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Weekend at Wilderhope Manor

Page 2

by Lucy Felthouse

  They both took the opportunity to scope out their surroundings. The room had beautiful fixtures and furnishings, gorgeous fireplaces and was just generally impressive. The garish Halloween decorations only slightly marred this. In fact, if the rooms were made dimmer, it was entirely possible the entire place would be pretty terrifying. Stephanie guessed that would be on the cards tomorrow when the Halloween party took place. Her mind wandered, thinking about the outfits she and

  Jenny had chosen for the next day, and she smirked as she thought about the reactions they'd get.

  Finally, a youngish guy toward the front of the group took pity on the man in charge and reached forward to flip the microphone switch. It screeched to life, rudely yanking Stephanie out of her almost daydream. Everyone went quiet and paid attention immediately, waiting for the man to speak and introduce the evening's entertainment.

  * * *

  Half an hour later, and Stephanie's brain was in overdrive. Despite never having participated in one of these evenings before, she was a fan of quizzes, puzzles and brain teasers of any kind, so she was having great fun. Everyone had been briefed, though Jenny and she had been so eager to get going they hadn't paid full attention. Then everyone split up, each sent off on their own quest in order to uncover the truth of “whodunit.” Stephanie, having narrowed it down to two suspects, headed to the library to check for extra clues and evidence to help her nail down the perpetrator.

  As she made her way along the narrow corridor leading to her destination, she heard a loud creak coming from the floorboard. Part of her thought it was much too loud to be a natural old house noise, and the other scolded herself for being so silly.

  Continuing on, Stephanie glanced down at her notes. She was sure she was close to solving the…

  Another creak, closer this time. Stopping in her tracks, she spun round. She wasn't sure if it were someone trying to freak her out, or steal clues and information from her. Either way, she wasn't impressed.

  "Who's there?" she barked, irritation coming off her in waves. "I know you're there. It's impossible to creep around in these old houses. Something will always give you away. And when I catch you, I'm not going to be happy."

  There was no response. Shaking her head, she went on her way. If someone wanted to play silly tricks that was their prerogative, though it clearly would’ve been a more suitable idea for tomorrow. Tonight was murder mystery, tomorrow was trick or treat. Didn't they know the difference?

  Entering the library, she was immediately in awe. Letting out an audible “ahh,” she was in love. The large room had bookshelves lining all four walls from floor to ceiling, with a series of ladders dotted about for those tomes that were out of reach. She was actually kind of surprised they let the general public in here, unsupervised. The books looked old, very old, and valuable. Obviously, she wasn't going to damage any of them, but she also knew not everyone would have such consideration.

  Having done two admiring laps of the room, peering at all the books and wishing she could have her own library just like it, she remembered why she was here. Clues. Yes. Large bay windows were at each end, and each nook had a sofa and a table.

  She headed to the area farthest from the door and began to search. She wasn't entirely sure what she was looking for, but then, if it were too simple, the game wouldn't likely be a “mystery.”

  As she riffled through a sheaf of assorted papers, Stephanie heard another noise.

  Less of a creak this time, but more of a swish. She now knew someone was definitely following her. They must be after her information, because if they were genuinely planning to search the library, they'd have just walked right on in and announced themselves.

  Putting the papers down, she grabbed her own notes and sat on the sofa. It was surprisingly squishy, and she made a noise of surprise as she sank into it, her feet barely touching the floor. She felt grateful she wasn't wearing a skirt or dress at that point, otherwise, she'd probably be flashing her knickers to…well, absolutely nobody. No one had entered the room. Frowning, Stephanie resolved to sit there a little longer. The mystery person was close enough for her to hear the noise they were making, so they must be right outside the door, perhaps peering around the frame to see if they could see what she was doing.

