Roseville Romance

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Roseville Romance Page 18

by Lorelei M. Hart

  Still, I longed to taste him.

  “My turn,” he whispered into my ear as the singer ended his session and received all the applause. I nodded and intended to stay at the bar and watch him from afar like I had countless times, until he grabbed my hand. “Come sit with me, omega.” Hal ticked his head toward the piano, and my entire face heated. I didn’t like the attention, but if my alpha wanted me to sit by him, I couldn’t resist if I wanted to.

  The crowd split in the middle as we made our way to the piano, and Hal sat, patting the seat next to him. A few gasps and some hollers from the crowd made me want to run, but my alpha, rock steady, held onto my thigh as though he knew what I was feeling. He played a long set, while everyone made requests and filled his tip jar.

  Then he began to play “Faithfully” on the keys. The Journey song was my favorite, but even more so seeing Hal gracefully move his fingers along the black-and-white keys almost like a ballet dance.

  The alpha was so talented. It blew me away.

  Watching and listening to my man sing did things to me, down-in-my-pants things and, I hated to admit it, made me sleepy. I tried like hell to cover my yawn, but at some point, there was more yawning than breathing. I’d eaten so much, and carb crash was setting in.

  The next song ended and I saw him lean into the mic. “Everyone, thank you and good night.”

  He wrapped his arm around my waist and with his mouth on my ear said, “Let’s get you home.”

  I wanted to stay, wanted to hear Hal sing to me, pretending every song was just for me, forever, but my body and my still-stuffed tummy had other ideas.

  Plus, there is no day off for professions like mine. I had an eight a.m. appointment.

  “I’m sorry. It wasn’t you.”

  “What?” he asked, laughing.

  “I’m exhausted, and I ate too many good things, and your voice relaxes me. That’s all.”

  He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer, kissing the top of my head in the sweetest manner. “I never thought that for a second, Kip. It’s been a long day.”

  I didn’t remember getting to the car or even buckling my seat belt. I did recall something about him asking for my address.

  But what I really remember is the way he woke me up. Tiny kisses being placed along my face, neck, and even my ears brought me out of sleep.

  “I save the lips for when you were awake.”

  “I’ve been waiting all day.” I could see my house in front of us. We were parked in the driveway.

  “Let’s get you home.” He chuckled and came around to help me from the car, gentleman to the core.

  We walked to my front stoop and under the bright white light of my porch, he stared at my lips. “I’ve never been so nervous about kissing someone before, Kipling. But you’re not just another date, are you?”

  Gods, I hoped not.

  “You’re not just another date to me. You picked me up at a supermarket like steak.”

  Maybe it was the lack of sleep or the anxiety of the moment, but we both cracked up at my supermarket reference, even though it was true.

  “I can’t wait anymore, Kipling.” Before I could say anything else, his lips were on mine. He tasted like cranberries as expected, since Cosmos were his drink of choice toward the end. I wasted no time in wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him closer so that our hips bumped against each other.

  I opened my mouth, inviting him in, and my bold alpha took advantage, tangling his tongue with mine. I moaned and threaded my fingers in his hair.

  “Come inside,” I murmured, breaking free from his mouth.

  “Oh, I want to, omega. I so want to be inside you, but I think you’re tired. When I take you, I want you to be wide awake. But soon, Kipling.”

  I nodded, understanding but not really agreeing.

  “When can I see you again?”

  He laughed and nipped at my neck. “How about tomorrow night? Not singing, no big feasts, just you and me and dinner?”

  “That sounds fantastic.”

  “I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  “Perfect,” I said and leaned in to kiss him quickly before fumbling with my keys and letting myself inside. I heard him tell me to sleep well, and I peeked through the window as he drove away.

  I’d tucked myself into bed when I heard my phone ding beside me.

  Stole your phone and called myself while you were asleep. I had an amazing night. See you tomorrow.

  All of the sudden twenty-four hours seemed like a lifetime.

