Shared by the Alpha Bears

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Shared by the Alpha Bears Page 5

by Amy Star

  I dropped to my knees, bringing the two pieces of manhood I held to my eye level. My eyes cut back and forth between them, until I arbitrarily chose Max’s as the first one to take into my mouth. I sucked him hard for a minute or two while continuing to stroke Jake, and then I released him and switched over to engulf Jack’s prick in my mouth. I went back and forth like this for the longest time, savoring the feel of their huge phalluses filling my mouth, teasing their spongy heads with my tongue, taking them as deep as I could and dripping my spit all over them. They expressed their appreciation for what I was doing, sometimes by putting their hands on my head to direct my sucking motions, other times by reaching down to play with my tits, and sometimes just by making appreciative grunts.

  Eventually they stepped back and lifted me up by my arms, moving me onto the bed where I crawled onto my hands and knees. Jake climbed on, moving in behind me and rubbing his hand over my positively drenched pussy, while Max moved on his knees toward my head. I immediately took hold of Max’s cock and pulled it into my mouth, moaning around its thickness in response to the things Jake was doing to my back end.

  Jake pulled my ass cheeks apart, diving in with his tongue to swipe at my slit, making me squeak. He continued licking me up and down, making my lower body squirm even as my upper body tried to focus on Max. And then, Jake did something very few of the men in my life had ever been willing to do: he stuck his tongue in my ass. I squeaked harder at that, especially when he sweetened things by sticking his finger inside me and started probing my insides with it while his tongue probed my asshole.

  There was only so much of this kind of attention I could take, before I released Max from my mouth to look back and say, “Oh, don’t make me wait anymore! Give me that big bear cock!”

  Jake grinned, and got up on his knees behind me. I took Max into my mouth again, which again ended up muffling the sounds I made when Jake’s big tool pushed inside me. He gripped my hips and began a slow thrusting motion. Even after the two times I’d already been with him, and the time I’d already been with Max too, Jake was still almost too big for me to handle, and it still took some work before he was able to get fully seated in me and move smoothly.

  But get fully seated he did, and before long he was pounding away at me, driving me forward and almost making me choke on Max’s cock. I tried to focus my efforts on continuing to pleasure Max while Jake did his thing with me. I won’t say it wasn’t challenging.

  Jake soon had me coming hard, screaming around my mouthful of Max. My pussy convulsed hard enough that he had to stop moving, his big shaft suddenly without space to move in my tightening orifice. When my orgasm passed, I released Max from my mouth and took a minute to catch my breath.

  I was a bit dismayed to feel Jake withdraw from me, aching at the sudden feeling of emptiness in my nether regions. But I was quick to rectify the situation, turning and laying down on my back before Max, opening my legs for him. Max immediately took my invitation, kneeling between my spread legs and setting his cock, still slick with my saliva, at my dripping opening. As he pushed inside me, Jake knelt next to my head, and I turned my face to capture him in my lips, tasting my juices on him.

  I used one hand to hold Jake steady as my head moved back and forth across the bed with him filling my mouth. My other hand was busy downstairs, playing with my clit as Max fucked me with abandon. I repeatedly gave muffled grunts around Jake’s cock, trying to hump my hips up to fuck Max back.

  We went on like that for I don’t know how long. Max fucked me to another orgasm in that position, and then we changed positions again. I climbed atop Jake and rode him cowgirl style, while Max stood beside me and let me suck him. Then I came again, and switched to riding Max in a reverse cowgirl while Jake stood over me.

  Jake was the first to shoot off, while I rode Max and he stood over me. I held up my tits to catch his spunk as he hosed me down with his ropes of white goo. After he emptied his balls, I took his shrinking dick back into my mouth to lick him clean, and try to suck him back to hardness for more. I had not yet achieved success in that effort when Max grunted and pushed me up off of him, and I turned and knelt on the floor as he stood up over me, stroking himself until he exploded across me face and into my open mouth.

  When I saw Jake collapse onto the bed, I came to the conclusion that he was done for the day and so was Max. Okay, I guess there was a good enough place to stop for the night. I’d gotten off plenty of times, and gotten the two-cock treatment to get it. I didn’t know how many other girls I knew could say they’d done the same.

  “You guys don’t mind if I use the shower to get cleaned up?” I asked.

  “Sure, go ahead.”

  “No problem.”

  I stayed in the shower a little longer than I normally would, luxuriating in the hot water, letting myself unwind after that. As much as I’d been raring to go for a second round with both guys a minute ago, now that I’d had a chance to calm my libido I had to admit I was exhausted, and would likely be sore in the morning. But still, it was absolutely worth it. Having now experienced being fucked by two guys at once was something I would cherish forever, and it was something I now knew I would have to experience again. One dose of the two-cock treatment and I was already addicted.

  But… that train of thought inevitably returned me to the unpleasantness of reality. The fact was, tomorrow I would have to head back home. I had my problems waiting for me, and they would only get worse if I didn’t address them. But that meant driving away from these woods, and away from the two guys who had shown me the best time I’d had in years, putting miles and miles between us.

