Dangerous Mating (Haven Hollow Book 1)

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Dangerous Mating (Haven Hollow Book 1) Page 4

by Marlie Monroe

  With so much on her mind, it was a minor miracle she was able to focus on driving. Every time she thought about some stranger watching them, sneaking around their home in the dead of the night, a fresh rush of apprehension raced through her. The tenser she grew, the more Audrey fussed in the backseat, so Eliza forced herself to take deep, calming breaths and push down her concern. There would be plenty of time for worry later. Dwelling on it wouldn’t do anything but upset the baby and ruin their day.

  Thankfully, the GPS led her right to the Slade’s doorstep; otherwise she never would have found them. The house was situated outside of town, at the end of a long, gravel road. Pickup trucks and SUVs lined the street in front of the property. She parked behind the last vehicle, pulled Audrey out of her seat, and headed toward the house with her shoulders thrown back and her head held high. Just because she was nervous as hell about spending the day with virtual strangers didn’t mean that she had to look like a scared little mouse.

  She’d spent the morning primping and trying on clothes she hadn’t worn since prior to Audrey’s birth in an attempt to find just the right outfit to make her feel confident and attractive. She’d settled for a nice, wine colored short-sleeved tunic and leggings. The top had a sweetheart neckline that showed off the barest bit of cleavage and a flowing midsection to hide her soft stomach. The outfit was a definite improvement over her work clothes, which was all Carter had seen her in so far. She’d taken the time to straighten her long brown hair and wore it down, despite the fact that Audrey liked to tug and chew on it whenever she could get her hands on the thick strands, and she had even added a little makeup to highlight her eyes, which she’d always found to be her best feature. More than anything, she just wanted to make a good impression. Knocking Carter’s socks off would be a nice bonus.

  She reached the front door and lifted her hand to knock. Before her fist met the wood, the door opened and Carter was standing in front of her, looking better than should be legal in a sleeveless black shirt and tight faded jeans. His biceps were bigger than they’d looked through his clothes, huge and round and tan. She snapped her gaze back up to his face and smiled through her nervousness. “Hey Carter. How’s it going?”

  “Better now.” He stepped back and held the door open. “Come on in.”

  She stepped inside and gazed around curiously. “Nice place.”

  “Thanks. I like it.” Carter looked her over. “You look really nice today.”

  “Thank you. You do too.”

  Carter grinned. “I’m really glad you’re here.”

  “Me too.” She couldn’t think of anything she wanted more than to spend a little time with Carter. She wasn’t sure why she felt so drawn to him, but figuring it out would be half the fun.

  Carter gazed down at the baby. “Hello Ms. Audrey. Don’t you look beautiful today in your little pink dress and hat.”

  Audrey stared up at him with wide eyes, content to be the center of attention while she was in her mother’s arms.

  “So,” Eliza said. “Where is everyone?”

  “They’re all out back. Follow me.” He led her through the living room and kitchen beyond, to the back door. They stepped outside into a huge backyard filled with a dozen or more people. Just beyond she could see a small white house sitting against the backdrop of lush forest.

  A fresh wave of anxiety rolled through her at the sight of so many people. “I thought you said it would only be a few family and friends.”

  “It is.” Carter ushered her forward. “Don’t worry. Everyone is friendly, I promise.”

  “I’m not worried,” she lied.

  “Come on,” Carter said. “I’ll introduce you to everyone.”

  Carter led her around the yard, introducing her to cousins, coworkers, and friends—more people than she’d ever remember in one afternoon. Adults hung out in clusters, chatting with each other, while kids ran around the yard, chasing each other, and hooting and hollering. The scene reminded her of something out a Norman Rockwell painting—just a slice of life, Americana style.

  Everyone was nice, if reserved, and she found herself speculating about who was human or shifter. It didn’t really matter, but she couldn’t help but be curious about whether or not she was the only human in attendance.

  They ended up at the picnic tables set up near the house where Trish sat surrounded by people, including Abby—from the community center. Their familiar faces were like a lifeline and Eliza grasped onto it with both hands. She moved forward and motioned to the end of the table. “Hey. Is this seat taken?”

  “Help yourself,” Trish said with a big smile. “I’m so happy you and the little one made it. Did you have any trouble finding the house?”

  “Nah. The GPS led me right to your doorstep.”

  Carter lingered by the table. “Will you be all right here for a little while? It looks like Bobby needs some help with the grill.”

  “She’ll be fine.” Trish waved her hand through the air. “Run along and help your uncle before he burns the meat.”

  Amused, Eliza smiled and nodded. “I’ll be fine. Go do whatever you need to.”

  * * * * *

  From behind his station at the grill, Carter watched Eliza smile and make small talk. Ever so slowly, the tension in her body visibly lessened, her shoulders losing their rigidity and her posture gradually becoming less stiff and more natural.

  If anyone could put Eliza at ease, he figured it was his mother. Unlike him, she was a born people person. He never knew quite what to say or do in most social situations. He was much more at home in the woods or on the job, where he knew exactly what was expected of him. Nevertheless, he planned to leap outside his comfort zone to get to know Eliza. He could do no less. His mate deserved his very best effort. Truthfully, she deserved way more than he could ever provide, but that wasn’t going to keep him from trying to win her heart.