  Chapter Five


  It took some doing, but I managed to find someone to cover me for Saturday night at the Moonlight Lounge. An old buddy who’d had a date cancel on him and who was willing to pick up the sets for what I’d earn plus a cool hundred. I didn’t say he was my best friend. But I had my priorities in order and a date with an omega who already meant more to me than money or applause.

  I also had managed to get reservations at a casual fine dining restaurant by calling in a favor. The maître d' had five kids who came to Dr. Chen’s dental office on a regular basis, and I had gotten him a group discount of sorts. We’d have a table by the fireplace behind a privacy screen for our evening.

  I knocked on Kipling’s door and he hollered, “Come on in. I’ll be just a minute or two more.” I complied and made myself comfortable on the brown leather sofa. A dozen or so magazines were fanned out across the coffee table. A quick perusal showed them to be mostly psychological journals and workout mags. He was serious about everything he did, my omega, it seemed. Even his living room reflected his lifestyle with free weights in one corner and a desk in another. His home was not large but the furnishings were good quality, and either he or someone kept it all tidy. “My training ran late, and I just got out of the shower. Almost ready.”

  A moment later he emerged from a doorway wearing jeans, a brown sweater that unless I missed my guess was cashmere, and low brown boots. His blond hair was still damp when he approached to greet me, hand extended. I drew a deep breath of his shampoo, woodsy cologne, and his own scent that reminded me of a day in the sunshine at the beach.

  Despite my best intentions, I took his hand and tugged him into a hug that became an embrace that became a long, sensual kiss. When we stepped back, we were both panting a little.

  “And hello to you, too,” I said. “If I’d known you wanted to get in my pants, I wouldn’t have made a reservation at Brenda’s.”

  When his eyes lit up, I knew I’d chosen the right place for our evening. “How did you get reservations? You must have made them months ago.” Then his face fell. “Did your other date fall through?”

  I took a step toward the door. “No, I only planned to take you, and as for getting in at the last minute, I have my ways. Impressed?”

  “Hells yes,” he said. “I’ve been dying to go there, but I hate making reservations months in advance because inevitably something comes up and I end up canceling.” His sigh seemed to come from all the way from his toes. “You must know people.”

  I held in the laugh his comment caused. “Oh, I do. Big, big people. Waiters of all kinds.” I guided him by the elbow to my car and settled him in the passenger seat. “Don’t hate me because I’m famous.”

  “Well you are, you know,” he said as soon as I’d come around and gotten in the driver’s side. “You are probably just used to it, but to the people in the Moonlight, you’re a rock star. The only one they know, and they all love to guess who you’re dating and what you do when you’re not there.

  I pulled out of the parking place and joined the Saturday night traffic. The night was cool and crisp with a light breeze pushing around the few clouds that hung in the sky. “Well, as you know from yesterday, I run the office for Patrick, Dr. Chen. I was, until last night, dating nobody, and was that it for questions? Or did I miss one?”

  “Well not one of theirs, but is it okay if I ask one from me?”

  The restaurant had only been a
few minutes’ drive, benefit of living in a small town, so I was parked when I turned to him and nodded. “Yes, ask away. I’m an open book.”

  “I don’t date a lot, between ninja training and counseling, I stay pretty busy, and I’m just not someone who likes to run from guy to guy. What I want to know is...oh gods, how can I ask this?” His cheeks flushed, and he buried his face in his hands. “Never mind. I have to be crazy to even think it.”

  I reached over and peeled his fingers away from his face then linked my hands with his. “Just tell me. What’s the matter?”

  “You’re so calm, and I’m the one who is supposed to be the counselor.” But Kipling sat up straight and faced me. “Okay, here goes. I’ve been trying to get my courage up to talk to you for a while. I don’t know if you noticed me at the Moonlight Lounge once or twice?”

  “Or maybe even a few more times.” It was at least a dozen, maybe two dozen, but I didn’t want to make him any more embarrassed than he was. “And yes, I noticed you. I wondered why you didn’t come over and say hello. Everyone else does.”