  I finished my shower and toweled off, and returned to the bedroom to find the guys hadn’t moved. They stopped chatting when I walked into the room, but I got the impression they’d been talking about me. I crawled onto the bed in the space between them, and they cradled me in their arms. I fell asleep sandwiched between them, determined to enjoy the feeling while I could.


  I woke up the next morning with my head pillowed on Jake’s broad chest. I yawned and looked up into his face, already awake and alert. “Morning gorgeous,” he smiled.

  “Morning stud,” I mumbled back. Blinking my bleary eyes, I turned my head to see that we were alone. “Where’s Max?”

  “He woke up early and got in his Hummer to drive back to my cabin and pick up your clothes. We figured you’d probably need them today.”

  I sighed, sagging against his chest. “Sad but true. I may have delayed things one day, but I can’t put reality off any longer.”

  “Tell you what,” he said. “What if after we have some breakfast, I take you out for a ride in the woods to enjoy the hours we have before you need to go.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “A ride?”

  “On my back. My big furry bear’s back.”

  “I like that,” I said. “But I think you left something out that happens first.”

  “And what’s that?”

  He got his answer when my hand gripped his manhood and began stroking him to hardness, while I stretched my head over to his face to kiss him. I threw my leg over his to straddle him, rubbing my slit along his hardening shaft. He put his hands on my back, running them up and down along my spine. My breasts draped across his chest, and I moved them back and forth, gliding my hard nipples over his harder pectorals.

  When I felt a trail of wetness being formed on his shaft where my slit rubbed it, I lifted myself up and took hold of his cock, aiming it before I lowered back down and impaled myself on him. I wiggled my hips to work him inside me, and then wiggled them some more once I got him fully seated in my depths.

  I slowly began erecting myself upright as my hips churned, staring down at his eyes. He reached his hands up to take hold of my bouncing breasts, massaging them in his big bear hands. I closed my eyes and groaned, rolling my head back.

  I rode him to an orgasm, before he grunted and warned me, “Billie, I’m gonna…”

��m on the pill,” I reassured him.

  When he erupted inside me, I wondered why I hadn’t let either of them do that before now. I always loved the feeling of having a guy’s spunk splashing inside me, and of having it swishing around in there afterwards.

  I rolled off him and snuggled against his side, basking in the afterglow of our quick but pleasant morning sex. He relaxed with me for a few minutes, and then grunted and sat up, saying, “Well, we should probably get some grub in our guts to recharge after that.”

  “Sounds good to me,” I grunted, sitting up with him.

  Jake made me some pancakes topped with powdered sugar and strawberries, just the way I told him I liked it. I ate with a constant smile on my face, constantly eying him, and even playing a little footsie under the table. And at some point the footsie turned into foot-to-dick playing, at which point my smile turned into a mischievous smirk.

  Thus sated, Jake left a small note for Max and we stepped outside. Even after two days, I still couldn’t get enough of the sights and sounds of nature, sharply contrasting with the urban grime I was accustomed to in my daily life. I closed my eyes and breathed in the air, basking in the sun pouring through the trees and the sounds of birds chirping and fluttering about above me. I wanted to enjoy it while I still could.

  I heard a soft growl, and opened my eyes and looked to my left to see a huge mass of fur having formed beside me. Jake turned his head and looked back at me with his bear’s eyes, and then knelt down on the ground to allow me access. I grabbed hold of a handful of fur and bear fat, gripping it as a handhold to pull myself up onto the back of the huge beast before me. When I finally climbed atop him, I held on tightly to his fur as he stood up on four paws and began lumbering off into the forest.

  This was definitely a new way to enjoy the woods. Riding on the back of a bear was not something I’d ever imagined I’d one day be doing, and I have to say, it was quite a bit of fun. And even if I had imagined that, I never would have pictured myself doing it bare-naked (pardon the inescapable pun). That part was fun too. I wobbled about on Jake’s giant back, holding onto his coat to keep myself steady as he walked. I watched the woods go by as I felt his body move beneath me. And I loved every second of it.

  He finally came to a stop on a large rock outcropping overlooking a sloping hillside below. He crouched down again, allowing me to awkwardly clamber down onto the ground, before he began shrinking down, taking the form once again of a handsome, well-built man.

  We sat down on the rock, and I leaned my head against him as we looked out into the beautiful woodland around us. “It’s so sad to have to leave all this,” I lamented.

  “It’s sad to see you go,” he agreed. “You know you’re gonna have to come back eventually.”

  “That’s a given,” I nodded. “Now that I’ve tasted the touch of two bears, you know I’m gonna have to come back for seconds.”

  Jake chuckled softly in his throat. “Yeah, there’s that.”

  “Seriously, though,” I said, “I can’t remember the last time I’ve been this happy. And now I have to leave it all and go back to my craphole real world of sexist bosses and crotchety landlords. And I have to pay off the latter before he boots me out on my ass by finding another one of the former and putting up with more chauvinist posturing and blatant nepotism—”

  “Explain to me again,” Jake interrupted, “why are you going back?”

