A Christmas Carol In Romance (Christmas In Romance Book 5)

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A Christmas Carol In Romance (Christmas In Romance Book 5) Page 1

by Franky A Brown

  Christmas in Romance Series Book 5


  Franky A. Brown

  Copyright ©2018 Franky A. Brown

  Pink Palmetto Press


  ISBN: 9781723928970

  Cover art by Shanna Hatfield

  Edited by Kelsey Bryant


  Merry Christmas to my family near and far.

  God bless you. Everyone.

  Chapter One

  Andy McKay sat in the studio of the KROM radio station, drumming his fingers on the desk and staring at the note in front of him. He knew the handwriting better than his own, but the person who wrote it had been out of his life for nearly a year. What on earth would she want to write him a letter about? Handwritten letters were so rare these days. It had sat there on the desk for a full week while he debated with himself whether to toss it out or to actually read it.

  Andy pushed it to the side. The song playing was almost finished, and he was going back on the air in a matter of seconds. He prepared to hit the button as the door swung open.

  In came his lively little Scottish grandmother, Mary. She waltzed in as if she owned the station. “Good morning, Andrew.”

  “Granny, I’m about to go back on the air…” He gestured to the switchboard in front of him.

  “Good, I’ve an announcement to make about the play.”

  “Right now?”

  Granny Mary, at eighty-two years old, was as enthusiastic as ever about Christmas. She had directed the annual community production of A Christmas Carol for the town of Romance every year for as long as he could remember. It was her own stage adaptation of the Dickens novel.

  Granny pulled up a chair beside him and adjusted her hat. “There’s just a wee bout of ice here and there, but no snow for Christmas. It’s certainly pure Baltic out there.”

  Jack, the producer, stuck his head in the door. “Andy, what’s up? Get on the air.”

  Andy flipped the switch. He couldn’t believe he’d missed his cue to go back on.

  “Hey, sorry for the delay, that was Taylor Swift’s newest single, and I am AJ McKay with 96.1 KROM, the Beaver Jam.”

  Granny poked him in the side and he winced.

  “Folks, we have a special Christmas announcement from Mary McKay.”

  He moved the microphone in her direction and she eagerly took it. “Hallo, all. Christmas is comin’ round again and it’s time for our town’s lovely tradition of A Christmas Carol. It has always been at the high school in the past, but this year it will be performed at the Esmerelda Theater on Douglass Road, Saturday, December twenty-second. It’s going to be brilliant. Thanks to our generous sponsors, ticket sales will benefit the homeless shelter. They are on sale now at the Esmerelda, and at everyone’s favorite radio station, the Beaver Jam. You can get them from me sweet angel grandson, Andrew James.”

  She patted him on the shoulder, then pulled a wad of tickets out of her bag and handed them to him.

  “He was the sweetest lad as a wee one, so do forgive him for being such a grouch.”

  “Granny!” Andy took back the mic and sighed. “That’s my granny, everybody. Be sure to get your tickets before they’re gone. Mary McKay always puts on a fantastic production.”

  Granny poked him again. “I need you to play young Scrooge.”

  Andy widened his eyes and turned on another song before turning back to her. “What?”

  “My young Scrooge dropped out unexpectedly, and I need someone who knows all the lines.”

  Andy held out his hands. “I don’t know all the lines.”

  “You played old Scrooge a few years back.”

  “That was my dad, Granny.”

  “Was it?” She squinted as she thought. “Aye, you’re probably right. You two look so alike. Your dad needs a break after his knee surgery. Wally Schwartz is playing old Scrooge this year; he has most of the lines. You’d be perfect, Andrew. Really. You only have a few scenes where the Ghost of Christmas Past takes old Scrooge to see his younger self. It would help you find some Christmas cheer.”

  Andy’s lip twisted. “Playing a guy who hates Christmas?”

  “Young Scrooge didn’t hate Christmas, he had a rough go of things when he was a lad. And, of course, his older self learns to love Christmas. You know the story. It’s precisely what you need.”