  “I think that’s it. Everyone does, but even then, even before we talked, I had this odd feeling that we were, that is, we might…”

  I waited but he didn’t go on, so I helped him. “That we might have something special between us if we did meet?”

  He nodded. “That’s dumb, isn’t it? I mean, you were the center of attention, singing with that insanely beautiful voice that makes all the guys want to jump in bed with you, and I was over there at the bar imagining you might like me. A little.”

  My jaw dropped. How could it not. “Kipling, you are not only smart and funny and a man who helps kids for a living, but have you seen you? Gotten a glimpse of your hair, face, or body? What man in that lounge didn’t notice you?”

  “That means a lot coming from you, but I think you’re mostly trying to make me feel good.” He was murmuring, staring into his lap, but I cupped his chin and brought his face up so he’d meet my gaze.

  “I saw you on television, remember? I watched the crowd groan when you lost and heard the announcers call you the heartthrob ninja. And did I mention you’re smart?”

  “Uh huh.”

  “So don’t try to tell me you have no idea you’re the hottest guy in five states. Sure, I know the people at the lounge like me, and some may even want to make a pass at me, but you...Kipling, you’re in a class by yourself.”

  His face softened and he leaned in to press his lips against mine then pulled back to smile at me. “Sounds like we have a mutual admiration society going here. Would you like to come with me to the gym tomorrow and see how the heartthrob ninja works out off season?”

  “Do you wear a shirt when you do it?” I was really getting into this.

  “If you’ll agree to try out a few moves, I might be convinced to work out shirtless.”

  Now, that’s what I was talking about.

  Chapter Six


  Brenda’s lived up to the hype. Hal ordered us both steaks with gruyere scalloped potatoes and grilled asparagus. The place was busy but quiet. We’d gotten a table near the back in a secluded corner.

  “I hope you like it.” Hal reached across the table and touched my hand. He was a touchy-feely type of person, and I absolutely loved it. I’d been involved once with a man who didn’t believe in public displays of, well, even knowing each other casually, and it always bothered me.

  If I wanted to lean over and kiss my alpha, I should be able to, and he should want me to.

  And right now, sitting across from Hal, I wanted to—so badly.

  “Everything is delicious. Thank you.”

  He nodded and scooted closer. “I took the liberty of ordering us something special for dessert.”

  “You did? When?”

  He chuckled and the sound made my cock stir. “When I called in our reservation. You have to order this dessert ahead of time. My waiter friend tipped me off.”

  My face heated. This alpha was doing everything right.

  I would bet he did other things just right as well.

  “Planning dessert is a good thing,” I said, taking another bite of potatoes even though my stomach was telling me to stop.

  “Are you being specific or abstract, omega?”

  Gods, I loved it when he called me omega.

  “Both.” I shrugged on purpose, trying to be flirty and failing hard.

  “So let’s say I wanted a different type of dessert later, would I have to let you know now, or would you rather be spontaneous?”

  “Yes,” I answered and we both giggled. “Yes to both, actually. I’m a big fan of planning, but I also love to be surprised. What about you, alpha? Tell me what you prefer.”

  We were so not talking about chocolate cake or peach cobbler anymore.

  “I actually like an omega who initiates things. I like being surprised, and I love the angst.”

  My chest warmed. “Good to know.”

  Our plates were soon taken away and replaced by chocolate egg-shaped things on saucers. I almost asked what they were, but then another server appeared and poured hot chocolate on top of each shell making the top melt, revealing a cute little piece of red velvet cake inside. I’d never seen anything like it.

  “Certainly worth the call-ahead,” I said, and Hal’s smile told me he thought so, too.

  We dug in and I let out a moan, and when I looked up to see if I’d alerted the whole restaurant of my loving this cake, I only saw Hal. “What?” I asked, not knowing all of his expressions yet.

  “You do things to me, omega. And that sound you just made…”

  “I know. I’m sorry.”

