Sandy’s Ecstasy

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Sandy’s Ecstasy Page 6

by Shay Fulk

  * * * *

  Ned bent over the stream, trying to catch another fish. Two more lay on shore. He would carry them to where the women waited, cook them, and they would at least have food. He and Daniel Gibson awakened before the women, as soon as the sun began peaking over the horizon.

  “You saw the charts just before the storm hit?” Ned asked him. The flotsam and jetsam of their sunken ship dotted the sand. Ned knew that most of the cargo was useless. A few of the boxes held clothes — both for himself and his crew, but also women’s clothes, stolen from the English ships he’d been harrying for the past year. It was out of this loot that Ned had taken the clothes he’d given Cassandra and Tansy earlier.

  The two men walked away so they wouldn’t waken the women.

  “Yes, sir. We’re along the coast of the Carolinas. Somewhere along the outer banks.”

  Ned looked up the coast in the direction they were walking. “I agree. All right. It’s three days walking to the nearest town.” Daniel agreed. “Go. Bring back horses. I can get clothes for them out of these boxes.” He motioned to the trunks that dotted the shore.

  “Yes, sir. I will return as soon as I can.”

  Daniel walked away, while Ned went in search of a fresh water stream where he could catch some fish.

  Ned’s head came up when he heard the scream. “That was Cassandra,” Ned said.

  Leaving the fish on shore, he ran toward where he’d left the women. As he round the spit of sand, he stopped, his mouth dropping open.

  He stopped when he saw Tansy and Cassandra. Cassandra was lying back on the sand. Tansy was on her knees in front of Cassandra, her mouth buried between Cassandra’s thighs.

  The moment he saw that, his cock instantly got hard. He moaned and Cassandra looked up at him, her eyes glassy with passion.

  With difficulty, he walked over to the two women. He wondered if his future wife was still a virgin and by the way she looked lying there with Tansy pleasuring her, she wasn’t. He wondered who’d gotten her maidenhead.

  He stopped beside her. Before he could move away, she reached up, unbuttoned his trousers and took his erection out.

  His eyes widened and then he gasped as Cassandra took his member into her mouth.

  She took him right to the edge, but before she could take him over, Tansy stood away from her.

  Tansy pulled him down on top of her and with a thrust, Ned entered her.

  * * * *

  Cassandra turned her head to watch Ned with Tansy and heat filled her. That woman was having sex with the man she was in love with…then she stopped thinking for a moment.

  No, I cannot be in love with him. He’s a stranger to me.

  But Cassandra couldn’t deny her feelings. She loved Ned. What am I to do? I am engaged to Lord Rice. I cannot be in love with another man.

  But she was, and the sight of Ned with Tansy sent waves of anger and jealousy coursing through her. She rose to her feet and stalked away, her heels pounding into the sand.

  * * * *

  Ned felt Cassandra rise to her feet and turning his head, watched her walk away. He could tell she was angry and could almost guess why.

  He couldn’t tell her yet who he really was. He didn’t want to. He wanted it to be a surprise when she walked into the drawing room of his Boston home and saw him.

  God, how I want her! Is she still pure? Has someone taken her maidenhead?

  He felt the swelling of his manhood inside Tansy and knew he was getting close to ejaculating. His strokes pounded into her until with a cry, he thrust deep inside and came.

  He came down to lie beside her, his breathing as labored as her own.

  “Where did my mistress go?” she asked, noticing Cassandra’s absence.

  “She was angry about our being together and left.”

  “Oh — oh, my!” Tansy grabbed her clothes and quickly dressed. “Are you sure there ain’t no red Indians around to…” Her voice dropped to a whisper, “rape her.”

  “You’ve never been outside of England?”

  “Never. Why?” Tansy asked, stopping in her redressing to look at the captain.

  “The Indians in this part of the country are civilized.”

  Just then they heard shouting and turning, they saw four braves, surrounding Cassandra, walking toward them.

