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JK Haru is a Sex Worker in Another World

Page 8

by Ko Hiratori

  The only space left for me is the size of a picture frame. I wonder if Chiba gets even that much.

  If that’s all that’s waiting for us when we go back, then I see how you might rather stay in a world where you already have a life, not that I want to admit it.

  “Haru. I’m not going to defeat the demon lord, but I am going to become the strongest man in this world.”

  Chiba’s confident about his ability to survive because of his cheat skills, so he’s optimistic lately.

  Even though he’s an otaku, even though he’s a loser, every time I meet him he’s getting more manly. He’s cheeky enough to come try to win me over.

  “I promise I’ll protect you, so...will you come live with me?”

  I took a breath and then told him, “Ya know, Lupe told me she saw you holding hands with Kiyori.”

  “Oh, shit. The routes got crossed. I gotta disarm this love bomb!”

  “Seriously, what is with you lately? Have you ever heard of self-control? Not like I care who you date—it has nothing to do with me.”

  “I love a woman who can take that attitude.”

  “‘Nothing to do with me’ means that you and I have nothing to do with each other, got it? Don’t interpret it some weird way.”

  Apparently this guy actually wants a harem of girls to wait on him. I thought he was kidding, but Lupe said he was telling her about his grand plans the other day.

  I really admire her for dealing with this dipshit. Of course, I’m the one who introduced them, but ya know.

  “Eh, just come over to my house for a visit. I even made a room for you.”

  Chiba came closer with an earnest look in his eyes—something rare for him.

  The confidence he’s gained in this world causes bizarre misunderstandings and makes him pushy.

  “I’m telling you, I’ve been thinking about your future too, Haru. Take a look at the room, and if you like it...quit your job and come live at my place.”

  For all that, though, the way he made his move like he was hot shit got to me, which made me mad. My face heated up.

  “Let’s meet in front of the arena tomorrow. I’ll wait there until you come.”

  I had had it up to here with him, so I figured I would go take a look at his house and diss it.


  The next day, I headed to the arena.

  I was only going to his house, and, well, I didn’t really think anything would happen, but just in case, I put on a new pair of underwear.

  Nah, it’s really not gonna happen. Seems like he’s going out with Kiyori, anyway.

  But Chiba’s been attached to me this whole time. Seems like he really wants to make me his woman.

  Like, why would you pick a girl who’s sleeping with a different guy every day?

  It must be because I’m the only one who knows he’s from another world, right? Yeah. That’s the only possibility. And I mean, the only reason I meet up with Chiba is that, and I don’t feel the need to outside of that.

  Would we live together...? Nah.

  A raindrop fell on my shoulder. It had been sunny, but the sky had abruptly darkened.

  Aw man, I thought, and looked for some eaves to stand under. But everyone was in a panic over the sudden shower, so there wasn’t anywhere I could find shelter.

  Then I caught sight of someone slowly walking through the rain, someone who seemed to have chosen to get wet on purpose.

  Silver hair, a head taller than everyone else.

  It was him.

  Huh? What? What? Really, it’s him?

  Does he live near here?

  I went after him through the rain in spite of myself, taking care not to get noticed.

  I had the feeling it would be fine to say hi, but I didn’t want him to think I was easy, or—wait a second, I work at a brothel, of course I’m easy, but maybe more like I didn’t want to come on too strong. In any case, it was impossible for me to call out to him on the street in the middle of the day, so I decided to follow him.

  But when we reached the square, I lost sight of him.

  The rain that had been falling suddenly stopped. It was so sunny the whole thing seemed like a lie, and he had disappeared.

  It was like he had melted away into the sky with the rain clouds. Just kidding.

  Ahhhh. What the heck. I got my brand-spankin’ new panties all wet for nothing.

  How stupid. Seriously, what am I even doing? Fled from by the guy I liked, going to hang out at that loser’s house, none of it seemed like me.

