In the Fullness of Time

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In the Fullness of Time Page 17

by Sabra Brown Steinsiek

  As the woman covered her with a pretty quilt on the couch, Annie said, “You’ll wake me when Daddy comes? Promise?” But she was asleep before the woman could answer.

  Sitting on the floor beside the sleeping child, the woman smiled as she brushed back the damp coppery curls from Annie’s face. She reached to the end table for a pair of scissors and cut off a strand of that hair, tucking it into her pocket. “I’ll wake you when Daddy comes, Annie darling…and he will come as long as I have you.” She began to softly sing, “Slumber my darling, thy mother is near, guarding thy sleep from all terror and fear…” In her sleep, Annie frowned at the sound—Daddy’s song but not Daddy singing. The thumb she had given up long ago crept back into her mouth as her free hand searched for Custard to keep her safe.

  Still singing, the woman got up from the floor and went back into the kitchen. The child hadn’t eaten anything! Too much excitement. She’d settle down when Taylor got here. And he’d be along—right according to plan.

  Chapter 47

  She'd moved in here and began to watch Taylor's daily schedule. At least once a week, she'd gone to the theatre, usually on the Wednesday matinee, to see Taylor on stage. She followed him to the park when he took Annie rollerblading with him. He was such a good father! He really loved that little girl and would do anything for her. Watching them together had made her realize that the way to Taylor was through little Annie. And she'd begun to watch for a chance.

  It had come today. She'd been waiting near Annie's dance school to catch a glimpse of Taylor. He often picked Annie up and took her to the theatre with him for a while before sending her home with that driver of his. But today, instead of Taylor, it had been Meg who came. Without Taylor. Without the driver. Without any clue that she had been listening when Meg had told the cabbie where they were going.

  It had been simple from there. She had blended into the crowds while she kept the girls in sight. When Annie got caught up in that school class in the butterfly zone, she had known it had to be then. She'd slipped in beside Annie, taking her hand as if they belonged together. Annie never looked to see whose hand she had; she had just assumed it was Meg. It wasn't until they were on their way out of the habitat, that Annie had looked up and been startled to see a stranger.

  “Who are you?” Annie had demanded. “Let me go!”

  “Hush, Annie! Don't you remember me? You met me at the theatre where Daddy works. I help with the costumes.”

  Annie had been puzzled. She didn't remember this woman but she had met so many people with Daddy. She could never remember them all.

  The woman continued, “Daddy sent me to take you to him. He missed picking you up this afternoon and wanted to see you. He couldn't come, so I said I would come for him. He trusts me with a lot of important things.”

  When Annie looked around for Meg, she had hurried her along. “Meg had to go. I already spoke to her. We need to hurry, baby. The car is waiting.”

  She'd taken Annie's hand and gently pulled her down the path. Annie followed along, still looking for Meg. They'd been almost out of the zoo when Annie had turned for another look and seen Meg behind them, waving her hand in the air. “Wait! There's Meg!”

  The woman had turned then, scooped Annie up into her arms and began to run. “It's okay. She's just waving goodbye. We have to hurry now.”

  Chapter 48

  All hell broke loose after the news bulletin. The phone began to ring almost immediately. Hobbs looked out to see a news truck on the street below. He knew it wouldn’t be long before there were more of them.

  “No, Robert. Thanks for calling. Please, let the others know we have to keep this line free. I’ll let you know as soon as we know anything.” Taylor hung up the phone which instantly began ringing again.

  Laura answered this time, “No, the Morgan’s have no statement at this time,” she said firmly before hanging up. Again, it began to ring. She picked it up and went through the same routine but her voice had an edge of hysteria to it. When it rang again, Hobbs reached over and took it as Taylor pulled Laura into his arms.

  “Cody! Answer this phone! Taylor, in the dining room, now!” Hobbs took charge, almost herding Taylor and Laura into the dining room with Albright trailing along.

