her legs bare so she didn’t overheat.

  She synced her phone to the sound system in the boat then downloaded a jazz playlist. Etta James crooned while Breslin spread her towel and sprawled across the long bench at the rear of her boat.

  The stars were bright overhead and Breslin’s mind relaxed for the first time in weeks. The setting was romantic and she wished she could share it with someone. It was life’s little moments that became tomorrow’s precious memories.

  Her phone chimed and her heart skipped a beat. She glanced at the screen and let out the breath she was holding. It was Scott asking for another date. The male was persistent, if nothing else. Too bad he wasn’t the one she wanted by her side.

  She was all kinds of crazy, obsessing over the stupid fire demon. She blamed the mating compulsion. Ever since she let go of the anger she’d clung to, Rhett occupied more and more of her thoughts.

  An image of them having sex flashed into her mind. She recalled the lava flowing in his veins. When he was aroused, it rose to the surface. His translucence skin turned bright orange with the building fire. Their similar powers thrilled and tormented her. Never in her life had she experienced anything like it. It was erotic as hell and her first thought after discovering he was her mate was that the Goddess had picked the perfect match for her.

  The more she thought about Rhett, the hotter she became. She knew better than to go down memory lane, she surmised and fought the heat spreading through her body. She grabbed the hem of her sweatshirt and lifted it over her head, tossing it aside. A slight breeze blew across her inflamed skin, but did nothing to douse her arousal. There wasn’t a soul in sight and Breslin didn’t hesitate to shed the rest of her clothes and jump into the water.

  The frigid temperature shocked her system but didn’t abate her desire. She was a wildfire, burning out of control. Her mating brand howled and Breslin clenched against the agony.

  Kicking her legs, Breslin floated on her back, trying to clear her head. She rested her hands over her stomach and could feel the heat beneath her palms. Her core clenched with need and she was tempted to trail her hand between her legs. It had been too long since she’d felt pleasure and her body yearned for release.

  The sound of a rumbling motor nixed any plans of self-gratification, and Breslin dipped her torso below the surface to hide her nakedness.

  Expecting the craft to pass by, Breslin was shocked when it continued her way.

  “Dammit,” she cursed when her keen eyesight discovered who was behind the wheel.

  “Fancy meeting you here,” Rhett called out before he killed his engine.

  Breslin ignored him and kicked into gear, swimming back to her boat. Her splashes echoed in the still night. Before she reached the ladder, two strong bands wrapped around her middle and pulled her into an embrace.

  “Hello, Flame. Miss me?” Rhett murmured against her ear.

  “Not even a little,” Breslin denied as she wrenched free of his hold and swam swiftly to her boat.

  * * *

  Rhett’s mouth watered and steam rose from the water around him as he watched the vampire princess swim to her boat. Breslin wasn’t typical royalty. She wasn’t bothered by norms and expectations and thumbed her nose at them. She was a conundrum of femininity and ferocity. She loved her heels, jewelry, and nice clothes, but was also comfortable in blood-covered leathers, slashing and ashing skirm.

  A more perfect female didn’t exist. Her ass was sculpted to perfection and begged for his hands. The round globes glowed in the moonlight as she clambered up the small ladder and he nearly propelled himself at her. Her nipples puckered in the night air and her muscular arms rippled as she heaved her body out of the water.

  Her muscular frame was one of the things he loved best. And, then there was the tantalizing glimpse of her sex when she walked across the deck. Fuck. This female had his shaft hard as steel in seconds.

  Rhett’s eyes drank in the health of her body and his chest puffed out. That was his blood running through her veins, feeding her organs and muscles. It was erotic, knowing he was vital to her very survival. She could deny him all she wanted but her body answered to him, and him alone. He would use that to his advantage.

  Swimming in clothes was a challenge and he realized he should’ve removed them before he jumped from his boat. He hoped to have a romantic rendezvous in the water with her and didn’t waste a moment’s time. Unfortunately, that didn’t go as planned. She wanted nothing to do with him.

  As he lifted his body from the water, Rhett noted he didn’t manage it with nearly as much grace as Breslin. His sopping clothes clung to his flesh and his aching cock was pinched with the slightest movement.

  When he reached the deck, he crowded so close to Breslin that he felt her heat burn along his chest. She tossed a glare over her shoulder.

  “Damn, demon. You didn’t think that through, did you? You ruined a nice pair of Versace loafers,’ she muttered and turned to face him, hip cocked to the side.

  She didn’t bother covering her nude body. In fact, she was flaunting it. Rhett had no doubt she was showing him exactly what he missed out on by leaving her.

