Tears of Alron (The Alchemist Book #3): LitRPG Series

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Tears of Alron (The Alchemist Book #3): LitRPG Series Page 17

by Vasily Mahanenko

  “Maybe, it didn’t forget,” Tailyn said thoughtfully. “Maybe, it never knew. What if there are two gods, the original and another that showed up after the exodus? The first knew everything but left. And the second took its place, only it doesn’t know everything. It knows the books exist; it doesn’t know anything about their contents. It knows about monsters; it doesn’t know how to get right of them. It...”

  Tailyn wasn’t able to finish that thought before the god itself deigned to answer Valia’s question.

  Mission update: Ancient History. Description: you found out that there were two versions of the System. The first controlled the universe interface and semantics. The second only controlled the interface. All missions handed out by the System are attempts to find the lost part of the universe and restore balance. Just remember, this mission is secret, and disclosure is punishable by death. People need to come to their own conclusions. This update may not be shared even with those who know you have Ancient History, and you are no longer permitted to synchronize with other creatures.

  The days once again began to run together like toffee from the candy store. It even got to the point that Valia began singing to break the oppressive silence, something Tailyn was only too happy about. He never would have thought being in a small room with no light or ability to get away would be such a challenge. Back during the third week of their internment, the pair had tried to get out, but it hadn’t worked — the crack in the ceiling refused to widen. Raptor also told them the basements were all caved in. Their only shot was the teleport card their mentor had given them, though they still had another month to go before they could use it.

  Two and a half months after Tailyn and Valia had gotten to the book storeroom, the mission was complete. But the System once again just laughed at them. Of the twenty books that had been remaining, including the one Valia had been reading, eight had turned out to be unique, leaving the boy with fourteen open missions sending him to the academy library. He only had sixteen crystals, however. And that wasn’t enough to get Ka-Do-Gir back.

  Mission complete: Reach the Library. You read all the books you found.

  Level +1 (11).

  Armor +1 (15).

  The boy checked his properties. Considering Valia’s buff and the bump his mage outfit gave him, he liked what he saw. He was also constantly pouring mana in the cards Valia was making, leaving the pair not far away from a level three force shield. In fact, he would have been completely satisfied with himself if it hadn’t been for one thing: his level. That was definitely the fly in the ointment.

  Status table

  General character information

  Tailyn Vlashich, betrothed to Valia Levor






  Yearly tax (crystals)

  1 (beginning at age 16)





  Main parameters

  Shield level

  6856 (6856)

  Mana level

  1225 (11086)

  Physical attack


  Magic attack


  Named item level


  Companion level































  Monster Knowledge


  Anatomy Master









  Shield Restoration Potion


  Mana Restoration Potion


  Magic Enhancement Elixir


  Alchemical Fire


  Cold Explosion




  Lesser Regeneration Potion


  Salamander Potion


  Basilisk Potion


  Lervan Potion


  Yeti Potion


  Card Saturation



  Points invested:




  Ordinary Loach


  Ordinary Daisy


  Ordinary Lavender



  Points invested:


  Lix Language



  Points invested:


  Crystal Miner



  Points invested:





  Points invested:


  The night before they activated the portal, neither Tailyn nor Valia slept. Excitement that they were finally ending their three months of isolation overwhelmed them to the point that sleep was the last thing on their minds. When the time came, Valia blew on the card, and a shimmering circle appeared next to them. Patrick had done his job.

  The kids stepped into the portal holding hands only to hear the unpleasant voice of the viceroy the moment they found themselves in Forian Tarn’s residence.

  “In the name of the emperor, you’re both under arrest! Gag them and tie them up. If they resist arrest, kill them!”

  Chapter 12

  CAN YOU REALLY predict how someone will react when they step out of a portal only to have the blade of a spear stuck in their face? But not just any blade; a weapon that ignores personal shields. And held by none other than an imperial guard swathed in golden level five armor. Of course, you can. They’re going to do whatever it takes to protect themselves from the threat.

  And that was exactly what Tailyn did. The boy’s arms flew upward, activating Force Shield-II, the card both blocking all types of damage as well as thrusting the unexpected threat backward. It couldn’t do anything about the blade — the enchanted spear tip could go through anything. Still, the shaft was made of ordinary wood incapable of standing up to the magic card. All four guards skidded across the ground, shoved backward by the magic as Valia’s card cleared its meter and a half of space.