  “This is exactly what we didn’t need,” he said as soon as the door closed. “Those barracudas won’t let up until they have some kind of statement. You’re going to have to release something.”

  “Release what?” Taylor demanded. “They know every bit as much as we do!”

  “Shh, Taylor.” Laura seemed to pull herself together with great effort. “He’s right. They won’t go away until we give them something.” She went on to explain to Hobbs, “I know. I was one of them.”

  “Neither of you has to make the statement. One of us can do it for you.”

  Hobbs was surprised when Laura shook her head. “It won’t be enough. Besides, if it’s us, that woman might see—might realize what she’s done…” Her green eyes filled with tears again and she angrily wiped them away. “I’ll call Heidi. She’s a television reporter and our friend. We’ll give her the exclusive video then release the same statement to the press.”

  “Laura, are you sure you want to do that?” Pierce was concerned.

  “I’m sure I don’t want to. But I’m also sure we have to.” She turned and left the room.


  Running his fingers through his hair, Taylor said, “She’s right. We’d best get it done with, while there’s still time to make the late news.”

  * * *

  “This is Heidi Nesbitt and I’m with Taylor and Laura Morgan. As Kelly just told you, their five-year-old daughter, Annie, was kidnapped from the zoo today. So far there has been no communication from the kidnapper but the Morgans do have a message for her. Taylor?” The camera came in tight on Taylor and Laura.

  “Thank you, Heidi. We are appealing to the kidnapper to reach out to us as soon as possible. At least let us know that Annie is all right, please! Whatever you’re asking, we’ll do our best to get it for you so that you can return our daughter to us quickly.”

  The camera panned down to where Taylor’s fingers were entwined with Laura’s then dissolved into a shot of the interviewer holding a picture of Annie. “This is Annie Morgan. She’s five years old and, as you can see, has beautiful red hair. If you were at the zoo today and remember seeing Annie, please get in touch with the police as soon as possible. You may hold the key that will return Annie Morgan safely home. The kidnapper is believed to be a blonde woman with a tall, slender build. She and Annie disappeared mid-afternoon. If you saw them after three this afternoon, or have any other information that might help to return Annie Morgan safely to her parents, please call the NYPD and ask for the Morgan taskforce or call the station and we’ll relay your information. Live from the Morgan home, this is Heidi Nesbitt.”

  The lights went off and silence filled the room. “Wrap it up, Jim, and we’ll head back to the station.” Heidi stood and handed her mike to the cameraman. “Give me a minute and I’ll be ready to go.”

  “Laura, I’m so sorry. Call me if there’s anything more I can do.” She hugged Laura then Taylor before leaving with her cameraman. A police department spokesman followed them out, ready to read a statement to the print press and hand out the press release.

  * * *

  Across town, she watched the brief report. It hurt her to see Taylor so upset but that red-haired witch deserved all the pain she had seen in her eyes. “I’ll be in touch, darling, soon, I promise.” She kissed the tips of her fingers then placed them against the screen where Taylor’s face had just been.

  * * *

  It was late. Hobbs had left an hour ago. Pierce had left after Taylor urged him to go get some rest. A police technician was camped in the living room with the recording equipment.

  The calls had stopped shortly after their appearance on the news. Meg was still sleeping, Rosina steadfast beside her. Matteo was on his way from the
airport with Laura’s parents and Taylor and Laura had retreated to their bedroom to wait.

  “Laura, you should consider taking one of these after your parents get here.” Taylor held out the bottle of pills that Joseph Barry had left.

  She shook her head. “No, Taylor. I don’t want to be drugged out when Annie comes home.”

  “Laura…” His voice trailed off.

  Hobbs had told them before he left that it would be unusual for a ransom call to come this late. “If someone is waiting to demand ransom, they’re going to want to see you sweat first,” he’d said. “We probably won’t hear anything until morning. You should both try to get some rest.”

  “Laura, you’ll just make yourself sick. Annie’s going to need you when she comes home.”