  At some point he would need to tell her they were mates, but he didn’t want to spring that information on her until he’d gotten to know her a little better. He could well imagine how quick she’d scamper away from him if he just blurted out that they were meant to be together without any forewarning. She’d run like hell and he’d lose her before he ever got the chance to be with her at all.

  In the meantime, he would work on getting to know her and see what happened. If luck was on his side, they’d click and everything else would work itself out in time.

  He flipped the burgers and brats, and snuck another look at Eliza. She was so beautiful. Fate had certainly gotten that part right. His body reacted to her every time they were within touching distance. Not for a second did he believe the attraction was all one-sided either. She reacted to him just fine. He’d seen her flush and stammer more than once around him. Not only that, but he could hear her heart race when they got close and smell the pheromones she probably wasn’t even aware her body released into the air. She wanted him just as much as he wanted her. Chemistry didn’t lie.

  Once the meat was done to his satisfaction, he pulled it off the grill, added a fresh round, and started filling plates. Shifters had notoriously big appetites and he wanted to make sure no one left his home hungry.

  His younger brother, Hayden slid in behind the grill beside him, snatched a piping hot brat off one of the serving platters by the grill, and tore a chunk of the end with his teeth.

  Carter shook his head. That idiot was going to burn his damn tongue. “Want a bun for that?”

  Hayden swallowed. “I’m good.”

  “You heard anything from Brent today?”

  “No. You know how he is.”

  “Yeah.” Their oldest brother was notoriously antisocial. So much so that he’d bought a cabin damn near on top of the mountain just to get away from people.

  “So.” Hayden tore off another bite and chewed. “Who’s the looker over there?”

  “Want to chew with your mouth closed? Nobody needs to see that shit.” Carter glanced in the direction Hayden’s attention was dire
cted and felt his hackles rise in awareness. The only people sitting at the table in question were Eliza, Audrey, their mom, and Abby from the center. While he’d like to think his kid brother was talking about Abby, the younger man wouldn’t have asked such a stupid question about someone he’d already met. “You can just pop your eyes back in your head and mind your own damn business. Eliza’s mine.”

  Hayden smirked. “Does she know that?”

  “Not yet.” Carter’s gaze landed on Eliza, who had her head thrown back in laughter. The expression brightened her face and made her look young and carefree. Her beauty took his breath away. “But she will soon.”

  “Whoa,” Hayden said. “Sounds like someone’s got it bad.”

  “You have no idea.” He was in deep and they hadn’t even gone on their first date.

  “Tell you what,” Hayden said. “Why don’t you take a break? You can grab some grub and go flirt with the pretty lady. I’ll take over here.”

  Any other time and Carter would have turned him down. Hayden couldn’t grill for shit. However, he really wanted to go be near Eliza. “All right. Don’t burn the meat.”

  Hayden rolled his eyes. “I won’t.”

  “You better not. Mom will kick both our asses if you do.”

  “Go on.” Hayden shoved Carter’s shoulder. “Fix the little lady a plate and take it to her. You can thank me later.”

  “Whatever, kid.” Carter ruffled his brother’s dark brown hair.

  “Not a kid, asshole,” Hayden hollered after him.

  With a chuckle, Carter grabbed two burgers and brats, the corresponding buns, and headed off toward the food table in search of condiments and sides. Since he didn’t know what Eliza liked or what Audrey could eat at her young age, he loaded two plates full of a little bit of everything, and made a third for himself.

  He carried his bounty across the yard and paused at the end of the picnic table. “Excuse me, ladies. I don’t mean to interrupt, but I thought Eliza and Audrey might be getting hungry.” He set the plates he’d made for Eliza down in front of her.

  Eliza’s eyes widened. “Wow. Thank you, but I can’t possibly eat that much.”

  Carter shrugged. “I got a little of everything so you could pick and choose what you wanted for yourself and Audrey. I’m not sure how much table food you’re giving her yet, but there’s pasta salad, soft macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, and green beans you could squash a little and feed her.”

  “Thanks Carter. It was very sweet of you to think of us.”

  Her praise and attention had his body reacting in ways it shouldn’t while surrounded by his family and friends. He looked away before he embarrassed himself. “You’re welcome.”

  “That was very thoughtful,” his mom said from her seat by Eliza. “Where’s mine?”

  Shit. He should’ve thought of that. He walked behind Eliza and sat his own plate down in front of his mom. “Right here.”

  “Aren’t you a good boy…” His mom grabbed his forearm and yanked him down to smack a sticky kiss on his cheek. Her eyes danced with glee as she gazed up at him. “Thank you, son.”

  “You’re welcome, Mama.” He wiped his cheek with the side of his hand, trying to remove the lipstick stain. He glanced across the table and spotted Abby grinning back at him. “How you doing, Abby? Can I get you something to eat?”

  She lifted her glass. “I’m good right now. Thanks though.”

  “Well, I guess I’ll be back in a minute.” Without further ado, he marched back across the yard to get more food. He got what he needed, hustled back over to the table, and sat down across from Eliza.

