Wilde For You (The Wilde Sisters Book 3)

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Wilde For You (The Wilde Sisters Book 3) Page 8

by Marianne Rice

  Sage pulled back and scrambled off him. She picked up her laptop from the bedside table, not caring about her nakedness, and crawled back in bed and under the covers.

  “The party is all taken care of but there are a few details you need to settle on.” She pulled up her charts and spreadsheets. “The Seal Cove Inn is gorgeous. The grounds are to die for, but March isn’t conducive to outside parties so we’ll have it in the dining room. We can do a dinner or just apps. I priced out different food options. If you’re still set on potluck, the inn will allow that since they’re not opening their kitchen anyway. Your choice, but really depends on how many guests you expect. Flowers, drinks, and dessert are all taken care of. I didn’t think you wanted a big band or anything. We could plug someone’s iPod into a set of speakers and keep it low. Music from the sixties, maybe.”

  Sage opened three more pages of notes and pointed to her screen. “You can make a playlist and we can download or just use what you have stored. If you give me names and addresses I can mail out invitations. We really need to take care of those soon, though. I recommend four weeks in advance, which was last month, but I think you’ll be all set. I had to move the party to March 10th since her birthday is already past. Can you think of anything else? You never mentioned theme, colors or anything.”

  Sage turned to look at Luke for the first time since opening her laptop. Instead of studying her spreadsheets, he was studying her in a way that made her…confused and a little horny. There were no dimples. No smiles. He scrutinized her like he’d never seen her before. Like she was stripped naked—which she was—and he was considering what to do with her. Sage pulled the sheet up higher, covering her breasts, even though his gaze never left hers. “Luke?”

  “When did you do all of this?” His eyes never wavered.

  “This past week.”

  “Did you talk to my family yet?”

  “No. Yes. Well, I called Lucy last week but that was really just to find out when you’d be back. She didn’t seem interested in planning the party.”

  “But you were?”


  “Interested in planning the party.”

  “Oh.” She blushed. Sage didn’t blush. “That’s my job. I’m good at it. You asked for my help a while ago and lately you’ve been busy. I figured you wouldn’t have had time to do it yourself.”

  “I told you we would just do a small potluck at Ma’s.”

  “Oh. Well. I can cancel if you want. I know we never talked about a budget, but most is donation anyway. Even the location. If you still want it at your mom’s I can have the suppliers send the wine and cake and flowers there. What’s her address?” Sage turned back to her laptop and pushed a strand of hair behind her ears. It was barely long enough to do so, the first time in years she had hair long enough that would actually fall in her face.

  “You don’t need her address.”

  “Oh.” He was angry. She overstepped her boundaries. She’d done it before. Did it on a daily basis with her family, but they didn’t seem to mind. Too much. “I’ll cancel. I apologize. I always want my client to be happy. If you’re not pleased I’ll cancel. You can make a list of what you’d like and I’ll customize to your—”

  “Sage.” He cupped her chin and turned her face toward his. He did that a lot. Made her look him in the eye. Normally she had no problem doing so. She lived by looking men in the eye and making them squirm. But Luke Riley had a habit of making Sage feel weak. No, not weak. He didn’t push around his strength. He made her feel…feminine. And wanted.

  “Look at me.”

  She batted her eyelashes and smiled flirtatiously at him.

  “Why did you go to so much trouble for me? For my mom?”

  “You asked for my help. I thought you’d want—”

  “That’s not what I’m asking. You’ve planned a first-class party that isn’t costing me a cent. Why?”

  “Well, that’s not true. We haven’t figured out the food yet. That’s typically the most expensive—”

  “Sage. You went to a lot of trouble. Above and beyond and I didn’t really hire you. My mom’s birthday was over a week ago. I used your business as an excuse to—”

  “Sleep with me.”


  “Yes.” She didn’t want to get serious with the man.

