Let There Be Blood

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Let There Be Blood Page 15

by Tina Traverse

  “Martina, is this true?”

  Martina hung her head with shame. “Yes, it’s true. Daniel is my editor’s neighbor, and she thought he would be my perfect match and set us up on a blind date. I recognized him as soon as the hostess brought me to our table.”

  “You didn’t exactly run when you recognized me, babe. Apparently you weren’t as bothered by the things I used to do to you in high school as you said. I think you rather liked it.”

  “No, I was terrified of you. Seeing you again brought back all those horrible memories of being bullied by you and your gang.”

  “Then why didn’t you turn tail and run?”

  “I didn’t run because I went against my better judgment and stayed to give you the benefit of the doubt. After all it had been 13 years since we graduated high school, and you’re now an adult and mature. I never dreamed you’d do this.”

  Daniel caressed Martina’s cheek and ran his fingers through her tangled hair. “I told you that this was nothing personal. I got out all my aggressions towards you in high school. You’re just a torture tool for my true target.”

  “Then she has served her purpose. I’m suffering. Please let her go home.”

  Daniel responded by giving Aaron a quick kick to the gut. “That’s where you’re wrong. We’re far from done.”

  Aaron couldn’t imagine what Daniel had in store for him next. Daniel instructed Brian and Steve to hold the weakened actor in place. “We’re going to play a game of die or not to die.”

  Pulling a revolver out of his side holster, Daniel set to work by placing a bullet in the chamber and pressing the barrel to his chest. “You see, Brooks, I’m a gambling man. I get my thrills by running with the risks. Living life to its fullest by fucking with the grim reaper. Today is your lucky day, because it’s your turn to fuck with the bastard.”

  Aaron’s heart raced. With each click of the chamber, he could die. Three agonizing clicks later, Aaron closed his eyes as he braced for death thinking of that scene in The Deer Hunter. But then he heard a chorus of laughter.

  “Open your eyes, you pussy, I’m not going to kill you yet.”

  Aaron took a deep breath. Feeling weak with relief, he almost fell to his knees but Brian and Steve caught him. “Would ya look at that, boss? The morning’s just begun, but already the pussy’s falling down!”

  Kieran held Martina tight to him, his left hand over her mouth, while the right fondled her breasts.

  “Try to hang in there, Brooks. You’ll sleep plenty when we’re done.” Daniel didn’t waste any time with his torture and assaults on Aaron while Martina watched helplessly. They beat Aaron, cut him with knives, and poured ice cold water over him as he hung from the ceiling.

  For seven days, Daniel and his men took pleasure in the variety of ways they made Aaron and Martina suffer. Though whipping and beating seemed to be their preferred method, great enjoyment was derived from sleep deprivation, denying them food and water, and standing for long periods of time on tiptoes with their arms handcuffed to a beam. Daniel even covered Aaron’s face with a pair of Daniel’s dead wife’s underwear as he stood, helpless.

  As brutal as all the tortures were, Daniel saved the best for last.

  “You’ll be happy to note that today is the last day you see us. We’re done here. So, in celebration of our departure, we saved the best for last.”

  Aaron was so weak form his ordeal that he couldn’t protest as Kieran and Brian threw him in a dark room and locked the door. The darkness was strangely peaceful after the endless time spent suffering, so Aaron closed his eyes and willed himself to sleep. Sleep wouldn’t come, however, because no matter how exhausted his body was, his mind was with Martina, who would face unknown horrors outside his door. He tried to move his bound limbs in an attempt to escape, but they were useless, instead Aaron slumped to the floor, defeated.

  Outside he heard the muffled sounds of something being dragged across the floor, followed by Martina’s horrific screams. They echoed in his soul forever.

  Daniel and his gang left them behind and near death. It was by the grace of a higher power that Aaron and Martina were found and hospitalized.

  However, while Martina’s memory of their ordeal was wiped clean by the trauma, Aaron was forced to live the nightmare. It was only Avery who knew the truth about what happened. He fended off the press and eased him back into the show.

