Sandy’s Ecstasy

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by Shay Fulk

  Sandy’s Ecstacy


  Shay Fulk

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Sandy’s Ecstasy

  Copyright © 2007 Shay Fulk

  ISBN: 1-55410-769-5

  Cover art and design by Martine Jardin

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by eXtasy Book

  To my muses — Sandy & Tony. You know what you mean to me…

  Chapter One

  Sandy Tompkins lay under the cabana umbrella. The sun’s glare off the Mediterranean Sea pierced the sunglasses perched on her nose and warmed her skin, but she didn’t want to move.

  Picking up her drink, she sipped the cool Margarita and lay back.

  Sandy’s mind drifted to the manuscript her editor/publisher expected by the end of next week…

  * * * *

  Pamela’s Ecstasy

  The unmistakable sound of a key scraping the lock woke Pamela from a light doze. She sat up from the bed and ran her fingers through her sleep-mussed hair. Paul was due any moment now and he was bringing a friend home. She hoped it was Jennifer.

  She knew Paul wanted the woman. She desired her also and the thought of Jennie naked and needy while Pamela knelt between her spread thighs and lapped at her sweet cream nearly made her cum. Pam reached down and slid her fingers between her moist lips and smiled. She was already wet with need.

  Her fingers expertly rubbed her clit. She’d done this many times, sometimes alone, sometimes while Paul watched her. He enjoyed watching her pleasure herself. The tightening in her womb increased as she pleasured herself, driving herself closer to an orgasm.

  “Starting without us, Lover?” She looked up at the sound of Paul’s voice and smiled.

  * * * *

  “Miss Tompkins?”

  Sandy glanced up and saw the young, handsome cabana boy. She pushed her sunglasses to the top of her blonde hair. “Hello, Raoul.”

  “Miss Tompkins, the masseuse is ready for you now,” the young man said. He smiled at her, his teeth flashing white out of his dark face. Raoul, about twenty years old and buff, was too young for her. She was attracted to him. After all she was a woman with a heartbeat. He was quite attractive with his dark hair and deep brown eyes. As usual, he wore a pair of skintight khaki walking shorts. There were several times, over the past two weeks Sandy saw his shorts drawn tight across his cock. Just the sight of him pressed against the front of his shorts made Sandy drool. She just wished she was brave enough to request his presence in her room. She could teach him a thing or two. But then she paused and mentally shook her head. She would probably never be that brave.


  She gathered her things and followed Raoul into the hotel. She couldn’t help herself. Her eyes followed his butt as he walked away from her. Tight asses…she could get off on tight asses!

  She’d come here to work — to finish her latest novel — her deadline was fast approaching and she had the worst case of writer’s block. She’d been hoping for a reprieve. At least long enough to finish this book. Then she’d take a real vacation, one where she didn’t leave her house and could sleep until noon every day. Even here, in paradise, something always seemed to get in the way of her writing. Probably because her muse had been conspicuously absent for almost six months and she hadn’t yet come up with a way of ending Pamela’s Ecstasy and since she was only two weeks from deadline, she felt the weight of that day sitting in her chest.

  Raoul opened the door of the spa area and ushered Sandy in.

  Sandy stopped just inside the door. The masseuse, a tall, handsome woman, looked like a female sumo wrestler.

  “Are you Miss Tompkins?”

  Sandy nodded, scared to speak in front of this behemoth of a woman. She felt like a child standing in front of her father, afraid of the punishment he might mete out.

  “You can change in here.” The woman pushed a curtain aside to reveal large, folded white towels lying on a bench inside the room.

  Ducking under the woman’s arm, Sandy entered the changing room and waited until the masseuse closed the curtain.

  She undressed slowly, unsure she wanted to go through with this. She’d never been naked in front of anyone before, except her doctor and her mom. Her ex-husband made her feel inadequate so she always undressed either in the dark or the other room before going to bed with him.

  “Are you almost ready, Miss Tompkins?”

  “Yes, almost.”

  Sandy wrapped one of the large towels around her. It fell from breast to knees and she sighed with relief. At least it wasn’t like one of her bath towels at home. Those oversized band-aids barely covered her from breast to hip.

  Walking out of the dressing room, she glanced over at the woman who stood on the other side of the table. For a moment, she was relieved.

  When the woman motioned for her to lie on the table, she did so, face down.

  She had to admit that the massage felt good. The woman started at her shoulders, her expert fingers massaging and kneading. They moved to her back.

  Sandy’s mind drifted to her novel. She had to finish this, but she didn’t know how…

  * * * *

  Pamela watched Paul and Jennifer enter the bedroom. She smiled as Jennie approached the bed with her sensual gait. The twenty-five-year-old woman sat down beside Pam on the bed, and then leaned forward to kiss her.

  Pam let the younger woman initiate and control the kiss. She didn’t want to frighten Jennie by anything she might do. The heated kiss was everything she ever wanted, needed from the young woman. Pam wrapped her arms around Jen and held her lush body against her, as the two women kissed.