  I suddenly really wanted to see everybody. Not the people from this world, but my high-school friends. I wanted to be in that same old classroom talking stupid shit so bad I was ready to die.

  This other world sucks. It rains and there’s not even anywhere for a girl to take shelter? Are they in their right minds? There’s no McD’s, no convenience stores, no PokeStops—what the hell are the politicians even doing? Where is my place here?

  “Ready? Go!”

  Once the rain let up, some kids ran out into the square to play Kickin’ the Can. It was goofy how seriously they took it.

  What a racket. But it seemed like fun.

  Children shine in any world. I want to shine, too. I want to get strong enough that I can say I’m me no matter where I am.

  It’s not like me to mope just because I got rained on.

  “Hey!” I wrung the skirt of my dress out and jumped into the boys’ game. “Let me play too!”

  “Huh? What’s with this lady?”

  “Don’t bug us!”

  “Eh, it’s fine, isn’t it? C’mon, run!”

  The beat-up can flew straight into the freshly rinsed sky.


  “Haru, why didn’t you come tod—”

  “Uh-huh, I’m busy, so outta my way! Move!”

  I hurried around the pub carrying mugs of beett.

  Yep, I was busy that night. I didn’t have any time to lose.

  “Haru, someone’s calling fo—”

  “Hey there, great to see you again!”

  I clapped my hands to welcome the regular and took him upstairs.

  I grabbed his cock like a fast-fingered sushi chef grabs the tuna.

  “H-Hey, you’re sure in a hurry tonight.”

  “I’m just a tad short on time, sorry!”

  “Err, it’s fine, but...ooh.”

  I sucked so hard my cheeks inverted, making a ton of noise, and right when he was about to cum, I pushed him down on the bed and put him in.

  “Whoa, whoa, I haven’t even done any—”

  “Oh, did you wanna grab my boobs? Or is doggy-style better for you? Anything you want, as long as you ask in the next three seconds!”

  “I mean, it’s fine, but you’re really rushing through thi—kgh, oh shit, I’m gonna cum, oh man!”

  All right, one down.

  I saw off my less-than-satisfied customer, hopped in the shower, and went back downstairs. While I was at it, I did five sprints up and down. Gotta get stronger.

  Madam seemed puzzled by my behavior. Oh, right. There was something I had to ask her. Please let me off at ten tonight!

  Sumo showed up, and I flat-out refused him—“I don’t have time to talk today.” His big balloon of a body seemed to deflate. After handling a few more customers, I went straight back to my room and put in ear plugs.

  What was I doing, you ask? Sleeping, duh.

  Paying no mind to the gasps from neighboring rooms that seemed to proclaim the night was still young, I slept with a single-minded determination, rose with the sun, and headed to the square from the day before.

  The gang was already there.

  “You’re late, Haru!”

  “We come half an hour early. If you can make it, come by then.”


  The other day I discovered Kickin’ the Can.

  In this world, Kickin’ the Can is a sport. It has complicated rules, positions, and etiquette. At first the team was mad that I barged
in and kicked their can, but then they scouted me for my power kick.

  “Listen up, from now on we’re going to play with Haru as our first kicker. But we’ll switch positions according to the situation, so watch for my sign. Keep the lines of communication open. Got it?” said our playmaker, Pokyamaz, looking everyone in the eyes.

  He’s a cool boy with an intelligent face, but inside he’s got a burning passion for sports.

  When we’re on offense, he hides in the spot farthest away from the circle, giving instructions; when we’re on defense, he’s the “It” of this world, taking on the difficult searcher position and hunting the other players.

  “Haru, use all your might. Just don’t break any windows or you could get sent off the field. Think about what direction you’re kicking.”

  That was Gnace, the old first kicker. He’s the mischievous type, and he’s got spiky hair, but he’s a manly, reliable kid. He gave me advice even though I took his spot.

  Now he’s a border, the vanguard position—they hide the closest to the circle and do things like go for the can or cause a distraction.

