My Own Daddy (Daddy Series Book 1)

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My Own Daddy (Daddy Series Book 1) Page 7

by Lila Fox

  Larkin crept around the other side, opened the back door, and climbed in. She pulled the door closed and cringed as it slammed harder than she anticipated. She crawled over the very back seat and moved around until she got comfortable. Then she made herself as small as possible, hugging her backpack.

  The sun made the inside of the vehicle warm, causing Larkin to lightly doze. She jerked when she heard the vehicle doors open and then close. The motor started, and then she felt the car begin to move.

  “I feel like an asshole.”

  “You usually are,” Patrick informed Kaleb.

  “Fuck off.”

  “Just apologize to her the next time you see her,” Noah suggested.

  She listened intently as they made suggestions and tears started to fill her eyes again and roll down her cheeks. Using her sleeve to wipe the tears away, she sniffed. She froze when the men went quiet but then relaxed when they started talking again.

  Larkin started feeling car sick as the men took one turn after another. She didn’t remember turning that much when Darian and she had come home. Home. She bit back a sob. Would she ever see Darian again? How long would it take for the crushing pain in her chest to ease?

  The men finally stopped and put the vehicle in park. They sat there for a moment. She wanted to peek over the seat to see what was going on but didn’t want to be seen. All of a sudden, the back door of the SUV lifted, and Darian stood there with his hands on his hips.

  “Are you ready to come out, baby?”

  She sat up and looked around. They were back at Darian’s home. She glanced over her shoulder, and her stomach fell at the hard expressions on all three of the men’s faces. She turned back to Darian. “I’m sorry, I just left without a goodbye, but I thought…”

  “Baby, if you don’t get out of the vehicle by the count of three, I’ll do it for you, and you’re already in trouble. Do you want to compound it?”

  She grabbed ahold of her backpack and slid out of the SUV to stand in front of Darian. Looking down, she was unable to handle the disappointment on his face a moment longer.

  “Why don’t you apologize and tell the guys goodbye?” Darian suggested.

  Larkin turned but kept her gaze lowered. “I’m sorry. I hope you have a safe trip,” she murmured.

  Darian nodded, took a hold of her arm, and closed the doors. They both watched as the vehicle drove off before he started leading her into the house. He kept a firm hold on her up the steps and into their bedroom. He released her, turned, and locked the doors.

  “Strip,” he advised her and crossed his arms over his chest.

  She stared at him. “But…”

  “Larkin,” he warned. “Get your clothes off and get on the bed.”

  “What are you going to do?” she asked in a shaky voice.

  Darian sighed. “Would I ever hurt you?”

  She bit down on her lip and shook her head. “I don’t think so, but I don’t think I’ve ever made you this mad before.”

  “I would never hurt you, sweetheart.”

  Larkin relaxed and took a deep breath. She would do what he said because she didn’t want to anger him any further. She pulled her top up and off. Then she shed her shoes, socks, pants, and underwear until she stood in front of him naked.

  “On the bed.”

  She scrambled up and lay down on her back, watching as he took his clothes off. Her breath always caught in the back of her throat at the first sight of his massive chest, muscular arms, shoulders, and abdomen, and intimidating cock.

  Darian crawled up, shoving her legs apart to make room for himself. He held most of his weight off her as he balanced on his elbows but rocked against her, hitting her clit rhythmically. He cupped her face between his hands and took her lips hard. He licked and bit at them until they were swollen and red. She knew he could smell her arousal and knew she was ready to take him.

  “Hold on to me, baby. I’m going to take you hard.”

  Larkin grabbed on to his shoulders and relaxed. Her body bowed off the mattress, and she whimpered when he thrust his cock as deep as it would go inside of her.

  Darian gave her time to adjust then set a brutal pace, slamming into her time after time.

  “Will you ever fucking leave me again?” he asked with a growl.

  Tears rolled down her temples as she shook her head. The last thing she wanted was to disappoint him. “No, I promise, daddy. I’m sorry.”