  “Resisting authorities?!” the viceroy yelled. “Take them!”

  But just then, a darkness fell across the entire garden.

  “According to the agreement between the emperor and the academy, mage residences are considered their personal territory,” Forian’s voice boomed. Tailyn could have sworn his mentor was just barely holding back his rage. “And mages are permitted to protect their property at any cost and from any foe, even if that’s the emperor himself! That has been inviolable for three thousand years. I’ll give you a minute to explain what right the imperial viceroy has to intrude into my home and order the arrest of my students. As the god is my witness, I will destroy anyone who lays a hand on anything belonging to me! I’ll even use an armageddon if I have to.”

  “Tailyn and Valia have been charged with the explosion at the academy, the death of twelve students, and much more,” the viceroy replied with a sneer. “And I have every right to be here, Mage! Pull back your darkne
ss, or I will be forced to accuse you of breaking the law, as well. Your students will have their day in court one way or another, dead or alive!”

  “I didn’t give you the right to visit my home!” Forian couldn’t help raising his voice. “Get out!”

  “No, I did, Forian Tarn!” said a woman. Tailyn’s stomach tensed up — he knew who those enchanting notes belonged to. It was incredible that someone so beautiful could harbor so much hatred.

  “Finiel?!” Forian exclaimed, as taken aback as Tailyn was.

  “You’re going to pay for the embarrassment you put me through, Forian!” The woman’s voice was laced with poison.

  “I’m waiting, Forian! Either you get rid of the darkness, or you’ll be named an enemy of the empire. Nobody can get in the way of justice!”

  There was a long pause. The viceroy even chuckled, his victory so close he could taste it, but that was when Forian made his decision.

  “The right to enter my home was gained illegally. If the emperor needs these two students, he can submit a formal request to the academy. But in the meantime, get out of my house before I kill you all.”

  “You brought this on yourself, Mage,” Finiel said with undisguised loathing. “Viceroy, I give you complete access to this residence. Light!”

  The darkness Forian had laid down disappeared as though it had never been there to begin with. Finally, Tailyn could see both the guards as well as the rest of the actors involved in their little scuffle. The viceroy and Finiel were standing behind the warriors and looking up at the balcony, which was where Forian was. However, the mage wasn’t alone, instead wrestling with two unfamiliar characters wearing gray robes. From what Tailyn could tell, he was losing, too. The mage wasn’t using magic for whatever reason — it was like his cards were blocked. Soon enough, the mage was tied hand and foot, after which he was carried over to the viceroy.

  “I’m glad you decided to get involved,” the viceroy said victoriously. “You’ll follow right along after these pups of yours. And why aren’t they under arrest? Get them!”

  The guards came after the pair with their spears yet again, though it was the grays that got the job done. Tailyn’s perception had nothing on them — they were practically ghosts. After getting right up against the shields, they weren’t able to get any further. Valia’s card was working beautifully, though the charges disappeared with alarming rapidity.

  “Interesting solution,” the gray on the right said. “Complete block of magic and physical attack, even holding the attacker back. Not bad. Where’d you get it?”

  The children didn’t bother to answer. Suddenly, something bright flashed, Tailyn felt a pain sear through his shoulder, and he looked down in surprise to see a blade jutting out of it. None of Valia’s card, his personal shield, or his OGM-III had been able to do anything about it. Valia squealed next to him — there was a similar blade buried in her shoulder. Heat enveloped Tailyn’s body. It felt like his blood had turned to fire, burning its way through his veins, charring his insides. Valia collapsed to the ground in a twitching heap. While her body had been unable to fight back against the paralyzing poison, Tailyn’s was able to. He collected himself and stood tall, leaving his arm extended to hold his opponents at bay.

  “What, does he have regeneration?” one of the grays asked in surprise.

  “Looks like it,” replied the second. “Hold on, let’s see how high he has it. That dose was enough to knock out anyone below level twenty.”

  “What’s taking so long?” The viceroy was clearly unhappy with the turn things had taken. “Get them!”

  “All in good time,” one of the grays replied calmly, not even turning in the direction of the empire’s most powerful representative in that province.

