Dangerous 4

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by Jana Leigh

  The two men came out the door, both of them wounded also. Jazz saw blood on both of them. The cab pulled away before they saw them. Leaning back against the seat she let out a deep breath and then opened her eyes and saw the driver"s wide gaze taking in the scene.

  “I will give you two hundred to step on it and forget you ever saw us.” Jazz said quietly.

  The driver nodded and put his foot on the gas. They made it across New York in record time she thought when they pulled up to the garage her car was housed in. Paying the driver, she positioned herself in between the men and led them into the complex. There was no one in the lobby, so she went to the elevator. None of them said a word. She held them both in a tight grip and allowed them to lean on her.

  Once they got to the floor where her car was parked, Jazz had to let them go in order to dig the keys out of her pockets. Once she had them, she resumed helping them in the direction of her car. Drew whistled when he saw the vehicle.

  “1968 Mustang, in Cherry condition?” He whispered.

  “My dad"s, I have it serviced every year. New engine last year, so we are good. Climb in and I will stow my stuff.” She said and opened the trunk. She placed her bag in, pulled out her purse and then opened the little latch in the floor and pulled out the gun her father had bought all those years ago. She had taken lessons, but never actually shot at anyone. After today, she was certain she would not have a problem with that.

  She shut the trunk and went to the driver"s side. Rex sat in the front and Drew lay in the back. She grimaced as she started the car and said, “Do we need a hospital?”

  “Nope, just a pay phone.” Rex gritted out.

  She dug in her purse and pulled out the cheap phone she bought months ago and said,

  “It"s a burner phone. Use it.”

  Rex nodded and said, “You said you had a plan?”

  “Yep.” She said.

  “Where are we going? You will have two more passengers.” Rex said.

  “Tell them to go to Massena, New York; it is up by the border of Canada. Then to call the cell phone again and I will tell them where to go.” Jazz said and backed the car out of the space she rented.

  Rex nodded and called the only people he knew could help them.


  Jazz drove in silence for an hour before she pulled over at a store, turned to the guys, and asked what they needed. Both were still bleeding and in pain. Rex wrote down a list and gave it to her nodding. She saw the lines around his lips and knew he was trying to suck it up. Drew passed out about ten minutes before so she knew he needed something.

  Jazz ran into the store and grabbed a cart. Going down the list of medical supplies Rex had written she got extra of all of it. Then she grabbed a case of water and a couple boxes of crackers. At the checkout line, she grabbed a lighter and some gum. Paying for the supplies, she hurried out to the car.

  “What do you need now?” Jazz said and stuck her head in the door.

  “Salt, water, gauze, and tape.” Rex said briskly.

  Jazz nodded and handed him the stuff he asked for. She put the rest of the supplies in the trunk and then returned to the driver"s seat. Rex was leaning over the seat and had peeled up Drew"s shirt so he could see the seeping wound. Jazz had never seen a gunshot wound. She really hoped she wouldn"t ever again.

  First, he poured water on it, cleaning it out. Then Drew moaned and opened his eyes.

  Rex looked at him in the eyes and nodded.

  “Do it.” Drew whispered and held his breath.

  Rex poured the salt on the wound and Drew held his lips together, but Jazz knew he wanted to scream. Rex put the gauze on and then taped it up.

  “It will hold you until Bear gets to us.” Rex said and turned around. He unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down. He had been shot in the thigh. He did the same thing to himself and then pulled his pants back up and said. “Let"s go.” Jazz nodded and started the car and said, “That was kinda gross.” Rex laughed and looked at her and said, “Yeah, I can see how you would feel that way.”

  “Just so you know I don"t make a good nurse.” She said.

  “Don"t need one, unless it is the kind that kisses and makes it better.” Rex said.

  “Really, you have a gunshot wound and you are hitting on me?” Jazz said and laughed.

  “No time like the present.” Rex said and put his head back on the seat and closed his eyes.

  Jazz shook her head and said, “What would your friend think about that?”

  “He would say, „good job wooing our woman".” Rex said with his eyes still closed.

  “Your woman? Who said I was your woman?” Jazz said and pulled into traffic.

  “We did. You see, it was just like my friend said. I asked him, what he felt like when he found the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He said it hit him like a ton of bricks, the moment he met her. Drew and I long ago decided that we like sharing women, after a while we talked about what it would be like if we could find one that would fit us both. We had looked, and almost gave up hope, until you walked through that door of the storage room. It was like lightning. So, the way I see it, you are our woman. Drew and I already know.” Rex said as a matter-of-factly.

  “Glad to know that you are planning out my life for me. Do I get a say in who I fuck, or is that already predetermined too?” Jazz said sarcastically. She was gripping the steering wheel because she knew if she let go she would punch the arrogant asshole.

  Rex opened one eye, turned toward her, and said, “Of course, but the only ones you will be fucking is Drew or me, or both of us at the same time. We don"t share that much.” Jazz snorted and clamped her legs together to ease the heat that she felt at thinking about having sex with these two men. She knew they would be amazing in bed. They had that look about them, and if the bulge in their pants were any sign, she would be very happy too.