  “You better not, or your ass will be a bright cherry red when I get through with it.” He pulled out, flipped her onto her stomach, lifted her onto her knees, and slammed back into her.

  He rode her hard for several minutes. The only sounds in the room were their combined, billowing breaths. He reached under her and started pinching her clit. The grip on it got tighter and tighter until she cried out and came hard, squeezing him tightly.

  Her cries and screams echoed off the walls before she collapsed. The only thing holding her up was his grip on her hips.

  He drove into her one, two, three more times before a groan tore from his throat. He fell forward, catching himself at the last second, so he didn’t crush her, and rolled them to their sides.

  Their breathing slowed as his cock softened, but he stayed deep inside of her. He didn’t seem ready to stop. He let her doze for a few minutes and then pulled her top leg up and back over his hips. He pressed a hand against her stomach and started pumping himself into her.

  She begged him to let her come, but he waited until he was close, tormenting her before sending her over. Then he fucked her two more times before he left her to get some food. He told her he planned on keeping her in the bed for the next several hours, but he also needed to take care of her.

  After he fed her, he put her into a hot bath with soothing salts to help with her soreness, holding her back against his chest as he washed her.

  He dried her and put her back to bed. They both dozed, but he woke her in the middle of the night and another time when the sunrise was just coming into the bedroom through the drapes.

  It was late morning when she finally came awake, stretching and grimacing at the soreness of her muscles and pussy. Her nipples looked chafed, and just the air brushing over them made them sting.

  Darian pulled her onto her back and leaned over her. “Now, let’s talk.”

  Larkin relaxed and waited for him to speak.

  “I wish you would have listened to our whole conversation. If you had waited, you would have heard me talk about how much I loved you and how I couldn’t go a day without seeing you. Kaleb has been hurt in the past, and it’s hard for him to open up. Frankly, I think it hurt him to see you and me together. He’s wanted his own little longer than the rest of us.”

  “I feel bad for him.” She reached up and brushed the hair from his forehead.

  “I do, too. I’m hoping he finds someone as wonderful as you are.”

  Larkin reached up and pressed a kiss to his mouth. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, baby.”

  Darian kissed her deeply before lifting his head and staring down at her. One of his large hands cupped her face. “Don’t ever leave me like that again. I can’t tell you how scared I was when I couldn’t find you.”

  Larkin’s eyes filled as terrible regret assailed her. “I’m so sorry. I promise to talk things over with you and not run away.”

  He bent and pressed a kiss to her mouth. “Good, because you won’t like the consequences if you try to run again.”

  “I’ll try my very best to be the best girl in the world.”

  “Well, let’s not go that far,” he said with a twist of his lips. “I just want you to be my Larkin, the woman who trusts me. I don’t expect you to be perfect.”

  Her mouth twisted into a grin. “I’m glad because it would be really hard for me to be the best.”

  “How about you be the best in my world?”

  Larkin smiled and hugged him tight. “I can do that.”

  “Good,” Darian sai
d and rolled her underneath him. “One more time before I let you leave this bed. Can you take me one more time?”

  Larkin widened her legs. “I’ll always be able to take you, daddy. Always.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Elder knocked on the office door.

  “Come in,” Darian called.

  “Gage is here, sir.”

  Darian nodded. “Good, send him in.”

  Gage came through the door with a briefcase in one hand and a suit coat in the other.

  “How was the drive?” Darian asked.

  Gage set his things on the sofa table and plopped down in a chair on the other side of Darian’s desk. “Good. I brought the files we need to go over, but first, I need to hear about this girl the guys were telling me about.”

  Darian grinned and relaxed back in his chair. “Her name is Larkin, and she’s fucking perfect.”

  Gage stretched his long legs out, laced his fingers together over his stomach, and chuckled. “Where’d you meet her?”

  “Hicks and I were driving back to the condo when we saw her and three guys on the sidewalk. I could tell she was scared.”