  I fell silent. I suddenly couldn’t think of a good answer. And the alternative? Staying here in this beautiful place, with two wonderful men who had showed me the time of my life? To say I was tempted was beyond understatement.

  But, as much as I may not have been jumping for joy about my life for the moment, uprooting it like that all at once just seemed a bit drastic. I had always been a city girl, and a few days in the woods, wonderful as they may have been, hadn’t changed that. I had real responsibilities that I couldn’t just leave behind, as much as I may have wanted to.

  “I have to,” I finally said. “It sucks, but I have to.”

  “But you don’t have to say goodbye to us,” Jake whispered in my ear. “I can promise you that.”

  I smiled, humming softly. I turned my head and lifted my face to him, and accepted the touch of his lips on mine.

  We kept making out until I heard a soft growl not far away, and I looked down to see another bear looking up at us from down the hill. I had so far only seen him in his human form, and yet somehow I just intuitively knew it was Max. “Hi, Max,”

  He rose up on his hind legs and shrunk back down to a human. “Figured he’d take you here,” he said. “He’s got a thing for this spot.”

  “I can see why,” I said. “I think I could develop a thing for it too.”

  “Anyway,” Max said, “your clothes are back at my cabin waiting for you, so you can head back whenever you’re ready.”

  I didn’t think I would just yet. “Just a little longer,” I said.

  Max came up to the rock and joined us, sitting down by my side and putting an arm around my back. I must have spent nearly an hour there, just sitting between the two of them, watching the forest alive around us. Eventually, we got up, and the guys shifted back into bears. I climbed onto Max’s back this time, and rode him back to his cabin, where I found my clothes neatly folded on his couch.

  After we had some lunch, I got dressed—somewhat reluctantly I might add—while the guys put on some clothes themselves. I’ll surprise no one by saying I was a little saddened by that too. But hey, the place I’d left my car was a little more public than our current surroundings.

  We left the cabin and spent a couple hours walking the trails back to the parking area, where I finally found my SUV covered in fallen leaves and a fair amount of bird crap, with only two other cars. And that was when it really sunk in that I was leaving; I had to start fighting back my tears. I turned to the guys and gave each of them a long, tongue-filled goodbye kiss, before I invited each of them into my car for a goodbye blowjob. I made sure they both had my address and my number, and heartfelt promises that I’d see them again.

  And then I got in, started it up, and drove away. I almost drove off the road several times because I couldn’t stop looking in my rearview mirror to watch Jake and Max disappearing into the distance behind me.


  I cried while driving home.

  I knew I shouldn’t. There was no logical reason for me to be as sad as I felt. Yes, I was leaving the forest behind and the two guys I’d met there with it, to go back to my much less appealing life, but it wasn’t as if I would never return. I’d see them again, I was certain of that. So why did I feel like I was giving up the best thing that had ever happened to me?

  It was dark by the time I made it off the Interstate and back to civilization. That suited me quite fine. After the natural beauty I’d enjoyed over the last few days, I wasn’t all that interested in seeing the dirty, graffiti-covered, geometric buildings and hard, litter-covered streets in full daylight.

  All around me were the ugly signs of the real world that I’d been trying so hard to get away from: the hardnosed motorcycle cop writing a ticket to the delinquent kid in the wool cap who was standing beside the open door of his hand-me-down pickup, desperately trying to convince the officer that he wasn’t high; the skanky hooker in the fur coat and miniskirt standing out on the corner smoking a Virginia Slim, waiting for her next meal ticket to drive by and flash a big enough bill in her face; the shirtless man racing out the door of an apartment complex in the middle of trying to get his pants back on, while a half-naked bottle-blonde appeared at a window above him and dumped the rest of his clothes right on his head before sharply calling him a barrage of unpleasant names in loud, screechy tones.

  Home sweet home.

  I stopped at a cheap diner on the way, hoping to prolong getting back to that apartment complex as long as I could. I spent a bit too long just sitting at the counter, poking my fork at my plate of spaghetti with my face resting i
n my hand, propped on my elbow, only occasionally remembering that I should actually eat. It had only been a few hours and I already missed them.

  As soon as I pulled up to the street outside my apartment complex, the first place my eyes went to was my landlord’s window. It was dark. That probably meant the old stick was in bed already. I hoped. It was an unpleasant ritual I had come to dread most nights when I returned home late: I would head up the stairs, only to be ambushed on the way to my door by that creaky old bastard bursting out of his door and demanding to know where his rent money was. But if the evidence before me was any indication, that wouldn’t be happening tonight. Fingers crossed.

  I walked into the complex, and stopped to check my mailbox, which had piled up with bills over the last couple days. Great, just what I needed. I began carefully walking up the stairs, starting to tiptoe as I neared the top, where my door stood on one side and my landlord’s stood opposite. I kept my attention on his door, from which I still heard no sound and saw no light peaking from under it. I slowly started to gain a bit more confidence that I wouldn’t have to deal with him tonight. I turned toward my own door, still watching his, and carefully turned my key in the lock, trying to make it as silent as possible. I quietly pushed my door open, turned on the light, and—


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