Winning his Heart

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Winning his Heart Page 9

by Lara Van Hulzen

  Franchesca looked up from hers and laughed. “I have a feeling those are Noelle’s words, not Wes’s.”

  “I can guarantee you that my brother has never once talked about a meeting and deemed it fun.”

  Her laughter echoed through the all but empty coffee shop. “He’s such a great guy. But Mr. Business, for sure. I wonder what they want us there for. And why me? I’m not family.”

  “Sure you are. You’re Noelle’s closest friend and a big part of Annalise’s life.” He hesitated before continuing. “And mine.”

  The blush that rose in her cheeks made it evident his comment had hit its mark, even though she tried to tamp down her smile. Although he feared acting on his attraction to her, she was important to him, a fact he wanted her to know.

  “We’d better go see what’s up.” She stood and placed her purse on her shoulder.

  “Do you want to drive together?” The desire to be near her was becoming constant.

  “I would love to, but I’m watching Annalise this afternoon while you work with Wes and then I have to get back to my classes. I wouldn’t want you to have to drive me back into town later.”

  “It’s no trouble. I planned on coming into town with Annalise later anyway.”

  She didn’t answer right away and his heart skipped a bit. He was like an eager school kid wanting desperately for the girl he liked to say yes to walking her home.

  “Sounds good.”

  He nodded, not trusting his words. He held the door of the coffee shop open for her and did the same at his car that was parked on the curb. They settled in and he revved the engine and headed toward home.

  It was a quiet ride. One with two people who enjoy being near one another but don’t always have to talk. Somewhat rare, really, for Franchesca, but a few sideways glances her way told Mike she was fine. Funny how he could read her so well already.

  They pulled into the drive. All six garage doors were up, each one holding a space for all the St. Claires’ cars. Mike pulled into his spot and cut the engine.

  “The suspense is killing me,” Franchesca said.

  “Really?” Mike got out and came around to open her door for her. As he took her hand to help her out he said, “You’ll get used to it. This family is full of surprises.”

  He appreciated the fact that she kept her hand tucked in his as they entered the house. “And the surprises get old to you?”

  “I didn’t say that. I’ve just learned to wait and see.”

  They entered the kitchen of the St. Claire mansion, the massive size of the space overwhelming to Franchesca every time she stepped in. She stopped in the doorway, the heat of Mike’s body behind her, so close she could feel his chest against her shoulder blades, one of his hands on her waist. A protective gesture almost, and she wasn’t sure why.

  Sitting on barstools at the island were Wes and Noelle. Nearby stood Daniel St. Claire, the patriarch of the family. Franchesca had met him the first time she’d come to take care of Annalise. He was more or less an older version of Wes. Nearby was another guy who looked familiar to Franchesca, but she couldn’t quite place him.

  “It really is a family meeting.” Mike moved around her and went to hug the man beside Daniel. He then turned to Franchesca. “This is my younger brother, Lucas. Lucas, this is Franchesca.”

  She moved into the room and shook the hand he held out to her. “It’s nice to meet you, Francesca. I’ve heard a lot about you.” He winked.

  Her heart rate sped up. What had he heard exactly? She avoided Mike’s eyes, aware that any attention given to him in that moment would feed any curiosity the family might have about the two of them. “All good, I hope.”

  “Of course. You’re all Annalise talks about.” He tucked his hands into his pockets, a casual grin on his face. He was by far the most relaxed of the St. Claire brothers. Wes was all business clothes and never failed to look like he’d stepped out of GQ magazine. Mike was more casual, but was a cross between Banana Republic and the Gap, depending on the day. Lucas? Well, he had the jeans, boots, button down shirt and a look that said, “I could ride a horse or take you out dancing, you pick.”

  Franchesca liked him immediately. In some respects, he reminded her of her dad. But she had to admit that a charming cowboy sandwiched in with the rest of the St. Claire men was a surprise. Pleasant, but unexpected.

  “So are you the ‘fun’ in the ‘fun family meeting’?” Mike teased Lucas.

