Refuge From The Dead | Book 2 | Dead Summer

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Refuge From The Dead | Book 2 | Dead Summer Page 14

by Masters, A. L.

  “No, he didn’t know yet. Listen, leave Jonah to me, okay? When I talk to him later, I’m going to explain everything. He’s old enough to know about it, and I think he’ll understand a little better why I want spend time with you.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked

  “Positive. Now, there is something I wanted to ask you,” he began.

  She turned her body toward his and sat up, attentive.

  “Do you think I could get a repeat of what we did in the basement? I can’t get it out of my head. I’ve been thinking about it ever since,” he said, holding his hand out to her.

  “I think that can be arranged,” she teased.

  He pulled her over onto his lap, and she straddled his legs. God, he smelled so good. He grabbed her hips and scooted her forward, until she was against his chest. He tilted his head up and stole her breath away with his kiss. He manipulated her lips skillfully, and she forgot everything around her. She squirmed on his lap, and he clenched his jaw and gripped her hips hard.

  “You’re going to have to stop that wiggling or you’ll make me embarrass myself,” he warned, breath hot in her ear.

  She pulled back and grinned down at him.

  She couldn’t believe it. Just an hour ago she was resolving to stay away from him so she didn’t get her heart broken. Now she was sitting on his lap and enjoying every single second of it.

  They stayed out, enjoying each other’s company and sharing increasingly passionate kisses, until a loud clap of thunder caused her to jump. Raindrops began to fall, harder and harder, until they were completely soaked by the rain.

  Jack held her hand as they climbed back over the rocks. When they reached the path, he picked her up and slung her over his shoulder, running to the back of the lodge.

  “Jack!” she shrieked.

  “Hush,” he said teasingly. “…unless you want to bring everyone out to see what’s going on.”

  She’d rather not, so she stopped squirming and began tickling him.

  It turned out to be not such a good idea. He was extremely ticklish, and almost dropped her.

  When they gained the back porch, he set her on her feet. He framed her face in his hands and stoked her cheeks with his thumbs.

  “You are so sweet,” he said seriously.

  He kissed her one more time, gently and thoroughly.

  He released her face. “You better go up to bed now, before I lose all control and have my way with you.”

  She wanted that so much.

  It was too soon though, and they both knew it. They wanted to take their time and get to know each other. She turned and gave him a quick wave and dashed into the lodge.

  He walked off into the rain.

  Chapter Twelve

  A New Mission


  The days passed, turning into weeks.

  One morning Jim looked at the calendar in the lobby and was shocked to find that June was almost over. It had been one month since the dead started coming back.

  It seemed like just yesterday…and it seemed like a thousand years ago.

  Angie was healing well. Her ribs still ached, but she was getting a lot stronger. She was learning so much, so fast, and he was proud of her. Cam had done the right thing.

  They were all getting better. They could function as an effective, though still green, fighting force.

  He was worried about Ed. The man was moody and introspective, rarely speaking unless spoken to. He wondered if there was anything he could do. Maybe find something to take his mind off things?

  He would think on it for a while and ask Cam and Angie what they thought.

  He walked into the bathroom, intending to take a quick shower before breakfast. He and Cam had been out running early this morning.

  He was surprised to find Angie already up and waiting on the sofa upstairs. She usually had to be woken up.

  “Good morning, angel. What are you doing up so early?” he asked her, stripping off his sweaty shirt.

  Cam was due back in soon and he wanted to hurry and get his shower so they could plan out more cache locations.

  “I had a bad dream and couldn’t go back to sleep. You guys were all gone,” she shrugged. “I decided to look over some of those medical books Cam found.”

  He had to admit that he stopped paying attention when he realized that he could see her bra through her t-shirt. He was tired, but not tired enough to miss that. He was also not gentlemanly enough to tell her about it.

  “…take out an appendix or something, but I could probably manage to sew up a simple wound,” she was saying.


  “What about my appendix? I don’t have an appendix,” he said.

  She sighed. “You weren’t paying attention, were you?” She shook her head at him.

  “Uh no, not really. I can see your breasts through your shirt, so everything else kind of just faded away there for a moment…”

  She gave him a horrified look and stared down at her chest. She yanked her legs up to hide behind her knees. That wasn’t helping.

  “Now I can see your thighs,” he pointed out.

  “Jim! Go shower. Now!” she ordered, still hiding.

  He grinned lazily. “Sure thing. Want to come with?”

  She threw the book and he darted into his new room.


  Cam was sitting on the edge of the desk when he got out.

  He raised an eyebrow as Jim wandered through the suite in his underwear. Angie walked in from their bedroom and bit her lips to stifle her amusement.

  “Good morning,” she said, walking over to Cam.

  “It is now,” he said back.

  Jim watched as Cam tugged her between his thighs and kissed her thoroughly. Cam growled deep in his chest and Angie tugged him toward their bedroom.

  The door slammed and he heard Angie moan through the thin wall.


  “I’m going back to the shower!” he called out, abandoning his plans to look at maps with Cam.