  “Let’s take it nice and easy. Haru, just start by learning to kick.”

  That’s the moodmaker, Relamap, who operates at his own pace. He’s a cute, smiley kid, as well as nimble and full of ideas—our tricksy second kicker who never lets you guess what direction he’ll come darting out from.

  A second kicker is the only one to accompany the search when the team is on defense; they can give advice about which direction to go in.

  “Okay, here I go!”

  And I was entrusted with being the big gun, the first kicker.

  The first kicker is a kicking specialist who, during the offense phase, kicks the can, and then hides so the other team doesn’t find them ’till the end, sometimes using the border and second kicker as distractions so they can focus on kicking.

  This team, the Happy Friends Squad, had nearly given up on entering the tournament because the kid who used to be their border moved away. But with me on the roster, they were off and aiming for the championship again.

  Apparently a girl being on a Kickin’ the Can team was unheard of, but not against the rules. Of course, I felt bad hiding the fact that I was a sex worker, but I wasn’t really sure how to explain it to these elementary-schoolers, and it would have been a serious pain to educate them about pussies and sex and so on, so that was that.

  Anyhow, it was decided that I would play in the tournament! Seems fun!

  “Nice kick!”

  “Hide as fast as you can. Haru, the basic idea for you is to hide somewhere with the same radius as Relamap, but make sure you can see what Gnace is doing!”

  “Haru, your butt’s sticking out. You’re not all the way hidden!”

  “Pokyamaz is giving the sign. He always does it right after the enemy sets up the can, so if you miss it, look for a nearby teammate!”

  “Haru, your butt! I can see your entire butt!”

  “Change your hiding spot. The enemy is moving on Relamap! Relamap, fall back. Gnace, get around their back. Haru, go forward from where you are, around the right side. In a real game, try to cut the search line when you move!”

  “Haru! Your butt!”

  We practiced ’till we were dead-tired, drank from the fountain at the square, and had a meeting. Gnace’s family owns a storehouse nearby, so they’d been using it like a club room.

  Gnace is the one who was so mad about my useless butt that he wanted to cut it off, but anyhow...

  “Knock it off, Gnace. You can’t talk like that to a girl.”

  Pokyamaz is so mature.

  “Tch!” Gnace clicked his tongue and sulked.

  “It’s because Haru joined that we get to play in the tournament, so let’s all get along.” Lelamap grinned.

  I want to protect that smile.

  “...I know how hard Haru’s working,” Gnace murmured, sheepishly scratching his buzzed head.

  Why does it feel so good here? Are boys kinder than I remembered? Or are the guys who show up at the brothel just trash?

  “We absolutely cannot lose this tournament.” Pokyamaz held up the can we’d been using for practice. “This is a can of shelled aube that Relamap’s family makes.”

  “What? Really?”

  “Pokyamaz, I told you not to worry about that. We’re fine.”

  “Nah, I think we should tell Haru. She’s one of us.”

  Most of the Kickin’ the Can team sponsors are makers of canned products.

  That’s because the can of the team that wins the tournament is used as the official can in all Kickin’ the Can games for the year. And with all the Kickin’ the Can fans in this city, it also leads to a bump in sales.

  The Happy Friends Squad always loses in the first round, so Relamap’s family’s can has never been the official can. Sales hadn’t been very good, either, and his parents were saying that if the slump lasted much longer, they would have to move back to the country.

  Which is why Pokyamaz declared that we would win this year’s tournament.

  “I don’t want us to be separated from any more friends. We have to win with Relamap’s can.”

  “Yeah, ’cause our whole thing is being happy friends.”

  “Bleh, I can’t believe this is all my family’s fault. How lame... But I do want to keep kickin’ the can with you guys forever. Including Haru, of course.”

  “You guys...”

  This is too great. The passion! This is what I’ve been missing in my life.

  “Okay! There’s no way I’m losing, either! The Happy Friends Squad is eternal! Rraaagh!”


