by Noel Rae
Cartwright, Dr. Samuel, 448-451
Casas, Bartolomeo de las, 46-48
Censorship, 247-249
Charleston uprisings, 189-190
Christiana Riot, 418-423
Christy, David, 445
Civil War battles: Honey Hill, 543-544; Fort Pillow Massacre, 530-532; Fort Wagner, 508, 525-528; Milliken’s Bend, 544-545; Port Hudson, 528-530
Clark, Lewis, 244
Clarkson, John, 228-229
Clarkson, Thomas, 175
Clay, Henry, 497
Clinch, Col., 393-395
Coffin, Levi, 363-364
Cole, Thomas, 515-518
Columbus, Christopher, 43-45
Constitution, Massachusetts, 235-237
Constitution, U.S., 233-235, 563
Contrabands, 512, 522, 535
Cotton, 253-254, 486-488
Cragin, Ellen, 412-413
Crow, Capt. Hugh, 138-139
Cuffe, Paul, 230-231
Dabney, Col. Thomas, 269-273
Dahomey, Kingdom of, 77-84
Dallen, Charity, 177-178
Dana, Richard Henry, 497, 503
Davenport, Carey, 349
Davis, Jefferson, 549-550
Diaz, Dinnis, 31-32
Douglass, Frederick, 12, 260-261, 330-338, 371, 375, 381, 422, 454-456, 458, 470-475, 511-512, 523-524, 536, 564-567
Drake, Philip, 121-122
Dred Scott Decision, 455-457
Dresser, Amos, 247-248
Dunmore, Earl of, 204-209
Eannes, Gil, 24, 27
Earle, Thomas, 459-460
Eastman, Mary, 476-477
Edwards, Bryan, 388-390
El Mina fortress (Sao Jorge da Mina), 40-43
Elliott, Bishop Stephen, 260
Emancipation, 200; churches attitude towards, 430-431; Douglass speech, 563-567; Emancipation Proclamation, 511, 522, 537; Garrison speech, 466-468; Jamaica Emancipation Act, 446-447; Lundy publication, 460; Nehemiah Adams, 430-431; Northern States, 235-237; Southern states, 237-239, 267, 435-436, 548-549
Equiano, Olaudah (Gustavus Vassa), 60-64, 110-115, 141-145, 191-192, 227
Ethiopian Regiment, 204-209
Eugenius IV (Pope), 26-27
Ewald, Capt. von, 211-212
Falconbridge, Alexander, 58, 123-128, 139-141
Falconbridge, Anna Maria, 227-228, 230-231
Feaster, Gus, 417-418
Federal Writers’ Project (see Slave Narratives)
Fillmore, President Millard, 422, 497-498
Fisher, Isaac, 87-93
Fitzhugh, George, 431-434
Florida, 187-188, 193, 199, 353, 381, 393-395
Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 530-531
Fort Mose, 198-199
Frances, Warwick, 230-231
Franklin, Benjamin, 168-171, 173
Franklin, Leonard, 413
Fugitive Slave Act, 234, 257, 370-374, 381, 474
Garrett, Thomas, 374-375
Garrison, William Lloyd, 405, 462-463, 465-471, 507
George, David, 223-231
Goncalvez, Antam, 24-26, 32
Gorsuch, Edward, 419-421
Great Negro Plot, 158-167
Greeley, Horace, 492, 511
Green, J.O., 411-412
Green, Samuel, 248-249
Grimké, Sarah and Angelina, 300-304, 353-354, 488-491
Haiti (Saint Domingue), 387-390, 481
Hakluyt, Richard, 49-51
Hammond, James Henry, 436-438
Harper, William, 434-436
Hawkins, Sir John, 49-51
Helper, Hinton Rowan, 483-486
Henry The Navigator, Prince, 23-30, 32-33, 40
Henson, Josiah, 313-319
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 496, 499-500, 519-521
Holmes, George, 477-478
Horsmanden, Daniel, 158-167
Hundley, Daniel, 438
Ilha, Lancarote da, 27-30
Indentured servants, 177-179
Intermarriage with slaves, 180-181
Jackson, Andrew, 393-395
Jacobs, Harriet, 258-259, 481-483
Jefferson, Thomas, 186, 209, 251-253
Jemison, Ophelia, 351
Joao II, King, 40
Johnson, Jordan, 242
Johnson, William, 326-330
Jones, Thomas, 321-323
Josselyn, John, 149
Judge, Oney, 219-223
Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, 454, 491-496
Kemble, Frances, 246-247, 274-282
Kemp, John Henry, 413
Laurens, Henry, 202-204
Laurens, John, 210-211
Lawrence, sack of, 492-493
Lay, Benjamin, 171-175
Lee, Gen. Robert E., 550, 558
Le Jau, Dr. Francis, 190-191
Leon, Ponce de, 46-48
Lincoln, Abraham, 510-512, 519, 521-522, 536
Livermore, Mary, 304-305
Lundy, Benjamin, 459-462, 465
Mali, 18-20
Maroon communities, 186-187
Martire, Pietro, 45
Mason, George, 235
Mather, Rev. Cotton, 149-152, 155-156
Meade, Bishop William, 259-260
Messervy, Capt., 132-134
Mexico, 381-384
Miller, Joseph, 538-539
Miller, Levi, 547
Minkins, Shadrach, 496-498
Mississippi Declaration of Secession, 509-510
Monroe, James, 392-393
Moore, Fannie, 244
Moore, Francis, 64-66, 75-77, 98-99
Moore, William, 415
Mosgrove, George, 533
Mount Vernon, 216-219
Murray, Amelia, 445-446
