My Best Friend

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My Best Friend Page 1

by Ancelli


  By Ancelli



  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher.


  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously. This is an explicit and erotic novel intended for the enjoyment of adult readers only.

  Chapter One

  Kay stared at the screen. The picture was a bit blurry, but the sound was loud and clear. Finally it was starting to be real to her; she was going to be a mother. She looked up at Jason and realized she could always count on him. Kay could see how amazed Jason was at what he saw. He didn’t quite seem able to put the shapes together, but the sound of the baby’s heartbeat had him mesmerized. He looked up at Kay with his dreamy blue eyes and said, “I can’t believe you’re going to be a mom.” He smiled holding her hand and kissed her smooth milk chocolate tummy. “Hi, little one,” he said with excitement.

  The doctor began to explain where the baby’s heart, lungs and spine were on the screen and answered all the questions Kay and Jason had.

  Kay and Jason had been best friends for almost four years. They’d met in their last year of college, and ever since, they’d learned to depend on each other. She knew she would always have Jason by her side. He’d been there with her through the good and bad. When he found out she was pregnant, he was upset with her but never turned his back on her. He went with her to all her doctor’s appointments when it should’ve been Tommy. She’d been trying to get in touch with her ex-boyfriend over the last two month. The last message she’d left him was about her first sonogram, but he never showed up.

  Both Kay and Jason did well for themselves and were successful. Kay had worked hard for everything she’d ever had. She was a ruthless businesswoman, the only female Marketing Manager at B & Price Advertising Company. Jason came from a wealthy family but achieved everything on his own. He was a partner in the law firm of Wilson & Hughes, and he was one of their best attorneys.


  The next day Kay called Tommy to let him know how the doctor’s appointment went, but still got no answer. She’d dated Tommy for about seven month before she found out she was pregnant. She’d known it was too soon to even try to start a family with someone she barely knew, but she was in love, or so she thought. All she could remember was what he’d said when she told him she was pregnant. Yes, she still pondered those words. He’d wanted her to have an abortion because he already had three kids and didn’t want another one. She thought about having an abortion many times, but with Jason’s help, decided against it. When she’d told him she decided to keep the baby, Tommy packed his things he had at her house and left.

  Later on that day, Kay looked at herself in the mirror. She could finally see her little baby bump. She looked at her reflection, and what she saw was sadness.

  Jason came in while she was looking in the mirror. Damn she’s beautiful. Her skin was the color of smooth milk chocolate. Her curly brown hair was pulled up into a ponytail, and that short black strapless dress she was wearing showed off her curves in all the right places. She always took his breath away. Damn she looks sexy in those high heels.

  She looked at her reflection one more time and was surprised to see Jason. “How long have you been watching me?”

  Jason looked at her and smiled. “Not long.” Not long enough, he thought. He couldn’t stop staring at her beautiful big brown eyes, full juicy lips, and that one dimple on her left cheek.

  She turned and snapped. “Just because I gave you a key to my house for emergencies doesn’t mean you can use it whenever you want.” As she was talking to him, he smiled and stared at her. She stared back into his dreamy blue eyes, but what she saw confused her, she thought she saw desire. She lowered her sight to his beautiful smile, and couldn’t stop staring at his lips. Jason was a very attractive man. He was six feet tall with deeply tanned skin, dirty blond hair, and a very lean muscular body. She could see his muscles under the polo shirt. The blue color made his eyes sparkle even more, and her mouth watered seeing how hot he looked in those washed out jeans. He looks hot. These damn hormones. She scolded herself. Her mind was playing tricks on her because she wasn’t attracted to him.

  Jason walked closer to her, stretching his hand out with the key pointed at her. “If you want your key back, you can have it. I’ve been knocking on your door for about five minutes with no answer, so I got worried about you.”

  Kay looked at him and apologized for snapping. He put the key back into his pocket.

  As they walked to his car, she could smell his cologne; it was driving her crazy. Jason, always a gentleman opened the passenger door for Kay.

  “So Kay, have you heard from Tommy lately?”

  She turned to face him. “No, not since I told him I’m having the baby.”

  “He’s a fool,” Jason said. “He doesn’t deserve you or the baby. You both deserves better.”

  “It’s going to be hard raising a baby alone.”

  He looked ahead towards the road. “You won’t be alone; you’ll have me.”

  “It’s not the same. I just need to get Tommy to talk to me, so I can explain why I choose to have this baby,” she whispered.

  Jason got tense. “You don’t have to explain anything. It’s your body, your baby and you don’t need him.”

  They pulled up at the Columbian Cuisine to have dinner. Every Friday they came here to talk about everything that happened in the week. It had become their ritual.

  “Earth to Jason,” Kay said, trying to get his attention. “How is Kimberly?”

  He looked at her. “She’s doing great, packing to go on a business trip.”

  “So what are you doing here with me? Instead of saying bye to your soon-to-be- fiancée.”

