Mating the Beast (Virgin Werewolf Beast Erotic Romance) (Project Loup Garou, #2) (Project Loup Garou, #2)

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Mating the Beast (Virgin Werewolf Beast Erotic Romance) (Project Loup Garou, #2) (Project Loup Garou, #2) Page 5

by Ava Lore

  But he wouldn't touch her. No. Of course not.

  Just one sniff... he thought. Just one...

  Crouching down, he put his nose to her hair and inhaled.


  Then she stirred, and he had to force himself to back away from her, though it felt as though his heart would burst with the effort.

  For a few minutes he watched her as she struggled out of her drug-induced slumber, brushing away the cobwebs clinging to her brain as she tried to open her eyes. When at last she managed to fully wake, she didn't seem to recognize him for a moment. Then she gasped and sat up abruptly.

  She still wore her white lab coat and modest clothes underneath, but her hair, bound in a clip, was half-undone, falling heavily about her shoulders like a black waterfall. It gave her an unfinished appearance. The look of a woman ready to be taken... or a woman recently well-fucked.

  The thought made his loins ache harder. His cock had never been so rigid and huge. If he didn't find release soon, he would go utterly mad.

  "Mi-Shell," he grated out.

  She stared at him. He heard the pounding of her heart, saw her pulse flutter in her throat. He wanted to taste her skin, her blood, her flesh...

  "They're watching," she said suddenly.

  He stared at her.

  Licking her delectable lips, she waved a hand at the ceiling. "They're watching us."

  He looked up to where he knew the closest camera to be. He heard it focus and unfocus slightly.

  "Hear us?" he asked.

  She swallowed and nodded, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning against the wall, as though trying to get as far away from him as possible. It pained him to see it, but he knew she simply did not understand that they were not just going to go through with the act of mating, but were mates. True mates.

  He had to make her understand. And after she understood and he spent himself inside her, they would escape together. The power of the mate-bond... she would give it to him.

  He stepped forward, and his heart ached as she shrank back further. She was so small compared to him. Tiny. A fragile thing who held his destiny in her hands. He was monstrous, a hulking brute next to her. And yet they were meant for each other. Made for each other.

  He moved in.

  She did not move away this time, though he knew that this was because she had backed up against the wall as far as she could go. The stone cinder blocks, painted a dull cream color, washed her out and made her look pale and wan, though that could also have been the drugs. He didn't care. He would return blood to those cheeks and breath to those lips.

  Her dark almond-shaped eyes watched him warily as he approached, but she didn't look away. From between her legs came the whiff of arousal, thick and sweet, and he began to drool.

  When at last he towered over her, he lowered his head to her ear and inhaled. Her nose almost touched the fur where his throat and shoulder met and he heard her pulse pick up, though she stayed perfectly still. Could they hear if he whispered? He would have to risk it.

  "Mate," he said, and she stiffened against him. "Mate, you mine. When done, we es-cape."

  She inhaled sharply, and he felt the quick rush of air over his throat, sending a sweet stab of need straight down his spine.

  "Escape?" she whispered. "How?"

  He didn't want to tip his hand in case their captors could hear. "Trust me. Trust mate."

  She swallowed, and he waited, perched on a knife's edge, for her answer.

  Then she nodded.

  A wave of relief swept over him, though almost immediately it was replaced by apprehension. He needed to mate with her, and he had to be gentle about it. His mate would be a virgin—it was always that way—and she would be frightened. Their first encounter should have been private, but if he could make her forget the captors watching them, it could still be sweet and good, the way a first mating should be—

  And then she lunged at him, her arms twining around his neck as she buried her face in his throat and pressed her lithe little body against his hard, muscular frame, and Subject Number One lost his mind.

  Much, much later, Michelle would wonder what had possessed her to throw herself at One like that, but in the moment she only knew she wanted him. His hulking body, so huge, made her feel small and vulnerable, and yet she knew somehow that he would not hurt her, though he'd been rough with her when he'd been unable to reach her through the bars of the cage. He was more restrained now, and she knew, somehow, that she was under his protection. Perhaps it was the way he whispered the word mate, as though it were a sacred vow, or perhaps it was his promise of escape. Perhaps it was her heated blood and curious, foreign desire. She knew she shouldn't feel such things, but she did, and if she had to do this, she might as well go all the way.