  She waited. And waited. Then, just as she started to disentangle herself from the sofa, a whirlwind entered the room. Or at least, a very whirlwind-like Jenny did. She ran as fast as her heels would allow and dashed into the room, whipping her head around to look behind her. She shoved herself forcefully off the seat and ran toward

  Jenny, ready to get very annoyed with whoever chased her as she could tell her girlfriend was genuinely terrified. Turning to face the door, she saw nothing. By now, even she began to wonder if there was any truth to the haunting rumours.

  Jenny launched herself at Stephanie and squeezed her tightly, babbling nonsensically. She could just about make out something about “so glad you're here” and “was so scared,” but other than that, she was none the wiser. Pulling Jenny gently out of her arms, she pointed her in the direction of the sofa she'd just vacated, then strode across the room. Looking out into the corridor, she saw nothing out of the ordinary. She shut the door and walked to where Jenny had sunk awkwardly into the sofa.

  She had been right about the flashing. Jenny's dress was long enough that there was no underwear visible, but there was a decent portion of milky thigh, and she couldn't help but look. Reluctantly tearing her gaze away and sitting beside Jenny, she gently stroked her girlfriend’s hair. After she'd calmed down a little, she prompted, "So what happened? Was there someone following you?"

  Jenny looked at her, her face still flushed, but slowly returning to normal. Her girlfriend shrugged. "I don't know. At first, I thought so, because I heard a noise, but then, I remembered old houses are creaky. So I ignored it. But it happened again— closer to me—and I just freaked. Sorry."

  She slipped her arms around Stephanie who returned the embrace, all the while wondering about the odd noises and what could be causing them. Jenny's experience sounded almost identical to hers, except Stephanie had attempted to confront the person. They'd obviously stayed hidden—perhaps Jenny's appearance had stopped them from slipping away down the corridor. She refused to believe it could be anything supernatural.

  Either way, she'd let them get on with it. The idiot was just trying to scare people. If she found out who it was, she'd get them back big style tomorrow. But for now, she had a beautiful girl snuggling into her neck and planting little kisses on the delicate skin there. Stephanie shivered with pleasure. Jenny was obviously feeling better.

  Craning her neck to look down, she grinned as Jenny returned her gaze. "You all right now, sweetheart?"

  Jenny nodded. "I'm fine. I was just being silly. Me and my overactive imagination. I watch too many TV shows. Though I wouldn't say no to a bit of comfort."

  Jenny's wicked grin and jauntily raised eyebrow left Stephanie in no doubt as to what she meant. "Oh, I'm sure I can manage that."

  Pushing herself out of the sofa's cushiony grasp once more, she slipped to the floor and knelt in front of Jenny. A hot rush of lust washed through her body. Earlier, she'd mentioned how much she’d wanted to shove up Jenny's dress and get at the gorgeous pussy beneath. She hadn’t thought it would happen until it was time for them to go to bed, so an illicit encounter in the library was unexpected, but very welcome.

  She slid Jenny's dress up her luscious legs. Jenny helped by lifting her ass, so the material could be bunched up around her waist, leaving her bottom half completely exposed. She was surprised and excited to note Jenny was indeed, completely exposed.

  Jenny wore no underwear, and the sight of her girl's plump, pink folds ramped up Stephanie's desire tenfold. She desperately wanted to taste that pussy on her tongue and tease Jenny until she squealed.

  The angle of the sofa meant Jenny's knees were on either side of Stephanie's head, with her ass way back on the cushions. Cupping her hands un
der each of Jenny's knees, she tugged her forward until Jenny was right on the edge of the seat. She now had full unimpeded access to Jenny's juicy pussy.

  Placing her hands on Jenny's inner thighs, she pushed them wide open, almost salivating as her girl's slick folds parted, revealing her sex to Stephanie's eager gaze.

  Creamy liquid was already oozing from Jenny's hole, and her clit was swelling more and more by the second. Dipping a finger into the seeping juices, she spread it liberally over Jenny's clit. Then she went back for more, slipping a single digit deep inside, getting it nice and wet. She pumped it a couple of times, then slid it out of Jenny's pussy, only to move her hand lower.

