Let There Be Blood

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Let There Be Blood Page 6

by Tina Traverse

  “Thank you, James. I dug deep for that one, wanted to make it as real as possible to please our fans.”

  “Well, if that doesn’t bring a tear to everyone’s eyes at airtime, I’ll eat my hat,” James promised as he walked away.

  As Aaron walked back to the makeup chair to have his fangs removed and to clean up, Avery shot him a weak smile before turning away.

  His phone buzzed with a text message.

  Meet me for a drink at Sharky’s. A.

  Sharky’s pub was a hole in the wall; dimly lit, with sawdust on the floor and neon beer signs dotting the walls. It smelled of stale smoke and the sweat of the blue collar patrons. Sharky, a middle-aged ex-Marine whose muscular build disappeared with his youth, had the common sense to keep his face in the back. He managed the books, but kept beautiful and skilled barkeeps out front.

  Aaron navigated his way through the clutter of tables and found Avery in the shadows in the back, nursing a draft.

  “I took the liberty of ordering one for you as well,” Avery stated, pointing to the frosty mug.

  “Thank you. Now, are you prepared to talk?”

  “What, no ‘hello Avery. How are you?’”

  “I don’t want to share lame pleasantries, Avery. I came here to talk.”

  “Okay, we’ll talk. Listen, I’m sorry to just up and leave with that lame note, but what we did scared me.” Avery took a deep drink before setting it down on the table. “I haven’t felt any desire for a man in a long time.”

  “You’re bullshitting me, Avery. All I want is the truth. Why did you run away?”

  “Because you brought up feelings that I’ve kept buried.”

  Avery reached over and placed his hands over Aaron’s, looking deep into his eyes.

  “I meant what I said, Aaron. I do love you, but no matter how much sexual desire I feel for you, we can never be a couple.”

  “Can you tell me why?”

  “I’m truly in love with my wife, as I know you’re in love with yours. We need to move on from this. I don’t want to lose you as my friend.”

  “I understand, but what’s up with the sudden marriage? I thought she told you she wasn’t ready. What made her change her mind so quickly?”

  “We had a long talk and she told me she made a mistake. She was ready to be my wife, and she wanted her baby to know his father.”

  The room swirled around Aaron. He felt as though the wind was knocked out of him. “You’re going to be a father?”

  “I know, right? It’s fucking crazy. I’m going to be a dad in a few short months. It’s nerve racking and exciting, and it’s what I always wanted.”

  Aaron took a long swallow of his beer to wash down the bile. A baby—a fucking screaming child—was going to come into Avery’s life and push him right out of it. Even though he was dying inside, he gave his friend his warmest smile and offered up his congratulations.

  Chapter Ten: A touch of blood

  Katrina loved her time with Shadow, she just wished he would spend time with her during the day. He always made the excuse that he slept for better part of the day and took care of errands before he had to go to work. Every Friday and Saturday was Shadow’s time off from work, but he still refused to spend the days with her, preferring the nights.

  “Are you afraid of the sunlight?”

  Shadow swiped another beer and settled comfortably back into the shadow of Katrina’s bedroom window seat. “Why would you ask that?”

  “You never want to spend the daylight hours with me.”

  “Kitten, I already told you I’m more comfortable in the dark.”

  “But why are you more comfortable in the darkness? What are you hiding?”

  “I’m not hiding anything. I like the darkness because the sun burns my skin.”

  “That doesn’t make sense. You told me that you run errands in the day before you go to work.”

  “I always run errands when the sun is at its lowest point or when it rains.”

  “Why don’t you wear sunblock?”

  “Sunblock has no effect in protecting my skin.”


  “Seriously, Kitten, you need to stop it with the inquisition. There are some things I’d like to keep to myself, so drop it!”

  Shadow’s irate tone startled Katrina, making her hug her pillow tighter.

  “I’m sorry I startled you, Kitten. It’s not you. It’s just I’ve been under a lot of stress lately.”

