Fire Warrior

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Fire Warrior Page 16

by Trim, Brenda

  Today was the beginning of forever for them and he couldn’t wait to bond in every way with Breslin. And he felt certain he was ready, especially after his quick walkabout to the mountains.

  The last time he made love to Breslin, his demon nearly took control and Rhett felt an urgency to get away and test his fire power. He needed to be confident his inner beast wouldn’t rise to the surface on their Eve of Eternal Union so he took off for a bit.

  Bhric’s massive body plowed into Rhett the second he stepped through the front door. Rhett went flying and barely caught sight of Bhric’s murderous black gaze. His body hit the wall, smashing the sheetrock, and he crumpled to the ground.

  “What the fuck?” Rhett grunted as he grabbed his side. He took a deep breath, and added cracked ribs to his list of injuries from the hot-headed vampire.

  “I warned you, demon. You hurt her again!” Bhric ground out through clenched teeth.

  “What are you talking about? I didn’t do anything. I went on a brief walkabout to center my demon and that’s it. I’m back and ready to get mated, so whatever you think happened, you’re wrong,” Rhett informed his best friend as he climbed to his feet.

  The gnomes came bustling forward to look at the damage to the wall. They shook their heads and cursed as they hurried off to get supplies to repair the destruction. Rhett could see why Zander kept the pesky creatures. Not only did they swear loyalty to Izzy, they seemed happy to tend to daily tasks.

  “You shouldna have come back here, Rhett. Throw him in the dungeons,” Zander barked and Kyran and Bhric rushed forward to grab Rhett by the arms.

  “Get your fucking paws off me,” Rhett yelled as he struggled against their grip. “There’s been a huge misunderstanding. Breslin!” he shouted as he looked to the staircase, hoping she’d come down and explain what the hell was happening.

  “She isna here, arsehole. She left because you broke her heart. Again!” Bhric growled in his ear.

  “I left her a note saying I’d be back,” Rhett replied as his heart galloped in his chest.

  “A fucking note. That’s how you explain yourself to your Fated Mate? That doesna cut it,” Kyran barked and squeezed Rhett’s arm. It felt like he was trapped in a vice with the death grip Kyran had on him.

  He hadn’t done anything wrong this time. He couldn’t change who he was. He hadn’t even been gone a full day, for fucks sake. He needed to find her and talk this through. She needed to understand he would go away from time to time but would always return to her.

  “Where is she?” Rhett demanded.

  “I doona know. She sent me a message from the airport asking me to cancel the ceremony but that was all it said,” Bhric admitted. “Dante hacked into the airline system to find oot where she went but hasna found her alias yet.”

  Rhett’s mind whirred as confusion assailed, followed by a surge of anger at her mistrust in him. He was done being punished for his previous actions. He’d made her a promise and his mate needed to trust him at his word. When he found her, they were going to have a nice long chat about her lack of faith. Rhett wracked his brain, trying to determine where Breslin might’ve gone. Only one place came to mind for him.

  “Tell Dante not to bother. I think I know where she went,” Rhett told Bhric and pinned him with a glare.

  “You better bring her home, demon. I’ll never forgive you if you doona find her,” Bhric answered and released his hold on Rhett.

  Rhett turned and walked out of the house, praying his hunch was right.

  * * *

  Breslin glanced out into the darkness. The pain in her head rivaled the ache in her chest. Her insides were hollow, despite being in the one spot that always lifted her spirits.

  The Zeum carousel was Breslin’s favorite place to visit as a child. She recalled the first time she saw the attraction. Zander arranged an after-hours ride for their family one summer and the moment she spotted the elaborate horses and heard the beautiful music, it sparked something inside and spoke to her soul. In fact, she loved the carousel so much she insisted they name their compound after the famous ride.

  She flew to San Francisco, hoping to forget the brutal despair of losing her mate a second time but the magic of the place eluded her. She cursed Rhett for stealing another great joy from her life.

  Breslin ran her hand over the golden sleigh. The carousel was closed for the night but she snuck on and slipped into one of the carriages, wanting to drown her sorrows. Without the colorful lights and music, the carousel seemed cold and lonely, just like her pathetic life.