  Aaron continued to try to contact Martina, but she’d left town. He was glad. That week had left him with a monster inside. He longed to make someone else go through what he’d suffered. It seemed like the only way to make the nightmare go away. Sometimes, it receded as he realized what he was doing to his loved ones. Still, he couldn’t let go.

  The monster was just too strong and wouldn’t let go.

  Chapter Twenty-Five: Katrina’s Banishment

  Martina’s recurring nightmare of four men with bulging muscles and lust burning in their dark eyes always made her wake up in a cold sweat.

  Each night, the surroundings in her dreams were clear. It was the basement of her old high school, the place of many torturous humiliations for her and Aaron. The faces of her rapists were clear as well. They were the same four bullies that committed those acts, but the face of the other victim remained blurry. Tonight, however, after falling into a peaceful sleep in her husband’s arms, the images of her nightmare became clear. It was Aaron after all.

  Her husband had always made sacrifices for her, proving continuously how much he loved her. How had he become such a monster?

  Avery was dressing for bed, Martina’s image still burned in his subconscious from the week prior. The taste of her sweetness still lingered on his tongue. He couldn’t get her out of his mind, and longed to finish what he started.

  He slipped under the covers, and thought about her. Avery slid his hand underneath the silk barrier of his boxers and stroked his cock. Her image played in his mind.

  Her long auburn waves cascaded down her back, stopping just short of her firm ass; deep blue pools filled with ecstasy as his tongue danced inside her slick lips. He imagined her long lean legs lying across his shoulders, her velvet skin quivering beneath his fingers. He longed to press his lips to her lush red mouth and capture her cry of release.

  The electric sensations began to build, and he could feel the pressure of sweet release just moments away when he felt a slight tug on his cockhead. The actor’s eyes snapped open to find his member inside Aaron’s mouth.

  “Aaron, stop!” Avery ordered.

  His captor didn’t obey. Instead, Aaron continued to use his tongue to tease Avery’s shaft, his mouth descending over his rod.

  Avery’s head fell back, he groaned, and his eyes fluttered closed.

  “Aaron...Jesus, oh...”

  Avery lost track of what he was trying to say and rubbed his friend’s shoulders. He tried to stay still, but his hips flexed on their own accord along with Aaron’s movements. Another groan escaped his lips as he felt himself building again.

  “Aaron...Fuck! I’m going...” Avery tangled his fingers in Aaron’s hair and pulled him closer, daring Aaron to accept his seed. He pushed Aaron’s head away with a surge of willpower. “I’ll not fuck you again, Aaron. What happened here means nothing.”

  “Certainly sounded and felt like something, Avery. That wasn’t air I licked off my face.”

  “Stop being condescending, you jerkoff. I just don’t want that blow job to turn into a repeat of the night on your veranda.”

  “You feel no need to return the favor?”

  “No, now please, leave.”

  “You may not want to fuck me again, my friend, but you want to fuck my wife until she screams. It was her image you were jacking off to.”

  “How could you know that, Aaron?”

  “I’m not stupid, I felt the lust coming off you when you saw me finger fucking Martina. With that said, I’m here to tell you, that you and I have a new toy.”

  “A new toy?”

Yes, you see, Katrina is now off limits. My darling daughter’s pussy has now been declared a no-fuck zone. Therefore, that leaves my stunning wife to play with. What do you say? You want the first round?”

  Avery was appalled at what he was hearing. He could fully admit that he had fantasies of making love to Martina, but he didn’t want to use her as a shared human sex toy.

  “Aaron, I don’t know how you can offer me such a thing. You’re pimping your beautiful wife as a sex toy for us to share? That’s immoral, and I’m having no part of it.”

  “That’s what you said before Katrina slid her juicy cunt down your cock and rode it until you spilled your seed in her young womb. As you remember, you enjoyed that quite well. Just think how it will feel to have a woman with real experience to fuck.”