  “Always, Brother.” Lucas smacked him on the back as brothers do and took a seat beside Wes.

  “We’re just missing McKenna.” Mike pulled a barstool out for Franchesca, then stayed standing behind her as she scooted up close to the kitchen island.

  “I tried to reach her, but she’s somewhere near Machu Picchu right now,” Daniel offered.

  “Geez. I was kidding. Is everything ok?” Mike looked at his dad and siblings. Franchesca was beginning to get a little nervous herself.

  “You said in your text that everything was fine,” Franchesca offered in hopes to relieve Mike’s mind, as well as her own.

  “I was coming to town to visit anyway, although I’d only just decided. I called Wes to check in about using the plane. He said he and Noelle were on their way home from a getaway weekend and let me catch a ride with them.”

  “I totally forgot you guys had gone away this weekend.” Franchesca turned to Noelle and only then noticed how quiet she was, her hands folded in her lap. She avoided eye contact but a small smile on her face told Franchesca something was up and it wasn’t bad.

  “Yeah. Did you have a nice time?” Mike asked Wes, who had also been suspiciously quiet. The man was reserved, but not mute.

  Wes left his barstool to stand behind Noelle. “Well, we have some news.”

  Franchesca put her hands to her face, knowing full well what was going on before Wes said a word. Not wanting to spoil the moment though, she stayed silent.

  “We got married!” Noelle held out her left hand that she’d kept hidden, a gigantic diamond on her ring finger.

  Congratulations were given, hugs, handshakes, and pats on the back. The men stood together talking while Franchesca and Noelle leaned their heads together to look at Noelle’s ring.

  “It. Is. Amazing.”

  “I know, right?” Noelle was glowing from head to toe. “I told Wes I wanted something simple. This is his definition of simple.”

  She giggled. The woman actually giggled.

  “Hmmm. Simple. I’d love to see his definition of dramatic.”

  Both women laughed.

  “It’s four karats. I told him I would wear it as often as possible, but when I teach I don’t want to whack some poor child in the head on accident. I’ll wear the wedding band then and leave the diamond in the safe at home.”

  The wedding band was nothing to sneeze at either. The band of the engagement ring as well as the wedding ring were alike in that each one was set in white gold and had small diamonds set all the way around each band.

  “Both rings are gorgeous. I’m so happy for you!” Franchesca hugged her friend once more.

  “So what made you two love birds decide to elope?” Lucas looked to Wes and Noelle.

  Wes had taken his place near Noelle again. “I asked her if she wanted a big wedding and she said no.”

  “With my family gone, I don’t know. I just wanted it to be us.” She reached up to grasp Wes’s hand that he’d placed on her shoulder. “I talked to my sister, Holly. I didn’t want her to feel left out, but she was supportive. Said we would throw a big party when Wes and I got back. She understood.”

  Wes leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Noelle’s forehead.

  Their love was contagious. A tangible feeling that buzzed through the room. Franchesca avoided Mike’s eyes. One look into those gorgeous pools of brown of his and she wouldn’t be able to control herself. She’d grab and kiss him in front of everyone.

  “I’ll go get the champagne,” Daniel offered and disappeared into the
pantry that was the size of Franchesca’s living room and kitchen combined.

  “I’m pleasantly surprised,” Lucas said. “I can see the positive influence that you are already on my brother, Noelle.”

  “You want to explain what that means, Luc?” Wes’s tone was quiet but his demeanor reminded Franchesca of a bird with ruffled feathers.

  “Relax. I just mean that I would think you’d want a big New York fancy to-do, complete with a huge billboard announcement that you are off the market.”

  Wes scoffed. “You know I’m extremely private.”

  “True,” Lucas nodded. “But oh, the countless broken hearts around the world now. Whatever will all those ladies do now that Wesley St. Claire is off the market?” Lucas put a hand over his heart in a dramatic fashion.

  Noelle laughed and slapped his arm. “Stop it.”

