My Best Friend

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My Best Friend Page 3

by Ancelli

  Chapter Four

  He carried her into the ER and ran to the nurse behind the counter. “She’s almost five month pregnant, and she’s bleeding.”

  The nurses hurried her to a wheelchair and told him to wait there. “We just need to examine her.”

  “She needs me,” he said. He couldn’t bear to think of anything bad happing to Kay or the baby. He already loved her baby. The baby has to ok. She was part of Kay, so she was part of him.

  Fifteen minutes later, the Nurse came in the waiting room, “Sir you can go see her now.”

  He walked into the room. Kay was crying. He went over and grabbed her in his arms. “Everything is going to be ok. Our baby will be ok,” he whispered.

  She looked at him. “Our baby.” She had tears in her eyes. “Maybe it’s a good thing if I lose this baby. He doesn’t want it, and my life would be much easier.”

  He tried not to show how much what she said got to him. “What? Who gives a fuck if he wants her or not? I’m here, and I will be here for her. I don’t ever want to hear you say those words again. You’re not alone.”

  She looked at him. “You know I didn’t mean it. It’s just that...why is this happening to me?” She put his hand on her stomach. “We just felt the baby move. He did this. He wanted this to happen.”

  The doctor came in and looked at both of them, he looked at Jason. “Did you do this to her?”

  Jason looked at his knuckles and could see why he’d thought that. Kay answered the doctor. “No, it wasn’t him.”

  The doctor said. “I have to report it.”

  “I reported it already.” Kay lied. “Jason defended me. That’s why his knuckles look that way. It’s not because he hit me. He would never hit a woman.”

  “Your baby is ok,” the doctor said. “When you fell down, combined with the stress of the day, might have caused you to bleed. I’m going to put you on bed rest for a week. Would you like to see and hear the baby’s heartbeat?”

  Before she could say yes, Jason answered for her. “Yes.” The doctor turned on the monitor and started to put some of the cold gel on her stomach. As soon as he put the instrument on her stomach, the baby’s heartbeat sounded off. Jason smiled from ear to ear. It was music to his ears. The picture on the screen was amazing. He could now make out the baby.

  The baby was moving, and the doctor asked. “Do you want to know what you’re having?” They looked at each other, and she answered. “Yes...”

  The Doctor said, “I’m ninety-nine percent sure it’s a girl.”

  Jason started smiling. “I told you.”

  “Do you want a picture of your baby’s sonogram?” the doctor asked.

  “Yes, I do,” Kay, answered.

  The Doctor printed the pictures and gave them to her. After cleaning her up, he said, “I’m going to go get your discharge papers.”

  Jason touched her belly and kissed it. “Hey, baby girl, everything is going to be ok.” He looked up at Kay. “Can I have one of those pictures?” he asked. She picked one up and handled it to him. He pulled out his wallet and placed it in. He put his hand in his front pocket and pulled out is cell phone. It was one a.m. in the morning, but he called John to let him know he was taking a few days off.

  “What are you doing?” Kay asked. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I know; I want do.”

  “What about Kimberly?”

  “What about her?”

  “What will she say?”

  He went over to her, held her hand, and said, “She’ll have to deal with it. I won’t leave you alone.” He stared into her eyes. “By the way, you’re moving in with me for the week.”

  She looked at him. “No, I can take care of myself.”

  “No is not an answer. You should know that about me by now. Kay, why won’t you ever accept help? You don’t always have to handle things by yourself. I’m willing to help you. It doesn’t make you less independent.”


  They drove over to her house to pick up a few of her things. He knew he had to talk to her about what had happened between them. It felt good... her soft lips pressed on his, the taste of her sweet tongue. He helped her back into the car; he jumped in and smiled at her. She smiled back. He loved seeing her smile. He knew she wasn’t happy about staying with him, but she would just have to deal with it.

  She looked at him. “Are you sure about this?”



  He ignored her and started driving. Twenty minutes later, they pulled into his driveway. His house was huge. When he’d made partner, he’d bought his dream house, hoping that one day he would have someone to share it with. His home was over three thousand square feet of living space and had five bedrooms, four bathrooms and a beautiful spacious backyard. “Kay, mi casa, es tu casa,” as he opened the door. The living room was beautiful with a brown leather sectional sofa and two recliners, a sixty-inch TV above the fireplace, and the walls were decorated in natural colors and beautiful paintings. The dining room was elegant, decorated in black and white, and from the ceiling hung a beautiful crystal chandelier. In the middle, there was a seven- piece black marble dining room set. She was amazed at how beautiful his house was.

  He pointed to his office. “This is where I spend most of my time when I’m home.” His office had two desks, and on one of the desks, there was a picture of them when they’d graduated college and an all-in-one desktop and two laptops. One huge wall was full of books. He pointed to the living room. “I come where when I want to relax and watch TV.” Kay had seen his house when it was being built, but she hadn’t seen the final product. He always came over to her house. He took her down the hall. There were pictures of his parents, grandparents, and him when he was younger. He opened the door to the room she would be staying in.

  She turned to him. “This is your room,” “I can stay in the guest room.”