  “Why are you telling everyone listening I’m grouchy? Have I been that unpleasant?”

  “You’ve been so bitter since Cassie left you. I haven’t forgotten about the ‘Romance Is Dead’ segment on your show.”

  “That was back in February, Granny. The listeners loved it; it was hilarious.”

  “And you didn’t come over to have some of my famous clootie dumpling. You don’t have a Christmas tree up in yer apartment, you grumbled when yer mum asked ya about Christmas dinner, and ya haven’t played a single Christmas song on the radio yet. Thanksgiving has been over for three days now, Andrew. What can ya be waiting for?”

  Christmas in Romance always began mid-November. But the afternoon DJ had been playing Christmas tunes on and off since Halloween.

  Andy sighed and rubbed his forehead, feeling defeated. “Okay, Granny. I’m sorry I’ve been grumpy.”

  Granny wrapped both of her little arms around him and held him tightly as he remained in his chair. She was only taller than him while he sat. She patted him on the head and stepped back to meet his eyes. “I need you to come to rehearsal on Wednesday night. We’re rehearsing at the high school auditorium. It wasn’t available for the night of the play, but the Esmerelda will be fantastic.”

  “Granny, I really don’t…”

  “Gracious, I’ve got to go, dear one.” Granny gave him a kiss on the forehead, snatched up her bag, and shuffled out.

  Andy made sure a few more songs would play, then placed his forehead against the desk. There was no way to refuse Granny.

  He slid his hand to the side and fingered the letter he couldn’t decide whether or not to open.

  Sure he was grumpy about Christmas this year. Last Christmas the love of his life refused his proposal and told him she needed adventure in her life and it wasn’t to be found in their small Oregon town. She’d declared long-distance relationships never worked and off she went. The colorful lights, the smell of Granny’s Christmas treats, the sounds of jingle bells everywhere he went…it all reminded him of Cassie.

  Chapter Two

  Cassie Winston sat in the lobby of Romance’s local radio station and nervously tapped her heeled shoe on the tile floor. The book she’d spent months writing rested in her sweaty hands.

  The front door opened and a rush of cold air hit Cassie in the face, causing her to shiver. A middle-aged woman walked in. “Can I help you, miss?”

  Cassie stood, clinging more tightly to the book as the woman took off her thick coat and walked to the reception desk.

  “I apologize, I’m late this morning.” The woman smiled and Cassie took in a deep breath.

  “My agent has me scheduled for an interview on the morning show.”

  “Oh, yes, you must be Miss Loveless. My name is Cindy. AJ is expecting you.”

  “AJ?” Cassie’s throat tightened and her mouth went dry. “I thought the morning show was Mornings with Mindy…”

  “Mindy isn’t with us anymore. The new morning show is Good Day with AJ McKay.” The woman took Cassie by the arm as her heart pounded out of control. Cindy led her into an office where the producer, a graying matter-of-fact man, greeted her and gave her a list of questions she might be asked, then led her toward the broadca
st room. Cassie followed, unsure of anything the man had said to her. She didn’t even recall what he’d said his name was.

  Cassie’s emotions were a mixture of anxiety and longing. AJ McKay was her ex-boyfriend, Andy. When they’d broken up he’d been the afternoon DJ She wanted to do a radio interview, and very much wanted to see Andy to ask if he’d read the letter she’d sent, but being interviewed on his new morning show wasn’t what she had in mind. He probably had no idea it was her he was expecting, since she was using a pen name. She’d pictured doing the interview, then peeking into his office to see if he was willing to talk.

  Now he would feel blindsided and be even less likely to want to talk to her. Her life hadn’t been the same without him, despite her adventures chasing her dreams around the world.

  The producer waited until the sign above the door signaled AJ was off the air, then opened the door and walked in. Cassie tried to hide behind the large man, but he stepped to the side, held out a chair for her, and gestured for her to sit. “Andy, this is your guest, author C. W. Loveless.”

