Dorian's Destiny: Altered

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Dorian's Destiny: Altered Page 19

by Amanda Long

  “Sometimes, I guess.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  “Well, then, may I?” He asked again, smugly this time.

  She nodded her approval, but retorted, “This better be an extremely good surprise.”

  “Oh, I'm sure you're going to love it,” he stated confidently as he gently placed the tie over her closed lids. “How's that?” He asked, tying the two ends of the tie together, careful not to entangle her hair.

  “Fine,” she huffed. He took her by the hand and led her down the stairs. “Please don't let me fall,” she pleaded nervously, squeezing his hand as tightly as she could.

  “Have I ever?” He questioned reassuringly, referring back to their first meeting.

  “No,” she answered feebly, still maintaining her tight grip.

  Once outside, on level ground directly in front of the large oak, he eagerly removed his hand from her death grip. After shaking it a few times, he removed her blindfold.

  “Was a blindfold necessary to lead me to your spying tree?”

  “No, but it was fun,” he whispered in her ear.

  His warm breath sent shivers down her body, erasing her frustration. “So where exactly is my surprise?” She requested sweetly.

  “It's hidden.” He smiled. Moments before awakening her, he had searched her kitchen for the necessary items to accomplish his idea. It was a simple idea. At the tree, He had spent a few moments picking the perfect spot. Thankfully, her apartment building was on a dead end street not at all busy this time of day. The thought of running down a thief didn't appeal to his good nature. He had secured the ring with green twine to a branch just within arm’s length for his bride.

  “In the tree?” She asked. He nodded. She walked closer, carefully searching for something out of place. “Since I have no idea what I'm looking for, will you at least tell me if I'm hot or cold?”

  “Hot or cold?” he asked, wondering how he should know the temperature of her body.

  She paused in her search to explain, “You say hot if I'm close to my surprise, and cold if I'm not. Also, it helps to add very if I'm exceptionally close or far.”

  “Oh, yeah, I can do that...cold.” He grinned.

  She took her search inward near the trunk of the tree, shuffling around some fallen leaves.

  “Very cold.” He chuckled.

  She gritted her teeth, not enjoying this needle in a hay stack search as much as him. She circled the tree only to be rewarded with more very colds. Just as she was about to give up and beg for her gift by any means necessary, a ray of sunlight reflected off something dangling from a low branch.


  She walked toward the sparkle. Her mouth dropped open when she realized a ring was the culprit.

  “Very hot!!” He shouted as she reached up to grab the ring.

  She held the ring in her hands, mouth still agape, staring at him. He walked toward her, smiling widely. Placing his hands on her shoulders, he gently guided her backwards underneath the protective shade of the tree. He moved his hands up to cradle her face. “Surprise,” he whispered, taking in the beauty of her astonished face. “I love you, Megan. You have done more for me than I ever could have imagined. You saved me from myself, pulled me out of the darkness I had wrapped myself in, and into your brilliant light. I am eternally grateful for that, and you deserve everything. However, in return, I have nothing to offer you but my heart. It's yours forever if you'll have it?”

  Tears of joy streamed down her cheeks. She stood there speechless, staring into his eyes. Still elated over the exchange of 'I love you' just hours earlier, she wasn't sure her tiny frame could handle all her happiness without exploding.

  Removing his hands from her face, he plucked the ring from her hands and got on bended knee. “Megan...uh...what's your middle name?” He asked sheepishly.

  “Marie,” Megan squeaked, not having found her voice yet.

  “Megan Marie Miller, will you marry me?” He asked, smiling.

  “Yes!!” She clasped him by the elbows, pulling him to her mouth where she sealed the deal with a joyful kiss. After receiving her answer both verbally and physically, he slid his grandmother's ring onto her left ring finger. The symbol of his intentions glided effortlessly up the slender digit. It fit perfectly. Another sign they were destined to be together.

