Kidnapped by the Dragon

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Kidnapped by the Dragon Page 8

by Rosko, Mandy

  “What about these? Can I keep using these?” Fiona held up the pack of baby wipes she was using to soothe her face.

  Eric got that uncomfortable expression back on his face. He was going to need a bigger pair of shades. If those things were made to hide the feelings of the men who wore them, making them look sinister and whatnot, then, at least for Eric, they weren’t doing a very good job.

  “Well, are they making you feel better? They’re not irritating your face?”

  “No, it feels a bit better.” The swelling in her eye and cheek didn’t seem to be getting any worse. Fiona hoped that it would go down enough in time for this dinner she was expected to have with Inferno’s family.

  Even though she’d already met his brothers, and was sure they would be kind to her, she still didn’t want to show her face like this. And she would have already been nervous about meeting Tinder with a healthy face, but how was she supposed to show up like this?

  Eric turned away from her, putting his hand to his ear and muttering something with his head down. There was a pause, some more muttering, another pause, and then he returned his attention to her. “You should be all right so long as you don’t feel any more adverse effects.”

  Fiona blinked at him. “Did you just call Inferno and ask him if I could keep using these?”

  Eric straightened his spine. “He is the lord of the house, my lady.”

  Unbelievable, but what the hell was she supposed to say against the prince of dragons? Giving Eric shit seemed kind of mean, too. He was only doing his job.

  “Can we get some backup makeup in here? I’d like to at least put on some foundation to cover it up.”

  “We had such plans,” Leanne moaned. The older woman was wringing her hands as if this entire thing was too stressful for her to handle. “We were going to do hair and makeup.”

  Eric nodded. “I’m sorry for the delays, but you will get everything you need. New products have been sent for. They should be arriving shortly.”

  “New products?” Fiona didn’t understand. “Ones I won’t be allergic to?”

  “I’m sure they’ve reviewed the ingredient list and narrowed down the culprit. Everything they’re sending up will be sealed and unopened and fine for you to use, my lady,” Eric said, and Fiona noticed the emphasis on sealed and unopened.

  Fine by her. Brand new makeup sounded pretty good. “Well, thank you so much then,” she said, feeling kind of bad for being so fussy. Her face was burned, but that was no one’s fault. She was allergic to something, and not only was that an accident, but Inferno was making it up to her by having his employees go out and find her products that would be more sensitive for her skin. Maybe the regular products the maids used on dragon skin had just been too harsh for hers.

  She was starting to get just a little bit uncomfortable with how many more men in black were standing around her room. There seemed to be a lot more than there had been a few minutes ago. Weren’t they all supposed to be outside?

  They were likely standing in whatever post they thought Inferno would like them to be in. Surely the last thing anyone wanted to do was have his wrath targeted at them. She’d have to take control of the situation herself if she didn’t want to be overwhelmed with guards at all times.

  “I need some of you to clear out. Please.” The guards looked to Eric, who opened his mouth to say something before Fiona cut him off. “We don’t need that many bodies inside my private quarters. Inferno said they took care of the reporters who snuck in, and there aren’t any rogue cosmetics in here ready to jump on me. I think we’re fine.”

  A look of surprise hit Eric’s face, and then he smiled a little. Fiona could tell he was impressed that she could give directions. He signaled for the guards to file out into the hallway, and Fiona chuckled.

  “Well done, my lady” Leanne looked at her in wonder.

  “That was nothing. You should see my ability to wrangle crowds flooding into the bakery 30 minutes before close on Sunday. They’d kill each other over the on-sale leftover cupcakes if I didn’t know how to get them in line!”

  Just then, a woman Fiona had never seen before bounded into her room, practically dancing on the high-heeled toes of her knee-high boots, mall bags in hand.

  A lot of bags.

  “I’m here!” she sang, as the three maids rushed to relieve her of all the gear she’d hauled in.