  “Honestly? Of course I wanted to sleep with you since I first laid eyes on you. But I didn’t ask you to plan the party simply to get in your pants.”

  Sage shrugged. “Semantics. We have chemistry. You’re nice to look at. Decent in bed. A side perk is you get a party and I get these abs.” She ran her nails down his chest and stomach, but he grabbed her wrist before she could go any farther south.

  “You like me.” Luke smirked.

  “You’re nice to look at.”

  “You’re a nice person too.”

  “No. It’s business.”

  “I didn’t pay you.”

  “Oh, but I think you just did.”

  Luke let go of her hand and shot out of bed. “Don’t belittle what’s between us. I didn’t make love to you to pay for your party planning and you sure as hell didn’t spend fifty hours planning my mother’s party in the hopes of having sex with me.” He picked up his jeans and shoved his legs through them. “I’m good, but not that good.”

  Not looking at her, he sat on the bed and bent over to put on his socks and boots. “You’re afraid of relationships. That’s obvious the second you open your mouth. Why? I don’t know. But don’t use my mother as a way to get laid. It was bad enough when I thought how alike…never mind.” He shook his head and reached down for his shirt. After he slipped it over his head he got up, his legs taking him out of her room too quickly.

  “Wait. Luke. That’s not what I meant. Really.” She chased after him, grabbing her robe off the back of the door and slipping it on as she followed him down the stairs. “I did some research. Your mother has done so much for children in Maine. A Home for All has raised hundreds of thousands for children in need and mothers who need support. People were honored to donate their services for her party. She sounds like a wonderful woman.”

  Luke’s hand stilled on the front door. “You researched my mom?”

  “Yes. I wanted to plan a party that fit her personality. Her life. I couldn’t reach you to get that information and Lucy isn’t much of a conversationalist, so I looked her up. Google is awesome that way. The rest just fell in my lap. I didn’t do this to get you into bed. I swear. That was only a…perk.”

  “You Googled my mom?” Sage nodded. “But I told you I wasn’t hiring you. I can’t pay you for your time.”

  “Luke.” She approached him, still leaving some distance between them. “You’re a great guy. And it sounds like your mother is just as wonderful. I like planning, especially when it’s an event like this. Fundraising events are actually my specialty. I have a way of convincing companies to donate their services. I guess that’s how I give back as well.”

  “So what’s with the badass vibe you like to give off?”

  “I don’t know. I like to be in control, you know that. Planning a party keeps me in control.”

  Luke stepped out of her reach. “Is this how you plan on controlling me?”

  “No! I didn’t mean it like that. But if you’re going to be a pain in the ass about it all, just forget it.”

  “What? The party or the sex?”

  Not knowing if he was serious or kidding, Sage planted her hands on her hips. “The sex. The party is happening. If you don’t want to work with me, I’ll find your brother’s number and work with him instead.” She reached around Luke and opened the door. “But I won’t be putting out for him, so don’t even think of accusing me of being a whore again.”

  Luke moved her hand away and shut the door. “I deserved that. I’m sorry.”

  “For what? For being an ass or calling me a whore?”

  “I didn’t call you a whore.”

  “Implied. Same thing.�

  “I did neither. I’m just…surprised is all. I didn’t expect you to…do so much.”

  “It’s my job.”

  “Is it?” Luke moved closer, invading her space. “Did you plan this amazing party because it’s your job or because you like me?”

  “Maybe a little of both.”

  “And I didn’t call you a whore. You joked that I paid you in the form of sex. That pissed me off. Now you’re pissed off because you think I implied it. Your head isn’t on straight and it’s messing with me big time.”

  “Damn pregnancy hormones.”

  “Shit.” Luke stepped back. “I seriously forgot. Did I hurt you? Is the baby okay?”

  “Babies. There are two. I won’t be able to do naked yoga for very long, so we should exercise as much as possible while I can still see my toes.”

  “You’re changing the subject.” People accused her of that all the time. Sage didn’t think she did, she just steered the conversations to the subject she wanted to discuss. “Are you okay, seriously?”