  The lead brave held his hand up as a sign of peace. “Ho.”

  “Ho.” Ned held his own hand up.

  “Is this your squaw?” the lead brave asked.

  “She is,” Ned replied.

  Cassandra’s head came up and she snorted. “I do not belong to him.”

  Something passed between Ned and the lead brave and the brave nodded. “Then if you do not belong to him, you will share my bed.” The brave reached out and laid his hand on Cassandra’s arm.

  Cassandra jerked her arm out of the brave’s hand.

  * * * *

  The brave looked surprised and immediately saw that this woman was not like most of the English. This woman had spirit and he longed to have her sharing his bed, but he could also tell that the English loved the woman. It was against tribal law for him to take the wife or lover of another man into his bed.

  Just then they heard the pounding of horses’ hooves. Turning, they all saw Mr. Gibson riding one horse and lead a second.

  “Where did you find the horses?” Ned asked, as his second-in-command rode up.

  “There’s a small settlement a few miles north of here. I was able to trade some of the gold from one of the chests that floated in up shore.”

  Ned turned to the braves. “There is not much here, but what is here, you may have. I only ask for clothes for the two women.” He motioned toward the trunks and boxes that littered the shore.

  “We will take what we can use,” the brave said.

  Ned walked over to one of the trunks and opened it. Inside were women’s clothes, but they were simple dresses. Cassandra came over to the trunk and began going through them. At the very bottom, she found a gown and she drew it out. Tansy helped her dress, then put her own rough homespun on.

  Ned got on the other horse and pulled Cassandra up with him. Tansy got on with Daniel.

  “Thank you,” Ned told the Indian brave. The two men clasped their fellow’s forearms. Then Ned and Daniel turned the horses to the north.

  * * * *

  Tansy helped Cassandra dress in her new gown and then stepped back to look at her mistress.

  “You look beautiful, ma’am,” Tansy said, tweaking a curl.

  “Thank you, Tansy.” Cassandra picked up her reticule. Then she spun around and sat down on the edge of her bed.

  Ned had left them in Richmond, Virginia, where the women caught a coach from there to Boston. It was a two day journey to Richmond then another five days from Richmond to Boston

  They’d gotten a room at the inn and had been there for about a week, using some of the gold Ned gave them to pay for the room and some new clothes.

  They received a boy two days before. He had an invitation from Lord Anthony Rice for them to go to his house in two days’ time.

  “Are you all right, Mistress?” Tansy asked, placing her hand on Cassandra’s shoulder.

  “No, I feel sick, Tansy.”

  “You just nervous about meeting him,” Tansy said.

  “Yes, I am,” Cassandra admitted.

  “I’ll be there with you.”

  “Thank you. How can I marry this man, when I’m in love with Ned, Tansy?”

  “Mistress, sometimes you gots to do what you gots to do,” Tansy told her.

  Cassandra covered her face with her hands. “I know. I just…” She sat there for a few minutes, and then she lowered her hands. Rising from her bed, she lifted her head. “I am my father’s daughter. I can do this.”

  Tansy helped Cassandra to her feet and they walked out of the inn. A carriage was waiting for them.

  The carriage took them to a house on Beacon Street

  , near the Boston Commons.

>   The carriage driver helped the two women out and they walked up to the front door. Tansy knocked and a moment later, it came open.

  “Good morning, ladies,” the manservant said, bowing to them. He stood back so they could enter. “I am Perkins, Lord Rice’s man.”

  “Thank you. Is he in?” Cassandra asked.

  Perkins walked to the double doors on the right side of the foyer and pushed both doors open.

  Cassandra stepped inside, followed by Tansy, and then both women stopped, shocked.

  “Ned!” Ned stood leaning against the fireplace. “What are you doing here?”

  “I am Lord Anthony Rice, Cassandra.”

  She shook her head. “What? What’s going on?”

  Ned — Tony — motioned her to the sofa and she sat down, her knees weakened with the shock. Tansy stood nearby.