  Lucas grinned. “It’s true.”

  “Are you saying there’s some harem somewhere I need to know about?”

  “Of course not.” Wes’s voice was beyond ruffled now and had moved to almost irate with his little brother.

  Franchesca stifled a laugh. The family banter was too much fun. She noticed Mike didn’t jump in, however, his mind somewhere else.

  “Well, that’s good to hear.” Noelle leaned into Wes and smiled. “And Lucas, you have my permission to put up a billboard. Wes is absolutely off the market and I’d like the world to know it.”

  Lucas did a slight bow toward Noelle. “Consider it done.”

  Noelle and Franchesca laughed as Daniel returned with a bottle of champagne and glasses. He opened it and poured, handing each person a flute for the toast.

  “To Wes and Noelle.”

  They all raised their glasses at Daniel’s words and took a sip. The liquid slid down Franchesca’s throat, the sensation matching her emotions. Bubbling joy from within.

  Mike set his glass down on the counter. “I’m going to go check on Annalise.”

  “She’s playing in her room. Glenna is in there cleaning so she’s not alone.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  Mike nodded to Franchesca who did the same in return, a silent check-in with one another. Not as if he had any reason to do so, but she appreciated it anyway. He never treated her as a hired hand. Ever. He was as great a friend to her as Noelle. But she had to admit, the way they sensed things about one another was intriguing, if not a bit unsettling. She still didn’t know how to define their connection, but was beginning to not fear it so much.

  Something about Wes and Noelle’s announcement had upset him. He was happy for them, she could tell, but was it the subject of marriage? Did it make him miss Anna? She couldn’t fault him for that. Losing a spouse was something Franchesca was unable to wrap her head around, especially at their age. But it was a reminder of all he still carried emotionally. Falling for Mike meant carrying all of that as well. Was she ready for that?

  “You okay?” Noelle leaned toward her and placed a hand on her knee.

  “Oh, yeah. Absolutely.” Franchesca hugged her friend once more. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Thanks. One day I’ll be happy for you too in this situation.”

  Franchesca pulled back and laughed. “Let’s not rush things, friend. I’ve got plenty of time.”

  But did she want time or was she ready to take the risk and move forward? That was the true question.

  Chapter Twelve

  Mike looked out the window of his suite. He’d come to check on Annalise, only to find she’d fallen asleep on the floor of her room, buried beneath about fifty stuffed animals. One of her favorite games was to play zookeeper. He’d found her many times before in the same position, curled up with everything from stuffed alligators to zebras as friendly faced pillows.

  Since he was there, Glenna had moved on to the next part of the house. As he watched a bird return to its nest in the large tree just outside, he was thankful, yet again, for all the help he had with his daughter. The single dad gig was far from easy. Sure, his family might treat him with kid gloves, but he had a family who cared about him, cared about his daughter. That was something he’d never take for granted.

  He tucked his hands into his front pockets, glad to have a few moments to himself. It wasn’t as if he weren’t happy for Wes and Noelle. And he hadn’t been all that surprised when Wes said they’d eloped, but after Anna’s death, he realized how often someone said they had news and he assumed the worst. He hated that. Death made him a pessimist. Something he’d never been before.

  To be relieved that marriage was the big announcement didn’t feel right. He should be excited, and deep down, he was. But the up and down of fearing the worst, hearing the best, then having to recover took its toll on his emotions.

  After his conversation with Franchesca over coffee, mixed with Wes and Noelle’s obvious love for one another, Mike needed some air. Having Franchesca right there with all the matrimonial merriment around, he couldn’t think straight. They’d agreed getting involved wasn’t the best idea for either of them, but that didn’t keep images of Franchesca in a white gown walking toward him from entering his mind. Quiet nights by the fire, her feet in his lap while she told him about her day. Yeah. He’d thought of it all. Then run like a coward from the room, using Annalise as an excuse.

  “There you are.”