  Andy’s eyes bugged out when he saw her. He pulled off his headphones, leaving his dark hair tousled. “Cassie? What are you doing here?”

  Cassie rubbed the back of her neck and pulled the book toward her chest. She could only imagine what Andy had been saying about her since she’d left.

  “She’s your guest this morning. Remember the book I gave you?” The producer slapped Andy on the shoulder. “Come on, man. Get with it this morning.” Then the producer hurried out of the room.

  They sat in silence for several seconds, neither one making a sound, both staring at the switchboard in front of them.

  “Congratulations on getting the morning show,” Cassie squeaked out, keeping her eyes forward.

  Andy turned to her and stared until she peered at him from the corner of her eyes. “You’re the author of that book? Jack has been raving about it. He’s actually planning a trip to Europe now. Seriously, Cassie? What are you doing here?”

  Cassie turned in her chair and faced him. “I’m sorry, Andy. I did want to talk to you, but not like this. I thought Mindy would be interviewing me this morning. I had no idea.”

  “How could you know? You’ve been gone a while.”

  Cassie met his eyes, the smooth caramel ones that stole her heart. “I’ll go if you want me to, Andy.”

  “You said you came here wanting to talk to me? Is it about whatever is in this letter?” Andy shoved an envelope across the table at her and she took it.

  “You didn’t read it?”

  “What can you possibly have to say to me, Cassie?”

  “I apologized for leaving and explained why.”

  “You told me why to my face, remember? I need space. Does that sound familiar?” Andy turned to look at his computer screen, then watched the numbers counting down on a digital sign. “We can’t talk about this now, we’re on in five seconds.”

  He placed a microphone in front of her and hit a few buttons on the switchboard in front of them.

  “We’re back with our guest this morning, local author C. W. Loveless. Her book is…” He reached for a copy of her book on the other side of his computer. “My Heart’s Journey: Travels through Europe and Asia.”

  Andy pressed his lips together tightly in a pained expression. He laid the book down in front of him, then looked at her, making her heart tremble. “Tell us about it, Miss…Loveless.”

  “It’s about my adventures abroad. I traveled all over Europe and Asia writing for Travel There magazine. The book is a compilation of everything I learned.”

  Andy’s jaw was tight, and Cassie’s stomach twisted in a knot. This was a mistake. Talking about her travels without him would only pour salt in the wound.

  “It’s filled with travel tips, hotel and restaurant recommendations…” Yet she wondered if she could use this for something good. Could she appeal to him this way?

  “I made a lot of mistakes in my life. This journey gave me time for plenty of introspection.”

  Andy raised his eyebrows at her, but she pressed on. “It was incredible, all the places I went, people I met. I journaled the entire time and a lot of that went into this book. I did spend time reflecting on my life…and my regrets.”

  Andy tilted his head and watched her closely. “What regrets?”

  “I was pretty stupid. It was a job opportunity of a lifetime, but in taking it, I didn’t think there was room for anything else in my life.” Cassie stared at him, heart beating painfully. “It was a mistake to believe that.”

  “We’ll be right back, folks.” Andy flipped a switch and the On the Air sign on the side wall blinked off.

  “Cassie, this isn’t a good idea.”

  “What isn’t a good idea?”

  “You being here, trying to make up with me on the radio.”

  “I wanted to apologize. Especially since you didn’t even read my letter. I’ve missed you, Andy.”

  “Thank you for this, but we can’t happen again, Cassie. It’s too much. How do you expect a man to recover and trust you again after three refused proposals?”


  “Yes, three.”

  “It was two, Andy. Once at high school graduation and once on the radio before I left. How was I supposed to take a publicity stunt like that seriously?”

  “It wasn’t a publicity stunt. I was never more serious about anything in my life. Then I played ‘Endless Love’”.

  Cassie groaned. “It was in the middle of the segment on Christmas proposals. You’re telling me you didn’t do that to spike the ratings?”

