Our Darkest Dare

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Our Darkest Dare Page 32

by Sarah Bailey

  Chapter Forty Eight

  I jolted awake, confused and disorientated in a darkened room. It took a long minute for me to realise I was in my own bed. And even longer to remember, I wasn’t alone. Leaning over to my bedside table, I checked the time. It was three in the morning. I lay back and stared at the ceiling, my heart pounding in my chest and tension radiated all over my body. I’d been dreaming. Although I couldn’t remember what was going on, I knew I’d been scared.

  I turned towards Duke. He was fast asleep, laid out on his back. I didn’t feel right about disturbing him, but it didn’t stop me shifting closer and tucking myself under his arm. My arm went around my waist as I buried my face in his shoulder, breathing him in. After a few minutes of listening to his breathing, my heart rate calmed and my body relaxed. I moved closer, practically wrapping myself around his body. Craving his warmth and comfort.

  “Kira?” he muttered groggily as his hand wrapped around my waist.

  “Sorry,” I whispered, “Had a bad dream.”

  He shifted, reaching up with his other hand to stroke my arm.


  He pressed a kiss to my hair before setting his head back on the pillow. My hand left his chest, snaking upwards until it met his face. Fingers traced across his jaw, the hairs tickling the tips. The low rumble of satisfaction from his chest vibrated through me. I didn’t stop, continuing to stroke his skin before I turned my face up towards his. Duke’s eyes were closed. My eyes had adjusted to the dark enough to allow me to see.

  Feeling rather bold, I cupped his cheek and angled his face towards mine before kissing him. His hand on my waist tightened as his other curled around my shoulder. It was a minute before he shifted onto his side, hand sliding from my shoulder into my hair to kiss me more thoroughly. My body pressed to his, adoring the feel of him.

  I needed this. Needed him. My hips ground against his as my nipples hardened beneath my t-shirt. Desire rippled under my skin. I got drunk off our kiss and the closeness of our bodies. My hand slid under his t-shirt, craving skin on skin contact. He grunted in my mouth, his fingers gripping my hair and tugging at it.

  When I felt him hardening against my stomach, I ground into his length, wanting the friction, needing to take this further.

  “Fuck,” he hissed.

  If he wasn’t fully awake before, he certainly was now. It had been too long since I’d touched a man. And far too long since I’d been with this particular man intimately. The memory of how good we’d been together had me pushing him onto his back and straddling him. Duke blinked and stared up at me. My fingers went to the bottom of my t-shirt, tugging it upwards and discarding it off the side of the bed. His eyes fell on my breasts, my nipples standing to attention.

  “What are you doing?” he whispered.

  “What does it look like?”

  “Kira… I…”

  “I want you… please.”

  He swallowed, his hands closing around my thighs. My hips ground along his hard cock, showing him what I needed. A groan left his mouth as he shuddered, but his hands left my thighs to still my hips.

  “Shit, slow down, you’re going to make me come.”

  I hadn’t expected those words to come out of his mouth.

  “I am?”

  His fingers around my hips tightened.

  “Yes. Fuck… this is embarrassing. I haven’t had sex in like six months and usually, I have way more fucking self-control than this, but damn it, Kira, you have no idea how much I desire you.” His hands left my hips and slid up my sides before cupping my breasts, thumbs running over the hardened nubs and making me gasp. “Sex with you has always been the best of my life… because I love you.”

  My heart was fucking full to bursting. There were no more doubts. We might not have gone on a date or done anything in the right order this time, but I didn’t care. In the dead of night, the only thing I wanted was to drown in our connection.

  My hands went to his t-shirt. He shifted to allow me to take it off, seemingly having no further objections to what was about to happen. I leant down and kissed him, my nipples brushing against his bare skin. I moaned, careful not to grind myself against him. His hands slid beneath my shorts and cupped my behind, squeezing and kneading the soft flesh. The reminder of when Duke had fucked me there had my body heating. It’s not something I’d attempted with anyone else. Only Duke gave me the safety to let go and give in to my desires.