  “How bad did you hurt the guys?”

  “One probably won’t be able to get an erection for a while.”

  Gage grimaced.

  “Another one,” Darian said, “will probably have to have his jaw wired shut, and the third one ran off.”

  “Jesus, man, they must have pissed you off.”

  Darian looked at Gage. “I’ve never been madder in my life. If you had seen it, seen the look in her eyes, you probably would have killed them.”

  Gage nodded. “Most likely. I can’t stand to see a woman or child hurt.”

  “You and me, both,” Darian replied. “She was drunk, so I took her home and took care of her. She ran from me the next morning, but I quickly found her, and she’s been with me ever since.”

  “How long has it been?” Gage asked him.

  “Three months.”

  “You love her,” Gage commented. He didn’t have to ask from the look on his friend’s face.

  “Very much.”

  “You’re a lucky bastard.”

  Darian chuckled and looked toward the office door when it flew open, and Larkin raced in.

  “Daddy, you’ll never guess what happ—” Larkin stopped short when she saw the other man. Tears burned her stricken eyes when she looked back at Darian. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know anyone was here…”

  Darian smiled gently. “Come here, baby,” he said and held out a hand to her.

  Larkin went to him and let him pull her into his lap. She put her arms around his neck and sniffled. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “Please don’t be mad at me.”

  He kissed the top of her head and tightened his arms around her. “I’m not mad, baby.”

  Larkin sniffed and looked up at him. “Really?”

  He used his thumb to wipe the tears from her cheeks. “Really. I want you to meet a good friend of mine. His name is Gage.”

  She peeked at him from the corner of her eyes. “He looks mean,” she whispered in Darian’s ear.

  “He can be, but he would never hurt you.”

  Larkin nodded and then her eyes widened. He tightened his grip on her when she tried to scramble off his lap. “You’ve got to come. Brylee fell and skinned her knees, and she’s bleeding, and it’s awful, and it hurts her, and she needs us,” she said in a rush.

  Darian lifted Larkin off his lap and frowned in concern. “All right, take me to her.” He turned to Gage. “You might want to come with us.”

  Gage stood. “I don’t mind if I do.”

  The three found Brylee sitting and hugging her knees, hiding her injuries, on the concrete around the pool.

  Darian squatted beside her. “Let me see, honey.”

  Brylee shook her head as the tears fell from her eyes.

  “Why, Brylee? Darian won’t hurt you. He’s going to make it better,” Larkin told her friend.

  “It will hurt when he touches the scrapes.”

  “I promise I’ll be very gentle,” Darian told her.

  Gage squatted down on the other side of her to get her attention. “Hi, sweetheart.”

  Brylee wiped her wide, shocked eyes and stared at him. “Who are you?”

  “I’m a friend of Darian’s.”

  “Darian said he was nice,” Larkin explained to her friend.

  “Are you a prince?” Brylee asked as she continued to stare. “You look like the one in a book I just read.”

  Larkin snorted and then giggled.

  Gage grinned. “No. Sorry.” Gage saw Darian examine the scraps on the girl’s knees and continued to distract her. “Are you a princess?”

  Brylee giggled and shook her head. “No, I’m a ragamuffin.”

  “What’s that?” Gage asked.

  “It’s what Mrs. Paulson called us.”

  “Who’s Mrs. Paulson?” Gage asked.

  “She was one of the foster moms Larkin and I had.”

  “She was really mean to us,” Larkin told Gage.

  “I definitely want to hear more about it, but tell me why she called you that.”

  “Because we were dirty inside and out because we didn’t know our fathers, and no one wanted us.”

  Darian glanced up at Larkin. His heart lurched in his chest at the sadness on her face.

  “She was wrong,” Gage said.

  Brylee shook her head. “No, she wasn’t. No one tried to adopt us because we are retarded.”

  “You know I hate that word, Brylee,” Darian told her in a firm voice.