  “Physically? Yes, I’m fine.”

  “Meaning mentally you’re not?”

  “Correct. I haven’t been myself lately. I’m not a nice person. So planning your mom’s party without a contract was very uncharacteristic of me. So not like me. Take advantage while you can. When the pregnancy hormones go away I’ll be one hundred percent bitch one hundred percent of the time.”

  Luke leaned forward, invading her personal space, his eyes dark and his sexy stubble begging for her to scratch it. “Were you one hundred percent bitch when you offered to be a surrogate for your sister? I don’t think you can blame that decision on pregnancy hormones.”

  “So do you want me to keep the party status quo or change things up? Your call.” Sage stumbled backward, tripping over the leg of the coffee table, thankfully staying upright and fighting for control of the conversation.

  “Changing the subject again. I’ll let it go. For now.” Luke picked up the ties of her robe and pulled her body toward him. “Let’s keep things status quo. But no more working off the clock. Write up a contract for me.”

  Sage waved his comment away. “I do a few pro bono cases a year. Consider this one of them. Besides, it’s not for you. It’s for Doreen Riley. Google puts her somewhere between Mother Theresa and Oprah”

  “And I’m not Google-worthy?” He loosened the knot around her waist, sliding his hand under her robe and against her skin.

  “Oh, I Googled you. Nice photo spread you did for the Twelve Months of Firefighters calendar.” Easter was her new favorite holiday. Seeing a shirtless Luke cuddling a baby bunny not only turned her on, it made her go soft in spots that were always hard.

  “Not one of my proudest moments.” His hand traveled north, skimming her sides before roaming into the valley between her breasts.

  “I was rather fond of it. You raised ten thousand dollars for your station. Impressive. But I also saw a few other headlines.” His touch distracted her, making her sound breathless, as if she couldn’t concentrate. Which she couldn’t. Not wanting him to think he had that much of an effect on her, she continued to quote the research she’d done on him. “You saved an Iraqi family during a roadside bomb, throwing your body in front of the woman’s children. You’ve rescued countless people from burning buildings.”

  “And kittens. Don’t forget about the kittens stuck in the treetops.”

  “Hm. I missed those articles.” She had embarrassed him, but he deserved the praise. Sage, on the other hand, had never done anything noble and Google-worthy.

  “I’ll help you, I promise.” Of course he would. Luke Riley was the giving sort. In the community. In his family. In bed.

  “Perfect. Get an invite list to me by the end of the day tomorrow.”

  Luke nuzzled her neck and licked her earlobe. “Should I bring it by tomorrow night?”

  “Oh,” Sage moaned. “Let me…check my…calendar.” Luke found her mouth and devoured her once again. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around him as he carried her up the stairs. “Yes. Yes, I think I have an opening,” she said as they both fell into bed laughing.

  Chapter Seven


  The days before the party were hectic but fun. Luke was right out straight between work, checking in on his sisters and mom, keeping track of RSVPs, and finding time to be with Sage. He had yet to take her out on a real date. With both their busy schedules, the only time they had to connect was when Luke wasn’t working a night shift. He spent those evenings sprawled over Sage in her king-sized bed.

  They talked shop over breakfast before she ran off to her yoga course or business meetings. Naked yoga should have been enough exercise for her, but she was starting to show and was self-conscious of her growing body. Luke liked it. Her curves softened her. Made her more vulnerable.

  The day before his mother’s surprise party, he made a final walk-through of the inn with Sage—a twenty-minute appointment she squeezed in between other meetings when he wanted to stay and test out the guest rooms. Everything seemed to be in place, but what the hell did he know?

  Blake was in town just for the party. He had to fly back to Texas Sunday morning to finish constructing a crazy-ass obstacle course run, and Graham had flown into Portland the night before. His mother never expected her kids to be home for her birthday and they’d all pretended to forget about it a few weeks ago. Granted, Rachael’s crisis was more important than anything else at the moment.