  He dug into his food and surreptitiously watched Eliza coax the baby into eating a few bites of chopped up green beans and mashed potatoes. Audrey smacked her lips after every bite, half of which would then spill from her mouth and slide down her chin. Carter couldn’t help but smile. Audrey was precious. He couldn’t imagine how anyone, least of the baby’s father, could ever resist such a sweet little baby.

  Not for the first time, he wondered about Eliza’s ex and why the bastard didn’t appear to be in the picture anymore. Eliza had never mentioned him one way or the other, but Carter would’ve known if there was a shifter hanging around the woman. He’d never once caught a whiff of another male shifter on Eliza during the sporadic times they’d bumped into each other. She was raising her little girl all on her own, and Carter respected the hell out of her for that. He’d watched his mom struggle to raise him and his brothers after their father’s passing and knew just how difficult single mothers had it.

  He finished devouring his lunch and noticed Eliza struggling to eat her burger with one hand. “I can take her if you want.”

  “Hmm?” Eliza asked.

  “Would you like me to hold the baby so you can eat?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. She’s a little fussy about being held by other people.”

  “I’m willing to try, if you are.” He got up, came around the table, and reached out for her. “Give her to me and we’ll see what happens. I bet she’ll be just fine long enough for you to finish eating.”

  “Go on,” Trish urged Eliza. “He could use the practice anyway. I’d like a dozen grandbabies just like Audrey some time before I get too old and feeble to enjoy them.”

  “All right.” Eliza’s expression softened. “Just keep in mind that you might have to do that eye-flashy thing to calm her down if she gets cranky.” She handed Audrey over.

  Carter bounced Audrey gently, careful not to jostle her too much since she’d just finished eating. “I think little Miss Audrey and I will be just fine. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”

  Audrey flailed her arms and smacked her lips.

  “See?” He carried her over to his seat and sat back down. “She knows she’s safe with me.”

  “Thanks.” Eliza picked up her burger. “It’s definitely easier to eat with both hands.”

  “I bet.” He gazed down at the baby, noting her soft features. “She’s a handful.”

  Audrey wiggled and kicked, as if she understood exactly what he’d said.

  Carter laughed and tickled her little feet.

  “I think she likes you.” Eliza lifted a red disposable cup and took a drink.

  “I’m a likeable guy.” He met her gaze.

  She stared back at him. “Yes, you are.”

  A charged moment stretched between them until Abby cleared her throat. “Well, I think I’m hungry after all. I’m going to go see a man about a hamburger.” She got up and went off in search of sustenance.

  His mom cast a pointed look in Eliza’s direction and winked at him. “I could use some desert. Either of you want something?”

  Carter shook his head. He hoped his mom didn’t think she was being subtle. She had glass beat for transparency.

  “No thanks,” Eliza said. “I’m not going to be able to finish what I’ve already got.”

  “All right then. I’m going to go see what kind of goodies I can find. I think your aunt brought cheesecake.”

  “Happy hunting,” Carter called after his mom as she walked away.

  Eliza used a napkin to wipe her mouth and dropped it on top of her plate. “They sure took off in a hurry. Was it something we said?”

  “I don’t think so.” He wiggled his fingers in front of Audrey and let her grab onto one of them. “I’m pretty sure this is Mom’s idea of subtle matchmaking.”

  Eliza frowned. “Why would she do that?”

  “Because she’s smart and managed to figure out I’m interested in you.”

  “You are?” Eliza’s voice went up an octave or two from usual. “I mean… You are. That’s cool.”

  Carter couldn’t help but find her insecurities baffling. She was smart, beautiful, and had a body curvy enough to make his palms itch and his mouth water. Why wouldn’t he be interested in her? “I am. I think you’re great and I’d really like to get to know you a little better.”

  “I’d like that.” Her gaze dropped
to Audrey and her expression went blank. “As much as I’d love to go out with you, I don’t have anyone I would trust to babysit Audrey right now.”

  “That’s okay. We can just bring her with us.”

  Her beautiful eyes widened in surprise. “You’d do that?”

  “Of course,” he assured her. “You’re a package deal, right?”

  “Yeah.” She smiled and nodded. “That’s exactly right.”

  “Great. I’m sure there are a lot of fun things we can think of to do that’ll be appropriate for Audrey too.”

  “What’s inappropriate for the baby?” His mom asked, circling around the table with a cup of coffee and a paper plate full of cheesecake and fruit salad. She set both on the table and reclaimed her seat next to Eliza.

  “I was just telling Eliza that we could take the baby with us when we go out. I’m sure we can find something fun for all three of us to do together.”

  “Go out where?”

  “On a date,” Carter clarified.

  “Oh. Well, you could always just leave the little darling with me. We already get along famously and it wouldn’t be a hardship to spend more time with such a sweet little girl.”

  Eliza turned to look at his mom. “You wouldn’t mind?”

  “Of course not.” His mom shrugged like it was no big deal and dug into her dessert.

  “Okay.” Carter focused on Eliza. “As long as you’re cool with Mom babysitting, I guess we’re good to go.”


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