  Large beads of sweat dotted Tailyn’s face. His outfit filled with the smell of poison — his body was releasing it through his pores. Even his eyes burned, and while he wanted to rub them, he didn’t let himself. He had to hold back the enemy. There was no way they were getting any closer to Valia.

  From what Tailyn could tell, there was no way out. He was only too aware that his card was going to run out of charges soon enough, leaving the grays free to tie him up. Despairing, he blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

  “You’re interfering with a divine mission. The god asked us to deliver books to the library, and you’re keeping us from doing that!”

  “What’s he whining about?” one of the killers asked. “Nonsense... Do you get it?”

  “The poison isn’t working. I’ll bet the commander will be interested to find out how a twelve-year-old kid down at level eleven has regeneration higher than twenty.”

  A knife appeared in the gray’s hand, and one swift motion was enough to destroy the shield as if it was nothing. Before Tailyn could activate the next charge, the killer was right in his face.

  “Nighty-night,” he said as he raised the needle-like stiletto, though he suddenly froze. In fact, even the guards took a few steps backwards and let their spears down.

  Tailyn Vlashich and Valia Levor are in the middle of a special mission for the god (time remaining: 12 hours). Any living creature that directly or indirectly interferes with the mission will be destroyed.

  The gray who had thrown the knives at the kids turned pale. Not only had he gotten the same message as everyone else, he’d also gotten a timer counting down from three minutes. That was how long he had to get the girl conscious again. If he failed, he was going to die. Leaning over Valia, he used the knife to break through her face guard.

  “This is an antidote. You need to drink it.”

  It was only after the timer disappeared that the Secret Imperial Chancellery’s special agent was able to breathe again. Three minutes... It had been a long time since he’d been that close to death.

  “Impossible,” the viceroy hissed before breaking into a shriek. “It’s impossible! They’re just children. They can’t have special missions!”

  “We’re leaving,” one gray said with a nod to his partner. “They’re under the special protection of the god, so you’re on your own.”

  The viceroy could only grind his teeth — even he couldn’t argue with the pair. He couldn’t get in the children’s way, either. After Tailyn helped Valia to his feet, the two wobbled off unsteadily. The guards parted to let them through, none in any hurry to stand against the god’s will.

  “Untie him,” Tailyn said when they got to Forian. “He’s coming with us. Without him, it’ll be almost impossible to complete the mission in time.”

  The boy knew he had to avoid making precise statements. They would certainly have been able to get into the library without him, though there was no way Tailyn was going to leave his mentor to the machinations of the viceroy. Forian had stood up for them to the end; it was time to return the favor.

  The nearest guard cut through the ropes with a deft motion of his spear, and a gray tossed the boy an antidote flask. Tailyn’s interest was piqued. In his hands, he held what was labeled as simply that: antidote. And the fact that there was no specification meant it had to work against any poison out there. It was hard to imagine how much it must have cost. But leaving that for later, Tailyn’s attention was grabbed by a snort from Finiel. Valanil rushed into the residence and helped Tailyn bring Forian back to life.

  “Where are we going?” the woman whispered.

  “The academy library. We need to turn in some books.”

  “Books? Not a book? You came across a couple of them?” she asked in surprise. “That’s great!”

  “Yep.” Tailyn wasn’t about to get into the details. The grays were still there, and he didn’t want to give away anything he didn’t have to. Doubtless, they were going to have to visit Mean Truk again — even if the guards had collapsed the underground room with the strange cube during their battle with Experiment 14, it was worth digging down to it.

  Ignoring Finiel’s disparaging commentary, the group reached the gate. Patrick, Forian’s servant, was wait
ing for them there.

  “Master, I couldn’t stop them,” he said. “They had access. Mistress Finiel knew when your portal cards were scheduled for, and she brought the viceroy in at exactly the right time.”

  “You couldn’t have done anything, Patrick,” Forian said soothingly. “I already adjusted the access list. From now on, there are only four people with the right to enter: me, Valanil, and my two students. Nobody else. Okay, escort our guests out, please. It’s time for them to go.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  The servant headed off to follow that order, though there was no need — the guards were right behind the mages. In fact, they followed them all the way to the academy, which meant Forian could only sigh in relief when the gate closed behind them. He didn’t think the viceroy could get authorization to visit the academy one more time. But even if he did, the provost wouldn’t give up his own.


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