  “Please,” I whimpered against his lips, desperation driving through me.

  He tugged at my clothes, pulling them down. I had to move off him to discard them. My hands went to his boxers, dragging them off his hips. I couldn’t wait any longer. I straddled him again when we were both bare. His hands grasped me, making me rock back and forth on his length, coating him in my arousal.

  I leant over to the bedside table, ripped open the drawer and tugged out the condoms I kept in there. Using my teeth, I ripped open the foil and shifted back to allow me to roll it on him. We both groaned when I sank down on his cock. I went slow. After what Duke had said, I knew it had been a while for both of us.

  My hands rested on his chest to steady myself. Duke was having none of that. He tugged me down towards him before latching onto one of my nipples with his mouth. I gripped his shoulders, crying out from the pleasure blooming across my chest. My body remembered the way Duke mastered it.

  When my hips met his, I stilled for a long moment, loving the fullness and the sensation of him being seated inside me. Duke released my nipple, looking up at me with a wicked grin on his face. He captured my face with his hand, running his thumb over my bottom lip.

  “You’re fucking perfect,” he murmured before pressing kisses along my jaw.

  His hand slid from my chin to my throat, gripping it loosely.

  “Tell me, Kira, do you want to fuck me or should I fuck you?”

  His voice was low and gravelly. It made my body thrum. There was no doubt in my mind what I wanted. What I’d always wanted when it came to sex between me and him. I didn’t like soft and gentle. Raw and real. Rough and ready. No sweetness and light. Just me and him giving into passion and fire.

  “Fuck me,” I whimpered.

  “As you wish.”

  He gripped my hip with his other hand and flipped us over. My throat was still covered by his hand as he pushed one of my legs up before wrapping it around his waist. He wasn’t rough as he thrust into me, taking it slow and steady to make sure I felt every inch. I gripped the sheets below me, arching into him.

  “Is this what you want… wife?”

  My mouth parted, but no sounds came out. His wicked smile electrified me, his thumb stroking down my pulse point. I had no idea why it turned me on further to hear him call me his wife, but fuck did it. I could hear him say it during sex for the rest of our lives.

  The words in my brain echoed over and over.

  For the rest of our lives.

  In this moment, I could think of nothing better than to be with this man forever. I wanted to surrender myself to him. He could have me if he dared. All of me. I wanted to tell him how much I loved him. How much I needed his presence. And how I craved this passion between us.

  “Harder,” I choked out, “Please.”

  I used my other leg as leverage to thrust back against him, wanting to drive us both higher. Duke’s hand around my neck tightened as his thrusts increased in speed and strength. It wasn’t enough to cut off my airway, but I felt a little lightheaded. It only heightened my pleasure, pushing me closer to the edge. The angle had him brushing against my clit in the most maddening way possible.

  “Fuck,” I rasped, “Duke, please.”

  He leant closer, his mouth ghosting over mine.

  “Be a good girl and come for me,” he whispered, “Come on my cock and show me how much you needed this. Show me how much you’ve missed me.”

  My back arched off the bed and I shattered on command. My garbled cries of
pleasure were drowned out by Duke’s mouth on mine, kissing me for all he was worth. I had missed him. I’d missed this. Our bodies entwined together in ecstasy. There was nothing else like it.

  When my body calmed and stopped trembling, I realised a tear had leaked out of my eye and rolled down my cheek. Duke kissed it away, making my heart hurt with his gesture.

  “Shh, I’ve got you.”

  He hadn’t faltered in his rhythm, giving it to me with controlled restraint, as if he knew how much I could take. His hand was no longer wrapped around my throat, instead had fisted my hair. He kissed his way down my face, drowning me in his affection and love. Never in my life had I felt more wanted and cared for than with him.

  I love you so much.