  “Anything you want to talk about?”

  “Nothing that I want to bother you with. Now, tell me about the rest of your day.”

  Katrina told her friend about her mother’s progress, and how her best friend surprised her with a picnic lunch. She didn’t realize how late it was until the sun’s rays bathed the room.


  Shadow jerked his hand away.

  Katrina rushed to his side to see a large blister forming on his hand. When she reached out to touch it, Shadow put it in his pocket.

  “Shadow, please let me get something for that, you look like you’ve been burned.”

  “It’s, ah, okay, Kitten. No worries. I’ll take care of it when I get home. I’d better go before I’m burnt to a crisp.”

  “How are you going to get home? The sun is out.”

  “My car has tinted windows and will shield me. Goodbye, Kitten. I’ll call you.”

  Masked by his hood, Shadow pressed his lips against Katrina’s before leaving.

  Once again his lips were like ice, his breath was cold, and his flesh felt frozen. There was no justifiable reason for Shadow’s skin to be so cold. He had been sitting in her warm room all night, so his skin should have felt normal.

  There were a lot of strange things that just didn’t add up about Shadow that were nagging at Katrina. Things that needed answers. She just needed to know where to start.

  Katrina couldn’t talk to Aaron, and her mother was in the hospital. She called up Molly Sims, her best friend, and had a sleepover.

  “So what’s got ya so worried about Shadow? What are you thinking?”

  Katrina slipped the DVD of Phantom Bigfoot, a new horror release, and fell back on her bed. “There’s a few things that are just too weird about Shadow that don’t add up, and it all has me wondering about something.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “How about we go through a list of your suspicions, and we’ll see what you and I come up with?”

  “Okay. I have known Shadow for almost two months now, have spent every weekend with him, and feel that I have gotten to know him quite well, but I have yet to see his face.”

  “But he kissed you. How didn’t you see his face then?”

  “Shadow always wears a hood that conceals his face at all times even when he’s not in the shadows.”

  “Okay, that’s weird. What else?”

  “I saw the skin on his hand blister when the sun came through the window. Then there’s his flesh. His skin is ice cold, like a dead person’s.”

  “Jesus, Kat, that’s mega weird.”

  “I know, but there has to be a reasonable explanation, right?”

  “Maybe? But I think you need more evidence to prove what I’m thinking.”

  “What exactly are you thinking, Molly?”

  “It’s going to sound crazy, since they don’t exist, but if I didn’t know any better, I’d say that Shadow is a vampire.”

  “What? Come on, Molly! Vampires only exist in movies, books and TV.”

  “I know it sounds crazy, but with the exception of the absence of him feeding on human blood, it all points to vampire. Think about it, Kat.”

  The possibility of Shadow being a vampire was something that Katrina could not stop thinking about. She caught herself watching Shadow under a microscope whenever she was with him, looking for more signs to prove Molly’s theory, and the nagging feeling that Molly was right. Shadow didn’t show any other signs, behaving like any normal human being. Katr
ina wondered if she was going crazy.

  So Katrina did not react as Shadow linked his cold fingers with hers on their moonlit stroll along the boardwalk. She had gotten used to his lack of warmth and enjoyed holding his hand. Shadow kept his expression hidden under that oversized hood, but she could tell that he was happy.

  “You seem to be happy tonight,” she said.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “You have a little bounce in your step. May I ask why?”

  “I feel great. I’ve never been happier. My life has been so much richer since I met you.”

  “I’m glad you feel that way, because I feel that way about you.”

  Shadow held her hand tighter as he guided her along the dark path. It was an unfamiliar path for Katrina, and she had a hard time navigating through the unseen obstacles, stumbling several times while Shadow walked effortlessly. It was like he could see in the dark.

  “I think we should turn around, I can’t see a thing.”

  “Relax, Kitten. Just hold my hand; we’re almost there.”

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “To a nice open field where we can sit and talk.”

  Katrina trusted Shadow’s guidance for the rest of the way until they reached the field.