  Jenny, as if sensing what she was about to do, raised her hips to make her ass more accessible. As the crinkled hole became visible, Stephanie stroked her lubed-up finger over the entrance, making Jenny writhe and moan. Then she pushed it slowly, but firmly, into the almost impossibly tight hole, gasping as it gripped her finger strongly.

  As she thrust it more deeply into Jenny's ass, she sucked the clit between her girl’s lips. Finger fucking her ass and sucking her clit at the same time was a surefire shortcut to Jenny's orgasm. Stephanie usually preferred to play around for much longer, truly drawing out the tease, but unfortunately, getting caught was a very real possibility. The last thing she wanted was for them to get thrown out of the place in disgrace. Not until she'd identified the murderer, anyway.

  Jenny's breath came in short gasps as her finger continued to pump away at her girl’s back passage, her lips and tongue making a delicious meal of Jenny’s clit. Flicking her tongue repeatedly over and around the distended nub, she felt Jenny tense up, signalling the onslaught of her climax. As she pulled her finger almost all the way out of Jenny's ass, she used the opportunity to add a finger to her pussy too.

  The double penetration seemed to tip Jenny over the edge. Stephanie continued to nibble and suck at Jenny's clit even as she bucked and wailed beneath her, her cunt and asshole spasming wildly around Stephanie's probing fingers. She didn't stop until she'd drawn every last piece of sensation out of her girl, who eventually flopped back onto the sofa, breathing heavily. Only then, did she gently remove her fingers, sucking the one into her mouth that was coated in her girlfriend's exquisite juices, licking it clean.

  Standing gingerly—the floor had been none too comfortable beneath her knees— she then bent and pressed a kiss to Jenny's clammy forehead. Just as she was about to sit on the sofa for a little recovery time, a noise outside the door caught her attention.

  Grabbing Jenny's wrists and pulling her hurriedly off the sofa, she heaved a sigh of relief as gravity slid the material down Jenny's thighs, turning her from wanton to decent, within seconds. And not a moment too soon. This time, whoever had caused the noise wasn't playing around. They opened the door, which let out an eerie squeak.

  Jenny giggled, eliciting a gentle elbow to the ribs from Stephanie.

  One of the other “detectives” for the evening, a rotund, middle-aged woman, came into the room. It took a second or two for her to spot them at the far end of the room, standing by a table.

  "Oh, hello," she said, her very proper accent and pompous expression almost setting Jenny off again until Stephanie surreptitiously pinched her arm. "I didn't realise anyone else was in here. Everything all right? The door was closed."

  Stephanie grabbed their notes, which they'd abandoned on the sofa. She walked toward the woman who baulked a little, probably realising Stephanie, with her slicked back hair and suit, was in fact, a woman. "Sorry, that was me. Jenny here had a headache, so we were just taking advantage of the peace and quiet of the library for a few minutes. We'll be on our way now."

  "Oh, are you quite better now, my dear?" the woman asked Jenny, who had followed her across the room, and whose orgasm-flushed face could’ve been easily mistaken for a malady of some description. "You look a little hot."

  She saw Jenny's lips curve a little, and before her girl got the giggles, she stepped in and answered for her. "Thank you, ma'am, she'll be fine. I'm just going to take her downstairs now that she's a little steadier on her feet, and get her a glass of water. You'll be fine, won't you Jenny?"

  Jenny nodded, taking Stephanie's proffered elbow with a grateful smile. Bidding a polite “good evening” to their fellow detective, they made their way out of the library and back down the corridor, which now had an odd absence of creaks and creepy noises.

  Passing Jenny's notebook to her, Stephanie cast her gaze across her own scribbled pages. Despite the time she'd spent in the library, she was no closer to identifying the murderer. She'd been too busy licking and not investigating! When she glanced at Jenny, though, she decided she didn't really mind all that much. Her girlfriend still had a high colour and her skin glowed in the aftermath of her orgasm. Stephanie grinned. It had totally been worth it.