  Was this her fate? To be alone for eternity, without a Fated Mate. She sobbed, trying to understand why the Goddess had forsaken her.

  “Thought I’d find you here,” came a familiar male voice, startling her out of her depressing ruminations. She quickly wiped the tears from her face.

  Rhett climbed aboard and sat beside her in the large sleigh. Inches separated their bodies but it might as well have been the Grand Canyon with how disconnected she felt.

  “What are you doing here? Come to tell me you’ve changed your mind aboot our mating? Well, spare me the details and leave me the fuck alone,” she spat and turned away from him.

  Rhett reached over and squeezed her hand. Breslin tried to ignore the way she ignited with his touch. Traitorous body indeed.

  “What am I going to do with you, Flame? I told you I was coming back. Why didn’t you believe me?” he stated and his spicy masculine scent tickled her nostrils.

  “Yeah, well, you doona have a great track record,” she huffed and clenched against the need that sparked with his nearness. Her body knew when her mate was close and her gums tingled, demanding she feed.

  “Bre, I fucked up once. Once. Don’t make me pay for that mistake the rest of eternity. How can you not see how much I love you?”

  Her heart twisted at his words. Goddess, how she wanted to believe that he loved her.

  “Rhett, stop. I canna do this anymore. ‘Tis too painful. Please, just go away,” she insisted.

  “Nope, no can do. We’re getting mated and that’s final,” he ordered and put his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close.

  Breslin tried to scoot away, but Rhett just pulled tighter.

  “Nay, we’re no’ getting mated. I canna be with a male that bails every time things get uncomfortable,” she quipped and met his gaze.

  Fire danced in his orange orbs and she felt a pull to the demon. A connection she wished would burn to ashes.

  “Bre, I didn’t bail this time. I just needed to test my power over this fucking beast that lives within, to make sure I’m still in control. The last time we made love, I felt him stir and it scared the fuck out of me. I told you about the changes demons go through when mated. I’m still worried what will happen on our most important day,” Rhett confessed.

  “You know what? I doona fault you for that. In fact, I completely understand. But, how was I to know that from that stupid note taped to the fucking mirror? It was verra vague, arsehole. You need to talk to me, Rhett. Tell me what’s going on with you. Maybe I can help. But, what I canna tolerate is you leaving withoot explanation. Is that too much to ask?” she bit out, practically yelling at him. Her throat clogged with emotion and she swallowed against the giant lump that formed.

  “Okay, fair enough. But what I need you to understand is that from time to time I will need to get away. I’ve been a loner all my life and I can’t change who I am. Can you accept that about me?” he asked. His tone was sharp and intense, and Breslin saw the seriousness in his gaze.

  His words rang true. Rhett was a fire demon and they were nomads by nature. She couldn’t change that about him no more than he could ask her to stop feeding. She was a vampire and that meant there were aspects that came with the territory. But she didn’t have to accept the way he handled his urges.

  “Have you ever considered asking me to join you?” she countered and felt the tears threatening again.

  No, she thought and willed them awa
y. Breslin refused to show how much she needed him.

  A smile broke across his face and she wanted to punch him.

  “What’s so funny, jackarse?”

  “I’m not laughing at you, Flame. I’m smiling because I’d love for us to take an adventure. Show you the ways of a walkabout. I promise it would be a whole lot of fun,” he said with a wink. “But, please keep in mind, every now and then, I’ll need time to myself. It’s just who I am. But know this. I will always come back to you. You’re my home. My safe room,” he added with a sexy grin then cupped her face with his warm palm.

  Heat raced through her blood at the contact. This male brought her to life like no other.

  “I think we can come to some sort of agreement. Now, doona talk and kiss me,” she said as she climbed into his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Breslin needed this male more than she needed to breathe. When she was in his arms, her world was right.

  “Mmm, my pleasure. But first, I have something for you,” Rhett said and reached into his pocket.

  He pulled out a gold chain with an attached pendant. As he placed the necklace in her palm, Breslin realized the charm was made of blown glass. It was in the shape of a flame, and the vibrant red and orange colors seemed to glow under the moonlight.