  Chapter 17


  The ER waiting room noise neared eardrum bursting decibels, but Megan hardly noticed. She was up on Cloud 10, high above the clamor, reliving the events of the past day. Over and over like a movie, they played in her mind’s eye. The melodic repetition of the words 'I love you' and 'Will you marry me?' providing the perfect theme song. The sea of faces blurred before her as she concentrated most of her attention upon her ring finger, except for one.

  “Busy night,” Josie sighed as she approached the front desk.

  “Yes,” Megan murmured wearily, trying to hide her exuberance. She knew she had received a justly deserved lecture for keeping her friend in the dark about Dorian, but she hoped to put it off at least until the end of her shift. For once she was grateful for the multitude of patients keeping both her and Josie swamped.

  Walking out the double sliding glass doors of the hospital, Megan half smiled, thinking she had escaped a lecture. She desperately wanted to share her good news with her dearest friend, but considering how much she had wept when Josie and she discussed him last time, she wasn't sure how to breach the subject or how Josie might react.

  “What is on your finger you have been trying to hide from me all night?” Josie asked, exiting the hospital right behind Megan.

  “This.” Megan said coyly, holding out her left hand.

  “Is that...” Josie stammered. “Are you engaged?” Megan nodded her head. “Who, when?”

  “What to grab a cup of coffee?” Megan asked hopefully, expecting her to be less likely to yell in public.

  “Sure,” Josie huffed.

  The two ladies walked the two blocks to the coffee shop in silence. Sitting at the same table where he had been discussed before, Megan uttered barely above a whisper. “Dorian, last night.”

  “The same Dorian you cried over at this exact table a month ago?” Josie barked, jabbing the table with her index finger. Megan tapped the ring against her coffee cup and reluctantly nodded again. “I see, and just when were you planning on telling me of this engagement?” She crossed her arms. “You didn't even tell me you were dating him again,” she added sadly before Megan could answer her question.

  Megan heard the hurt in her friend's voice, deepening the sadness she felt about keeping Dorian a secret. This worsened her struggle to keep from repeating the abundance of tears prevalent at their last evening at this coffee shop. “I wanted to tell you, but I was reluctant after my reaction to Dorian and my minor hiccup.”

  “Minor hiccup,” Josie scoffed. “You seemed majorly devastated to me.”

  “I was,” Megan admitted sadly.

  “But now you're happy.”

  “Exceptionally.” Megan smiled.

  “And he had a good explanation for the 'hiccup',” Josie confirmed.

  “He did.” Megan nodded enthusiastically.

  “Well then, when's the wedding?” Josie smiled widely.

  Megan was taken aback by her sudden switch in demeanor. “You’re not upset? No lecturing?” She asked, shaking her head in disbelief.

  “Of course not. If you're happy, I'm happy.” Josie smiled. “However,” she continued, her smile morphing into a sneer, “if I find out he's done something to make you cry like last time, I will kill him. Be sure to pass along my warning to your husband-to-be.” She finished with a wink, though deadly serious. Megan chuckled at the thought her human best friend was far more frightening than her vampire boyfriend. Josie was over protective to a fault. A characteristic Megan appreciated on most occasions, but not when she turned into mother bear.

  Megan sighed in relief as the weight of her silence lifted from her. She needed
Josie's help preparing for her wedding, and she had been scared she wouldn't receive it. Reaching across the table, she hugged her friend. “Thank you for being in my life.”

  “You're welcome, darling. I'm always going to be here for you,” Josie assured, patting Megan gently on the back before being released.

  “The wedding is as soon as possible,” Megan blurted.

  “Why the rush?” Josie asked, leaning forward, darting her eyes around the coffee shop searching for those in earshot. “You're not pregnant are you?” She whispered.

  “No!” Megan snapped leaning back in her chair and searching the room as well.

  Still leaning forward, Josie affirmed, “Not that there would be anything wrong if you were. It's just not a good reason to rush marriage or even get married for that matter. A woman has choices.”

  Megan held up a hand to stop her friend. “Josie, no need to get on a soap box. I'm not pregnant,” she repeated, shaking her head. “We haven't...” She couldn't say the word. It would be like talking about sex with her mom.

  “Had sex,” Josie inserted, sitting upright.