  “I’m going to treat you like the Nubian queen that you are. I’m not taking no for an answer.” His room had a fire place in the middle of the room with a California king-sized bed decorated with fluffy white blankets with too many blue pillows, two night stands with white lamps on each side, and the windows had elegant white and blue curtains. He walked her through and guided her to the bathroom; he had an over-sized shower and separate jet tub.

  I’m in heaven, she thought.

  He ran the water with bubbles in the tub and made sure the temperature was right and left the room. He put on her favorite music. “If you need anything, buzz me. Every room has an intercom,” he said and closed the door.

  He was in the kitchen finishing up dinner when his doorbell rang. He walked over to the door and swung it open to find Kimberly on the other side. She was a skinny, tall and beautiful brunette with stunning green eyes, and she knew she was smoking hot. She was wearing a white blouse, navy blue skirt, and black pumps.

  “Jason, did you forget you have a girlfriend? I haven’t seen you in days.” She pushed him out of the way to go through the door. “What have you been up to?”

  “Helping a friend,” he answered.

  She kissed him on the lips. “Oh really? Helping a friend? Why is there a purse on the table, music playing in your bedroom, and the bath water running?”

  “I have a friend over.”

  “A friend...” she said with suspicion in her voice. She was starting to get mad, by the look on her face. “So that’s why you couldn’t call back your girlfriend? But you can have a friend over in your bedroom? What the fuck. Who is it?”

  Jason felt annoyed. “Its Kay.”

  “Are you sleeping with her, Jason?”

  “No, Kimberly, I haven’t slept with Kay.”

  “I want her out of your house now,” she demanded. “I don’t want her here.”

  He looked at her. “This is my house, and you don’t te
ll me who I can or can’t have in it.”

  She walked up to him. “If you don’t throw that bitch out, we’re done!” she yelled.

  He was shocked. Did she just give me an ultimatum?

  “All she wants is your money. She is trying to seduce you. That’s all she’s ever wanted. She wants what I have, but she will never be me.”

  His voice got a little louder. “Don’t you ever, ever, talk about her that way. She’s my best friend, and she has been in my life long before I met you. She doesn’t care about my money because she has her own, and she doesn’t want me in her bed. I don’t take ultimatums lightly. How dare you come over to my house giving me orders? You want me to choose, then I guess our relationship is over.”

  “Are you crazy? You’re choosing that black bitch over me?” She yelled sarcastically. “I can’t believe you’re giving me up for that hood rat.” She moved her hands up and down her body, showing him. “She is, and will always be beneath me.”

  Jason turned and opened the door. “Get out.”

  “What?” she yelled. “You’re kicking me out?”

  He repeated, “get out of my house.”

  “What if I don’t? You going to hit me?” she asked, not moving.

  “I would never put my hands on a woman, no matter how mad I become. Just get the fuck out.”

  She looked at him. “I thought you loved me.”

  “All you do is think about yourself. It’s always been about you. You live to put others down. We lasted this long because of Kay. She was the one that told me to give you another chance every time I wanted to end things with you. I tried to see the good in you, but this is the last straw. You didn’t even bother to ask me why she was here or? What had happened? You just jumped to conclusions. I’m done.”

  Her eyes fired up when she turned to leave. She looked down the hallway and saw Kay. She whispered. “She’s pregnant.” Then yelled. “She’s pregnant! How could you get her pregnant? With all the white women, you choose to lay with that black bitch and get her pregnant?”

  Kay stormed over to them. “Who the hell are you calling a bitch?”

  Jason stopped Kay, and whispered. “Stop. Remember what you told me once? She’s not worth it. This is not good for the baby. Let me handle her.”

  She started turning. “You’re lucky I’m pregnant,” and went back down the hall toward the room.

  He looked at Kimberly. “Kay is, and will always be, more woman than you’ll ever be. She always thinks of other before herself. She’s a professional and not even close to a hood rat. I didn’t want us to end like this.”

  Kimberly slapped him. “I can’t believe you choose that nig—”

  Before she could finish, he yelled, “Kimberly, get the fuck out!”

  She turned and left, and he slammed the door behind her.

  After a few minutes, Kay came back into the living room. “Why did you let her assume the baby was yours?”

  “Why were you eavesdropping?”

  “Answer me.”

  “She assumed that I was the father, but I didn’t tell her I was. In my heart, though, she’s starting to feel like mine. Tommy doesn’t want her, and I do. It takes a man to raise a baby, and I’m a man willing and able. Kay, just go finish getting dressed. We can talk about it over dinner.” She watched him as he passed by her. “I’m going to wash up.” He started toward the guest room.


  They sat down at the dining room table, and he served pasta and salad with a glass of wine for him and milk for her. “Milk?” she asked.

  “It’s good for the baby. Let’s talk. Where do you want to start? Baby or us?”


  He looked at her with something she couldn’t quite figure out. “I would like to adopt your baby. We can raise her together. I can be her father. Tommy would be more than happy to give up his parental rights. Kay, when Kimberly assumed I was the father, I thought why not? Nobody knows. You’re my best friend, and you know that I will always be here for you and the baby. I know you need some time to think about this. I understand it’s a big step, co-parenting and all.”