  “I know it doesn’t come close to what Angus made for Keira but I wanted you to have something made from my fire,” Rhett admitted.

  Breslin was speechless. It was the most beautiful creation she’d ever seen and it meant everything that it came from her mate’s flames. She would cherish it forever.

  “I love it,” she whispered and met his orange gaze and time stood still as his stare caressed her soul. Only Rhett could ignite her to a burning inferno.

  “And, I love you, Flame,” he confessed.

  “I love you, too,” she replied and his mouth crashed against hers in a fiery kiss that exploded through her entire body.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Breslin glanced at the mirror and took in her reflection. She couldn’t believe this moment had finally arrived. There was a time, not long ago, she didn’t think it was in the cards for her and the fire demon but here she was about to walk downstairs and stand before her brother as he mated them for eternity.

  “Kyran and Bhric have Rhett chained to the altar. He won’t be going anywhere until you’re hitched,” Mack teased as she entered the bedroom.

  Breslin smiled at the feisty female. “Thanks. I’ll be sure and return your chains after the ceremony,” she replied with a wink.

  “Whips and chains don’t excite me but a little spanking sure does,” Mack said and wiggled her hips.

  “No, Auntie Mack. Spankings are bad. It means you’ve been naughty,” Izzy surmised with a scowl across her angelic face.

  “True, Iz, but sometimes being naughty is good,” Mack said with a sly grin and the room erupted with laughter.

  “For the love of the Goddess, would you stop,” Elsie interjected and pinned Mack with a glare.

  “Oops, sorry. Don’t listen to me, Izzy,” Mack replied as she covered her mouth innocently.

  “There. I think we’re all done here. You look incredible, Bre,” Elsie murmured.

  “Thank you,” Breslin replied as she glanced to the mirror again.

  The family crown was pinned perfectly in place. Breslin felt honored to wear the heirloom. Her mother had worn it on her mating day, and so had her brothers’ mates. She smiled as she considered the group of females in the room.

  It meant everything to Breslin to have them with her, supporting her on the most important day of her life. Life had changed drastically in the past few years. It started with Elsie and her sister Cailyn, then Mack joined, followed by Shae and Illianna, then Tori, Ember and Alex. Breslin finally had the big family she’d always dreamed of.

  “Auntie Bre, you need sparklies,” Izzy announced as she danced over with Breslin’s diamond earrings in her hand.

  Izzy appointed herself the sparkle police at a very young age and made sure every female that was mated in the house had the right amount of bling for the occasion. A tear escaped Breslin’s tight control when she considered how close she was to her niece. She loved the little female to pieces.

  “Auntie Bre, I love your necklace. It glows like Uncle Rhett,” Izzy stated as she climbed into Breslin’s lap and touched the pendant around her neck.

  “Thank you, Iz. Maybe we can ask him to make something special for you, as well,” Breslin answered and hugged the little girl.

  Her eyes widened with excitement. “Ooh, I hope so. That would be my most favorite thing ever,” she said as she bounced in her lap.

  “So, how is it that Breslin managed to get away with a small ceremony?” Mack asked as she sipped on her champagne.

  Aside from Breslin, Kyran’s mate was the only female Dark Warrior in the compound. Mack was one of their finest, always at the top of the killboard and Breslin appreciated the no non-sense female. They understood each other.

  “Mack,” Elsie chided and swatted the female on the shoulder.

  Mack shrugged her shoulders. “What? She’s the Vampire Princess. I would’ve expected the entire realm to attend. Even I had to go through a huge ceremony after we returned from Khoth. And I don’t like dressing up,” Mack complained.

  Breslin laughed at her sister-in-law. “As much as I love to plan a party, this day isna aboot all that. Family and our close friends is what’s important to me and I didna want to share it with the world. I guess I’m being selfish but I doona care. I’ve said it a thousand times–"

  “No hearts and flowers,” chimed the group of females.

  “Aye, exactly,” Breslin countered.

  “So, why am I in this dress and heels then?” Mack countered.

