“I’ll be okay. I’m gonna go to bed.”
“Things will be better in the morning, girl. I promise.”
“Thanks for listening.”
“I’m always here for you, kiddo. No matter what.”
“Good night, Captain.”
Lexie hung up the phone, swallowed the last of her wine, then flung the glass across the bedroom, shattering it on the wall.
Sitting in the Myrtle Beach office the day after the search, Lexie wasn’t sure what to expect. The search seemed to go well, but now it was time to pay the piper. She, Don, Zach, and SAC Galloway were all seated around the conference room table. The SAC was seated at the head of the table. Missing from the meeting was Tony.
The SAC thumbed through the sizable file in front of him. He looked up, but Lexie didn’t know him well enough to read his expressions.
“This case has been a fucking debacle from day one,” the SAC said.
Everyone else remained silent, staring at the table.
“What’s going on with the manhunt? I want the three assholes who kidnapped, tortured, and shot an FBI agent in custody, and I want it yesterday.”
Don answered. “While we were conducting the search warrant yesterday, agents from the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division checked the last known residences for both Otis Ray Prichard and Clay Connors. The search yielded negative results, so we’re operating on the assumption that the subjects know we’re looking for them. Investigators from SLED, the Sheriff’s Office, and the local police are all working with us to identify Jack and to track down all three of the subjects.”
“Catching these three is priority one. I don’t care if you have to work around the clock, I want them behind bars.”
“Yes, sir,” Don said. Zach and Lexie nodded.
The SAC turned his attention to Lexie. “I spoke with your supervisor last night, Agent Montgomery. Needless to say, he’s not pleased with you either.”
Oh shit, Lexie thought. I should’ve called Mark. He’s going to kill me.
“I’m trying to determine how many of the flagrant FBI policy violations were intentional and how many were simply dumb ass mistakes. Do you three agents somehow think the rules don’t apply to you?”
“No, sir,” Don said.
“So, you do think the rules apply to you?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Yet you chose to violate policy left and right.”
Don remained silent.
“You leased an undercover apartment, using a source. The apartment was compromised. You had an undercover agent operating without a contact agent. The undercover agent ran amok with no backup. You had insufficient resources to support the case, yet you didn’t request more resources from headquarters. I’m sure this is barely scratching the surface. What else am I going to come across?”
“Nothing, sir.” Don muttered.
Lexie felt the SAC’s glare on her. She glanced up and connected with his stare.
“And you. Let’s see, you failed to report the undercover apartment was leased improperly. You operated without a use of a contact agent, knowing that it was against FBI policy. And last, but not least, you became romantically involved with a person who ended up dead. Do you understand the ramifications that this will have on the FBI? A young man is dead because of your actions.”
Lexie felt her face heat up.
“Don’t you think I know that?” she growled. “I can’t look at myself in the mirror without thinking about him and his family.”
“What do you think the media is going to do when they get wind of this? It will be all over the news.”
“Is that all you care about? Your goddamn reputation?”
“You better check yourself, agent,” the SAC snarled.
“We need to help the locals with the murder investigation. Instead you’re trying to distance us.”
“I’m trying to save your ass. You’ve already called attention to yourself by identifying the body.”
“What was I supposed to do?”
“You shouldn’t have been involved with him in the first place.”
“I didn’t intend to get involved with him. I rented a boat from him. We became friends. That was the extent of our relationship. We didn’t have a physical relationship.”
“But you were dating him.”
“I went out on a couple of dates with him. I wouldn’t classify that as dating.”
“Who else knew about your relationship with the victim?”
“Logan. His name was Logan Burkhart. The people in this room and Captain Meade are the only people who know about my relationship with Logan.”
“Let’s keep it that way.”
“What about the murder investigation?” Lexie asked.
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re a pain in the ass?”
“A few people.”
Don and Zach listened to the volley with alarmed expressions.
“I’m sending you back to New Orleans immediately. West and Sheehan can clean up the mess here.”
“What? You can’t. I need to help with the investigation.”
“No, you don’t. There is nothing that you need to do here. Any questions that we have for you can be answered over the telephone.”
Time for a hail Mary.
“But ahh … I have a follow-up with the doctor in a couple days. The doctor is going to further evaluate my injuries. The injuries that I sustained on the job.”
“You can find a doctor in New Orleans.”
“With a cracked rib and bruised ribs, travel will be excruciating. Yesterday almost killed me. The doctor hasn’t cleared me to travel.”
The SAC pushed out a loud sigh and shook his head.
“Are you even cleared for duty?”
“Not exactly.”
“What does that mean?”
“So, you attended the search before you were cleared for work.”
“You know you’re making matters worse for yourself.”
SAC Galloway stood, put both hands on the table, and stared at the three agents.
“This is the plan. Agent Montgomery, you stay until you see the doctor. But I don’t want you anywhere near the Burkhart murder investigation. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Agent West, you and Agent Sheehan clean this mess up. I want a full investigation into Agent Russo and his source.”