  “Right.” Megan nodded, straightening in her chair too. “In fact, neither of us ever has,” she added, hoping to put an end to any suspension of pregnancy.

  “Really?” Josie asked skeptically. “I thought so about you, but I wasn't sure with all the secrecy lately.”

  “Sorry,” Megan apologized, bowing her head.

  “It's fine. You know I just worry about you.” Josie smiled kindly. “Dorian's a virgin, huh?” She pondered.

  Megan nodded, adding proudly, “He was a priest apprentice.”

  “What is he now?” Josie inquired, desiring the word 'doctor' in Megan's reply.

  Megan knew what Josie eluded to. Employment? That was such a maternal question. She was tempted to say lawyer or doctor but hesitated, deciding since it didn’t matter to her, it shouldn't to her friend. “A good man. It doesn't matter what he does for employment, besides, you said you weren't going to lecture.”

  “He is employed though?” Josie asked apprehensively; her motherly instinct hoping for a man who could provide for her friend.

  “Josie,” Megan huffed.

  “Okay, moving on.” Josie waved her hands in defeat. “So you want to get married as soon as possible because you're just so in love I guess,” she mused sarcastically. Megan raised a brow in warning.

  “Fine,” Josie sighed, finally giving in. “So, since you're rushing, I assume you're not planning on a big to-do”

  Relieved Josie had ceased her mothering, Megan explained her plans. “His father will marry us. As for the wedding, even with indefinite time, it would be small. Dorian only has his father and I only have you. I would love for you to come and I'm sure it would be okay with Dorian.”

  “I would love helping you prepare, if you need me to, but an invitation to the wedding is not necessary. It's quite romantic that you're eloping.”

  “I not only need your help, I want it. To be honest, although I'm excited, I'm also terrified,” Megan confessed, butterflies flapping in her abdomen.

  “Everyone is, darling,” Josie laughed softly. “Now, how about we both go home and get some rest. I'll pick you up for lunch at noon and we'll spend the afternoon getting you ready for your wedding.”

  “Okay,” Megan replied gratefully.


  Megan entered her apartment to find Dorian sitting on the couch rubbing a blissful cat. “You two look content.”

  “One of us is,” he smirked, glancing at Blaze slumbering in his lap. “Did you talk to Josie?” He asked, turning his attention back to her.


  “Did she threaten to murder me again?” He questioned reluctantly.

  “Yep,” she snickered. “She's coming by at noon...”

  He didn't give her time to finish her statement before announcing, “I'll make myself scarce then.”

  She smiled slyly, “Are you afraid of my friend?”

  “Yes,” he revealed without any hesitation.

  Laughter erupted from both.

  “You'll have to meet her sometime you know.”

  “I know,” he nodded. “Maybe after we're married. I imagine she would be reluctant about making you a widow.” He joked about his fear, but it was real. He saw the conviction in Josie's face and heard it in her voice. Conviction that strong deserved his respect and his fear.

  As promised, he disappeared just before Josie's arrival, which was probably wise. Megan didn't want to divulge that he had already moved in.


  Megan eagerly devoured the spaghetti in front of her. It was, after all, her favorite dish at her favorite Italian eatery. Josie knew her so well.

  In between bites of her own heaping bowl of noodles, Josie informed Megan of her plans, “How about an afternoon of beauty – my treat?”

  Megan nodded as she slurped up a noodle. Giggling, she wiped the lingering sauce from her chin. Josie shook her head and smiled.

  “What? I can't help it. This is very good spaghetti, besides, you knew what would happen when you brought me here.” Megan returned a smile before diving back into culinary heaven.

  “Oh, yes I knew. I'm just enjoying watching you relish your lunch.” Josie waited until Megan had completely finished to spring her surprise. “Since I couldn't sleep after the bomb you dropped on me this morning,” she paused with a wink to ensure Megan knew she was only teasing, “I did a little shopping.” Pulling out two boxes from her tote, she instructed, “The small one, I want you to open now, the other, on your wedding night.”