  “Wait, this is the field next to my old high school’s football field. How do you know about this place?”

  “Let’s just say a friend told me about this place, so that’s all you need to know for now, young lady. In the meantime, have a seat.”

  Katrina sat next to Shadow who wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer.

  For a long time they said nothing, just enjoying each others company as longtime lovers do. She studied her mysterious friend, and figured if she stared at him long enough she would be able to figure out who he was.

  “You know, Kitten, you can stare at me all night if you like, but it’s not time for you to know who I am.”

  “Why are you keeping your identity a secret from me? I admit, it was fun at first to have this mystery friend, but the fun has gone out of it. I want to know who you are.”

  “Why are you so anxious to find out who I am?”

  “It’s only natural for me to wonder, isn’t it? Besides, I want to see the face of the man I’m in love with.”

  Katrina’s hand flew to her mouth. She couldn’t believe that she’d just said that.

  “I’m sorry, Shadow. I don’t know why that came out of my mouth. I didn’t mean...”

  “Yes, you did mean to say you love me, Kitten, otherwise you wouldn’t have said it. I just think you surprised yourself by saying what you have been feeling for some time now.”

  “How did you know? Can you read minds or something?”

  If he said that he did, that would be another thing to add to her ‘Shadow is a vampire’ list.

  “No, you silly girl. I didn’t read your mind. I have really good instincts, that’s all.”

  Katrina breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m so embarrassed. The last thing you need is some teenager in love with you.”

  “On the contrary. I’m very relieved that you feel that way about me, because you share my feelings.”


  Shadow turned to face her. “I said, I’m in love with you too, Kitten.”

  Katrina shivered as Shadow caressed her face and kissed her tenderly. Without thinking, she reached out to push Shadow’s hood down, but he grasped her hands and pushed her away from him so hard she fell onto her back. Pain shot through her head as it hit a rock.

  “No! You must never do that again. It’s not time for you to know who I am!”

  Katrina stared at Shadow, afraid. “I-I’m s-sorry.”

  Shadow’s temper seemed to diminish as quickly as it appeared as he knelt down next to her. “Kitten, I’m so very sorry! Are you okay?”

  “My head hurts.”

  Shadow embraced Katrina to help her off the ground, but pulled away when he saw her injury in the light.

  “Oh, you’re bleeding.” Shadow seemed to be staring at her wound with morbid fascination, touching his fingers to the nape of her neck and bringing her blood to his lips.

  “Mmm, it’s been so long. Just one taste.”

  In her woozy state, Katrina swore she saw Shadow lick her blood off his fingers and elongated teeth flash before her eyes as his mouth neared her neck and sucked on her wound.

  Chapter Eleven: Dreams

  Aaron didn’t want to leave the hospital, but he needed to go home and check on Katrina and try to get some rest.

  His daughter was sleeping soundly as he peeked in on her. His heart skipped a beat with relief as she turned in her sleep. In spite of the fall, she looked healthy and sound. Why she was hiking with Molly at night, he had no idea. The doctors had confirmed it with an overnight stay and x-rays, but even her mild concussion had been a soul-wrenching terror.

  Aaron poured himself a drink, and settled into his favorite chair, closing his eyes. He felt so guilty for neglecting Katrina and ached to make it up to her. How, he did not know, but he would find a way.

  Aaron was about to drop off to sleep when his phone rang.


  “Aaron, this is Shawna. I need to speak to you.”

  “Can’t this wait? I’m really tired and need to rest.”

  “I’d rather if you didn’t. We really need to talk.”

  “What’s this about?”

  “Avery. May I come over?”

  “Not today. Katrina is sleeping and she needs her rest.”

  “Then when can we meet?”

  “How about I meet you in the morning at the coffee shop in front of the hospital?”

  “Fine. I’ll see you around eight?”

  “OK, I’ll see you there.”