  Celebrating his mother’s contribution to the world was the perfect distraction from the stress going on around them.

  Colton Skyped in the morning of the party and Graham and Blake promised to bring Lucy, otherwise she’d be late or a no-show. Meanwhile Luke had the honor of driving his mother and Rachael. His sisters were both reluctant to come to the party, for very different reasons. Lucy still had a chip on her shoulder and tried to pretend parties were not her thing, while Rachael had yet to leave their mother’s house and grace society again. It would be her coming out party of sorts.

  The external bruises had healed but she’d be forever scarred emotionally, as were all the Riley kids in some way, shape, or form. And they all dealt with their scars in different ways. The girls were more obvious, while Luke and Colton were serious and focused, and Blake and Graham worked hard to lighten the mood whenever possible.

  Luke had it the easiest of all his siblings. Born to a teenage girl who thought she could handle the responsibility of a baby and soon realized it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, he’d been left with a disgruntled aunt who eventually turned him over to foster care. He’d been adopted when he was ten after bouncing from foster home to foster home.

  Unlike his siblings, he wasn’t the product of physical or mental abuse; Luke was a product of an unstable foster care system. Other than having no solid role model or parental figure in it, Luke’s life wasn’t all that terrible. At least, he didn’t think that at ten. He never knew what he was missing until the Rileys took him under their wing and showed him unconditional love and support. He was one of the lucky ones. Who knows what would have happened to him if Doreen hadn’t stumbled across his dirty, grungy face and empty lunch box when she was volunteering at his elementary school.

  “Happy birthday, Ma.” Luke leaned down and kissed his mother’s cheek. “You look beautiful.”

  “My birthday is long gone. Besides, it’s just another day on the calendar. What’s important is being with my family. I only wish your brothers were here.”

  Blake and Graham had been in hiding since last night and would most likely be the highlight to Doreen’s night. Luke told her to dress up so she put on her favorite outfit. A purple long-sleeved dress with a fancy wide gold belt. Her shoulder-length blonde hair was natural and only showed a few streaks of gray. Many jealous elderly women couldn’t believe Doreen didn’t dye her hair.

  “I told you kids not to make a fuss about my birthday. Too much excitement is going to put this old lady int
o an early grave.”

  “Mom,” Rachael moaned. “That’s not funny. Most people think you’re forty.”

  “Pssh. That’s because they’re more senile than me.”

  “When was the last time you had a night out?”

  “Just last week.”

  Luke picked up her coat and helped his mother into it. “Playing cards with the ladies doesn’t count.”

  “I was gone all day yesterday.”

  “Volunteering at a homeless shelter and delivering Meals on Wheels.”

  “Well, pretty soon they’ll be delivering to me.”

  “Not as long as I’m here.” Rachael, wearing a conservative black pantsuit, slipped into her coat before helping their mother button hers.

  “Yes, dear. We’ll talk about that tomorrow. I have some ideas.”

  “Ma, not tonight. This is your night. Rachael can find her own leads.” Luke winked at Rachael, who mouthed Thank you in response. They’d talked about tonight and Rachael’s hesitation to venture out into the real world. She’d kept herself holed up in the house for the past few weeks and Luke thought being with friends and family would help her heal. He could read the fear in her eyes and bent down to whisper in her ear.

  He slid a key into Rachael’s hand. “If it gets too much and you need some space, here’s a key to room 103.” Rachael nodded, tears filling her eyes. “One of us will be by your side the entire night, okay?” She hugged him quickly before turning to wipe her face.

  Giving her some privacy, he opened the door for his mom and helped her down the front steps and into the front seat of his truck. Luke held open the back door for his sister as well. “Buckle up, ladies.”

  “Are you going to tell me where we’re going? I’ve tried to pry it out of Rachael all week but she’s been mum.”

  “That’s because Luke did all the planning himself.”


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