  Megan stared at the two presents wrapped in traditional bridal shower fashion. She sighed. She was missing so much with her rushed nuptials. Focusing on the positive instead of the lack of pomp and circumstance, she smiled. She took great care removing the white ribbon and fancy silver paper, wanting to keep them as mementos. “Oh my!” She exclaimed as her eyes took in the contents of the little black box.

  “Now if you don't like it, remember I was rushed,” Josie teased.

  “Are you kidding? It's beautiful.” Megan gushed as she carefully removed the treasure inside. She traced the delicate crystal flowers decorating the hair comb; clear petals elegantly swirled around sapphire centers.

  “I'm glad you like it. Now you have something that contains both your birthstone and will work for your something blue.”

  “I love it. Thank you,” Megan beamed, gently placing the comb back in its box before flooding it with her happy tears.

  “Now, let's go get pampered,” Josie announced.

  After a couple of hours of dipping, rubbing and painting various parts of her body, Megan looked and felt like a new person. Her skin glowed and her nails shined. “Wow, I feel amazing. Thank you, Josie,” she chimed.

  “You're welcome,” Josie grinned, “but don't thank me just yet. There's one more thing still to be done that you probably won't enjoy. I'm hoping your current mood will overshadow any discomfort.”

  “What?” Megan stammered. “How could anything at a spa be uncomfortable? And even if there was, why would anyone want to do it?” She reasoned.

  “Bikini waxing,” Josie blurted, ripping of Megan's band-aid of wonder.

  “What? No! Really?” Megan begged. Josie smiled and nodded.

  “But you said pampered, not tortured.” Megan mumbled, seriously considering making a run for it.

  Josie grabbed her shocked friend by the hand, pulling her toward the back of the spa. She wanted Megan’s nuptials to be perfect, so she gladly did her part, no matter how painful it might be on either of them or whether Megan was completely compliant. That was part of her mish-mashed job of mother, big sister and best friend; a job she eagerly signed up for the first day they met.

  Chapter 18

  I Do

  Dorian couldn't stop staring at his beautiful future wife sitting across from him. She glowed; her inner radiance filtering through her freshly polished skin. Her image provided an i
rresistible distraction from the monotonous hours in flight back to his father – a grand improvement over the previous trip.

  “What?” Megan inspected herself for something out of place.

  “I didn't think it possible for you to be more beautiful,” he answered, eyes wide, absorbing her brilliance.

  She blushed. “Thanks. They used miracle working creams at the spa.” She rubbed her cheeks for emphasis.

  He leaned forward smiling, enjoying the burst of color his comments elicited. “Such a feat is a miracle. You were already breathtaking. I have no words to describe how stunning you are now. I don't believe they even exist.”

  She stared at him, mouth slightly agape, baffled over his inability to describe her beauty. She never imagined her looks would bewilder someone like this. “So is this how our life together is going to be, you staring at my indescribable beauty.”

  “Maybe,” he joked.

  Slightly uncomfortable over the flattery, she turned to glance out the window. “How much further?” She asked as miles of forests spread out beneath her.

  He copied her action. “We should be landing soon.”


  Standing outside the door of his father's small stone church, Dorian asked. “Ready?”

  She nodded, although visibly shaking. The usual cold feet weren’t to blame. Her nerves were racked with the fear of parental rejection.

  What if I'm not good enough for Dorian's father? He's a priest after all. He's bound to have extremely high expectations for his son's wife, especially spiritually. Will I measure up? I'm a believer, and a good person, but I'm no saint.

  Her doubt was interrupted when he grabbed her hand and ushered them both into the church's sanctuary.

  “Father, I've returned,” he called out, walking slowly up the middle aisle with her gripping his hand tightly.

  Father Murphy emerged from a back doorway and hurriedly made his way to the couple. “Hello my son.” He spoke briefly to Dorian before turning his attention to her. “You must be Megan,” he beamed as he took her free hand. “It is an honor to meet you, my dear. And may I say, I understand why Dorian is so taken with you.” He cast a quick glance and smiled toward his son. “You are a lovely young lady.” This sentiment caused both of them to blush.


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