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Our Darkest Dare

Page 33

by Sarah Bailey

  The two of us got dried and dressed together. Kira dealt with her vibrator and stuffed it back in the drawer along with the lube. Her face was flushed as she did it. I wrapped myself around her from behind, kissing her neck and stroking her stomach with my fingers.

  “You remembering where it’s been?”

  “Shut up.”

  I chuckled, holding her closer.

  “Don’t be embarrassed. You looked hot impaled on two cocks, even if one was fake.”


  “I wouldn’t want you having two real ones, though. I don’t share.”

  She shoved me off her, giving me a wide-eyed look.

  “No? You not progressive like your parents?”

  I cocked a brow.

  “Do you want me to share you?”

  “No! I most certainly do not. And that goes for you too. This.” She pointed at me. “Belongs to me.”

  I bit my lip to keep from smiling. The way she’d staked a claim on me had my heart doing backflips.

  “Is that so?”


  “You don’t sound very progressive either.”

  She placed her hands on her hip.

  “Am I not allowed to want my husband’s full attention on me?”

  I stepped closer, no longer holding back my smile as I took her in my arms. Leaning closer, I ran my nose along her cheek.

  “You’re more than allowed, especially if you’re going to continue calling me your husband and saying I belong to you.”

  Kira stilled as she realised what she’d admitted.

  “Well… it’s the truth,” she whispered, “You’re mine.”

  “Trust me, I’m aware.”

  I captured her mouth in a searing kiss. When I shifted back, Kira’s cheeks were a deep red and her eyes darted away.

  “Are you still taking me on a date tonight?”

  I frowned.

  “Of course I am, why would you think otherwise?”

  She backed away and walked over to her desk. Her hands worked to shove stuff in her bag resting on it.

  “Well, I just thought with me making it kind of clear we’re together…”

  “What happened last night and this morning doesn’t change anything, Kira. I’m still going to take you out and spend time with you.”

  She glanced at me, hesitation in her eyes.

  “Changes nothing? Didn’t it mean something to you?”

  I approached her, wondering where the hell these doubts were coming from.

  “Everything we do means something. If you think the way I made love to you wasn’t a whole otherworldly experience, then you were not in the same bed as me last night.”

  I gripped her arm and tugged her closer.

  “I love you. Do you understand what that means? You are my fucking soul. My beating heart. I am living half a-fucking-live without you by my side.”

  My hands went to her hair, tipping her head back, so she’d meet my eyes.

  “I belong to you. Only you. Always you.”

  The way her eyes welled up had my stomach twisting in on itself.

  “I know it’s difficult for you to trust me or believe what I’m telling you. I’ll keep saying it and showing you how much I want you. I don’t care how long it takes, no matter how hard it gets, I will always fight for you.”

  We stared at each other in silence for a long minute.

  “I believe you,” she whispered.

  I placed a kiss on her forehead and held her against me.

  “You’re allowed to doubt me, but please don’t think I’m not in this all the way. There is nothing I want more than to be with you.”

  She nodded against my chest, clutching my back and sniffling.

  “I’m scared. Last night was intense and I’m overwhelmed. I don’t want shit between us to go wrong again.”

  I rested my cheek on the top of her head.

  “It won’t if we stay open and honest with each other.”

  “Is that all?”

  “Well, there’s all the dates we’ll go on, telling my parents we’re married and dealing with my mum wanting to kill me for not being there to witness it, especially as I’m the first one of her children to tie the knot.”

  Kira groaned.

  “She’s going to lose her mind. I don’t want you to do it alone.”

  I leant back and stared at Kira’s face.


  She shook her head before reaching up and cupping my face, her fingers brushing over my stubble. I’d not made a conscious decision to stop shaving and grow a beard, but it was happening anyway.

  “Isn’t this what couples do? Support each other during the hard times? We both did this, Duke. I think they deserve to hear it from me and you.”

  “Are we a couple?”

  She shoved my chest with her other arm.

  “Yes. I thought I made that clear already this morning.”

  “I didn’t want to assume anything.”

  “Assume away.”

  I nuzzled her nose with mine before letting her go and taking her hand. Kira grabbed her bag and the two of us went downstairs. We both needed to get ourselves ready for university. She gave me a kiss at the front door, her copper eyes sparkling.

  “I’ll pick you up later,” I murmured, stealing one last kiss.

  She smiled and waved as I sauntered down the street after I turned back to look at her. That girl had my heart in the palm of her hand. I trusted her to keep it safe, even if she didn’t quite trust me with hers yet.

  Chapter Fifty

  Duke and I had spent the past few weeks whilst we both finished university, going out on dates and just being with each other. It was almost as if no time had passed at all. We might have grown up and learnt several lessons along the way, but we were still Kira and Duke. We laughed, joked, and had insane chemistry. Some days it made me think about all the time we’d been apart and how I wished he’d never walked away. Lamenting on it wasn’t getting me anywhere. I couldn’t punish him for something I’d had a hand in causing.