  He thought he heard the deep rumble of Cam’s laughter. He really needed to move to the other side of the lodge.

  This time he used cold water in the shower.


  Ed was feeling restless and useless.

  Oh sure, he took watches and helped out where he could, but he wasn’t capable of doing anything here. He took classes with the others, and studied various things, but he felt like a dead weight.

  Back when they were doing runs, back when Peg was still alive, he felt needed. He wanted to feel that way again.

  He wanted to leave the island.

  He wanted to go home and see what it was like, and he had things there that he wanted to bring back. In particular, there was a picture of Brenda that he missed dearly.

  He hadn’t mentioned it to anyone.

  He knew Cam would throw a fit for even suggesting it, not to mention the fact that he wanted to go alone. Jess would be upset too, and Nick, and Bradley.

  Something had changed inside him since Peg died.

  Maybe he lost hope. Maybe he lost his will to live along with her.

  The others seemed to move on pretty quickly, but he couldn’t get past it. He didn’t blame them. There was enough sorrow these days without dragging out the grief and mourning.

  He decided to find Cam and Jim and let them know what he intended to do. He knew they’d be eating breakfast right about now, so that’s where he went.

  Downstairs, he was greeted by a stack of omelets and some sausage and toast on the buffet. Jessica had set out some juice and coffee as well. She had really taken her role seriously, and they all appreciated her dedication and her excellent meals.

  “Good morning, Ed! I’m glad you came down for breakfast today,” Jess said brightly.

  “I figured I should be a little more sociable,” he said in greeting.

  “Well, sit yourself over there at the table and I’ll bring you a plate. You want everything?” she asked him.

p; “That will be fine. I’ll get my coffee in a few minutes,” he said.

  “Where is everyone?” he asked her.

  “Oh, Cam, Jim, and Angie are out on the front porch eating. I think Jack and Jonah are outside checking on the well. Jack said a part may need replacing soon. Nick and Bradley are still asleep. I don’t know where Monica and Jean are. I’m sure they’ll be down soon,” she told him.

  “Hmmm. I haven’t seen that darn cat around here lately. Is it still alive?” he asked.

  “Killer is alive and well. Jonah’s been letting him run around outside more, so he tends to wander now. I’m just glad he doesn’t come inside too much anymore, I hated cleaning the cat hair from the furniture.”

  Ed ate in silence.

  When he was finished, he decided to carry his coffee out to the porch and have that talk with the men. He was dreading it, but he wasn’t going to be changing his mind.

  He walked out onto the porch and took a seat at a nearby table.

  “Good morning, Ed. I’m happy to see you up and around so early,” Angie said.

  “Yeah. I got a little appetite back, I guess. Do you mind giving me a few minutes to talk to Cam?” he asked her.

  “Sure, I’m finished eating anyway,” She stood up and took her plate and Cam’s.

  Jim was still working on his.

  He waited until she walked inside to move closer and take the chair she vacated. He didn’t know how to begin, and they were both looking at him.

  He leaned over and put his hands on his knees.

  Best to come right out and say it.

  “I’m going home. I want see my home again and I want to get some of my things,” he said.

  There was complete silence. Cam glanced at Jim for a minute with a questioning look. Jim nodded.

  “Okay, we’ll get a mission planned out and assemble a team. It may take a few days,” Cam agreed.

  “No,” Ed said decisively.


  “I want to go alone,” Ed replied, waiting for the blow up.

  “Ed! You can’t go out there alone. It’s too dangerous!” Jim stated.

  Cam held up a hand for Jim to wait a moment, then he turned back to Ed.

  “I’m guessing you have your reasons. You are a grown man, and I won’t stop you from leaving by yourself,” Cam started.

  Jim exploded. “What the hell, Cam?!”

  Cam gave him a look before continuing. “But…I’m asking you to reconsider. If you don’t want a team going, then take me with you. We’ll go alone,” Cam offered.

  Ed considered this. He wanted to go alone for several reasons. The first, because he didn’t want to drag anyone into danger. The second was because he wanted to be alone. He needed to clear his head.

  The third reason and most important was that he didn’t know if he would be coming back.

  He loved these folks like family, but it was hard to be among them now. He felt like an outsider. He felt like they were walking on eggshells around him.

  He was tired of it. He was tired of everything. Was this how Peg felt at the end?

  “No, Cam. I’m going alone,” Ed said finally. “I’d like to take a few supplies with me, weapons and ammo, a vehicle—”

  “That’s fine. There are a lot of cars in the lot. We’ll find you one that runs and get you set up,” Cam said.

  Jim was fuming, Ed could tell. He would have to get over it though.

  “Thanks. I’d like to go in a few days if we can get things ready by then. I know you are busy with training and all.”

  “Don’t worry. We’ll get you fixed up. I hope you come back soon though. We’ll really miss you around here. I know Jess and Nick will be upset by this. I guess you know it too?” Cam asked.

  Ed just nodded and stood up. “Well, I’m going to start packing. I’ll see you both later.”

  Ed went down to the basement to find a pack and start gathering his supplies.


  Angie ran.