  “Two years ago, General Washington came to me. He knew my family history of shipping and asked me to help the patriots.”

  “The patriots?”

  * * * *

  Tony’s heart sank. Was she a Tory? His agent in London hadn’t mentioned that. “Yes, I work with the American patriots, trying to cut our ties with England.” He paused, worried for a moment she would betray him. He knew he would have to proceed cautiously until he knew where her loyalties lie.

  Cassandra rose to her feet and began pacing the floor. “Does General Washington know you are a pirate?”

  “Pirate… No, I am not a pirate. I am a privateer, commissioned by the general to harass English shipping. Are you Tory?” Tony asked.

  “No, I am not. I do not agree with what the king and his appointed cocksuckers do to the Colonies.”

  He looked at her surprised and throwing his head back, he guffawed. “I knew that my agent in London didn’t say anything about you being a Tory.”

  She snorted. “My uncle is Tory, but I do not agree with their sentiments. He and his ass-kissers!”

  Tony rushed to her and grabbing her, he kissed her deeply. “Woman, you are a delight.”

  “I love you, Tony,” she whispered.

  “I love you too, Sandy.” He kissed her again.

  “Tansy, return to our inn and collect our luggage. Bring it back here.”

  Tansy smiled. “Yes, Mistress.”

  Tansy left the house and Cassandra turned to Tony. “I am having some trouble I believe you can help me with.”

  “What trouble is that?” he asked.

  Much to his surprise, she raised her skirt above her waist. “I have something here that needs your attention.”

  He smiled and ran his hand down between her thighs. His fingers found her moisture and he heard her gasp of pleasure as his fingers skimmed over her clit.

  “What do you want, Cassandra?” he asked.

  She brought her hand up to glide over the front of his shirt. “I want to be your lover, Tony. I want us to be together. I don’t want to wait until our wedding night.”

  He smiled softly and leaning down, he kissed her. “That can be arranged.”

  “Good.” She slid her arms up around his neck and pressed her body against his, rubbing her mound against the front of his trousers.

  She unbuttoned his trousers and pulled his hard cock out. She came down onto her knees in front of him and he gasped as her mouth wrapped around his length.

  “Cassandra!” he called out as her teeth and tongue played over his length. “Oh, God, Woman! I’m going to cum.”

  He pulled her away from him, and lifting her, he sat her on a table. Gently he slid between her thighs. Knowing she was still a virgin, he held back from taking her violently, even though he was so aroused that it was what he wanted to do.

  He came to the evidence of her virginity. “Do you want me to go on? Or stop?”

  “You stop and I will kill you,” she said between clenched teeth.

  With a final thrust, he entered her completely.

  “Oh, yes! Oh, Tony! Fuck me,” she whispered.

  “My darling, I am doing the best I can,” he said.

  He could feel his balls getting tighter, drawing up to cum and he began driving into her harder. “Cassandra!” he cried out, as her heat surrounded him.

  Chapter Seven

  Sandy woke with a start. Her breathing labored from her lungs. For a moment, she didn’t know where she was. She thought she was still in the drawing room of the house in Boston, where she met Tony Rice, her fiancée. It took her a few minutes to orient herself to her own house in Tulsa. She shivered with the cold. The air conditioner had lowered the temperature inside the house to a chilly seventy degrees. Rising from the sofa, she went to the a/c control and turned it up.

  Walking over to where she’d left her luggage, she carried them down the hall to unpack.

  * * * *

  Tony stood before the Council of Muses. They sat above him at a Judge’s bench. Pam, the head councilor, looked down on Tony with a disapproving gleam in her eyes. Tony looked to the left and right.

  To Pam’s right were Shay and Edna. To Pam’s left were Neva and Diane. As Tony glanced at Shay, she winked. Tony quickly hid the smile that threatened to break forth.

  “You are accused of revealing yourself to your client,” Pam intoned.

  “I am guilty of that infraction,” Tony replied, bowing slightly to the head of the council.