Murray, Lord John (see Dunmore),
Nalle, Charles, 372-374
Nashoba commune, 479-481
Native Americans, as slaves, 45-48, 148, 151-153, 178, 202
Negro Fort (Florida), 393-395
New York Draft Riots of 1863, 542-543
Newton, John, 56-57, 59
Northup, Solomon, 240-241, 243, 306, 308-313
Nyendael, David van, 58
Offley, Rev. G.W., 411
Oglethorpe, Gen. James, 187, 195-199
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 283-297, 381-385
Park, Mungo, 101-110
Parker, Theodore, 422
Parker, William, 421
Patterson, Delicia, 416-417
Pennington, James, 376-381
Phillips, Capt., 54-55, 67-75, 117-121
Phillips, Wendell, 486-487, 501, 507
Pollard, Edward, 438-440
Pottawatomie Massacre, 493-496
Praying Jacob, 411
Prosser, Gabriel, 387, 391-393
Quakers, 172-175, 258, 263, 362-363, 374, 380-381, 405, 460
Quaws, 138-139
Religion, among slaves, 231, 254-261, 345-347, 348-351; church service in New Orleans, 286-289; David George, 223-227; Josiah Henson, 315-319
Rhode Island Regiment, 210
Richardson, James, 479-481
Riedesel, Baroness Frederika von, 213-214
Ross, Alexander, 365-366
Royal African Company, 14, 53-54, 64, 68, 71, 75, 83, 86, 97-99, 120
Satterfield, May, 350-351
Scott, Capt. George, 136-138
“Scramble” method of selling slaves, 139-142
Seminole Wars, 353, 395
Sewall, Samuel, 154-156
Shadrach (See Minkins, Shadrach)
Sharp, Granville, 144, 157, 170, 227-228
Shaw, Robert Gould, 508, 522, 525-526, 539
Sierra Leone, 49, 101, 144, 223, 227-231, 260
Sims, Thomas, 498-500
Slave Narratives (Federal Writers’ Project): Burton, Annie, 559-561; Colbert, William, 558; Colquist, Martha, 557-558; Cross, Cheney, 554-555; Debro, Sarah, 555-557; Garlic, Delia, 319-320; Harper, Eda, 553; Hughes, Margaret, 553-554; King, Henrietta, 307-308; Reynolds, Mary, 342-348; Rowe, Katie, 550-553; Smith, Primus, 558-559
Slavery laws: South Carolina, 192-195; Virginia, 179-181
Smalls, Robert, 513-515
Smith, Adam, 169
Smith, William, 67
Snelgrave, Capt. William, 77-85, 128-135
Sojourner Truth, 507
Solomon, Job ben, 86, 93-99
Stansfield, James, 55-56
Stephen, George, 99
Stono Rebellion, 188-189, 192, 195
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 242, 244-245, 255-258, 262, 319, 363, 475-478, 491
Stringfellow, Rev. Thornton, 440-445
Sumner, Charles, 453-455
Sutcliff, Robert, 263-264
Tailfer, Patrick, 196-198
Tainos, 45-46, 48
Takkada, 20
Taney, Roger, Chief Justice, 455-457
Tappan, Arthur, 463
Tillman, William, 512-513
Tituba, 151-153
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 264
Told, Silas, 56
Torture instruments and methods, 191, 224, 301-302, 304, 307-308, 352-356; branding, 83; collars, 238; muzzle, 143; paddle, 242, 302-303; speculum oris, 125; tooth pulling, 302, 356; whips, 241-242, 244, 252, 296-297, 301, 538
Townsley, James, 492-496
Trans-Sahara slave trade, 16-22
Tristam, Nuno, 25-26
Trollope, Mrs. Frances, 267-269
Trowbridge, Lt. Col. Christopher, 562
Tubman, Harriet, 352, 366-370, 374-375
Turner, Nat, 386, 405-411
Turner, West, 413-414
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 242, 244-245, 363, 475-478; A Key to Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 476, 491
Underground Railroad, 363-370
Uprisings (on slave ships), 128-139
Usodimare, Antoniotto, 36-38
Vazquez de Aylonn, Lucas, 46
Vega, Garcilaso de la, 46
Vesey, Denmark, 387, 395-402
Walker, David, 402-405, 463
Walker, Quock, 235
Walson, Henry, 243
War of Jenkins’ Ear, 188, 198-199
Waring, John, 170
Washington, George, 157-158, 209-210, 214-223
Webster, Daniel, 421, 497
Weld, Theodore Dwight, 252, 300, 353-356, 452
Wesley, Charles, 191
Wheatley, Phillis, 146, 156-158
Whydah, 67-78
Williams, Rose, 323-326
Woolfolk, Austin, 461-462
Woolfolk, Ben, 391-392
Wright, Camilla, 479-481
Wright, Fanny, 478-479, 481
Historian NOEL RAE received an honors degree in history from Oxford University. His books include The People’s War: Original Voices of the American Revolution, Witnessing America: The Library of Congress Book of Firsthand Accounts of Life in America, and This is Berlin: Radio Broadcasts from Nazi Germany. He lives in Westchester, NY.
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