  “Torturing you is my greatest joy, puthair,” Breslin teased. “Just because my ceremony isna a formal gathering doesna mean you can wear one of your snarky t-shirts.”

  “Oh, speaking of that, I have a gift for you,” Mack quipped and dashed from the bedroom.

  Moments later, she returned holding a rolled piece of material and handed it to Breslin. Breslin unfolded the fabric to see a black t-shirt with a picture of lips and a tongue. The tongue was shaped to look like a flame and the caption read, ‘I licked it, so it’s mine.”

  “This is perfect. I’ll wear it tonight,” Breslin said and blushed as she imagined Rhett’s reaction when he saw her in it.

  “And, it’s non-flammable, bitch,” Mack replied and gave Breslin a high-five.

  “Okay, Izzy, am I ready?” Breslin asked as she turned to the little princess.

  Her adorable niece looked to her with more concentration than she’d ever seen on her little face. Izzy pursed her lips and put her chin in one hand before she reached over on Breslin’s dressing table and grabbed a large makeup brush. Dabbing the soft puff in the small container, Izzy brushed both of Breslin’s bare shoulders, causing a cloud of glitter to fill the room.

  “Now you’re ready,” Izzy announced with a wide smile.

  Suddenly, butterflies swarmed in Breslin’s stomach and tears threatened to ruin Elsie’s perfect makeup application. Biting back the emotion, Breslin turned to the mirror for one last check.

  She’d been a princess her entire life and had donned countless gowns, but she felt more like a princess today than all others combined. The pale shade of her gold gown complimented her auburn hair and the beaded bodice sparkled when she moved. Her eyes roamed the length of the straight silk skirt to the top of her matching stilettos.

  Yes. She was ready to get mated.

  A small shard of doubt surfaced but she shoved it away. Rhett wouldn’t disappoint her. He proved his love and devotion many times over and she refused to allow insecurities to ruin their night. Besides, she loved Rhett with all her heart and trusted him to be there for her.

  As she made her way from her suite of rooms, Breslin lost her footing and almost fell.

  “Are you okay?” Elsie asked,
rushing to her side.

  Breslin clung to Elsie’s arm long enough to steady herself. The pain in Breslin’s mating brand was a constant twisting of a red-hot poker in her upper chest. She had denied the mating for too long and her body demanded completion.

  “I’ll be better after the blood exchange,” Breslin confessed, and Elsie nodded in understanding.

  She wasn’t sure what she looked forward to most. Being bonded to Rhett in every way or getting rid of the agonizing pain.

  Breslin paused in the patio entryway. Rather than the typical roomful of guests, there were a few dozen attendees. Small and intimate, which was perfect. Rhett met her gaze and his broad smile had her practically running to his side. She was overly anxious to get the show on the road and get to the good stuff. Every cell in her body ached to be joined to her mate.

  As she made her way to Rhett’s side, Breslin waved her hand and lit the surrounding candles.

  “Impatient, Bre?” Bhric asked with a smirk as she approached. Their shared bond told her twin precisely how anxious she was to mate Rhett.

  Bhric stood in the center of the room with Zander and Kyran. With all the matings over the past few years, Breslin was used to seeing them in their formal Scottish attire, but this time it was for her, and they looked especially handsome. She loved her brothers and was so thankful they were present for this day.

  Breslin couldn’t help the sadness that crept in, and wished her mother and father were alive to see her get mated. She sent a silent prayer to the Goddess, hoping they were looking down from Anwynn and watching her ceremony.

  She glanced to her mate, and her heart raced as her mouth watered for a taste. Rhett looked sharp in his tailor-made tuxedo. Her fingers tingled to roam his broad shoulders and muscular chest. His long, brown hair fell across his shoulders and his orange eyes danced with fire.

  The Dark Warrior and Council members stood in a loose circle around her mate and brothers. She nodded to Evzen then smiled at Hayden, glad to see him there. Maybe it was a sign the tensions between the Omega and her brother were a thing of the past. Hayden was a good male to have on their side. He was as big as her twin and a beast in a fight.


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