  He stopped smiling. “Fiancée? Are you crazy? She’s just my girlfriend, and we’re nowhere close to getting married. We’re not that serious, and I’m here because it’s Friday. Friday is our day. I told her goodbye last night.” He winked at her. “If you know what I mean.”

  She looked at him and felt a little jealousy by the comment but shook it off.

  They got out of the car, and walked up to the restaurant. The hostess greeted them and led them to their seats.

  The waitress strolled by. “Are you guys having the usual? La Bandeja Paisa and two Cokes?”

  “Yes.” Both of them answered

  “Kay how was your week?” Jason asked.

  “Same thing every day—morning sickness, nausea and work. I just started a new project; it’s for a cable company, but nothing really excited to tell. How was your week?”

  “I won my case on Wednesday. Remember the one I was doing all that research on? My client was fired unfairly, but it’s over now, so I guess I had a great week.”

  The waitress came back with their drinks, set them on the table. “Your food will be out soon.” She excused herself and went to the other booth.

  Kay looked at him. “I don’t remember if I’ve told you lately. Thank you for coming with me to my appointments.”

  “Any time. I’m starting to enjoy going with you to those appointments. I couldn’t really see the baby on the screen, but the sound of the heartbeat was awesome.”

  She started giggling. “The doctor asked me something really funny.”

What did he ask you?”

  “If you were the baby’s father,” she answered laughing.

  “Why was that so funny?”

  “Can you only imagine you, me...a baby.”

  She started to giggle, but by that time, Jason was already annoyed. What was wrong with the doctor thinking that?

  She stopped laughing. “What’s wrong, Jason? Why the long face?”

  “I just didn’t find that question funny. He assumed that I was the father because for the last three appointments I’ve been the one there with you, not fucking Tommy,” he said. He didn’t understand why he was getting so worked up over her comment. “I’m sorry for my outburst. It’s just it makes me mad that Tommy would leave you now.”

  The waitress came back with their food, setting it on the table. “Enjoy.”

  She squeezed his hand. “Don’t worry. I guess I’m not the only one with hormonal problems.” As soon as her hand touched his, she felt a tiny shock of electricity. That’s never happened before, she thought, letting go of his hand and started eating.

  She could tell he felted it too; by the way he looked back at her when she released his hand. They smiled at each other, enjoyed their dinner, and talked about their week.


  After dinner, they pulled up to Aqua Nightclub. They didn’t really do nightclubs, but her friend had invited her, and Kay knew that soon she wouldn’t be able to go clubbing so she convinced Jason to tag along with her. She entered the club with Jason following right behind her and started looking for John and Amy. John was a good friend, and colleague of Jason. He was a handsome, six feet tall, black hair with green eyes. He was dating Kay’s co-worker, Amy. She was a medium built, five six, brunette with light brown eyes. They’d met at Jason’s celebration party when he made partner. He spotted them, grabbed Kay’s hand and started walking towards where they sat, next to the dance floor. Jason let go of her hand and shook John’s. “Hi man, how are you doing?”

  John answered. “Great, just enjoying the view,” he looked over at Amy and took a drink of his vodka.

  Kay hugged Amy. “Happy birthday.” She sat down beside her, not wanting to be there, but it was Amy’s birthday.

  Jason said from across the table. “Happy birthday, Amy.” She nodded and took a drink of her drink.

  Jason walked over, leaned down beside Kay, and whispered in her ear. “What do you want to drink? Water, juice or milk?”

  She looked at him. “A Coke, smart ass.”

  He smiled leaning up, walking over to the bar to order her Coke and his Hennessey on the rocks. The bartender served him his drinks and handed him a napkin with her phone number. He picked it up and smiled; she was a cutie. He was flattered, giving her a smile and turned back to their table.

  He sat down in front of Kay, handed her the Coke, and he started drinking his drink. He could tell she didn’t want to be there.

  John stood up and walked over to Jason. “I saw that. Are you going to give her a call?”

  “No, she’s not my type,” Jason answered, looking over at Kay.

  John kissed Amy, asking her to dance, and she said yes. They walked over to the dance floor.

  Jason looked at Kay. “What’s wrong? Do you want to leave?”

  “No, it’s Amy’s birthday. I’ll be ok.”

  He leaned in. “Let me know when you’re ready to leave.”

  A smooth dark brother came over and introduced himself to Kay. “Hi Sweetie, my name is Carl. You want to dance?”

  She answered with a firm “no” but he was persistent. She repeated “no” and he looked over at Jason and nodded, walking away. Jason knew she could handle herself, but it was starting to get to him.

  Some time passed, and Jason was on his third drink when another guy came over hitting on Kay. He was getting tired of men hitting on her. “Motivation” by Kelly Rowland came on, he got up, walked over to her, and reached for her hand. “Let’s dance. Maybe they’ll leave you alone,” she smiled, took his hand, and walked out to the dance floor with him.