  The words were on the tip of my tongue, but I was overwhelmed and couldn’t speak. Why couldn’t we have had this three years ago? It was a futile question, but I couldn’t help feeling a sense of loss for what could have been between us. More tears spilt down my face without me wanting them to. Duke didn’t comment on them, merely kissed them away as he had done with the first one.

  My fingers slid into his hair, holding him to me as he continued to hammer into my pussy with punishing strokes. I wanted the pleasure laced with pain. It made me feel alive even as I cried. Even as I gasped and trembled against him.

  Drown me, Duke, I don’t want to come up for air.

  I wrapped my other leg around his waist, gripping him between my thighs. It allowed him to adjust the angle of his thrusts, hitting a completely different spot. My back bowed and my nails dug into his scalp, making him grunt. He kissed down my neck, his teeth grazing across the sensitive skin.

  “Don’t stop, please, don’t stop.”

  He didn’t. Together, we poured out all our feelings into our lovemaking. All the unspoken words of heartache, pain, longing and lust. The years we’d been separated from each other. They were all evident in the way we clung to each other. The way we fucked each other like our lives depended on it.

  The next time I climaxed, we fell off the edge together with him groaning into my neck and shuddering as I trembled. It was everything and more. If I could hold on to the moment forever, I would have.

  We held each other for a long time after we’d come down. Duke kissed my cheek and rolled off me, his breathing still as erratic as mine. He got up for a moment to deal with the condom before returning to my side. He let me curl up against his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around me. I placed my hand on his heart and kissed his chest.

  That’s how I fell asleep for the second time that night, safe and satisfied in my husband’s arms without a care in the fucking world for what it would mean come tomorrow.

  Chapter Forty Nine

  It was early when I awoke. I could hear the sound of birdsong outside. Kira had left the window open. Her back was pasted to my front, my larger frame curled around her smaller one. For the first time in years, contentment washed over me. There was nothing like waking up with the person you loved more than life itself.

  I pressed a kiss to the back of her neck and held her tighter, remembering the way she’d reached out for me in the middle of the night after having a nightmare. The sex we’d shared had been intense. The way she’d cried made my heart ache, but I knew they weren’t tears of sadness. She was overwhelmed by the whole experience. In all honesty, so was I. Never in my life had I felt this close to another person. Not even the times I’d been intimate with Kira before. It had been entirely different. Like a fucking bonding of two souls who were lost without each other. It sounded ridiculous. But the truth of it embedded itself deep in my bones.

  This girl was the one I had always been meant for.

  She shifted against me, her very naked behind rubbing along my cock. I stifled a groan. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to work out why I’d woken up with an erection.

  “Kira,” I whispered into her skin, stroking my hand along her stomach, “You awake?”

  A muffled “Mmm,” erupted from her lips. My hand moved lower, brushing over the thatch of neatly trimmed curls leading towards her pussy. A sigh left her mouth when I stroked my fingers between her lips, seeking her little nub. She ground back against me when I stroked her clit. No question, Kira was awake. I kissed her neck, splaying out my free hand over her stomach to keep her pinned to me.

  “Duke,” she whimpered a moment later.

  “Morning, Kira.”

  She choked out a low moan when my fingers dipped lower and impaled themselves in her wet pussy. My thumb played with her clit, keeping her on edge with pleasure.

  My dick slipped between her cheeks with her movement, giving me the friction I craved. My mind was a riot of thoughts of when I’d fucked her tight little behind. Hell, did I want to feel her there again. To give her the sweet ecstasy of driving her into oblivion.

  “You got lube?” I whispered in her ear before placing kisses down her neck.

  “Drawer,” she cried out with the roughness of my fingers thrusting inside her.

  I pulled away, leaving her panting and shuddering. Ripping the drawer open, I snagged a condom, lube and noticed there was something else. Kira’s vibrator. I smiled, tugging it out too. She was in for a new experience this morning.

  “Take this,” I told her, placing the vibrator between her twitching fingers.