  Aaron had no idea what else about Avery could be so urgent, but after the trip to the hospital and Katrina’s mild concussion, not to mention that mysterious hike with Molly, he had no energy to worry about Shawna. The shower and bed was calling him.

  Aaron stepped out the shower feeling rejuvenated and relaxed. He slipped underneath the sheets and before long he fell into a deep sleep.

  The sweet smell of fresh-baked cookies beckoned him to the kitchen. The promise of warm gooey chocolate and cold milk made it hard to resist. He glided barefoot towards the kitchen, where his mother would have set a plate filled with cookies and a glass of milk on the counter for his after-school snack. He loved to sit and talk to her as she diced up the vegetables for supper. This was his favorite time of day; just him and his mom alone, talking.

  He called her name as he neared the kitchen, but was met with silence. He called again and again, with no answer. Frantic, he searched the house with no luck. He wandered back into the kitchen and slipped on something warm and wet, catching himself on the counter. Looking down, he saw a large pool of blood and his mother and father lying in each others arms, a bullet hole in their foreheads.

  Hysterically screaming, he fell onto his parents’ bodies and wrapped himself in their lifeless embrace. Closing his eyes to stave off the burning tears, he heard a faraway voice calling to him.

  “Aaron, please help! Help me, Aaron, I need you!” Looking up Aaron saw his best friend standing naked before him, her hands tied behind her back and blood pouring from between her legs.

  Aaron sat up in bed, covered in sweat, with Martina still begging for help echoing in his ears. Thirteen years, and his mother and father’s senseless deaths still haunted him; two years after the living nightmare, Aaron could not erase his wife’s voice from his mind. It was a vicious, endless torment that served as punishment for the sin of his neglect.

  Across town, Avery felt trapped in his own nightmare. Shawna slept peacefully in their bed as he stood out on the terrace, calming his nerves with bourbon. He had forced his wife to marry him in the guise of being a family for their unborn child, but in truth, Avery was just hiding from his true desires. Shawna and the baby were just a convenient distraction
from the love and lust he felt for Aaron. No matter how hard he tried to push away their one night of passion, he failed.

  The image of Aaron’s svelte body glistening with sweat, his bedroom eyes locked with his, their passionate embrace barely containing their racing heartbeats haunted his days and nights. Being near him on set was unbearable.

  Avery’s nightmare continued on set.

  Toby stared Lance down, his black eyes flamed with revenge as he lunged at his former best friend, baring his fangs.

  “You’re a traitor, Lance! You told me that you would let Elizabeth go and move out of town so we could be happy. Then you stay—and you try to seduce her! How could you do this to me?”

  “I didn’t do anything to her! She wanted me just as much as I wanted her, she just chickened out at the last second.”

  “If that was true, which I doubt, she only chickened out because Elizabeth knew it was wrong.”

  Lance started to laugh uncontrollably, sparking Toby’s rage. His hand grabbed Lance’s throat, pushing him hard against the tree. Toby squeezed his best friend’s throat until he couldn’t breathe.

  “I had a chance to kill you a long time ago but let you live because I felt sorry for you.”

  “Then kill me now,” Lance rasped.

  Toby stared long and hard at Lance as he struggled for breath. Lance did not avert his stare, his oak green eyes piercing his soul. Toby tightened his grip around the broken branch in his hand, poised to thrust it through Lance’s heart. Before he could, Lance said something that stopped him in his tracks.

  “Kill me, b-but I will always l-love you.”

  Toby loosened his grip. “What?”

  “I said, you can kill me, but that will not take away the love I feel for you. Toby. Despite our differences and the battles we fought, I consider you my brother. Not even Liz can take that away from me. Only you can do that.” Toby paused to take a breath. “I have to ask you, do you still love me?”

  Toby didn’t know how to answer. He was overwhelmed by Lance’s sincerity. Dropping the branch and letting his friend go, Toby knew he had to be honest.

  “Yes, Lance, I love you. I consider you a brother, always have and always will, despite the fact that you’re a cold-hearted bastard when you’re hurt.”


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