Don’s head jerked up.
“Tony and the source?” Don asked.
“You heard me. I want to know if Agent Russo leaked information to the source about Agent Montgomery’s apartment. It seems like a big coincidence that this source would show up at Agent Montgomery’s apartment. Then a week or so later, her place is trashed and her friend is dead. Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t believe in coincidences. I want every rock turned over in this investigation. Until we know otherwise, Agent Russo is a potential subject. Understood?”
Zach and Lexie nodded.
“Understood,” Don said.
“I don’t take investigating one of our own lightly. I’ve been doing this job for twenty years. I’ve found that usually where there’s smoke, there’s fire. If you find that fire, let me know immediately.”
“Where is Tony?” Lexie asked. “How come he wasn’t present for the search?”
“He’s on a Caribbean cruise. His leave was approved months ago, so we didn’t see any reason for him to miss his vacation,” Don said.
“It worked to our advantage that he’s out of town,” Galloway said. “I suggest you two make good use of the time while he’s away. I’ll send two agents from Columbia to assist.”
Following the meeting, the SAC returned to Columbia. Lexie, Zach, and Don found a quiet restaurant to have lunch. After they ordered their meals, they sat and stared at one another.
“Wow, that was some meeting,” Zach said.
sp; “I’m sorry that I got you two involved in this mess,” Don said. “This whole thing was my fault. I’m the senior agent and I should’ve known better.”
“It wasn’t just your fault,” Lexie said. “You started the hole and I dug it deeper.”
“What about this whole Tony thing?” Zach said. “Do you think he’s dirty?”
“Yes,” Lexie and Don said simultaneously.
Zach’s eyes bulged.
“I agree with the SAC. It’s too much of a coincidence. His source knew about Lexie. Tony had to tell him about her. No one else had that information.”
“Yes, but to go from having a big mouth to being dirty?” Zach said.
“The pilot said that their boss had somebody in law enforcement on their payroll,” Lexie said. “That person could be Tony’s source or even Tony.”
“It could also be a dirty local cop, too,” Zach said.
“You’re right,” Don said. “We’re not ruling anyone out on this, but we have to take a good hard look at the obvious choice.”
“What do you know about the source?” Lexie asked.
“Max LaBaron? Not much. He’s been Tony’s source for a couple of years. Tony is protective of him. In fact, Tony often meets with him without another agent present, which is a violation of policy. He drags Zach along when it’s time to pay the guy.”
“I’m listed as the co-case agent for LaBaron,” Zach said. “But Tony has never allowed me to have any real contact with the guy. I go along when he has to have a witness, like when he pays him or when he reads him his Bureau required yearly list of source rules and regulations.”
“But as the co-case agent, you have access to LaBaron’s address?” Lexie said.
“Yes. I can access his file and get that information.”
“What’re the chances that we can surveil LaBaron?” she asked.
“You can’t surveil anyone,” Don said. “You’re staying away from the investigation. You’re here strictly as a consultant. I don’t want you anywhere near that guy, especially in your physical condition.”
“Now you sound like the SAC.”
“We’re in enough trouble. If you get hurt, the SAC will bury our sorry asses.”
“Okay. Okay. You’re right. I’ll stay away from him.”
“We need a game plan.”
Lexie’s cell phone jarred her awake. The numbers on the alarm clock read 8:07 a.m. She recognized the New Orleans number for her supervisor, Mark Clarkson.
Oh God, not before my coffee.
“Hello?” Her voice sounded like a frog.
“Lexie? Is that you?”
“Yes. Hi, Mark. It’s me.”
“How’re you feeling?”
Lexie held her ribcage as she sat up in bed.
“Doing better. Sorry I haven’t called.”
“You and I are going to have a long conversation when you get home, but right now I need to know that you’re okay.”
“I guess that depends on what the SAC decides to do with us.”
“I talked to him yesterday and again a few minutes ago. He’s still really angry at you and the case agent. What the hell were you thinking?”
“I don’t know, Mark. One thing led to another and soon events spiraled out of control. I’ve made a mess of things here.”
“It sounds like it. I’m not going to lie to you. It’s going to take some serious groveling to patch up this colossal fuck up.”
“I’ll wear knee pads,” Lexie said. Her annoyed tone was apparent.
“If I were you, I’d drop the attitude and help me figure out a way to clean up this mess.”
“I’m sorry. I’m tired and still in a lot of pain.”
“When are you coming home?”
“I have a doctor’s appointment in a few days. I’m not cleared for duty.”
“The SAC said he wanted you out of South Carolina as soon as possible.”
“I know, but he’s agreed to let me stay until after I get the stitches removed from my head. I have this horrible bandage on my head. I don’t want to travel until I’m sure I won’t scare small children.”
“SAC Galloway told me that you formed a romantic relationship with a peripheral target of the investigation.”