  Disgusted, Avery avoided eye contact and pointed to the door. “Get out, Aaron! I’ll no longer be forced to play in your sadistic game. I may have no choice but to stay here, but you can’t make me do such vile things.”

  Aaron gave Avery a long, slow smile. “Very well, Avery. I’ll no longer force you to do what you don’t want to do. In fact, I was thinking of letting you go first thing in the morning; provided you keep your mouth shut.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “Believe what you want, but if you’re not willing to play my game, you’re no longer any use to me. Katrina is no longer any use to me. So, I decided to let the both of you go, and my wife and I’ll go on living here.”

  Avery stared at his captor, skeptical. “You’re telling me, that after all this time, all the torture you’ve put us through, you’re just going to let me and Katrina go?”

  “If you keep your mouths shut, yes.”


  “Think about it for tonight, have a nice peaceful sleep. By the time the sun streams through that window, you will be able to leave this room. Good night, lover.”

  When Aaron closed the door behind him, he left Avery sitting on the bed feeling dazed and confused. This was a strange turn of events. The promise of freedom was too good to be true.

  Aaron had been patient with his captives, allowing them freedoms beyond that which they deserved. Now that Avery had taken a stand, Aaron found himself in a position to do something he didn’t want to do. He would have to trick Avery and Martina. First, he’d get rid of Katrina. It was time to tell her the truth and introduce her to reality.

  “Lance, please! Don’t make me go, I don’t want to leave!” Katrina begged.

  She was on her knees. Aaron bent down and pulled her onto his lap.

  “Kitten, I don’t want to send you away, but you need to go to a special home now. I’m going to take you personally in the morning, and you’re going to get all the care you need.”

  “Lance, you said that you were going to turn me into a vampire and you said that I could stay with you forever and...” Katrina rambled and snuggled into his neck.

  Aaron stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. “Kitten, listen to me. I can’t turn you into a vampire because I don’t have the power to do so. I’m not a vampire.”

  Katrina pulled away from him and stared at him confused. “Yes you are, Lance.”

  “Kitten...Katrina, my name is not Lance, it’s Aaron. I’m your father because I adopted you, but I’m not a vampire, I’m human.”

  “Yes, you are! I’ve seen you on TV when you were in transition, and when you drank that girl’s blood and changed. I’ve seen you feed on humans for years now, how could you lie and say that you’re not a vampire?” She cried into her hands, hiding her tears.

  Aaron reached up and pulled her hands away from her face. “Katrina, you’re suffering from delusions, but none of it’s real, it’s just a show. We’re all actors playing parts.”

  “I don’t understand. I’m so confused.”

  “That’s why I’m taking you to a special place that will help you so you will stop being confused.”

  “Does Mom know that I’m going?”

  “Yes, and I’m going to get her, so the three of us can have a special night to spend as a family.”

  “I’m going to miss you.”

  “Your mother and I’ll miss you, too, Kitten. Now, please go and get your mother.”

  Once Katrina was out of the room, Aaron picked up his phone and dialed.

  “It’s done. Now we can move on to plan B.”

  The woman closed her cell phone, smiled and tenderly touched the likeness of her favorite actor, her love, Aaron. “It now begins, my love. I will carry out your instructions to the letter and then, we can be together forever.”

  Once all obstacles were out of the way and she had done her part, Aaron promised her a lifetime of happiness. A glamorous life of parties, luxury and prestige. A life far from the mundane life she led and the tiny dark room she lived in. Taking a quick look at her watch, she grabbed her car keys and rushed out the door, there was still so much left to do.

  Chapter Twenty-Six: Darkness

  With each breath, something cold paralyzed his vocal chords. He waved his arms around, kicked his legs, and tried to get free, but found that he couldn’t move. Then hot, burning pain made his eyes snap open.

  Avery looked around and saw nothing but darkness. He tried to move again, but met resistance. Another icy splash pierced his skin.

  “Ahh, fuck!” he yelled. His scream echoed in the empty room. Avery swallowed. His throat felt raw, and his mouth felt like it was filled with cotton. He laid his throbbing head against something cold and hard.