  Besides, the guy told me he loved me on a daily basis. It was in his text messages, his phone calls, and it was always one of the last things he said before we parted after our dates. My heart fluttered every time I saw it written or heard his deep voice vibrating through me. Okay, I had a thing for his voice. It did things to my insides. Made me melt for Duke over and over again. Despite all of that, I still had yet to say it back.

  I loved Duke, heart and soul, but a part of me was still holding back and waiting for the other shoe to drop. It’s not as if I wanted to be cynical and doubt him. Time. I just need more of it to truly believe in him. In us. In everything I wanted for the future.

  We’d sorted out all the divorce withdrawal paperwork. It was no longer hanging over our heads, something even I felt relieved about. We could focus on us. On making our marriage work. And the next step on that journey was telling his parents.

  I rang the doorbell, wringing my hands out in front of me several times. Two days ago, I’d had my last day of university. It ended one chapter in my life. I was ready to start a new one with Duke. My new job started in a month and the builders had begun construction in the attic for my new bedroom. There were a lot of changes on the horizon, but I wasn’t afraid. Every passing day lessened my fears about my relationship with Duke and I learnt to trust him a little more. If I had him by my side, I could take on the world.

  Duke opened the door. His smile was bright and damn, if he didn’t look good. His beard had grown in, although he was keeping it neatly trimmed. He wore a plain black t-shirt and jeans. One day I’d convince him to wear a shirt and braces again because he always looked hot in that outfit. And perhaps we could re-create our wedding day. Him shirtless with his braces hanging off his hips.

  Down girl!

  I shoved away the image as I stepped into the house I’d grown up in and out of for the first time
in years. Echoes of the past flashed before my eyes. Duke and I running down the hallway being chased by one of his parents, our laughter ringing through the house. Bear hugs from Xav and when Rory snuck us lollies from the freezer after we got in trouble with Ash for drawing on the wall in the games room. There was always something going on in their household when we were kids. Now, it was Duke and his parents. Eventually, he would move out. This would always be a second home to me and I think it would always be home to Duke too.

  Duke shut the door behind me. The next thing I knew, I was pulled against him and his hand was in my hair, tipping my head back.

  “Hello, wife,” he murmured, leaning closer.

  I didn’t have time to respond. He kissed me deep and slow, making me sag against him until I remembered where we were.

  “Duke,” I squeaked, trying to escape his hold, “Your parents.”

  “They’re not spying on us.”

  He kissed me again, devouring my mouth like a starving beast. When he pulled back, I was breathless and dizzy. He smirked as he ran his thumb over my bottom lip. Then he released me and took my hand.

  “Just so you know, I haven’t told them it’s you,” he told me as he pulled me towards the living room.

  “What? Why not?”

  “More of a surprise that way.”

  We were already going to give them one when we informed his parents about our marriage. I refrained from saying anything else as Duke hid me just outside the doorway.

  “You guys ready?” he asked, peering into the living room.

  “I don’t know why you’re being so secretive about this girlfriend of yours,” came Ash’s voice.

  Duke grinned and walked in, tugging me along with him.

  “Well, the thing is, you already know her.”

  We came to a halt near the sofa. All five of his parents stared at us, and no one said a word for at least a minute. Ash was the first to move, her eyes lighting up as she came around the sofa.

  “Kira, oh my god!”

  I was bundled up in her arms a moment later. Duke let go of my hand and stood back, allowing me to embrace his mother properly.

  “We’ve missed you so much around here,” she continued, pulling back and cupping my face with her hand, “You have no idea how happy I am to see you.”

  “I’ve missed you all too,” I said, trying not to get choked up.

  Ash dropped her hand from my face and looked over at her son with a frown.

  “You’re a little shit, you know that? Keeping Kira from us.”

  Duke leant up against the doorway to the dining room, digging his hand in his pocket and shrugging.

  “We wanted to make sure this is what we both wanted before I got your hopes up, Mum.”

  “Hmm, I’m still not very happy with you, regardless.”

  He flashed her a grin. She was going to be even more unhappy when she found out we weren’t just dating.

  Ash stepped away and I realised all four of Duke’s dads were standing waiting to say hello to me. Quinn stepped forward first and to my utmost surprise gave me a hug.

  “I see Duke got his head out of his arse,” he muttered, “Keep him in line.”

  I snorted.

  “I’ll try, but you know what he’s like.”

  Quinn grunted as he let me go, giving me a smile. Eric all but shoved Quinn out of the way to embrace me.

  “It’s good to see you, Kira. Our boy has never been the same without you,” he murmured in my ear, “I did wonder when Duke told us his girlfriend is vegetarian.”

  It was a Saturday. Duke thought it was better if we did lunch with his parents. I was more than happy to spend the day with them.

  “It’s good to see you too.”

  Next came Rory, who ruffled my hair before giving me a hug. He didn’t say anything at first. Rory was always a man of few words, only speaking when he actually had something to say rather than engaging in small talk.

  “How have you been?” he asked without letting me go.

  “Mostly fine, never easy when you lose everyone you love in such a short space of time.”

  I didn’t say it very loud, not wanting to put a downer on today, but I knew he’d understand.