“Oh, for shit’s sake, he wasn’t a target! Logan worked at the marina. I leased a boat from him to use in the investigation, but he had no idea of my real identity or why I needed the boat. We went out on a couple dates, but nothing more. And before you ask, no, we didn’t have a physical relationship.”
“But now he’s dead?” Mark said.
Lexie hesitated before answering.
“Yeah. He’s dead because of me. Instead of helping with the murder investigation, Galloway wants to distance the FBI from the homicide.”
“I know. He told me.”
“Why won’t he allow me to help with the investigation?”
“He’s trying to protect you from being implicated in the crime. If his death leads back to an FBI investigation, the family could sue not just the FBI, but you personally. Speaking from someone who’s been sued in the past, you don’t want that headache.”
“If Logan was murdered because of our case, then what’s wrong with taking ownership?”
“You’re so naive. Law suits lead to bad publicity for the Bureau as well as large settlements. It’s a reflection on the division’s SAC. He may not get his year-end bonus if that happens.”
“So, the SAC is hindering the local police’s homicide investigation because he doesn’t want to look bad?”
“He’s not hindering the investigation, Lexie. He’s just not putting the Bureau on the front lines of the fight.”
“Oh, come on, Mark. I might be naive, but I’m not stupid.”
“You’re not? Then let’s talk about why you were running amok without a contact agent. You know better. You know that the undercover agent’s tether to reality is his or her contact agent. Why did you agree to operate without a safety net?”
“I don’t know,” Lexie whispered. “It just sort of happened.”
“Nothing just happens. You allowed it to happen. Take responsibility for your actions.”
Lexie could tell from Mark’s voice that he was legitimately angry with her. She had annoyed him many times over the years, but this was the first time she had ever heard anger in his voice.
“You’re right. I should’ve pulled out on day one when I found out that the case agent didn’t go through proper channels to lease the undercover apartment. Then to operate without a bona fide contact agent was inexcusable. But the biggest mistake I made was befriending Logan. He would be alive today if—”
“You don’t know that,” Mark interrupted. “In all likelihood, the targets traced the boat back to the owner. Logan may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
“I rented the boat from Logan. No matter how you slice the pie, Logan’s death falls on my shoulders.”
“The people who murdered Logan will be brought to justice. You have to be patient and allow the investigation to unfold. Have faith in the local police.”
“I do have faith in the local police. I think we’re doing them a disservice by not sharing all pertinent information.”
“I want you to listen closely to me. You are to follow the orders of SAC Galloway. Stay away from the investigation, go to the doctor, then return to New Orleans. Do you understand?”
Lexie sighed.
“I’m waiting for a response.”
“I understand.”
“For once in your life, do as you’re told.”
“I will.”
Lexie dressed and examined herself in the full-length mirror; her normal sun-kissed skin had been replaced by an unhealthy gray. The dark circles around her eyes and her pallor gave her a zombie-like appearance.
I don’t need a Halloween costume this year.
A rap on the door drew her attention.
nbsp; “It’s me,” Zach yelled.
Lexie ambled from the bedroom and opened the front door.
“Hey, there,” she said. “How are you?”
“Doing better. You?”
Lexie nodded. “Doing better.”
“You ready?”
They loaded up in Zach’s Bureau vehicle, a two-year old Ford Taurus.
“Where’re we going for lunch?” Lexie asked.
“Have you tried the Atlantic House in Georgetown?”
Lexie felt a tinge of guilt. She couldn’t help but think of her lunch date with Logan.
“No. I’ve never tried it.”
“You’re in for a treat. The owner used to have a restaurant in Pawleys Island, but she decided to downsize so she opened a smaller place in Georgetown.”
“Sounds good. You know me. I like food.”
“I see you replaced the bandage on your head.”
“Yeah. It was time for a clean one. Plus, that giant wrap around thing made me look like I escaped from an insane asylum. Anything new with the case?”
“The evidence collected from the island was submitted to the lab. Supposedly, the SAC has a friend at the lab who is going to expedite a few pieces of the evidence for us. ERT lifted numerous fingerprints from items around the cabin. If our targets are in the system, then we should get a match pretty quickly; ERT collected a bunch of cigarette butts, so hopefully there’ll be a DNA match as well.”
“What about the boat? Did they find anything useful from the boat?”
“Several casts were made of footprints in the area. Someone tried to sink the boat by knocking a hole in the hull. Fortunately, they didn’t stick around to see that it only sank a few feet. The bow of the boat was barely above water. Fish and Wildlife pulled the boat from the muck and transported it to land for us. They’re keeping it safe in one of their dry docks. The searchers recovered your backpack from the wreckage.”
“Any idea how long before we make arrests?”
“Your testimony alone is enough to file a complaint and get arrest warrants for Connors and Prichard, but we’re going to need more to indict the ring leader. We plan to arrest Connors and Prichard initially. Hopefully one or both will flip. We need to fully identify Jack and find out who actually runs this organization. What did they call him? Ghost Runner?”
Beyond the Cabin Page 19