  Fiona was completely tense. Who was this woman? She wasn’t Tinder, as Fiona had met Tinder at the bakery, and knew what she looked like from all the tabloids. This new woman seemed completely comfortable waltzing in past Fiona’s guards, and before she closed the door behind her, she lowered her heart-shaped sunglasses and locked eyes with one in particular. “Eric,” she said in a voice much lower than the one she’d used a moment before.

  Eric pressed his lips together and didn’t return the greeting, which caused the woman to laugh, and then shut the door, leaving just the women inside.

  The woman’s hair was something else. It was so full of body that it flew around her head, as though it was alive on its own. It was the prettiest shade of brown Fiona had ever seen, with a soft golden brown base streaked with darker chestnut with slashes of red that seemed to glow under the light of every lamp in the room.

  Fiona was kind of jealous.

  The woman took off her French-styled black cap, tossing it aside before undoing her red silken scarf, which was meant more for style than for warmth. And her red-brown eyes sparkled down at Fiona as if she was the most exciting thing on the face of the earth.

  “So, you’re going to be my new sister-in-law.”

  Fiona frowned briefly right before both her eyes flew wide, recognition finally dawning on her. “Princess Flare?”

  “In the flesh! God, I love your hair. It’s naturally like that? They always said the Istavans had amazingly red hair. I tried going with the streaks, too, but mine aren’t natural like yours.” Flare walked right up to Fiona and touched her hair, pulling it up and then dropping it down, so the strands fell like a red waterfall around her.

  Fiona stood dumbstruck. She couldn’t believe she didn’t recognize the princess, but in all fairness, Flare had become a master at avoiding the paparazzi and staying out of the spotlight in recent years.

  “Sorry, was it because I mentioned the Istavans? Does it bother you?”

  Now she thought Fiona was suddenly shy over the mention of her dead family. Fiona shook her head. “No, I’m good. I’m just a little nervous about meeting you. I didn’t recognize you at first.”

  “That’s the idea,” Flare said, suddenly smiling again. “My brothers go to events and get their pictures taken more than I do, especially Inferno since he’s the heir. I can still go out. Chances are someone will recognize me, but there won’t always be press lurking around with cameras, you know?”

  “No,” Fiona said, feeling suddenly helpless against this woman’s good mood.

  “Well, you’re going to know it soon enough. Being mated to Inferno is one thing, but also being a long lost Istavan? The public is going to want to know all about you. I’ve been dying to meet you ever since I found out. I feel bad for Tinder, but she’ll get over it. Just between you and me, I think she was more interested in the fame and attention than actually taking on any royal duties.”

  “You don’t say.” Fiona knew the rumors that had been published about Tinder said just that, but she wasn’t about to start gossiping. She didn’t want to get that kind of reputation.

  “Anyway, it’s time to work some magic. I brought stuff for face, hair, and makeup.” Flare regarded her for a moment. “Cheer up, buttercup! This will be fun.”

  “I’m sorry, I just feel bad, that they sent you out to get all of this for me—“

  “Stop right there!” Flare cut her off and sat down on the bed next to her. “I’ll take any excuse for shopping, and I mean any, but being able to do something for my new sister is a gift. Do you know how often my brothers leave me out of things? This just gave me
a chance to wheedle my way in here.”

  “Well, thank you,” Fiona said, swallowing the word “sister.” She’d never had a sister before, but always thought it might be nice to have someone who would have your back for life.

  Flare grabbed Fiona’s free hand. “Let’s not waste any more time getting you ready then.” She looked down, “Ah yes, I brought stuff for nails too.”

  Fiona felt her cheeks heat as the princess looked at her stubby fingernails. Flare’s nails were done up in a pretty French manicure, but being a baker meant there wasn’t often the chance for Fiona to indulge in getting her nails done. Now she was about to get them done with a real dragon princess sitting beside her, as eager and full of energy as if they were little girls about to do their braids together and make friendship bracelets.

  “What do you think?” Flare asked.