  He turned to find the woman of his thoughts, of his dreams, standing a few steps away. So lost in the mental wrestling match with himself, he hadn’t heard her come in.

  “Hey.” He turned to her and leaned his shoulder against the window frame.

  “You were right.”

  “I was?”

  “There aren’t too many dull moments when it comes to your family.”

  He laughed. “I warned you.”

  She moved closer, a mere few steps away and leaned as well against the other side of the window frame. “I’m happy for them.”

  “Me too.”

  “Were you surprised?”

  He looked out the window then back to her. “A little. I agree with Lucas. I would’ve thought Wes would have wanted a big New York ceremony.”

  “Your dad threw me a bit of a curve ball as well.”

  “He did?” Mike filed fast through his head all the things his dad could have talked to Franchesca about, none of them landing. Was he matchmaking with them the way he had with Wes and Noelle? It was no secret as to why he’d signed Wes up for the Bachelor Bake Off. His father could be cunning when he wanted to be, but that one was so obvious, everyone saw it. Well, everyone but Wes until cupid had struck him and Noelle between the eyes.

  “I was talking to him about my acting background and he said he could get me an audition in New York if I wanted one. He’s very well connected, that father of yours.”

  “Yes. He is.” Although that conversation made sense to Mike and he was somewhat relieved his father wasn’t meddling in his love life, irritation crept in. If Franchesca got a great job in New York, she’d be out of his life and Annalise’s. That thought rattled him.

  In fact, the idea began to chip away at his reservations about them being together. He was doing his best to convince himself that putting his heart on the line was too risky, and yet the thought of Franchesca leaving made any rationale he had fly out the window.

  “He said to just let him know and it was a done deal.”

  “Is that what you want?” Dread flooded his system at the question, but he had to know the answer. If her dream was to live in New York and be a full-time actress, he wouldn’t stand in her way, feelings or not.

  She took a deep breath in and let it out. “I don’t know.” She looked out the window, leaning her head against it. “I got pretty excited when he mentioned it, but I have my mom to think about now. I may put the cottage up for sale and move into an apartment. Maybe room with Holly, I don’t know.”

  The pile of unknowns in her life matched his.

  “Your mom is settling in well at May Bell House. You could always come visit her.”r />
  What are you doing St. Claire? You’re all but pushing her away.

  Was that what he was doing? Or was he making sure to ask the questions he knew she needed to answer before making the right decision for herself?

  “That’s true.” She looked at him again. “Part of me wants to do it, just to see how it goes. See if I could nail a great audition.” She shrugged and crossed her arms in front of her. “But another part of me knows there’s a lot to stay here for. A lot that I love.”

  His eyes dropped to the floor, unable to meet her gaze. As she’d said the word “love” his heart rate shot through the roof. Could she have meant him? No. She had close friends, her mom, her studio. There’s no way she could have fallen for him already.

  “I don’t know. We’ll see. Your dad said whenever, if ever.”

  He nodded and looked at her once more.

  “You okay? You seemed a bit off with Wes and Noelle’s announcement.”

  How she read him so well, he didn’t know, but he liked it. He liked it a lot. “I was hoping it wasn’t obvious.”

  “It wasn’t.” She tilted her head and smiled. “But I noticed.”

  That she did. She noticed everything about him. Sensed when he was upset, when he needed something. Man, he missed that. Missed it in the worst way.

  “It made you think of Anna.”

  It was weird hearing Franchesca say Anna’s name. What would Anna think of it, of him having feelings for another woman? Her memory was like another person in the room sometimes. Would it always be that way?

  However, he didn’t sense her there now.

  And Franchesca hadn’t asked him a question. It was a statement. She’d nailed it. Yes. Wes and Noelle’s elopement had made him think of Anna. But he wasn’t quite ready to admit to Franchesca that it had made him think more of her holding a bouquet of flowers and vowing to love him for life. And that image had scared him more than mourning his wife.

  “I’m happy for them.” It was the best he could come up with in response.

  “Of course you are. But that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t make you think of all you’ve lost.”


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