  Take me, she wanted to say, but she was acutely aware of the others watching. They would never respect her after this. Would always remember what she looked like in the throes of passion, in the arms of a beast.

  But she didn't care. She hated it here, hated the people who had literally thrown her to the wolves. It was madness to want to escape, she knew it, but if Subject Number One promised her a ticket out, she would take that ticket and ride that train.

  Huge muscled arms came around her as she inhaled deeply, letting the musk of his fur fill her lungs. The woody wildness of him made her pussy ache, made her mouth water. She had no idea what he had in store for her—she only knew that she wanted it, badly. Restless hands, blunted fingers, sharp claws relentlessly roamed her body, scratching through her clothes, catching on fabric, only this time there was no barrier between them, no bars keeping him from ripping through her clothes, which was exactly what he did.

  First, however, he hauled her to her feet, drawing her away from the flimsy cot, and half-carried, half-dragged her to the pile of blankets at the back of the cell, probably left there by one of the interns taking pity on her. She was grateful for it as One laid her down and crouched over her, straddling her hips, his huge body blocking her from the cameras. A mercy.

  Reaching up, she smoothed her hands over his chest, hard with muscle and soft with fur at the same time, and he rumbled at her, clearly pleased. Her eyes darted down to the spot between his legs where his erection thrust up proudly. She didn't get a good look, but just the glimpse she caught was enough to inflame her. With a lick of her lips she ran her fingers down One's stomach, feeling the muscles of his abdomen leap and clench at her touch. She'd always kept her fingernails short and blunt for work, and now she wished she hadn't. She wanted to scratch him, release the beastly fervor she was certain dwelled beneath his skin. Crooking her fingers, she ran her blunt fingernails over his flesh, and he moaned. "Mi-shell."

  She loved hearing her name in his chest. The way it rumbled like thunder, the way his inhuman voice forced it out, caressing it.

  Then he bent his head to her hair, snuffled loudly, and began to tear her clothes off.

  The lab coat was the first to go, shredding to ribbons beneath his claws, and she gasped at the power in his hands. When they mated, would he tear her apart, too? Biting her lip, she let him rip the white cotton from her body, tearing it from her shoulders. The seams parted and she squirmed, working her arms from the confining fabric. He rumbled again and his hands moved to her blouse. She felt the curve of his claws graze over her breasts as he hooked his fingers into her neckline and pulled.

  Buttons popped, and she found herself arching into him as he savagely tore her shirt from her body, then shredded the flimsy straps of her bra before breaking the clasp, exposing her skin to the cool air of the cell. Her nipples hardened at the change in temperature and she whimpered when he withdrew and stared down at her with green eyes slitted with want. His face was more canine than human, and she reveled in the naked desire on it as he took her in.

  "Mate," he said, and the word was harsh and possessive. Swallowing, Michelle nodded.

  "Mate," she whispered back, and he growled in response, staring. A thin line o
f drool clung to his muzzle.

  He hungered for her.

  Then the coolness of the air intruded, and she shivered, her flesh sprouting goosebumps as she buried her hands in the fur at his waist and sought to borrow his warmth. She gave him a tug. "Warm me up," she said. The words were low. She prayed no one could hear them.

  But it didn't matter. Number One was more than happy to oblige.

  He lowered his body over hers, and she felt, for the first time, his enormous cock press against the softness of her belly, as though he sought entrance into her in any way he could. It was huge, a thick, curved rod of slick flesh pushing against her, and at the sensation her mouth went dry.

  She had never felt a man's cock before. Apprehension welled in her... along with a burning curiosity. Could she touch it? Should she touch it? Tentatively she let her hands on his waist loosen, drift, trailing her fingertips over his hips...