  She pushed her legs faster and pumped her arms. She felt a burning in her lungs and in her healing ribs. It felt horrible, and it felt excellent. She was beyond thrilled to be getting back into shape after the attacks.

  Cam had promised her a few weeks ago that she would become more fit than ever before in her life, that they all would.

  So far, he was keeping his promise.

  He led an intense boot camp style fitness class every morning, except on Saturdays. Saturdays were their only days off from training. Angie knew some of the others grumbled about the strict schedule, but she was grateful.

  It kept her mind occupied and helped her become stronger, and smarter.

  She continued on her running trail, deciding to do one more half-loop if she could. It would make it a total of six miles, which would be the furthest she had run since this all started. She pushed against the dirt trail, feeling the burning in her calves and in her hips. She tried to control her breathing— in for four seconds and out for three, timing it to her footfalls. It helped when she felt like she was losing control.

  She was very glad to find that she hadn’t lost too much of her fitness in the month since this all started. Her respiratory system may have suffered a bit, but her cardiovascular system felt fine. Her legs needed a little work though, and she intended to give it to them.

  The sun was scorching, though it was a tiny bit cooler when she passed under the canopy of the woods. Sunlight filtered through the bright green leaves and the birds chirped in the trees. A breeze blew across her face, and she could smell the damp, fishy smell of the lake nearby.

  She was content, almost happy.

  Sweat rolled down her body as she finished her run. She walked a while to cool down and would stretch when she got to the back porch.

  She thought about her relationship with Cam. So far, it was working out. Everything was still new though, and they hadn’t encountered any significant issues that they needed to deal with. She could only hope things stayed pleasant.

  She finally made it to the back porch, and her legs were starting to tighten up and cramp. She took a drink of water and started to stretch, working on her calves first. She bent down to touch her toes, feeling the burn in her hamstrings.

  She heard the door open behind her. Suddenly, a man grabbed her hips and pulled her back against him. She rolled her eyes. Cam was aggressive, dominant, and commanding. He told her what to do and took what he wanted, giving her pleasure in the process. She loved it…

  …except when she was trying to stretch.

  “Keep putting your ass in the air like that. She what you get,” he said in warning.

  “Maybe I will,” she replied, wiggling a little.

  He growled and smacked her ass.

  “Don’t play games with me. You’ll get more than you bargained for. Maybe I’ve gone too easy on you so far,” he teased.

  “What do you mean?” she asked, considering the possibilities.

  “Guess you’ll have to keep pushing me to find out. Go get cleaned up now, we’ve got things to do and not much time to do them in.”

  She smacked a kiss on his cheek and hopped lightly up the steps. He watched her with a strange half-smile, and she blew a kiss at him before she went in.


  A short time later, Angie had changed into a pair of camouflage cargo pants and a tank. She had her boots on and was ready to go. Cam had insisted on everyone wearing the new boots he brought back from the sporting goods store.

  At first, she resisted because the cheap ones were a lot more comfortable. The new ones gave her blisters at first, and she hated them.

  However, after wearing them a while and breaking them in, she had come to prefer them.

  Their whole group looked like some sort of motley militia. They had to mix and match their clothes and gear, but at least it was better than their only other option— ill-fitting SuperMart clothes.

  Cam wanted to make a run to an army surplus store soon. This time she was going wi
th them.

  She stepped out into the front yard and walked up the slight rise where Peggy was buried. Everyone was assembled here in an informal formation, waiting for instructions.

  Cam and Jim walked out of the house, with Ed in tow.

  Nick had suggested a while ago they consider some sort of formal ranking system, just to make everything more professional. He said it could make a difference when they encountered other survivors out there if they already had an established group. She hadn’t even considered the idea of meeting other people.

  She had trust issues now. Most of them did.

  So, on Nick’s idea had won out. Cam became their colonel, and Jim the lieutenant colonel because he insisted there couldn’t be two colonels.

  Cam and Jim didn’t really like that very much, but Jack and Jessica insisted. Even Monica thought it was a good idea. It helped give their teams a solid foundation.

  “Well, that’s a big bump in paygrade for me,” Cam said, referring to his former career.

  “What were you in the Army?” Jim asked.

  “E-7, Sergeant First Class,” Cam said evenly.

  “You’ve just been commissioned old man,” Jim said, rubbing Cam’s hair.

  “Well, I want some stars on my shoulder! I think I’d make a pretty good general,” Jean said.

  She was serious.

  They drew the line at saluting though. Bradley had tried it once and Cam had just shaken his head and walked away. Now it was a running joke that was about to play out again, and it never got old.

  They had to get their fun in where they could.

  Cam and Jim approached, and Nick and Brad prepared to salute them as they passed. Cam saw them standing at attention and his mouth twitched in annoyance. Angie detected the slightest hint of a smile, though nobody except her would be able to recognize it.

  “A-Tennnn-huuuut,” Nick shouted.

  Brad and Nick both raised their hands in a sloppy salute, faces dead serious.

  Cam stopped in front of them, still turned to the side, and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath and murmured something unintelligible. He opened his eyes and walked on, the others chuckling.


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