  Jazz let the subject drop and the car became silent except for the radio that was playing quietly. Before long, she could hear both of the men snoring lightly. She drove and thought about what had happened today.

  So far, she was traveling on adrenalin, but she knew she was going to crash. She just wanted to make it to the cabin before she did. Driving while crying with two men who had gunshot wounds was not really smart. She fought her feelings and finally started thinking about something else. Mostly her past.

  She had been lost when her mom died. For a few short months, she went a little wild, drinking and hanging out with the other dancers at clubs. She had never slept with anyone, thank goodness, but still she had been out of control. Thinking about what Rex had said to her a little bit ago, she blushed. One bumbling sexual experience in the back of her boyfriend"s car had not taken her virginity. They had been caught by his father just before the deed was done. Since then she had not met anyone she wanted to have sex with. Until now. She could imagine what it would be like with these hot men and it made her all tingly.

  As for having a relationship with two men, Jazz did not even think that was possible.

  There would be too much jealousy and fighting. That was something she could not handle. Her dream was to open a dance studio after she made it as a headliner, in a small quiet community. She would have a boring husband and quiet life, nothing like her parents.

  Jazz cleared her mind and focused on the road. Not much longer and they would be there. Jazz needed to call Lily soon. He parents were the ones who owned the cabin.

  They were friends with her parents; in fact, Lily and Jazz had grown up together until they entered high school. That was when Lily"s parents moved up to Massena, NY.

  Before then they had been neighbors, and her parents and Lily"s had been best friends.

  When her father died, it had been like a slap in the face and Lily"s parents could not handle it. They had known about what was going on and wanted to help her parents. , but when Digrossi showed up and killed her father, they had feared for themselves and moved.

  Jazz did not blame them
at all, but she did miss her friend. Last year she received a card that Lily"s parents died in a car accident. She had wanted to come up here then, but her career was just taking off. Instead, she had called weekly and made sure Lily was okay.

  She was still quiet and shy, just like when they were kids.

  Jazz had been her protector from the bullies of the school and in turn, Lily had kept all of her secrets. She was glad that she still had that connection. Lily and she still talked every week, but she had not told her about what was going on. She would probably be pissed that Jazz was bringing this shit back to her doorstep, but she didn"t have anywhere else to go. She only hoped that Rex and Drew had some really good friends.

  Maybe they would be able to protect her too.

  Putting it off long enough, Jazz grabbed the phone from the seat beside her and dialed the number of her friend. It rang a few times and Jazz worried her friend would not be at home. Maybe she was at work. Lily was a librarian for the town of Massena. Jazz was about to call information when Lily answered the phone out of breath.

  “Hello?” Lily said panting like she had been running for the phone.

  “Hey, Lily.” Jazz said happily.

  “Jazz? Hey, give me a second, the door is open. I was just bringing in groceries.” Lily said and before she could answer, she heard the phone clatter on the counter. Lily was a bit of an air head.

  She patiently waited while she heard her friend rustle around in the background. Soon her friend came back to the phone and said, “Whew, sorry Jazz. Okay, what"s up?”

  “Lil, I am on my way up there. I have a little situation down here and need a place to stay for a while. Is the cabin open?” Jazz asked mentally crossed her fingers.

  Lily knew about Digrossi and the rest of the mess her parents had been involved in.

  When she discovered the papers, it was Lily she called to talk to about what to do. Her friend then encouraged her to go to the police. It really surprised Jazz, since Lily was a quiet shy girl who generally buried her head in the sand about the real world.

  Jazz had yet to figure out why her friend had such a hatred for Digrossi. She may know about the past, but when Jazz talked to her, it seemed like there was something she didn"t know about the situation.

  “Yep. Just cleaned it out too.” Lily said seriously. “How long do you need it? I have not made any reservations, but you know how it is, hunters just stop by. I will hang the „no vacancy" sign out. So what"s up?” Lily asked.

  “I will explain when I get there.” Jazz said quietly. “About thirty minutes. Do you think you could run back to the store for me?”

  “On it, see you then. Come to the big house first.” Lily said and hung up.

  Jazz smiled and thought of the little woman who was probably running around her house trying to get things ready for her. Jazz looked at her passengers and wondered how the meek little woman would handle being descended upon by the men Rex called.

  She pulled into the small town a little while later and smiled. This was where she would love to build a dance studio. It would be the perfect place. Close enough to New York to stay in tuned with the industry, yet far enough away she would be able to teach young and non-diva girls. When she was in school, the drama had been terrible. Some days she wanted to scream because of the attitudes that would fly.

  She noticed a few empty buildings and smiled. Her dream may be coming sooner than she thought. If she were not going to be able to go back to the stage, she would stay here and open shop. Jazz was sure that her friend would let her live in the cabin.

  “Hey, guys.” Jazz said loudly. “We are almost there. Can you guys get up?” There was no response and Jazz began to worry that she and Lily were going to have to figure out a way to carry these huge men into the house.

  The phone beside her buzzed and she looked at the caller id. It was not a number she recognized and almost did not answer it. , but then she remembered that Rex had called friends.

