Saving Grace (Grace Chandler Mystery Book 1)

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Saving Grace (Grace Chandler Mystery Book 1) Page 9

by T. R. Lester

  “Yeah, Gideon explained all that to me.” Grace tells him.

  “I see.”

  “If you saw it, could you tell if it was a real mate mark or a tattoo?”

  “I could.”

  “Can you get my pack off the floor by the couch?”

  Draven goes and gets her pack and sits it on the stool next to her.

  Grace opens it and digs out the folder of pictures she has.

  Spreading them on the table, she pushes the ones with the mark over to him.

  Draven studies them for a moment then looks at her.

  “It’s a tattoo.”

  “How can you tell?”

  “See the run of ink here on the edge?” He points to a smear at the edge of the mark.

  Grace dug in her bag for the magnifying glass she kept in there. Magnifying the image, Grace scans it as Draven talks.

  “A real mating mark will be perfectly etched. It won’t have any flaws in it as it is something that will be present at birth, only hidden from view.”

  Draven raises his shirt and shows Grace his mark. The intricate design he carries on the left side of his well-muscled chest above his heart is flawless and beautiful. She reaches her hand out to trace her fingers along its edges then draws back quickly.


  “Don’t be. You can touch it.” He laughs.

  Grace runs her fingers over the mark feeling no rough edges or raise areas.

  “The female won’t see hers until she meets her mate and shows interest in him. A male’s is visible to all. Only, no one can will be able to see the glow that radiates from it when he finds his mate.”

  “It resembles a tattoo, except that there are no flaws or runs in the ink.” Grace says.

  “It’s a birthmark. The old ones always said they are etched into our soul and show through onto our skin.”

  “So why would someone tattoo her then kill her?”

  “I believe it was meant to throw you off his trail. I think his intent was to produce offspring, which he can’t do. He is a fairly new vampire considering we live for centuries, so he may not have known he can’t reproduce or he just didn’t care. Either way, the female was unable to carry a vampire child. I’ve never seen any strigoi try to reproduce as they know they cannot. It would end in the death of the female and child.”

  “What do you think he’s trying to cover up?”

  “Well, strigoi kill for blood. When the feed, they will drain their victims unless they want to keep them around for a time to feed on. In that case, they will feed on them until they die. Most, however, just drain them from the start. Over the years, they have tried to stay out of the public’s eye by using blood banks and unwilling donors. Donors that no one would miss, such as the homeless, runaways, and prostitutes. They have recently started building their own blood banks, or should I say, bloodletting facilities. They take people against their will and drain them slowly over time, eventually ending in the human’s death.”

  “Do you think this is what he’s doing?”

  “Possibly. New vampires don’t have many resources. They have to leave their previous life behind. As the years and centuries pass, you amass more money, property, and other things needed to survive. I prefer to keep all my assets in my home in a safe room. I only own one home, two cars, and have a limited amount of money at my disposal. I only use a bank for a small amount of what I have. He hasn’t been turned long enough to have many assets, so that means he’s had help, and we need to find out who helped him.”

  “So, you’re loaded huh?” Grace says, smiling.

  “I wouldn’t say loaded, but I don’t have to want for anything.”

  She smiles again.

  “What do you know about Francine?” Draven asks her.

  “Other than she’s a pit viper bitch who will do anything to get ahead?”

  “Yeah, I got that from our first meeting.”

  “She’s one who will do whatever it takes to make a dollar or get ahead. She cares about no one, she has no family. She doesn’t have any friends that I know of. She’s been gunning for the director spot for years only to lose out to Director Tanner when the previous director retired. She was pissed about that for days.”

  “I think we need to look into her recent activity. How hard would it be for you to get her banking information, such as deposits and withdrawals?”

  “Not hard. I have access to do that.”

  “There’s just something about her I don’t trust. Not sure what it is, but there’s this feeling I got from her in her office the other day.”

  “Since vampires have special talents, what do you have?”

  “A few. Speed, strength, mind control, I can read some thoughts, and, I can also fly.”

  “Fly? Like, levitate in the air and zip across the sky?”

  “No… I can fly.”

  Draven stands and takes his shirt off.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Do you have a fence around your back yard?”

  “Yes, a wooden fence that’s six feet high.”

  He takes her hand to help her stand and leads her outside. She stands on the back porch as he walks a few steps into the yard. Turning his back to her, he releases his wings. They spread and extend to each side.

  Grace covers her mouth.


  “I’m of seraphic blood remember?”

  “So, you’re an angel?”

  “Not quite. I am of their blood, have their strengths and possess their skills, but we aren’t angels. We were angels cast out as vampires and cursed to feed upon blood for an eternity as punishment for the war that Lucifer started.”

  “They’re beautiful.”

  Grace stared at the glossy blackness of his perfect wings. She was speechless.

  He dropped them to his sides and turned to look at her.

  “I’m glad you’re taking this well. I was afraid you’d freak out.” He says with a smile.

  “That I know the difference between your species helps. Somehow, I really can’t see you as an evil being. It doesn’t radiate off you like it did with Lucas.”