  “It won’t work, Taylor. Give it up, please.” Laura’s voice was weary. “All the arguments in the world are not going to change my mind.”

  “Not even from your mother, ‘jita?” They turned to find Laura’s parents standing in the doorway. The small, beautiful woman came across the room pausing only to touch Taylor’s arm as she went by. Sitting beside her daughter, Maria Collins put her arms around her. They heard Laura whisper, “Oh, Mamá…” before she began to cry.

  Sean Collins knew that Laura would be fine with Maria. His job was to reach the man who was married to his daughter. “Taylor.” Sean moved his head back in a gesture that they should leave. With another look at mother and daughter, Taylor followed his father-in-law out into the hall.

  “Where shall we go, son?”

  Taylor led the way to the dining room. “Thanks for coming, Sean,” he said as he went to the antique sideboard and poured a glass of Sean’s favorite Irish whiskey. Handing it to him, Taylor continued, “She needs you here, right now.”

  “I hope you understand that, Taylor.” When Taylor looked at him in confusion he went on, “Understand that she needs her mother. It doesn’t reflect on her love for you. When Tomás was diagnosed, it was her aunts and cousins Maria turned to. The loss of a child, no matter how temporary, brings up that instinct. Maria told me later that it was because with them she didn’t have to be strong, didn’t have to even share the burden—they carried it for her for that little while.”

  “She’s needed someone. I can see now what you’re talking about. With me, she feels she has to be stronger somehow. I’m glad that Maria is here, for Laura and for Meg.”

  “How is Meg?”

  “She’s devastated. Blaming herself, even though we’ve told her she’s wrong.”

  “There’s been no word?”

  “None.” Taylor sat down at the table across from Sean and began to fill him in.

  * * *

  It was more than an hour before Maria joined the two men in the dining room. Taylor got to his feet, ready to go to Laura, when Maria stopped him. “She’s sleeping, Taylor. I convinced her to take some of the medication the doctor left. The pill and the fact that she’s totally worn out will keep her asleep for a while.” She looked up at her tall son-in-law. “And you, Taylor? How are you?”

  “Holding on, Maria. But just barely. Did Laura tell you that the lead detective, Hobbs, thinks it could be an obsessed fan?”

  “Sí, she told me.”

  “So, if it’s true, it’s ultimately my fault that Annie is gone.”

  “Nonsense, Taylor!” Maria took his hands in hers, pulling him to sit beside her at the table. “You have no responsibility for what this woman has done. She’s the only one responsible.”

  “Maria, my head knows that. It’s my heart that refuses to accept it. If we lose Annie…” Taylor’s voice broke and he leaned on the table as tears too long held back began fall.

  Maria didn’t try to comfort him with words, only stood beside him, her arms around his shoulders, her eyes meeting those of her husband as they helplessly stood by.

  Chapter 49

  It was morning. The light coming through the window played across Annie's sleeping face, teasing open her eyes. She stretched and yawned before she realized that the bed felt different. Opening her eyes, she saw that she was still in that woman’s apartment. Daddy hadn't come!

  She listened for a moment for voices but the apartment was quiet. She got up and padded silently to the bathroom. There was no sign of her anywhere. Maybe, Annie thought, maybe she could find a phone and call Mommy. Mommy must be wondering where she was. Annie had never been away from home this long.

  But, when she came out of the bathroom, the woman was there. She picked Annie up in a tight hug. “Good morning, Annie! Did you sleep well?”

  Annie squirmed until the woman put her down. “Where's Daddy? You said he was coming! I want to go home, now!”

  “Daddy called late last night. He didn't want me to wake you. He said he'd be here later today. Now, baby, what would you like for breakfast?”

  “Nothing!” Annie shouted as she ran to the door. “Nothing from you! I want to be home. I want Mommy and Daddy and Meg and Betta and Rosina and Matteo.” No matter how hard she struggled, the door handle wouldn't budge. “I want to go home," she whispered as she sank to the floor, leaning against the door that wouldn't set her free.