  “Hello?” She said hesitantly.

  “Who"s this?” She heard a gruff and brisk voice say to her.

  “I would feel better if you tell me who you are.” Jazz replied and waited.

  After a few seconds, she heard a chuckle and then, “This is Bartholomew Kendrick, otherwise known as Bear, my partner Trent is with me and we are in Massena. Just need directions to your location.”

  Jazz breathed a sigh of relief and then said, “Where exactly are you?”

  “Sitting in front of the Post office.” He replied.

  “I am coming around the corner as we speak. Mustang, follow me. Your friends are unconscious.” She said quickly, turned the corner, and saw a full sized Hummer fall in behind her. „Ummmm, overcompensation?" She thought. Well if they were anything like Drew and Rex, it was more like that was the only car that would fit them. Both of the men in her car were contorted to try to be comfortable.

  “Got ya.” He-man said and hung up.

  Jazz followed the road and drove to the west of town. She saw Lily"s mailbox and turned down the long driveway. It was the thing that had drawn her parents to this place.

  There was no one around for miles. On the land stood a huge main house, and the two other smaller cabins. They had joked when they were small about the cabins because that was not really the correct name for them, since both of them were bigger than their houses growing up. Jazz always wondered where Lily"s parents got the money to buy this nice estate. Shaking the thought from her mind, Jazz pulled to the back of the main house and smiled. It did feel a little like coming home. She knew she would be safe here.

  Her father had loved this place, and would bring her and her mother up here every year to spend time. When her mom had to go back to work, they remained. It had been the most wonderful time in her life. She often told her parents she wanted to move up here.

  At the time, a nice older couple had run the place. They were always happy to watch the girls or make sure the cabins were stocked.

  Lily came running out the back door and jumped in place until Jazz got out of the car and the smaller woman grabbed her in a tight hug.

  “Thank goodness you got here okay. I was getting worried.” Lily whispered and then let her go and looked around at the men who had gotten out of the Hummer and were grabbing huge bags. “Who are they?” She whispered again.

  “Lily, I will explain it all, which cabin are we in?” Jazz said.

  “The one right there, closest to the house.” Lily pointed to cabin that her parents had always rented. It was only about fifty feet from where they were standing and Jazz nodded and called over her shoulder. “Leave your car and follow over here.” Jazz got back into the car and pulled closer to the steps of the cabin. The larger men came trotting behind her and she smiled. They had to have been in the military at one time or another. Lily walked a little slower behind watching everything that was happening.

  When she parked, she ran up the stairs, opened the front door, and stuck her head in.

  Everything looked in place and she turned and yelled at the men who were gathering Drew and Rex from the car. “Bedrooms are to the left, there is one with a connecting bathroom. Probably best for now.”

  The largest man she had ever seen smiled and nodded before pushing past her, carrying Drew in his arms. She watched as he went into the first room. Then the second man followed, he was just as big, but did not look as imposing. He took Rex into the room next door.

  After a minute, the large man came out for the bags that they had brought. He said nothing, disappeared back into the room, and closed the door.

  Lily finally came up the stairs and Jazz grabbed her arm and took her into the kitchen to make some coffee. Lily followed without making a sound, although she could feel the questions coming from her friend.

  Lily pushed her in a chair, went about making coffee, and pulled some things out of the refrigerator. She watched silently as her friend arranged some snacks on a plate and then poured her a cup of coffee. She brought it all to the tab
le before she poured herself a cup and came and sat down looking at Jazz expectantly.

  “Hi Lily.” She said quietly, not sure where to start.

  “Hi Jazz, how"s it going?” Lily said quietly and Jazz laughed. Leave it to her friend to be calm and collected when Jazz showed up with four men, two of them shot, all of them gorgeous.

  “Lil, it seems the past has finally caught up to me. Digrossi is looking for me; those guys are with the FBI and were looking for me too. I guess everyone wants to talk to me. You know I went to the FBI with the documents.” She said and Lilly nodded not saying a word.

  “Well, I did not give them my real address. I guess they wanted more details so they sent people to look for me. Today while at an audition, I got a call from my neighbor saying there were two men looking for me. After the audition, when I was leaving, two of Digrossi"s goons asked me if I knew where Jasmine Tucker was. I knew the jig was up. I was planning on calling you and coming up here by myself to hide out. I went to the storage locker and Drew and Rex, the agents were there. After they told me that I was needed to testify, I figured that I could get away from them. When we came out of the storage room, the two guys from the audition were there. They shot at each other and here we are. I honestly don"t know what the hell is going on. I just knew I needed a safe place to be.” Jazz said and the tears finally started to fall. All the stress and scared feelings came pouring out.

  Lily stood up, came to her and held her while she cried, about her father, about her mother, and about the mess she was in. Jazz had never been one to feel sorry for herself. She always just found a way to deal with life. This time she could not do it alone.

  When the tears finally stopped, she sniffed and smiled up at Lily. “It is really good to be here.”

  “Okay, so first things first. Who are the guys with the FBI?” Lily asked.


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