  “You are Native American, correct?”

  “I am. My great grandfather was the chief of his tribe and my great-great-grandfather was the medicine man, shaman, whatever you’d like to refer to him as.”

  “Some of his talent should have been passed on to you.”

  “I get these feelings sometimes. Like, if I’m being watched, or I can sense evil inside of people, which is why I know Francine is an evil demon bitch.”

  Draven laughed.

  “I don’t think you need any special ability to determine that.”

  Draven puts his wings away and they go back inside. He finishes preparing the meal and they sit down to eat.

  “How can you eat food?”

  “I only need blood to survive. I can go a couple of weeks without it as long as I’m not overly active or haven’t suffered any injuries. I generally feed weekly to avoid being too hungry or weak.”

  “This is great.” She tells him about the spaghetti.

  “Thank you.”

  “In the morning, we’ll get up and go into the office. I can check her accounts there and then we can go from there. I would guess that Neal would have moved his headquarters by now since we found him.”

  “He may have. Depending on what he has going on, he may not have had time to. We’ll check and see.”


  Grace yawns from the rough day that they’ve had.

  “I think I’ll go take a bath and get ready for bed. Follow me and I’ll show you to your room.” She tells Draven.

  He pushes his chair back and helps her to her feet. She walks slowly into the living room and over to the stairs. Taking one step at a time, she finally makes it to the top landing.

  “This is a really big house you know.”

  “Yeah. It was my grandparents.”

  She walks down the hall to the last door on the

  “Four bedrooms, four baths and you’ve seen the downstairs area.”

  “Nice.” He tells her.

  “This is where you can sleep. There is a bathroom and towels, a clock on the bedside table and a television. Let me know if you need anything.”

  “Will do. I’m going to clean the kitchen up before I turn in.”

  “You don’t have to do that since you cooked. I can in the morning.”

  “No problem. Get some rest. You need it. You lost a good bit of blood and you need to build it back up.”

  “Yeah. That bastard. Twice he’s tried to kill me. I guess I don’t have to worry about him now though, do I?”

  “No, I think you took care of that problem.” Draven says with a smile.

  “Good night Draven and thank you for taking care of me.”

  “You’d do it for me, right?”

  “Of course, I would.” Grace says.

  “Good night Grace.”

  Draven watches as Grace enters her bedroom then turns to go back downstairs. Shasta is sitting at the top, eyeing him warily. He bends down to coax her over to him. She stares then takes a step toward him. Stopping, she eyes him again. He continues to coo and call to her until she eases up next to him. He reaches a hand out so she can sniff him. She meows then rubs her back along his leg.

  “Silly cat.”

  He stands and heads back downstairs to clean the kitchen.

  “I really hope we get to the bottom of this shit soon. Just what are you up to Neal?” He says aloud.

  Chapter 17

  Grace wakes the next morning feeling better than she had the night before. she throws the cover off and sits on the side of the bed. The rich smell of coffee tickles her nose and she can smell bacon cooking. Standing, she goes into her bathroom to shower. The hot water sends rejuvenating energy through her body.

  When she’s done, she grabs her robe and heads downstairs. Entering the kitchen, she sees Draven at the stove frying bacon.

  “Good morning. I have coffee for you.”

  “Thanks. I needed that.”

  Walking over to the cupboard, she takes out a cup and fills it with the strong brew, adding a bit of sugar and cream.

  “How are you feeling today?” Draven asks her.

  “Much better, thanks.”

  “I looked over the photos of the girl this morning. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all. What did you find?”

  “Other than the coven mark, not much. I know that coven. The Vengari coven. They are all known to kidnap people for blood. I’m not sure if they had anything to do with her death or if Neal tried to make it look as though they did. I think when we check Francine out and go back to the warehouse, we will be able to tell who all is involved.”

  “I think we need help this time. I don’t trust anyone at the department right now. I’m calling Gideon. I trust him. Can you two work together?” She asks Draven.

  “Yeah. I have no problem with him.”

  Grace goes and gets her phone from the table in the living room. She had forgotten to take it upstairs with her last night.

  Dialing Gideon’s number, it rings three times and she hears a deep voice on the other end.

  “Hello beautiful.”

  “Hello wolf man.” Grace says through a smile.

  “How can I be of assistance to you today?”

  “I need your help. Are you busy right now?”

  “Not at the moment.”

  “Can you come by my house as soon as possible?”

  “Ah hell baby girl. You want me to come over. I’ll be right there.”

  “Not for that reason you hound. I need help on this case, and Draven Bratu is here.”

  Gideon growls.

  “What is it with you and him growling when one or the other’s name is mentioned?”

  “It’s a vampire/wolf thing Grace.”

  “Well get over it. Come on over. I don’t have all day wolf man.”

  “On my way. Should I bring anything?”

  “Yeah, weapons.”

  “Just what the hell do you need help with woman?” Gideon asks.

  “You’ll see.”

  Gideon ends the call and Grace looks over to Draven, who is smiling.


  “Is there something between you two?” He asks her.

  Grace sighs.

  “At one time, there was. Until he felt he needed more than one woman in his life.” Grace tells him.