  “I did not. And I was crushed when you said no.”

  Guilt washed through her. He could have chosen a better time and place to propose, but if he really had been serious…she’d absolutely soundly rejected him and told him she was leaving for Europe. “What was the alleged third time?”

  “It was the first time. We were sixteen, I think. I proposed to you the night we went to go see that chick flick you were so excited about. What was the name of that?” Andy shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. We were driving home and started talking. I proposed…then realized you were asleep.”

  Cassie glared at him. “You proposed while I was asleep? How does that count?”

  “It takes a man a great deal of thought and anxiety to work up to a proposal. You were awake when I began expressing how I felt about you. Falling asleep in the middle of that was rather offensive.”

  Cassie was in shock Andy was sharing so much. He proposed while driving? Cassie felt her blood warming in her veins. She remembered one night they’d gone to a late movie to get out of the house away from her parents’ loud arguing. “I don’t recall you saying anything about marriage.”

  “I was telling you my feelings. Something you were relentless in complaining that I never did.”

  “Well, I’m sorry if I was tired and you proposed while I was asleep in the car. At midnight. If I didn’t hear a proposal, it doesn’t count.”

  “It was a mistake.” Andy shook his head and massaged his temples.

  “You think? We were sixteen.”

  “While you have a valid point, the fact is, you were conscious for two proposals, and that is still too many to rebound from.”

  “You’re right, Andy. I screwed up and I’m sorry I came here. I’ll go.”

  “What about the interview?”

  “Just plug my website. It’s on the inside flap.” She stood and clung to the back of her chair. “I won’t bother you again.”

  She turned to leave, feeling the crushing force of a waterfall of emotions falling on her.

  Her eyes began to water. She hurried to her car in the parking lot and hopped in. The air was frigid and she turned on the heat quickly so it could start to warm up.

  What was she doing here? She must have lost her mind somewhere along the way when she was traveling all over the world. How long had he been stewing about three refused proposals when she didn’t even
know about the first one? Was he insane? Why did she want him back?

  Cassie pulled out of the parking lot, clenching the steering wheel so tightly it hurt, and headed to Aunt Sue’s house. Aunt Sue had heart problems and she needed help around the house. Cassie moved in with her a month ago. But Sue wasn’t the only reason Cassie had come back to her hometown.

  Her life was not the same without Andy in it. As frustrating as he could be, she still loved him. Somehow she thought coming back home would be a good thing. She couldn’t have expected to be gone for a year and have Andy waiting for her after she refused him.

  She watched the Christmas lights go by in her windows. It was nearly exactly one year since she’d left. She needed to face the facts; she couldn’t take back her decision to go. It couldn’t be fixed. Romance was a small town, but she could still give Andy the distance he wanted.

  Sue was making the costumes as she always did for the annual community production of A Christmas Carol. Sue had talked Cassie into one of the minor roles in the play, and she’d been going to rehearsals for the last few weeks.

  She hoped it would help her gather up some Christmas spirit, but so far, her heart still had a piece missing.

  Chapter Three

  Andy grumbled as he got out of his car in front of the high school. He likely wouldn’t have even attended the play this year if he hadn’t been roped into acting in it. He’d run through his lines a few times last night, but he’d still need the script in front of him to rehearse tonight.

  No, he wasn’t in the mood to be in a Christmas play. And he was more than a little shaken up at seeing Cassie so unexpectedly. He couldn’t believe it. She’d walked in, silky hair falling perfectly, wearing a sleek gray dress that looked amazing on her. How dare she show up at his station looking incredible? As much as he didn’t want it to be true, she still had so much of his heart, even after everything that happened.

  He was tempted to read her book and see what she’d been up to. Cassie had always talked about traveling and writing; now she’d done it. Despite all the pain she’d caused, he was happy for her. He had always supported her dreams, and wished she’d let him show her he would stand by her even at a distance.


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