  “It was worth it to be close to you,” he replied and couldn’t resist her lure any longer.

  He lowered his head and placed a kiss to the side of her neck. Fire sparked with the contact. His palms itched to explore her steamy fl
esh, but he settled for wrapping them around her waist.

  Goosebumps rose along her arms and traveled down her back while a shiver wracked her entire body. He wondered if it was the cool temperature until her fragrant cinnamon and fire scent filled the air and steam emanated from her in a thick, arousal-soaked cloud.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked as she removed his hands from her waist and stepped away. Her amber eyes glowed brightly but she kept her distance.

  “I knew I’d find you here. I heard about the fight and wanted to see if you needed blood.” he explained. He panicked at the horrifying story spreading through the Tehrex Realm and had to see for himself if she was okay.

  “Did Bhric call you?” she snarled as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  The stance pushed up her lush bosom and her nipples were in clear view. Pert and hard, begging for attention. He longed to touch and taste her, and his body was in motion before he realized it. Her palm to his chest stopped him.

  “No. It was all over TRex how the Vampire Prince and Princess saved two children from demons. Several males recounted your bravery and grace under pressure,” he shared with a smile.

  That was his Breslin. She could keep her cool and get an entire platoon in line with ease.

  “Shite. I hate that humans are unaware of the dangers at their front door. We canna do much more to protect them,” Breslin explained and then her gaze softened. “Rhett, we didn’t discuss it before, but I’m sorry aboot your mamai.” The compassion in her gaze held the understanding of such loss.

  “Thank you. I know she’s in a better place and free of suffering but you’re never ready to let them go. Regardless of where my siblings and I were in the Universe, my mother was always our grounding force. She was our glue,” he explained.

  “I miss my parents, especially my mamai, but Zander has been the glue in our family. Losing him would be devastating,” she shared.

  “I should’ve come back to you after she passed but I was lost and confused. I don’t even know where I went. I just took off,” he admitted.

  “Sounds like a classic Rhett move,” she murmured and then quickly said, “Whose boat is that anyway?” changing the subject.

  “I rented it,” he said, using air quotes. “I’ll return it good as new when we’re done.”

  “Then I guess you should get going. We couldna be more done, demon,” she murmured with a tilt of her head as her arms relaxed at her sides.

  “I told you. I came to see if you needed me,” Rhett said.

  “Nay. I doona need anything from you. My brothers or Jace will pay you a visit in the next day or so,” she replied snidely.

  It was the first time he glimpsed the eminence that ran in her veins. She made a statement and expected to be heeded without question. Too bad that wasn’t how he worked.

  “See, I know you’re lying,” he relayed as he took a step closer, mere inches separating their bodies.

  Breslin was unlike any female he’d known. She didn’t back down from his challenge, didn’t cover her nudity despite the tension building between them, and didn’t allow herself to be pushed around or manipulated.

  “You need my blood. You didn’t take nearly enough the other day and no one else can give you what I can,” he murmured against her ear then placed a kiss in the hollow of her throat.

  She swallowed thickly and her body swayed toward his as if being pulled by an invisible magnet.

  “My brothers will force you to give them what I need. I am no’ feeding from you,” Breslin replied with hesitation.

  In the next breath, her hands rose to his chest and rested there. His muscles twitched beneath her palm. He wanted to feel her hand against his bare flesh but didn’t dare remove his sopping shirt for fear of ruining this moment.

  “I told you the only way I’m giving you blood is if you take it from my vein,” he murmured and tapped the pounding pulse along his carotid artery.

  His fire was building to a roaring blaze. No female affected him so deeply, and it was intoxicating.

  “You are an annoying gnat. You think that if I bite you, I will give in and have sex with you. Newsflash…that willna happen. You may have no willpower where females are concerned, but I can say no withoot a problem,” she retorted and leaned into him.

  At first Rhett thought she was caving to her desire until she grabbed his balls and twisted.

  “Mmmm, foreplay. I love it,” he groaned.

  Rather than let go, she wrenched tighter and his heart stuttered. Her grip was enough to remove them with a twist of her wrist but she held back. Fire danced in Breslin’s eyes but it wasn’t hatred. It was passion, raw and unyielding. He tried to hide the affect she had on him but couldn’t mask his desire.

  “You want me to feed from you? No problem,” she growled and bit down so hard Rhett knew it would leave bruises. The force of her bite had his balls drawing up tight and the base of his spine tingling.

  He wasn’t a masochist but Breslin’s touch was incendiary and ignited unknown passion deep inside. Her power reached for his and he recalled their play the last time they came together.