  She was shocked. She hadn’t expected that from him. He had always been the most caring man she knew, but this was way too much. “You’ve been here for me and I know you will be there for her too, but you don’t have to do this. You’ll be in her life as her uncle.”

  “I don’t want to be her uncle. She needs a dad, and I can be there for her. Don’t you want her to have a father figure in her life?”

  “I can do it by myself. There are thousands of single mothers, and their kids grow up to be good people. How can you love another man’s child?”

  “That’s simple,” he answered. “Because she’s yours.” Her eyes started tearing up. “Kay, why do you want to do it by yourself when you have me? Just think about it. Now, about the kiss.” She got up and started to leave, he said, “oh so you’re not going to talk to me about how you feel? I thought we could talk about anything.”

  She turned. “Until now. I’m tired Jason; I’m going to sleep.” She walked out the room.

  He cleared the table and cleaned the kitchen. He couldn’t understand why she was so hesitant to allow him in. He wanted her to open up to him, knowing she’d been through a lot in her life with no family to turn to, but he was here, and he was her family now. He couldn’t stop thinking about her lips. All through dinner, all he’d thought about was kissing her. At that moment, he realized he had always wanted her, but he never said or did anything because they were so different. But, after getting to know her all these years, it had taken her baby to make him realize how much more than friends he wanted to be.

  “Damn, I love her.” He was about to pass by the room, but the door was open so he knocked and walked in. “Do you think we can talk now?” he asked.

  She was lying in the bed, and looked away from him. “About?”

  He walked closer to her. “About us, what that kiss meant to the both of us.”

  “It was nothing, Jason, just hormones. It was something that happened in the moment, the excitement of the baby kicking, nothing more.”

  “Can you please look at me?” he whispered.

  She turned and looked into his eyes. Facing her Jason whispered, “It meant something to me. I’ve wanted to kiss you since the moment I set my eyes on you in the library, but there was never a right time to tell you how I felt. You were seeing someone or I was. When you told me you were pregnant you broke my heart. That’s when I thought that was it. I’d lost you to Tommy. Kay, I love your baby. I never thought I wanted to be a father until now. I accept you the way you are with your faults and flaws.” He stroked her cheek. “You know I would do anything for you. I would give my life for you.” A tear fell from her eyes, and he wiped it. “You don’t have to tell me how you feel now, but you know how I feel.”

  He was about to get up when she pulled him back and lightly kissed him. The kiss turned into a passionate kiss. She had been dreaming for this to happen again. She melted in his arms. As he started kissing her neck, she began to moan.

  He could tell he’d found one of her spots. He pulled away. “Do you want me to stop?”

  She answered him by kissing him, feeling him getting excited. She started slightly pulling way recalling what he’d said. He’d said he loved her baby, but he’d never said he loved her. “This is a mistake. You’re my friend, and I don’t want to ruin what we have. I don’t want to lose you if things don’t work out.”

  He caressed her face. “Kay, I know you’ve been hurt, but I would do my best not to hurt you. I know love sometimes hurts. We just have to give it a chance. I can’t promise it will always be easy, but I can promise you I’ll always be there. I know we can do this together. Kay, please tell me what you’re feeling. We have always been honest with each other.”

  She looked at him with
passion in her eyes. “Jason, from the moment I saw you I wanted you too, but I let what other people thought cloud my feelings. You’ve been the best thing that has happened to me. Maybe I never acted on it because if I didn’t let you in, I wouldn’t lose you. Everyone I’ve ever loved has left me but you. I just kept getting involved with men that I knew would hurt me, but I never imagined that I would end up pregnant by a jerk and woman beater. There have been times I wished the baby was yours, but she is not.”

  “Kay, it’s always been me and you against the world.” He lowered his gaze to her stomach. “She might not be mine by blood, but she will be mine in every other form there is. I love that baby with all my heart, and she’s not even here. Imagine when she is here,” he said with love in his voice. He turned away from her.

  He sat on the edge of the bed with his back turned to Kay. She stood up and walked in front of him. “Give me your hand.” She took his hand and put it on her stomach. “I want you in our lives. I’ve never felt this way about anyone, and that’s what scares me.”

  He took her hands in his and looked into her eyes. “Let’s be afraid together. We can make it together, because I love you Kay. Yes, I said it. I love you. I’ve felt this way for a long time but didn’t have the courage to admit it. I’ve never felt this way about anyone else. I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you.”

  Tears started rolling down her face. He wiped the tears, pulling her into his arms, and began to kiss her lips. It was the sweetest kiss she’d ever had. He indulged in her sweet, lovely lips.

  She felt safe in his arms. She had never been kissed the way he kissed her, feeling the love he had for her. The love was always there. They just hadn’t wanted to see it.

  He thought to himself. Take it easy, don’t rush her. He pulled her away. “You need to rest. I will be in the other room.”

  “Please don’t go; stay with me.”

  Chapter Five

  One week turned into more than two months. Jason wouldn’t let her go back home. Every time she mentioned going home, he made up some excuse for her not to leave. He moved her things little by little. Kay didn’t mind she finally felt like she belong, was home. They were keeping their relationship a secret for now.


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