  Fiona swallowed hard. “Well, if you can promise me one thing.”

  Flare’s smile became brighter, something Fiona hadn’t thought possible. “Sure thing.”

  That smile melted away when Fiona revealed the messier side to her face. “Do you think we’ll be able to could cover this up?”

  Flare’s unblinking expression, the way she stared in seriousness at the redness and swelling on Fiona’s face, didn’t bode well for her.

  But the princess put on a determined smile and cleared her throat. “We’re sure as hell going to do it, and I guarantee you will have a very grand first entrance.”

  Okay, Fiona didn’t believe that, but she appreciated the enthusiasm, and decided that she already liked Inferno’s sister.


  Flare and Fiona walked through the palace, arms linked, while Flare chatted away about anything and everything she could. Fiona couldn’t get over how normal Flare acted, as if wandering through a palace full of men with guns, while wearing Gucci heels and Ralph Lauren sundresses, was nothing out of the ordinary. The fact that it was normal to this woman boggled Fiona’s mind, and she couldn’t even start to wrap her head around the idea that this was supposed to be her new reality. She wore clothes that would pay a year’s worth of her rent while chatting it up with a princess, and this wasn’t a dream; this was reality.

  Eric and a few of the other palace guards followed behind at a distance. So far, everything seemed quiet, and her time with Flare had almost helped her to forget all of the drama of the past 24 hours.

  Fiona nodded and smiled at Flare, who was talking about her cute watercolor instructor, and how it annoyed her brothers that she spent her time on men like that. Fiona wished she could completely lose herself in the light chatter with Flare, but too much was going on for her to forget all of her cares and worries completely.

  She had her life ripped away from her. Sure, it wasn’t as nice a life as this, but it had been hers. Now, she was the mate of a dragon prince, the heir, and didn’t even fully know what that meant. What duties would they expect of her?

  And how on earth was she supposed to face Tinder?

  At least Flare and her maids combined had been able to work some magic with makeup on the angry side of her face. The redness and swelling was unnoticeable. Almost. The skin was still hot, and there was some discoloration, but she looked a thousand times better now than she had before.

  “Are you okay? Fiona?”

  Fiona blinked, looking at the other young woman, realizing that she’d stopped walking.


  “Yeah, sorry. I guess I just got lost in my head there for a second.”

  Flare’s smile was no longer quite so dazzling or bright. There was something softer in her eyes, and Fiona recognized it as sympathy.

  “Sorry. I know I’m talking a lot. I was trying to take your mind off of everything. If it’s bothering you, I’ll stop.”

  “Of course you’re not bothering me. There’s just a lot going on, and it’s a little hard for me to focus right now.”

  “It’s one thing to join with your mate, but I guess it’s a whole other thing when you didn’t even know you were in the running,” Flare said, smiling brightly again, as though trying to lighten the mood.

  Fiona smiled. “That’s true.” She got serious. This was her chance to ask before it was too late and she was facing Tinder at dinner. “About Inferno’s, uh, ex? Can I ask you about her?”

  “Oh, right, well don’t worry about it too much when we get to the dining room. She probably won’t look at you, will leave early, and you might not see her until the official ceremony for your wedding.”

  Holy shit. Fiona hadn’t even thought about a proper wedding.

  She’d seen the old footage of Inferno’s parents being united on YouTube, so she had some idea of what to expect. She just didn’t know how she was going to deal with planning an event like that on top of everything else that she was trying to get a handle on right then.

  “So, wait, do we have to wait to have sex till then?”

  Flare cringed. “It’s really weird talking about my brother’s sex life.”

  “Sorry,” Fiona said, though she wasn’t actually. She just wanted to know what to expect, how long she’d have to deal with the burning for Inferno before they could act on those feelings.

  “It’s okay, uh, well, you’re probably going to end up sleeping with him before the actual ceremony. It’s not like dragons are strict about being chaste or anything. The wedding is just a big party that’s part family celebration and part show, so the world can see that the royal dragon has officially chosen a mate. But since you’re his natural mate, you’re pretty much his wife right now.”