  A split second later, her mouth moved and her throat worked to draw his essence into her body. That was all it took for his orgasm to explode in a rush. He convulsed in her arms as she drank his blood and his hot seed coated his stomach and clothing.

  His hands went to her waist and she shuddered. He slid one palm up while the other dipped south to give her what she so desperately needed. She quickly released his balls and grabbed hold of his hands, stopping any contact.

  “Let me give you what you need,” he coaxed. “You know you want me, baby.”

  Regrettably, her fangs slid from his neck and she pulled away. “Doona baby me. I’m no’ your whore and I want nothing from you. My body aches because of a stupid fucking biological drive. You lost the privilege to enjoy that when you left me. I learned my lesson months ago and will no’ make the same mistake twice. Now get off my boat,” she ordered him.

  “I understand why you are pissed but I deserve another chance, Flame. I’m going to prove that to you,” Rhett promised before he jumped in the lake to make his way back to his boat.

  He was in this for the long haul. His previous actions and reputation were working against him. He finally understood his mom’s words when she told him life was about choices, and that he might live to regret poor decisions. She was right.

  Chapter Eight

  Rhett was on cloud nine and his mind reeled over the fact that Breslin agreed to a date night. In typical Breslin fashion, she dictated, “You have one fucking chance, demon. You will take me to The Melting Pot and I’m no’ talking aboot that human restaurant. Bhric and Alex will join us.”

  Some males would balk at a dominant female, but it was one thing he loved about Breslin. Rhett appreciated that he didn’t have to lead everything or wonder what she was thinking or feeling. Each of the females at Zeum was strong, but none came close to the commanding presence of his Flame.

  Rhett pulled through the iron gates of Zeum and his throat constricted. How would he be received by Zander and her other siblings? The only reason he escaped injury during his last visit was because Breslin needed his blood. He cringed as he recalled how weak she looked then. Her family had every right to hate him.

  He’d always been a selfish male and was okay with that until Breslin came into his life. Now, he was in unfamiliar territory and didn’t know how to act.

  It wasn’t second nature for him to think of others. It was about what he wanted and what felt good for him. So, when Breslin declared they were mates, his philandering side rebelled, and he took off without considering the consequences. It was an asshole move and he regretted it more than anything. The question now was could he make up for the damage he caused between them?

  Breslin, Bhric, and Alex were out the door before he climbed out of his vehicle. It was a relief to not face Zander and the rest yet. He wanted Breslin on his side the next time he
set foot in Zeum. Without her support, Rhett would never mend those fences. Sweat broke across his forehead as he stepped from his vehicle and made eye contact with Bhric.

  The last time he’d seen his best friend, Bhric punched him in the face. Their relationship was always natural and easy, yet now Rhett was uncertain and felt uncomfortable. Thankfully, Breslin broke in and ended the awkward tension of the moment.

  “Bhric, you and Alex take your car. I’ll go with the demon and make sure he doesna try and escape,” Breslin said with a wink.

  Bhric chuckled. “I doona think he’s that stupid, puthair.”

  “I don’t plan on making the same mistakes,” Rhett interjected with a smile as he opened the car door for Breslin. “Are you ready to make some magic?” he asked, meeting her amber gaze.

  Breslin closed her eyes and her body went rigid. She couldn’t deny the pull they felt, and Rhett wasn’t against using their connection to win his case.

  “Aye, I’m anxious to try my hand at blown glass,” Breslin replied, ignoring his heartfelt comment, but he didn’t miss that she trembled when he helped her into the seat.

  Rhett hopped in his Mercedes Sedan and took off. Driving was one of his new favorite past times. They didn’t have cars on Khoth, or his home realm, so he hadn’t experienced anything like it until he arrived in Seattle. He found the speed and maneuverability exhilarating. Bhric let Rhett drive his motorcycle once but he didn’t see the vehicle’s appeal. The seats were uncomfortable and the insects beating at his face and body were annoying.

  They drove in silence with Breslin staring out the window. Rhett groped for something to say but was at a loss for words. The sight of her was intoxicating and he could hardly concentrate on the road. Her muscles were more defined and the dark circles beneath her eyes were completely gone. Another feeding and he bet she’d be at the top of her game.

  The sight of her bare legs was such a distraction. Her denim shorts were close to obscene. If they were any shorter, they’d be panties. And her low-cut t-shirt paid homage to her luscious breasts. His gaze snagged on her cleavage. He wanted to bury his face between them and stay there for days. Just thinking about it made his cock jerk with need.


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