  Jennie’s tongue fucked her mouth and Pam moaned with the heat the younger woman created in the lips of her pussy. Jennie slid her hand up Pam’s thigh and goose bumps rose on her skin.

  When Jennie’s fingers slid over her clit, Pam’s gasp of pleasure even beneath the kiss was ecstatic. Jennie rubbed Pam’s clit, softly, and then harder.

  Pam felt the tightening inside her womb that told her she was close to cuming. Then she felt male fingers enter her and knew that Paul had joined them.

  Her hips moved with the rhythm of their hands, finger-fucking her and she felt the tension tighten even more until…

  * * * *

  “Please turn over, Miss Tompkins.”

  Rolling over onto her back, Sandy fought the woman for control of her towel.

  “I cannot finish your massage until you give me the towel, ma’am.” She grinned then held up two small hand towels. “Never fear, your modesty will be protected by these.” As an example, the woman placed one over her wide hips and the other over her ample breasts to demonstrate the coverage of the miniscule scraps of fabric.

  Sandy fought the urge to snort. She rose from the table, tightened the towel around her, ducked into the dressing room and closed the curtain. When she was dressed, she held her head high and walked out of the spa, her cheeks blazing.
  Taking the elevator up to her fifteenth floor room, she threw her key and her bag on the bed and sat down on the edge with her head in her hands. Here she was, supposed to be a writer of erotic fiction and she couldn’t allow anyone to see under her clothes.

  She knew why she was this way. Her mother always treated sexuality as something dirty, kept hidden. Even in school, when the other girls talked about this boy they liked or that boy they were sleeping with, if she mentioned it to her mother, she told Sandy that they were sluts and whores. Sex was supposed to be between two adults only after marriage and only to procreate. It wasn’t until she was in her late twenties or early thirties, after her divorce that she began to see that her mother was wrong, but still those years of indoctrination hadn’t left her, even though she had been divorced from Shane for almost ten years.

  Something had to change! And since she couldn’t change her style of writing, she would just have to change herself.

  * * * *

  Tony looked down at Sandy. His client was losing it. She had a deadline to keep. He’d hoped his disappearing act would make her less dependent on him and more dependent on her own talent. If she was less dependent on him, he could go on to other clients who needed him just as desperately as she did.

  “What are you thinking about?” Robin asked him.

  He turned to the other muses waiting in the limbo between assignments. There were three others in the room. Robin he’d worked with before. She usually worked with romance writers. John, who sat playing chess with Jeff, worked with mystery writers, while Jeff worked with horror writers.

  Several other muses were away, working with their individual clients.

  “My client needs a boost of confidence,” Tony replied, leaning his hand against the doorframe.

  “So what are you planning?” Robin looked up at him, her blue eyes wide. She always admired his blond good looks. At the moment, he was dressed in jeans, hung low on his hips, and a white buccaneer shirt, his sleeves rolled up on his strong arms. His hands were strong and Robin knew how talented he was as she and the erotica muse had shared more than just their love for the written word.

  Robin shivered as she remembered Tony’s hands caressing her, his long, thick cock inside her. She felt the moist heat of a beginning orgasm start and quickly suppressed the feeling. She would deal with it later, when she was alone. Since they ended their affair, she’d tasted other muses, both male and female, but none had satisfied her the way Tony did.

  Tony grinned. “I know we aren’t allowed but I plan on giving her that self-confidence.”

  “Tony?” Jeff asked, rising to his feet to come over to look down at Sandy. “Oh, she is a pretty thing, isn’t she?”

  “Back off, Jeff. You have your own clients to work with. Anyway, she doesn’t work in your genre.” Jeff threw his hands up in front of him and backed away from Tony, as if warding off blows from Tony’s fists.

  “Tony, what are you planning?” Robin inquired again.

  He didn’t answer. He only smiled enigmatically and disappeared from the waiting area.

  Chapter Two

  Sandy lay on the sun-drenched beach under an umbrella. A large brimmed hat and sunglasses covered her face while a large beach towel covered the bikini she was too embarrassed to show anyone. She pretended to be engrossed in her book, when she was more interested in the people that walked up and down the beach. How anyone could gather enough courage to walk out in public with no top on boggled her mind!

  Hearing pounding on the sand, she looked up and saw a man about her own age coming toward her, astride a horse. He wore a pair of cotton running shorts and no shirt or shoes. She watched, fascinated, at the ripple of muscles beneath his skin as his thighs squeezed the sides of the large animal. His well-defined abdomen rippled with each jar of the horse’s hooves against the sand.

  She looked up at him but quickly looked away. She didn’t want him to think her too forward by staring at him.

  Damn, what a waste. A man that good looking has to be gay.

  The man rode the horse close to her, and then stopped. They were so close that she felt the horse’s breath on her shoulder. Getting off the horse, he bent down in the sand next to her and watched at her intently.