  Brylee immediately lowered her eyes to her lap. “I’m sorry.”

  “Gage, can you pick her up?” Darian asked. “We need to clean the wounds and put Band-Aids on them.”

  Brylee’s eyes widened in fear. “No, it will hurt. Look, the bleeding has stopped. I’m okay. Really.”

  Gage scooped her up into his arms and smiled when she screeched at the abrupt move.

  “I’ll be there with you, and I know Darian will be very careful.”

  With her arms around his neck, Brylee looked up at Gage as the group walked into the kitchen.

  “Ella, will you grab the first-aid kit for us?” Darian asked.

  “Oh, no. Poor girl,” Ella said as she rushed into the pantry.

  Gage sat in one of the kitchen chairs, set her sideways in his lap, and hugged Brylee to his body. He pressed her head against his chest when she whimpered.

  Darian carefully wiped away the dirt and blood from her scraped knees. “Do you want Barbie bandages or princess ones?” he asked.

  “Barbie,” Brylee mumbled against Gage’s chest.

  Gage looked down at the face pressed to his chest and smiled. Her eyes were scrunched shut, but there were no tears.

  Darian looked at Larkin, bouncing off to the side. He could feel her fear and agitation without seeing the look on her face. “All done,” Darian told both girls. He finally pulled his attention to Larkin and held out a hand.

  Larkin immediately went to him and sat on his lap. She sighed when his arms came around her to cuddle her to him, giving her the affection she needed at that moment.

  “She’s just fine, baby girl. No need to worry.”

  Larkin nodded and tilted her head back, asking for the kisses she knew would make her feel better.

  Darian ate hungrily at her lips before lifting his head. He groaned at the fuck-me-now look on her face. He stood with her in his arms. “Gage, can you bring Brylee into the office?”

  “Yeah. We’ll be right behind you.”

  Darian waited until the door was closed and the guys were seated with the women in their laps. “Do you want to tell me what happened?”


  Larkin and Brylee glanced at each other and stiffened.

  “Larkin, right now.”

  Her shoulders fell at the steel in Darian’s tone, and she sighed. “We were running.”

  “Around the pool?
” Darian asked in a gruff tone.

  “Yes, sir,” she said, unable to look him in the eyes.

  “Is there a rule about running around the pool, baby girl?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “What do you think I should do?”

  Larkin peeked up at the fear on the Brylee’s face. Although she was anxious about the punishment, she knew that Darian wouldn’t really hurt her. She cleared her throat. “P … punish me,” she stuttered.

  Darian squeezed her to show his approval. “That’s right.” He lifted her off his lap. “Take your panties off and then lay across my lap.”

  Larkin glanced at Gage and Brylee before she bent over, pulled off her little pink panties, and handed them to Darian. She lay her stomach on his thighs and dangled herself over his lap.

  Darian nodded in approval. “Good girl.” He slid a hand over her bottom.

  Larkin’s eyes widened when she felt Darian lift up her skirt to bare her ass to the other two in the room. “Daddy…”

  Darian tightened his hold. “Shh. This is part of your punishment, now hold still.”

  Larkin felt tears of shame leak from her eyes as she grabbed Darian’s ankle to hold herself steady. She flinched as the first smack hit, leaving a burning tingly sensation.

  Darian smacked her five more times before he delved between her legs to find her sopping wet. He gathered some of her cream and brought it back to her bottom hole. Without any delay, he stabbed a finger into her anus.

  “Daddy?” she screamed as her nails dug into his calf. She could feel her face turn a vivid rose in embarrassment.

  His finger pumped in and out a few times before he smacked her ass twice and then speared two fingers in.

  “Settle, baby girl. Everything’s going to be all right. You’ll need to get used to me fucking you whenever and wherever I want, and it will happen a lot around my friends.”

  “Yes, daddy,” she cried. Her arousal was high. She had to admit, at least to herself, having someone watch them turned her on.


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