  Pam’s eyes widened. “You admit your guilt?”

  Tony shrugged. “There is no need in denying what you and the rest of the council already know.”

  Pam looked down at him and frowned. “You know the punishment for this infraction.”

  “I know. And I am willing to accept my punishment.”

  Edna frowned. “We must deliberate on your punishment.”

  The five councilors rose and walked out of the room.

  “The punishment must be severe. We cannot allow this infraction to go unpunished,” Pam replied.

  The five councilors sat around a table, with Pam, as head of the council, in the main seat.

  “He is young,” Shay said, a gentle smile touching her mouth.

  “Youth should not be an excuse. He knew the rules. You yourself have a soft spot for Tony. You should not be judging him.”

  “Can you deny that he is not your favorite of the muses?”

  “That’s beside the point,” Edna said.

  “No, it is the point. He is young. He is in love with this woman.”

  Edna snorted. “Love? I do not believe in that emotion. It’s a figment of his imagination that he has any feelings for this woman.”

  “I believe the emotion he’s feeling is real,” Shay replied.

  “So what are we going to do with him?”

  Tony came to attention in the box as the Council members filed in. They each took their seats and looked down at Tony.

  “We have found you guilty of the infraction of revealing yourself to your client,” Pam said. “For this, we sentence you to spend the rest of your life on Earth.”

  Tony looked from one of the council members to the next. Shay winked while Edna looked on, disapproval in her face.

  Tony tried to look properly admonished, but inside, he was screaming for joy. He would go and live with his Sandy.

  “All of your powers will be taken from you,” Pam intoned the second part of the sentence. A bright light shone down around him and he felt his powers drain from him. It left him weak in the knees and he almost collapsed.

  “You will leave here immediately.”

  The chamber door opened and a second later, Tony found himself standing outside the villa in France.

  He opened the door and ran inside. Taking the stairs two at a time, he ran to the bedroom where he’d left Sandy.

  He hadn’t been gone that long, but when he stepped into the bedroom, she wasn’t there.

  “No!” He ran to the bathroom door but knew she wasn’t there either.

  “She’s not here.” Tony turned to find Shay standing behind him. “She’s gone back to Tulsa.”

  “I have to go to her.”

  “Yes, you do. But you need some powers back to do that,” Shay said. “I cannot give you back all of them. I can however give you two temporary powers. But only until you get to Tulsa and see her.”

  “Thank you.”

  Shay touched his shoulder. “I have given you another power, which you can also only use once.” She winked. “It is the power to heal.”

  Warmth spread through him. “Why do I need this power?”

  She smiled. “You will know when to use it.” She clapped and as the echo disappeared, so did she.

  Tony still found himself standing in the bedroom of the villa and wondered how he could get from France to Tulsa.

  “Look in the bedside table,” Shay’s voice came to him.

  Tony opened the drawer and drew out a card, with two interlocking circles on it. “What’s this?”

  “It’s called a platinum credit card. Unlimited credit limit.”

  “How do I use it?” Tony asked, turning it over and over in his hands.

  “You can use it to get the cash you need for anything you need?”

  “Cash? What’s that?”

  Tony listened as Shay explained to him what money was and it took a while for him to realize the implications.

  “So what do I do?”

  “First, call a limousine company and give them that number on the front. Tell them you need a ride to Nice to get to the airport. Call United Airlines. The number is in the phone book.”

  “Phone book?”

  A thick French phone directory floated out of the bedside table and landed on the bed. Pages turned until they exposed the pages with the myriad of airlines. The eight-hundred number was highlighted.

  Tony picked up the phone and called the airlines, making arrangements to fly from Nice to Tulsa, Oklahoma immediately. When the telephone sales representative asked for his credit card number, he read it off.

  While he was on the phone with the airlines, the pages of the phone book turned again on their own, until they came to the limo services. The number again was highlighted and stayed that way until Tony hung up with the airlines.


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