  He reached over again, but this time under the table, and his hand slid up my thigh. I shuddered in pleasure. “Don’t apologize for that sound. I’m taking it as a personal challenge to make you repeat it later.”

  “Okay,” I said like a goof because I couldn’t think straight with his hand on my thigh.

  We finished our dessert; Hal had a coffee with his. I passed, knowing I would be up until the wee hours of the morning if I did.

  “Ready to go?” Hal asked, signing the receipt for dinner.


  Except, I wasn’t ready for the date to be over. Not by a long shot.

  We got into his car, and he started it up. It was time for this omega to start being a little bolder.

  “How about we drive up to Star Point?”

  Hal stopped midway across his chest, seat belt in hand. “That place is for teenagers to go make out. Really, omega?”

  Shit. That’s what happens when I decided to be brave.


  “Yeah, it was just a thought.”

  Hal chuckled hard and loud and put his hand on my thigh again. “Kipling, I’m just kidding. I’d love to go make out with you in the dark in my car. Steam things up a bit.”

  The ride to the well-known makeout spot was filled with sounds of Hal singing along with the music. He held my hand in his and brought it up several times to kiss my palm. Yeah, I loved his ways.

  “Looks like we have company,” he said after parking. We glanced over to the car next to us to see two teens, but they weren’t steaming up any windows. On the contrary, they looked to be angry and yelling at each other.

  “They don’t look happy.”

  He kissed my hand again, but this time allowed his lips to linger. “That’s too bad, but I, on the other hand, am damn near giddy to have my omega so near.”

  Tingles ran up and down my body at hearing him speak so sincerely.

  “Me, too. How about you get rid of the seat belt and get over here.”

  Hal’s smile faded and he reached over to unbuckle himself. “Tell me what else you want me to do, love.”

  I sucked in a breath at his words. He leaned over but then nodded his head over at the other car. As I looked to where he did, I saw they were driving away. We were finally alone.

  “Well, now that we are alone

  His lips were on mine in seconds. I fisted the front of his shirt, and we had to finagle our way around me taking off my seat belt as well. “Hal,” I moaned before our mouths met again in a mind-numbing dance. His hand drifted toward my waist and then further down. I knew I was hard as a rock, but as he ran his hand over my groin, the rest of me felt like melting.

  “Omega mine, you are so ready for me. Is all of you ready for me?”

  I nodded, the words were stuck in my throat.

  “Let me ease you?” He licked his lips and I nodded, ready to explode in waiting.

  I lifted my hips as he unzipped and unbuttoned my pants and slid them down along with my boxers. He reached across my waist and pulled on the lever to allow the seat to lean all the way back. I thought I might come right then and there before he even got started.

  “You want me to use my mouth?” he asked, and I said something like yes.

  In seconds, his hot mouth enveloped my cock, pumping me in and out until my hips bucked in anticipation. I spread my legs and he took the hint, my good alpha knew what I needed.

  He stopped his work on my dick and began sucking and nibbling at my sac while his fingers explored my ass and my hole, the place that needed him most. One finger went in and then two, and I moaned loud and hard.

  “So fucking slick, love. That’s what I wanted to hear, omega mine. Moan for me.”

  He returned to sucking on my cock while his fingers delved deeper and faster into my entrance. Hal’s mouth and fingers kept the same pace until seconds later, the passion concentrated in my groin and I exploded, grabbing onto the back of Hal’s head and crying out his name.

  “Wow, that was loud,” I breathed out, watching Hal lick his lips once again.

  “It was absolutely perfect. But next time, it won’t be my fingers making you come.”

  Chapter Seven


  It was all I could do to drive home after our makeout session. We kissed a little and cuddled until my breathing calmed down—you’d have thought I was the one who got off like a rocket ship. But I wasn’t going to take this any further until I had him alone in my bed. Not that I’d never taken an omega against a wall or in the grass in a quick, passionate moment, but this was not a casual lay. Everything in me insisted on getting him naked in private.


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