  A long, hot tongue ran over her throat, giving her pulse a hard, strong lick. Ripples of pleasure radiated from the contact, and Michelle heard herself moan and sigh as her body responded to One's attentions. Her back arched and her nipples brushed against the harsh, oily fur of his chest, sending sparks across her skin.

  He felt good, so hard and rough, like nothing she'd ever known. She reveled in the feel of his fur against her skin as his control slipped and he clumsily ripped the skirt from her waist. The tights and panties she wore followed suit in short order, until, at last, she was completely exposed to him. The heat rolling from his body consumed her, stoked her own fires, and by the time Number One dipped his head and ran his rough tongue over her nipples, Michelle was lightheaded and dizzy with need.

  He lapped at her as though she were water in the desert, and he a dog dying of thirst. Her small breasts bounced and jiggled with each lick of her nipples, making her writhe and thrash under him, until, almost by accident, her hands slipped from his hips and brushed over his cock.

  Hot. Slick. Pulsing.

  He froze and groaned at her touch, spurring her to boldly wrap her fingers around it.

  She hadn't known what it would be like when he lost himself until that moment.

  He growled, low and harsh, a dark sound that rattled her bones and rumbled in her stomach. Her heart picked up the pace, suddenly filled with fear and longing as it pumped molten silver desire through her veins. Teeth closed on her nipple, sharp and painful, but not hard enough to bring blood to the fore, and she jerked and cried out. His muzzle curled, baring his fangs as he thrust his cock roughly through her hands, and she clenched her fists in apprehension, which only made him growl louder.

  His eyes burned in his face. Twin green embers. Releasing her breast, he jerked away, his blunted hands, his elegant paws finding her hair and twining it through his fingers, catching her as thoroughly as a pack catches a deer.

  For a moment panic bubbled up within her. With a gasp, she jerked unconsciously, her shoulder blades digging into the harsh concrete beneath her as she tried to back away from the feral monster looming above her. One snarled and snapped his jaws, inches from her nose, as his hips bucked again, pushing her into the ground and pinning her with his weight. She was trapped. The more his desire rose, the farther the man beneath the beast retreated.

  Her pulse fluttered between her thighs, and to her mortification she felt a gush of warmth in her core. His possessive, aggressive stance was turning her on even as her logical self was screaming at her to get away.

  But you can't get away, she reminded herself. You have to do this if you are ever going to be free.

  Closing her eyes, Michelle forced herself to relax.

  For a long moment, neither of them moved. Then Subject Number One rumbled his approval of her submission and resumed exploring her body. His cool wet nose and hot breath grazed over her breasts, up her throat as he sniffed, inhaling every scent on her skin. Her hands left his cock and fastened themselves in his fur, urging him to lick and sniff, to uncover every inch of her. Being the subject of such scrutiny sent heat scorching through her core, and she restlessly rubbed her thighs together, knowing that in only a few minutes she would no longer be a virgin. She would give herself to this powerful beast, and he would take her to places of which she had never even dreamed. She knew this instinctively.

  His nose found her ear and he snuffled, sharp and hot. Michelle squirmed at the sensation, biting her lip, and then he released her hair. The rough pads of his paws scraped over her skin as they traveled down her body to her hips. Inexpertly, clumsily, he twisted her lower body, urging her to turn over, and Michelle did so.

  Then he hiked her hips into the air, buried his muzzle in her cunt, and gave her a thorough, harsh lick. His tongue dipped into her slit and she gasped, her hands clenching as she gripped the pile of loose blankets and ruined clothing beneath her. The concrete floor dug into her knees and she wiggled, trying to find a comfortable position for the pounding she knew was coming...

  Abruptly One rose and curved his great body over her, pulling her up so that she was on her hands and knees. Sharp claws grazed over her breasts as he gripped them from behind, the points digging into her soft flesh. Michelle cried out, her back arching, her ass thrusting toward him, and as she did so she felt his long, thick cock slide between her legs, the top of it running over her clit as he forced it between her pussy lips until it emerged from between her thighs, curving up against her belly. The damp tip probed her stomach, and she groaned at the sensation, her legs trembling, her hips grinding down as if they had a mind of their own. What was he doing? She wanted him inside her, pumping, straining...