  They started dancing. He grabbed her waist, and she started rotating her hips. He pulled her in closer, and started grinding. She forgot how good he could move. White boy sure has soul. I wonder if he moves like this in bed, she thought. He placed his hands above her ass while she moved her hands around his neck.

  He laid his head against her neck. Her smell, warm vanilla was driving him crazy. I’m tipsy, he thought.

  She turned her head and laid it on his chest. He was wearing her favorite cologne Euphoria, smelling of raw masculinity.

  He started whispering in her ear. “You know you can trust me. I’ll always be here for you,” he started rubbing her back.

  “I know. I will always be here for you too,” she turned around, her back turned to him. She started grinding up and down on him, and he held her waist and followed her lead. He started getting aroused, kissing her neck. His hands started moving up and down over her legs, and she realized the dance was getting too sensual.

  When she turned back around, he saw lust in her eyes. I’m seeing things, he thought. I had too much to drink. She continued dancing on him. The song finished, and she started walking off, but he pulled her back. “I’m not done yet.” She smiled. The music slowed down. “You Shouldn’t Kiss Me Like This”, by Toby Keith, started playing. He grabbed her. “I know you don’t like country music, but this is one of my favorite songs.”

  She leaned in closer to him. “I like this song.” They continued dancing. She took his hands, placed them around her waist, and stared into his eyes. She thought she saw desire in his eyes but thought, it can’t be... He would never. She started moving in a sensual way. She placed her hands around his neck, and he bent his head to her neck.

  He didn’t know what came over him, but he started planting little kisses on her neck.

  She started getting goose bumps, not wanting him to stop because it felt too good. He looked at her, kissed her left cheek, and they just stood there staring at each other.

  He wanted to kiss her, staring at her lips, he leaned in and placed a feather kiss on her lips but right before he took it further, he decided to pull back. What am I doing? This is my best friend, he thought. For a second, he thought she looked disappointed. They finished their dance and returned to the table. John and Amy just stood there staring at them when they walked by and sat down. Jason didn’t drink for the rest of the night, and Kay sat in silence.

  “What was that? You almost kissed her.” John asked Jason.

  “I’m tipsy,” was his excuse.

  “She’s pregnant man. It’s a little too late.”

  “Too late for what?” he asked a little agitated. “Were just friends.” He was ready to leave moving away from John. After the kiss on the dance floor Jason and Kay hardly spoke or looked at each other.

  Amy and Kay had been talking about their presentation at work, when Amy suddenly changed the subject. “Kay, is Jason your baby’s father?” Kay rolled her eyes at Amy and ignored her question, and looked over at Jason. She could tell by his facial expression he was ready to leave.

  Jason and Kay said their goodbyes to John and Amy. When they were on their way out of the club, Carl came up to Kay, “Oh I’m not good enough to dance with, but you can dance with him?” He looked at Jason with disgust.

  Jason turned around, but was pulled back by Kay. “He is not worth it.”

  He turned back around and was about to start walking when Carl yelled. “You fucking sellout!”

  Jason pulled away from Kay and rushed up to him. “Fuck you. She doesn’t owe you any fucking explanation.”

  “Just because you’re fucking a black woman, you think you have guts.” Carl yelled.

  Before he could say another word, Jason punched him square in his jaw. Carl stumbled back and, got up to jump Jason, but missed. The bouncer came running over
, separated them, and told Jason to leave.

  Kay yelled, “Jason, stop! He’s not worth it. Let’s go.” She pulled him out of the club, and started walking to his black M3 BMW. They stood next to his car, and she said. “They’re still ignorant people in this world. Don’t let them get to you.” She took her hands and cupped his face. “Calm down.”

  He placed his hands over hers. “He disrespected you.”

  She removed her hands from his cheeks, took his hands in hers, and kissed them smiling. “Thank you for defending my honor. That’s why you’re my BFF.”

  He tired to smile back, but he was still steaming.

  After helping her in the car, he got into the driver’s seat and started the car. The entire ride to her house was done in silence. He pulled up to her driveway, and as he helped her out, he asked, “Are you ok?”

  “Yes, thanks to my hero,” she answered.

  He walked her to the door. “I’ll call you tomorrow.” He bent down. “Bye little one,” he said and kissed her stomach. For a split second, she had forgotten she was even pregnant until that moment.

  “Goodnight.” She opened her door, went in and closed the door.

  He jumped in his car and headed to his house.

  Chapter Two

  Two months later. Kay still hadn’t heard from Tommy. Her morning sickness had faded away. She could even eat without getting nauseous. She was at work, sitting at her desk, working on one of her projects, when her phone rang.

  “Good morning B & Price. This is Mrs. Parker. How can I help you?”

  “Hey baby, how are you doing? I’ve missed you.”

  She was surprised when she heard the voice on the other end, and waited a second before answering. “Really Tommy? I couldn’t tell.”

  “I’ve done a lot of thinking. When can I see you? We need to talk and make up.”

  She held her breath knowing what she was about to do went against her better judgment. “How about today?”


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