  “None of us were very happy when Duke told us you’d fallen out. I’m glad you’re back in his life… and ours too.”

  He let go of me but reached up and tucked my hair behind my ear, giving me a bright smile before he stepped away too.

  I looked up at Xav who’d approached me. His blue eyes were full of emotions. Out of all of Duke’s dads, I’d always been the closest to him. He was essentially my surrogate father, having taught me so much in life. He only had to utter my name before I was wrapped up in his arms with mine clutched around his neck. Xav’s bear hugs were always the best type.

  “My idiot son has some serious explaining to do,” he told me, his voice low enough for only me to hear it, “But let me be the first to say welcome home.”

  Tears welled in my eyes.

  “Don’t, you’ll make me cry.”

  “This will always be your home and we’ll always be your family.”

  That was it. The waterworks started. The years of loneliness and being without the family who’d adopted me into theirs crashed down on me.

  “Damn it, Xav,” I sobbed.

  He stroked my hair and set me on my feet but didn’t let me go. A part of me wanted to blurt out he was truly my family as I’d married his son, but it wouldn’t have mattered if I hadn’t. They’d have welcomed me with open arms, regardless.

  When he finally let me go, Duke was by my side, wrapping an arm around me and kissing my forehead. I would never get over his affectionate gestures. They gave me reassurance. This man loved me deeply and would be here for me if I needed him. He handed me a tissue to wipe my face with. I sniffled and gave him and Xav a watery smile as I cleaned myself up.

  Duke led me over to the sofas and got me sat down next to him whilst everyone else took a seat. They immediately dived into questions about what I’d been doing. For the next ten minutes, I told them about university and how I had a job waiting for me. It was lovely to speak to them again, I forgot the real reason I was here today until Duke slid his hand into mine and gave it a squeeze. I looked at him and he gave me a nod. Then he cleared his throat, making the room fall silent.

  “Kira and I need to talk to you about something important.”

  I noticed Xav raising an eyebrow and Ash leaning forward. Duke looked away for a moment before he leant over to the coffee table and pulled a drawer out. He dug out a piece of paper he’d clearly stashed in there and placed it on the table before closing the drawer. I knew what it was without looking at it. His copy of our marriage certificate.

  “We didn’t know how to tell you, so, um, this kind of tells you what you need to know.”

  He pointed at the piece of paper before sitting back. I gave his hand a squeeze. We’d both been nervous about his parents’ reaction to the news we’d got married almost three years ago.

  The first person to move was Quinn, who stood and picked the piece of paper up. His eyes ran over it, then they flicked over to me and Duke before he shook his head. I didn’t know if he was disappointed or what. He handed the page to Rory, who was sat in his usual armchair by the window. There was more silence and barely a discernible reaction on his face. The twitch of his lip gave me the impression he was holding back a smile. He didn’t look at us as he got up and gave it to Eric, by-passing Ash. She was frowning heavily at her men, most likely wondering what the hell was on the document. Eric, to his credit, didn’t say a thing. Xav leant over and read the page over his shoulder. His head whipped around the next moment, eyes wide as he stared at his son.

  “What is going on?” Ash asked, “Why aren’t you saying anything?”

  Eric sighed and got up, handing the certificate over to her before he took a seat next to Xav again. His eyes fell on us too for a mo
ment. I wasn’t sure if there was reproach in his expression or not. All eyes went to Ash. Her eyes roamed over the page several times before she put her hand to her mouth.

  “Oh,” she whispered, “Oh… oh god.”

  She let go of the certificate and it fluttered to the floor as a sob erupted from her throat and she ran from the room.

  “Jesus,” Xav ground out, getting up and chasing after her, “Angel!”

  A moment later, Eric turned to us and gave Duke a hard stare.

  “What on earth were you thinking? Could you not find a more tactful way of telling your mother you got married without our knowledge?”

  Duke flinched. I held his hand tighter in mine.

  “What did you want me to say? By the way, Mum, Kira and I got hitched three years ago and we’re sorry we didn’t tell you about it?”

  “An explanation would have been a start, Duke.”

  Duke got up and paced away from us. My fingers twitched with the loss of contact. We both knew this wouldn’t be easy.

  “Eric’s right. We all deserve to know what happened,” Quinn put in, “and why you kept it from us.”

  Duke turned and gave his fathers a hard look.

  “We got married to fulfil her father’s dying wish. Stan always wanted to see his daughter get married, and considering he already thought we were dating, we decided to do this for him. Kira didn’t want to at first, but I dared her to say yes, and she did.”

  “Hold on a second,” Quinn interjected, rubbing his face, “You got married because of a dare? Jesus Christ, this gets worse and worse.”

  “We know it was reckless and stupid,” Duke replied, his voice sour as he crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Reckless is the right word for it,” Eric said.

  “Oh, like any of you can talk about recklessness and doing the right thing.”

  “This isn’t the first time you’ve done something none of us have approved of.”

  Rory leant forward and picked up the wedding certificate. He got up to place it on the coffee table before taking a seat again. He was the only one who didn’t look remotely annoyed by any of this.


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