  The sound of a bell ringing reached Stephanie's ears and she realised the organisers had called “time” on their game. She and Jenny picked up their pace as much as Jenny's wobbly legs would allow, and made their way along corridors and down stairs, back into the room where they'd received their earlier briefing. Once they arrived, she looked at the clock and frowned. She could've sworn she and Jenny hadn't been in the library for that long. No matter, she thought, she'd probably still done more investigative work than the others. Looking around, several of them had red faces, just like Jenny's. But she suspected theirs had been caused by wine, rather than sex. She certainly hoped so, anyway. The thought of those old fuddy-duddies having sex made her shudder.

  After what seemed like an age, the waffling man with the microphone finally collected their notes. Stephanie had hurriedly made a guess at the murderer's identity. She figured she had a fifty-fifty chance, and there was nothing she could do about it now, anyway.

  A little while later, the announcement was made. She’d had it completely wrong.

  Her final guess had been a squat man with a sinister-looking moustache and shifty eyes.

  Ridiculous, really, given the murderer could literally have been anyone, including herself. In actual fact, the murderer had been much closer to home. Jenny. Now, it was her turn to stifle a giggle. The entire time she'd been trying to narrow it down from two suspects to one, she'd ended up going down on the actual “killer” in the library! Knowing her chance of triumph had been totally blown, she tuned out as the winner was announced. There were several groans and tuts and the crowd dispersed, moving toward the buffet table with food laid out on it. There were also several bottles of champagne in ice buckets, one of which had been left on a small table close to where she stood.

  "Well!" she said loudly, startling Jenny and several others nearby, "There's only one thing for it! I shall apprehend this criminal and see her brought to justice! Don't worry, everyone, she will not see the light of day again to reoffend."

  Clearly thinking she was drunk, the other patrons gave her odd sidelong looks and gravitated to the food, the game already forgotten. Shrugging, she took advantage of the distraction, swiped the unattended bottle of champagne, grabbed Jenny's hand and left the room.

  * * *

  Slamming the door shut behind them, Stephanie leaned against it, laughing and holding the champagne bottle aloft triumphantly like some kind of a trophy. Jenny kicked off her shoes and disappeared into the en suite bathroom. She reappeared holding two glasses. They weren't designed for champagne, but beggars couldn't be choosers. Her girlfriend held them out as Stephanie popped open the bottle.

  Seconds later, the fizzy liquid sloshed into the glasses, much of it going all over Jenny's hands. By this point, neither one of them cared. They giggled together as the bubbles rose, and then Stephanie put the bottle down and took her glass, raising it.

  Jenny followed suit, still smiling. "What are we toasting?"

  She paused, thinking for a minute. "We're toasting you, gorgeous. To you, in the

  library…with no knickers on! To Jenny!"

  They clinked tumblers,
spilling even more champagne over themselves and the floor. Luckily, the plush carpets seemed to soak up the liquid without too much trouble.

  Then they drank, sipping the stolen Moet and Chandon until their glasses were empty.

  Taking Jenny's, she placed them both beside the bottle, and then spun round.

  "So," she said, kicking off her shoes and advancing on Jenny who backed up toward the bed in mock fear, "been a bad girl, have we? Killing people, were you?"

  "So what if I was?" asked Jenny cockily. She could tell her girlfriend was trying to brazen it out, even though they both knew damn well how this was going to end. "What are you doing to do about it?"

  "Well," she replied, grabbing Jenny's wrists and propelling her so she was pressed right up against the mattress once more, "I promised those good citizens downstairs I'd see you brought to justice. So I guess…" she slid her hand under the hem of Jenny's dress, and added, "…I should punish you. Turn around and put your hands on the bed."


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