  Fiona’s throat dried up instantly. “Right now?”

  “Yeah, natural mates are bonded from the moment they meet,” Flare said, patting Fiona’s newly-manicured hand, and continuing with their walk. “The mating will call the both of you to each other the more you’re around each other. You’re probably going to be with him after the dinner.” Flare bit her lips together, clenching her eyes shut and shaking her head as if the whole topic was painful to talk about. “I really don’t want to think about my brother having sex. Do you have any more questions, or can we move on to a new topic?”

  “Yes, we can move on. Thank you, though, for helping me know what to expect.” Fiona was happy letting Flare’s thoughts move on to other topics, but her mind stayed stuck on Inferno. The panic about dinner was there, but even stronger was her desire to get through the meal so she could be alone with Inferno. She’d never been with a man, but every fiber of her body wanted to pull him into her room and lock the doors and the windows so the rest of the world and all her worries would stay out while she focused on just him. She didn’t want to learn any more about mating, or wonder who attacked her or fret over Tinder’s reaction. She wanted to bask in these feelings that she had for him, wanted to let him ignite her with every touch, and wanted to see what amazing things they could do together.

  Okay, maybe she’d have to work harder to stay focused on idle chatter with Flare, least her heated body give away her thoughts.

  They turned down what Fiona thought would be another long corridor with vast halls and tall ceilings, but no, the double mahogany doors were just being held open. This was a room, not another hallway.

  There were vases of flowers placed along several spots on the long table, as well as in the corners to add some color to the room. Not that it needed much color considering the artwork on the walls and the crystal chandeliers that made the place seem to glow like in a fairytale or a dream. Fiona marveled at it for a second. If she were an artist, she would want to paint this room and all the colors in it.

  A place like this didn’t give the impression that dragon shifters lived here, that was for sure. The only indication she was still in the palace, and not in a painting, were the guards who were already standing at attention around the corners of the dining room. Fiona thought they looked familiar, but all the faces of these guys were starting to meld together.

  A woman cleared her throat in a tiny, nearly coughing noise.

  Fiona snapped her attention back, her eyes flying wide at the sight of two women sitting at the elegant dining room table.

  She almost hadn’t noticed them even with their wide-brimmed hats. They’d practically blended in with the rest of the room in the flower-patterned sundresses they wore.

  Flare seemed to stand a little straighter, holding Fiona’s hand a little tighter. “Aunt Charrling, Tinder, this is Fiona, Inferno’s mate.”

  Even Flare’s voice seemed to crackle a little at that last bit, as if she knew it was something of a cruel thing to introduce another woman as Inferno’s mate when the man’s ex was sitting right there.

  Fiona had seen these women on the occasional magazine and in television. Tinder’s face had been shown more, the world advertising her as the future Queen of Dragons. Princess Charrling only seemed to get some magazine space or television time whenever she was spotted out shopping with her daughter for wedding items.

  She could hardly move as the two women observed her. Princess Charrling was the first to smile, and while there was nothing about her expression that warned of any hostility, Fiona couldn’t help but shiver from the cold of it.

  “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, dear. Please don’t be shy. Come on over here so I may get a look at you.”

  The older princess pushed her chair out, though she didn’t rise to her feet.

  Fiona didn’t know what to do, and it seemed rude for her not to do what a princess told her to, so she stepped away from the relative safety offered by Flare and towards the older woman.

  Princess Charrling delicately reached her gloved hand up for Fiona to take as she got closer. Fiona reached for it. The grip was strong. Fiona figured that meant she had to grip back just as hard, like a handshake. People didn’t respect anyone with a limp wrist. That was what she’d always heard. Charrling’s bright blue eyes suddenly sparked with something dark, as if their strange lady version of a handshake was some sort of challenge to her.


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