  It didn’t immediately register with Kira what I’d given her until I guided it down to her pussy, pressed it against her clit and turned the vibrations on. She moaned, the sound so fucking beautiful to my ears. I let her go, flipped the lube cap and coated my fingers. Pressing them between her cheeks, I sought out my goal. She jerked when my fingers traced the tight entrance. For a minute, I merely stroked it, then I pressed a single digit inside.

  Kira wriggled and groaned whilst I stretched her out for me. I was gentle and slow to allow her all the time in the world to adjust.

  “Duke, please… I need… I need you inside me.”

  I smiled again, pulling my fingers out to roll on a condom and coat my cock. She didn’t tense up when I pressed the head against her entrance. No, Kira relaxed into it, accepting me without complaint. Fuck, she was heavenly back there. The way she took my cock was magic. I didn’t rush it, making a slow advance until I was firmly buried in her tight little hole.

  “That feel good, wife?” I murmured in her ear.

  “Yes, fuck, give it to me.”

  I pulled back and pushed in again, not being rough because I knew she needed more time to adjust. Kira kept the vibrator on her clit, her hips moving in time with my rhythm. I gripped her thigh, keeping her anchored to me. My thrusts increased in pace, eliciting low gasps from her lips.

  When Kira was taking me without any resistance, I applied more lube before snatching up the vibrator and turned it off. I coated that too, even though she was soaking down there.

  “I’m going to make you feel fuller than you’ve ever been before,” I told her, notching the head of the vibrator to her pussy.

  Her hand curled into the covers as I made a slow advance with the vibrator. I could feel it rubbing against my cock through the thin barrier.

  “Fuck,” she hissed.

  “You going to fuck yourself whilst I fuck you, hmm?”

  I took her hand and wrapped her fingers around the base. She took over for me, keeping it slow and steady. And when I flipped the switch on again, she jerked. I could feel everything and it was fucking amazing.

  “Oh shit,” she cried, “Fuck.”

  It didn’t stop her from continuing to work the toy inside her whilst I fucked her. We’d both be coming quickly from this, but it was kind of the point. We didn’t have all the time in the world this morning. I had to get back home before heading to university.

  “Harder, Duke, fuck, please.”

  “I’m going to come, Kira. I can’t hold it.”

  “Come, fuck, come in me.”

  I did as she requested, fucking her with no restraint
whatsoever before I erupted inside her. I let out a hoarse groan, my fingers digging into her skin. Only when I slowed did I feel her clench hard around me, her body bucking and trembling. I held her close through her climax. There was no better sight than Kira in the throes of sweet bliss.

  It took a while for her to come down. I kissed her neck and stroked her skin, encouraging her off the edge of the cliff until she sighed and snuggled back into me.

  “Okay?” I asked, nuzzling her neck.

  “More than.”

  We lay in silence together before a loud noise blared from her phone.

  “Fuck,” she mumbled, tugging the vibrator from her pussy, discarding it on the bedside table before turning off her alarm.

  She smiled when she turned to me, her copper eyes hazy and full of happiness.

  “You got me all sweaty. Need a shower now.”

  I got out of her bed, dealt with the condom before picking her up along with the vibrator. She squealed as I carried her into her bathroom and set her down in the shower. I dumped the vibrator in the sink to wash up afterwards, then joined Kira under the hot spray.

  The two of us got rather handsy with the soap, but it didn’t turn sexual other than the kisses we shared. I hadn’t expected any of this when I turned up on her doorstep last night, but I was fucking happy. My girl was opening herself up to the possibility we could work as a married couple. I doubted Kira would have wanted to have sex if it wasn’t the case.

  I’d needed her last night after finding out about Cole. The whole thing had set me on edge, especially the way Raphi had lost it with our parents. Things had, thankfully, calmed down after that, but it was still a concern. I didn’t want my brother going downhill again. Not much I could do to prevent it. Perhaps he needed to hit rock bottom to pick himself up and get help. Who knew? Only time would tell on that score.


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