  “Oh no, the fucker got me tied up in that fucking cell, again!” Avery cursed aloud to himself.

  The actor closed his eyes in despair, all hope of his promised freedom shattered. Suddenly, a bright, blinding light penetrated his eyelids, making bolts of pain slam into his brain. On reflex, Avery raised his hand to shield his eyes from the blinding light, but he couldn’t. They refused to move.

  “I see that Sleeping Beauty has finally awoken. Tell me, lover, how do you like your new accommodations?”

  As his eyesight painfully adjusted to the brightness, Avery saw slime-covered brick walls. His legs and arms were tied to a grey, mold-infested floor. As he painfully raised his head, he saw the starless night sky shrouded in fog.

  “Where am I?”

  “You said you wanted to breathe the fresh air and once again smell the intoxicating scent of the outdoors. So, I drugged you, carried you out to the backyard, and dropped you into a well.”

  “You have me tied up in a well? Why? What happened to your promise of freedom?”

  “I still kept my promise.”

  “You didn’t, you bastard! You drugged me and threw me down a well and restrained me!”

  “No. As you recall, I said that as soon as the light streams through the window, you will be able to leave the room. As you can see, you’re no longer in your room.”

  “You’re a fucking demon! You’re demented! Once I find my way out of here, you’re dead!” Avery struggled against his restraints to lunge at Aaron. Another shower of freezing water cut through his skin.

  “I’ll be careful with your attempts to break out of your restraints, lover, because every time you struggle, the more you’re going to get showered with freezing water from the underground pipe over your head. Though that’s not the only surprise I have in store.”

  “I’m afraid to ask.”

  “Look down, Avery, and see the fun accessory to your au natural wardrobe.”

  Avery followed Aaron’s gaze and saw a leather collar fastened to his neck.

  “It’s a leather collar, so what’s the big deal?”

  “This is no ordinary collar. This collar will send a jolt of electricity through your body, making it a very painful reminder that you’re not getting out of here until I decide.”

  “Now I know you’re crazy.”

  “Don’t believe me? Okay, let’s do a test to prove it.”

  Aaron grasped Avery’s hands and violently pulled him forward. He le
t go quickly.

  Instantly a jolt of electricity shot through Avery burning his flesh.

  “Ahhh, fuck! That burns!”

  Aaron stood up and dropped his captive back onto the floor before sitting astride him and bringing his face close. “Now that you know I’m not lying, I’ll leave you to think about how you’re going to get into my good graces so I’ll consider letting you out. Until later.”

  Once Aaron climbed the ladder and stepped out into the night, Avery let out a primal scream. Another shock of electricity surged through him and knocked him out cold.

  Aaron loved writing in a journal; he’d been writing since he was a lonely, bullied teen. He kept a trunk full of journals in the back of his closet and went to them whenever he felt he was losing control, to remind him of just how far he’d come.

  Right now, however, he was writing a new entry in a journal documenting the days of hell. The life he was forced to live because of another powerful influence. As he wrote the final sentence, the dark force told him it was time to retrieve his subject to see if the days of careful rewiring worked. First, he needed to pay a visit to his other experiment.

  It had rained the previous day, so the ladder was slippery. Stepping lightly, Aaron descended down the metal steps and through the darkness until he found Avery. Shining his flashlight on his captive, Aaron saw that his friend was asleep.

  Avery lay perfectly still, his thin, naked physique covered with dirt. He looked like he was barely breathing.

  Aaron reached down and ran his fingers through his captive’s mud-soiled hair. It had been seven days since he left him down there.

  “Wake up, Avery. Wake up! It’s time to see if you’re ready to get out of this hole and start feeling like a human.”

  Avery moaned as Aaron continued to probe him until finally, he opened his eyes and turned his head to face Aaron. “What do you want?”

  Aaron knew that Avery was so weak from lack of food that he wouldn’t be able to speak too much.

  “I’m here to see if you want to get out of this hole and come back to the land of the living.”


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