  Draven nods. Knowing that may help him restrain his jealousy. Probably not, but he’ll try.

  “He should be here in about thirty minutes. I’m going to get dressed.”

  Draven gives her a nod and she heads up the stairs.

  He feels better knowing that they will have a werewolf helping them. Gideon is an old wolf who can change forms at any time. He’s not dependant on the full moon. He once saw him in his wolf form. The beast stood almost seven feet tall and had claws like huge daggers. Gideon also doesn’t lose himself to his beast as some do. He can keep total control while in wolf form and understand what you tell him.

  Draven sits there thinking about the best way to go back into the warehouse. It has three floors, so going in from the roof may be the best idea. No matter how they go in, Neal will know they are there.

  Hearing Grace come back down the stairs, Draven starts cleaning the kitchen. When she enters, he looks at her. She is beautiful, even in combat clothing. Dressed in all black and wearing her shoulder holster, Draven can only sigh at her beauty.

  “He’s not here yet?”

  “I hear him I believe.”

  Grace looks at Draven pointedly.

  He points to his ears.

  “Sensitive hearing.” He says.

  “Of course.”

  Gideon rides a Harley so Draven can hear the booming noise of the bike as it screams down the street.

  “I hear a bike.” Grace says, walking over to the window and seeing Gideon come down her drive. She hears the bike engine cut off and a few seconds later, hears his heavy boots on the porch. He lets himself in and walks into the kitchen.

  “I’m going to need that key back wolf man.” Grace tells him.

  “Ah come on Grace. You never know when I may need it.”

  He walks over and hugs Grace. Draven growls. Gideon looks at him, amusement spreading across his face.

  “What’s up vampire?”

  Draven stands and walks over to shake hands with the wolf.

  “Not much.”

  Gideon turns back to Grace.

  “Fill me in. Tell me what we’re up against.”

  Grace goes over all the details of the case, the shit she’s ran into over the last two weeks, how Draven became involved and the experience they had the day before.

  “Holy hell. You guys have been busy.” Gideon says.

  “Yeah.” Draven says.

  “Are you alright? You’re not going to turn into a vampire, right?” He asks Grace.

  Draven rolls his eyes.

  “You know she isn’t wolf. He didn’t drain her or infuse her with his blood.”

  “I am going into the office to see what I can find on Francine first. You and Draven should go to the warehouse and watch until I get there.”

  “I don’t like you going alone.” Draven says.

  “I’ll be fine. Besides, we really need to know who all is involved in whatever it is he’s doing.” She tells Draven.

  “Fine, although I don’t like it.” He says.

  “I’ll give you guys a ride to Draven’s. I don’t think you’ll both fit on the Harley.” Grace says smiling.

  “That’s funny.” Gideon says.

  Grace gathers her pack, puts her phone in her pocket, slips her jacket on and is ready to go.

  “I need your number.” Draven says to her.

  Grace calls out her number and he puts it in his phone. As they exit the house, Grace looks around. She can feel a storm brewing. The clouds are dar
k and the smell of rain is in the air.

  Entering her security code, she walks off the porch to the waiting werewolf and vampire.

  “We ready?” She asks them.

  They both nod and get into the car.

  Grace starts the car and heads down the drive. Taking a left, she heads over to Draven’s house to drop them off.

  “What are your intentions with this bastard?” Gideon asks.

  “Neal? I’m going to kill him.”

  “Sounds good. Is there anyone there who shouldn’t be killed?”

  “We don’t know. We didn’t get too far in and if he does have humans there, they have to be on the second or third floor.” Draven tells him.

  “So, we’re going in through the roof and starting on that floor?”


  “We’re here guys.” Grace tells them.

  They gather their packs and exit the car. Both men walk around to Grace’s window.

  “Be careful, be alert. Call if you need me. I’ll be checking in from time to time.” Draven tells her.

  Grace nods.

  “As will I.” Gideon says.

  “Fine. Go. Both of you.” Grace tells them.

  She watches as Draven pulls his second car out of the garage. Actually, an SUV. A Chevrolet Tahoe, dark gray with tinted windows.

  She watches as they get into the Tahoe then she backs out, turns and heads out of the drive.

  “I hope she watches her surroundings.” Draven tells Gideon.

  “Grace is good at what she does. She’ll be fine.”

  The males drive over to the warehouse and Grace heads to the office.

  When she pulls into the lot, there are few cars there. Hoping she got there early enough to avoid prying eyes, she quickly exits her car and walks into the building. Not seeing anyone at the reception desk, she hurriedly walks down to her office. Taking her key out, she unlocks the door, enters, then locks it behind her. sitting at her desk, she gets her computer going and starts searching for anything on the viper. She comes across her personnel file which has all of her information stored.

  She makes a call to the bank that she knows Francine has an account at. A woman answers and Grace asks for the branch manager. Grace acts as if she’s Francine, telling the bank manager she needs copies of all her transactions for the last nine years and requested by the Internal Revenue Service. The agency has its own tech people, computer geeks and hackers who can find information easily, but Grace isn’t willing to trust them right now.


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