  * * *

  Taylor was up early. He hadn't really slept. Despite promising Maria he'd take one of the sleeping pills, he hadn't. He'd held Laura and stared into the darkness wondering where Annie was, aching with the fear that whoever had her wouldn't take care of her.

  As the first light had begun to creep in around the drawn shades, Taylor had gotten up. Still in the same clothes from the day before, he'd splashed cold water on his face, looking at the man in the mirror who seemed boundlessly older than he had yesterday morning. After checking once more on Laura, he'd gone down the hall to check on Meg. She was still sleeping, the tangled sheets a sign of how restless she’d been. Rosina was gone, probably in the kitchen, he realized as the smell of coffee penetrated his mental fog.

  Pushing open the kitchen door, he found Rosina and Maria preparing breakfast. Most unusual for the two of them, great friends for years now, they were working in silence. Normally, they would have been discussing everything. Maria looked up and saw him.

  “Buenas dias, Taylor.” She came over and gave him a hug as Rosina brought him a cup of coffee. “Did you get any sleep, Taylor?” Maria’s eyes were filled with concern.

  “Not really. Has Hobbs come in yet?”

  “I think I heard him a while ago, Taylor,” Rosina answered. “Take this to him,” she said as she handed him another cup of coffee.

  Taylor nodded and left the kitchen in search of the detective. He found him in the living room giving instructions to the man who was taking over the monitoring equipment.


  “You look like hell, Taylor. Didn’t you sleep at all?”

  “Thanks. And no. If it was your daughter, would you have slept?”

  “I wouldn’t have,” Pierce Albright said as he joined them. In fact, he hadn’t slept. His twin girls were just a few months younger than Annie. Hannah and Sarah had been sleeping by the time he’d gotten home last night and he’d spent a long time sitting in their room watching them sleep, grateful that they were safe.

  “Sorry. I wasn’t thinking,” the detective said. “Is one of those for me?” he asked hopefully, pointing to the cups Taylor carried.

  “What?” Taylor looked at his hands, surprised to find the cups there. “Here. Rosina sent it in.”

  Taking the cup, Hobbs led the way into the dining room. Sitting at the table, he opened the folder of Elodie’s letters that Albright had had messengered over last night. “It was pretty interesting reading. She had a hard case for you. She was also very unstable. If that progressed, she could be dangerous.”

  “Dangerous?” Taylor carefully set his cup on the table. “Dangerous to Annie?”

  “I don’t think she considers Annie one of the obstacles between you and her. Laura, your career, the distance between your lives; those have to be removed. But I thi
nk she’s including Annie in her planned life with you.”

  Pierce followed with, “And your Allison isn’t a suspect. She’s hates you, Taylor, but she didn’t take Annie. She had a solid alibi and was quite upset that you’d think she’d do something like this. All she wants is you out of her life and career.”

  They were interrupted by the sound of the buzzer from the lobby of the building. The doorman had been briefed on what was happening and had promised not to buzz them unless it was important. Hobbs was at the intercom before Taylor could move.

  “What is it?” he growled into the speaker.

  “A letter for Mr. Morgan. It was just delivered.”

  They were out the door before he could say anything else.

  Chapter 50

  Annie cried until she felt sick. Her head ached and her stomach hurt. The woman fussed over her, putting her back to bed on the couch and bringing her warm lemon-lime soda to drink. She refused to drink it, turning her back and stubbornly staring at the yellow and brown lines of the plaid upholstery.

  Finally, the woman gave up trying to cajole her. “Annie, Daddy will be here soon and I don’t think he’ll be happy that you’ve been treating me this way. You wouldn’t treat your mo—” She stopped herself just in time. The last thing she wanted to do was to remind Annie she had a mother. After all, by the end of today, they’d be a family. “You just lie here and rest. I’m going to go take a shower and I want to find you right here when I get out.”


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