  “Hullo,” he said. “Aren’t you hot?” She had a feeling his words meant more than just the temperature. She felt heat coursing through her at his words. Yes, she was hot and it had nothing to do with the temperature of the beach. It had to do with the handsome man staring at her so intently.

  Sandy looked into his green eyes, a color that she’d always loved, and he looked back at her. His tanned skin shimmered with a light dusting of sweat. He had long blond hair and a light pelt of darker blond covered his chest, fading into a treasure trail down into the waistband of his shorts.

  Her hands itched to touch him, to trail her fingers over his tanned skin, down over the hard wall of his chest and six pack abs, and to dive past the waistband of his shorts. She felt her cheeks heat as she looked away embarrassed at the thoughts racing through her mind.

  He reached out his hand to her. “I’m Tony.”

  “Sandy.” She placed her hand in his.

  Before she could say another word, he got to his feet, pulling her up with him. He removed her hat, allowing her curly, dark blonde hair to fall down her back. He removed her sunglasses.

  “Beautiful dark brown eyes,” he whispered.

  “I…uhh…I need to go…” she started.

  He skimmed his hands down her back and she arched against the heat that course through her. “Do you?” His hand came down to rest against her butt and she moaned as his fingers massaged the tender flesh. He pulled her against him and she felt his cock inside his shorts.

  Oh, my God! He’s huge!

  Tony lowered his head to her and she couldn’t help herself. Her lips opened beneath his mouth, his tongue swept past her teeth. His hands spanned her waist as her arms came up around his neck.

  His skin felt warm under her palm and she couldn’t help it as her fingers touched and stroked his shoulders, arms, chest, and back.

  Sandy’s heart pounded in her ears as her mind raced with erotic scenes; she and Tony lying in bed, only a sheet covering them. She thought about making love with him on a moonlit beach; his body on top of her with his thick cock thrusting in and out of her pussy, while she moaned and bucked beneath him. She was on top, riding him, her naked body shimmering with sweat, her hands on the frame of a bed, as she rode him. She saw herself down on her knees in front of him, his big cock in her throat; him on his knees in front of her, his mouth buried in her pussy.

  Her pussy went slick with these thoughts.

  Then his voice — a voice she knew from her lonely nights of writing — came to her, telling her that everything he showed her, everything he could and would do to her, she could put in her book.

  She pushed herself away from him, her mouth dropping open. “You!”

  He smiled and nodded his head. “Yes, me.” He leaned toward her and she backed away. “I am going to make love to you every way I know how, Sandy.”

  Sandy shook her head. “No, I…”

  “Every way I showed you in that vision.”

  She turned and leaving her stuff on the chair, she ran, stumbling up the stairs to the veranda of the hotel. Only when she was outside her room, did she realize that she’d left her key in her swim bag, which was beside her beach chair.

  “Miss Sandy?”

  Turning she saw Raoul coming toward her, carrying her swim bag, hat and sunglasses. He was again dressed in shorts, tee shirt and tennis shoes.

  “T—thank you, Raoul,” she said.

  “Are you all right, Miss Sandy?” the young man asked.

  “What? Oh, yes, I’m fine. Thank you.”

  Her cheeks heated again as she thought about… No, he was just a boy and yet… She’d never seduced anyone before, yet…

  “Are you busy, Raoul?”

  “No, Miss Sandy. I don�
��t have to go to work for an hour. Why?”

  She opened the door of her room and pulled him inside, slamming the door closed behind them. She pushed the boy against the door, pressing her body against his. “Kiss me.”

  “Miss Sandy?” he asked, surprised.

  She drew his arms around her waist and leaned against him. “Kiss me.”

  He looked at her and shrugged. A moment later, his mouth covered hers.

  Sandy guided him back into her room, closer and closer to the bed. Raoul’s fingers found her breast through her bikini top. Her nipples went hard as his fingers rubbed and pinched them.

  Raoul’s fingers warmed her shoulders as he reached back to untie the straps of her bikini bra and she helped him remove the garment. She had a feeling that she was not the first of the hotel’s customers Raoul had ever seduced. She didn’t care. It had been too long since she’d had a man and the thought of this young man inside her made her pussy wet.

  Inside her head, she heard Tony’s voice, “Feel his hard cock against your belly, love…”

  She did. She could feel the rigid flesh pressing against her and couldn’t help herself as she moved against him, rubbing her mound against the hard evidence of his cock.

  Raoul hooked his fingers into her bikini bottom, pushing them off her hips. Her fingers fumbled for the button of his shorts, and he was soon as naked as she was.

  Tony’s voice came to her again. “Taste him. Take his cock into your mouth and taste him.”

  She shook her head, but her knees buckled beneath her and she dropped to the floor in front of Raoul.

  The purple mushroom head of his dick was right there in front of her nose. She could smell the muskiness of his desire; see the drop of pre-cum on his cock. She stuck her tongue out, tasting the salty bitterness. Something seemed to take hold of her and she drew Raoul’s big cock into her throat. She heard the boy moan.


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