  As though reading her mind, One began to thrust his cock against her clit. Slowly, luxuriously, he pulled back, dragging his firm member over the tiny nub of flesh at the apex of her thighs, and Michelle cried out. Her back arched further and she tried to chase his penis with her pussy, needing the friction of him, but he was relentless, his harsh hands on her breasts holding her firmly in place as he began to fuck her closed thighs at his leisure.

  Michelle lost her mind.

  She'd never felt anything like this. Never been so overwhelmed by sensation. She forgot all about the people watching her get fucked by a monster, forgot all about what would have to come after, whether escape or confinement, whether memory or forgetfulness. As though she became an extension of One's body, she felt herself melting, dissolving, blurring at the edges. Her slit quivered and her clit ached where he scraped his erection over her flesh, her breasts were swollen and painful under his paws, and where the fur of his legs met her thighs her skin wore down until it was raw and sizzling. Moans escaped her throat with each thrust, and something began to build in her belly, something hot and heavy, a knot of unrealized pleasure.

  I'm going to come, she thought suddenly. I'm actually going to come.

  She'd never come before, except perhaps in her sleep. The thought terrified her, but One would not take no for an answer. His hips picked up their pace and the knot inside her tightened, harder, drawing inward. Her limbs curled, her muscles quivered and lost their strength, and then with a sudden, hard thrust, One sent her tumbling over the edge of desire and into the fire.

  Michelle exploded like a firework. Pleasure ripped through her, pulling her apart with its strength, and she screamed with the force of it. Her fingers and toes curled, her back arched, and she clenched and came around One's relentlessly thrusting cock as it scraped over her clit and between her slick pussy lips.

  Nothing had prepared her for it, for the trembling, for the release. Every nerve was on fire as she came, every muscle alight, and as she reached her peak One withdrew his cock from between her legs, placed one large hand on her back, and shoved her roughly down into the blankets beneath her. Her face met the coarse fabric, her cheek landed heavily against the floor, but she didn't even care.

  All she knew was the pleasure of her contracting core.

  She barely even felt the pointed head of his curved member parting her slick folds, and when he entered her in
one swift movement she barely registered the pain of her tearing hymen as her body parted for his smooth, thick cock. He speared her ruthlessly, and she shrieked as her inner walls quivered and clenched around him.

  Without warning he collapsed on top of her, flattening her against the ground, and she found herself sandwiched between his thrusting weight and the concrete floor. The breath left her body, and, dizzy, unable to draw air, she gave herself over to his swift, rocking hips as he plumbed her virgin core.

  Above her he grunted, and beside her head his claws dug fiercely into the blankets, shredding them as easily as though they were paper. His furry pelvis pumped against her ass, sending ripples up her body, and she felt the taut muscles of his stunted legs contracting and exploding as he lost control of his rhythm. Over and over again he slammed into her, his cock invading her body. It should have hurt. But it didn't.

  Instead, as she slowly grew more and more lightheaded and black spots began to appear across her field of vision, Michelle realized that every inch of his cock rubbed over something deep and secret and delicious inside of her, places she never knew existed, and every point of contact sent only sweet, aching need through her. His huge testicles, drawn up against his body, slapped against the crease between her thighs and ass, and his fur was soaked with the juices of her pussy. The sweet stink of sex hung in the air around them, and their fucking had driven away the chill. Sweat beaded down her back, and she felt another release building up inside of her.

  "Please," she heard herself plead. The word came out as a wheeze, but she knew One had heard it because his thrusting picked up, faster and faster, until his cock pistoned in and out of her slick, tight cunt, and her eyes rolled back in her head at the mounting pleasure.

  She didn't have breath to scream this time. Instead she thrashed beneath him as another orgasm took hold of her, and her core squeezed down on his straining cock. A roar filled her ears, so loud she thought she would go deaf, but it didn't matter. Faster and harder he went, until his slick, curved dick reached up inside her and brushed against a spot so sweet it brought tears to her eyes. Only then could she sob out her climax, and the clenching of her core around his cock finally wrung his own climax from him.


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