  I’ve reclaimed my youth.

  On the first day of the tournament...we were already in a pinch.

  A match goes to the first team to reach three wins, and we’d gotten off to a good start with two, but then our opponent beat us twice in a row. They had all the momentum.

  Gnace twisted his ankle. We didn’t have any subs, so if we reported an injury and he left the field, we would immediately be disqualified as a team.

  It must have hurt a ton, but Gnace hid it and hung in there. I didn’t whine about anything, either. We couldn’t lose this game.

  It was time for offense. At the end of the defense phase, we were up against a seven-point lead.

  Pulling off two kicks in a row without anyone getting caught was the quickest way to eight points and a win. Gnace could no longer run, much less act as a border. The longer this lasted, the worse our disadvantage would become.

  “We’re counting on you, Haru. I want to hide Gnace as far away as possible. Give us either a long kick, or one that will throw their searchers into confusion,” Pokyamaz instructed me in the circle.

  We were playing at City West. It was similar to the square we usually practiced on, but with no sense of the lay of the land, I wasn’t confident I could nail a long kick. I felt like I might break someone’s window.

  But this is our time to attack. We have to win no matter what.

  I made up my mind and bent over. I pretended I was calculating the direction of the can, but I bent over, even though I was wearing a skirt.


  The sudden panty flash threw the other team off, but I was only playing some serious Kickin’ the Can. The ref couldn’t say anything, either.

  The enemy team was flustered, and their defense was full of holes, so that was my chance to Kickin’ the Can way over their heads.

  “Yes! Gnace, over here!”

  “Okay! Haru, hurry up and hide. Whatever you do, don’t let them find you!”

  “I’ll be border. Haru, get back!”

  The boys were getting all pumped.

  But that wasn’t the answer. The girl would seize our shot at victory.

  “Relamap, be first kicker! I’ll be border. I’ll give you an opening, so don’t miss your chance to kick!”

  I would distract the enemies to give him a chance. After giving him tho
se instructions, I intentionally hid near the circle—making sure only my butt was visible.


  Relamap leaped out of hiding and got his kick in while the other team was stunned by my adorable curves.

  Gnace was able to evacuate himself even farther away. I went out again as border to lure the enemy.

  All I did was show them my slim thighs, and their faces got so red I felt bad for them.

  “Go, Relamap!”

  With a satisfying clang, the winning can flew through the air. Boys this age are so easy to fluster it’s hilaaarious. Thanks to that, we were able to splendidly fight our way through this seesaw game.

  “You did it, Haru! ...Ah.” In a rare event, normally cool Pokyamaz got so excited he hugged me, but my soft body threw him off, and he backed away. So you’re easy to fluster, too?!

  Then Gnace came hopping over and squeezed both Pokyamaz and me at once.

  “Mrrf!” Pokyamaz groaned painfully, blushing even harder as his face got buried in my boobs. Relamap burst out laughing.

  Ah, geez. They’re all so cute!

  “Get in here, Relamap!”

  “Uh, I’m okay. H-Haru, mrrf!”

  I hugged all three of them at once and nuzzled their sun-kissed hair.

  I love you guys!

  The tournament progressed, and we remained as one of the four teams in the semi-finals.

  Pulling off such a brilliant feat after losing in the first match forever made us a team to watch, and our spectators kept multiplying. I got particular attention as their ace. People asked for my autograph when I walked around town; I was a bit of a star.

  Frankly, we were winning entirely thanks to my panty flashes, so it makes sense. But there were so many guy fans, and it seemed like with every day that went by, there were more coming just for those.

  In this world female athletes are still rare, so I just did whatever I could to win.

  I shortened my skirt. I bought some kinda sexy underwear. It seemed like we were on our way to a championship win—but that’s when the trouble started.

  Tournament Rule Change Notice

  Article 14. Players are prohibited from wearing skirts on the field. This is a new rule. Anyone who feels this may apply to them must summarily comply.


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