Let There Be Blood

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Let There Be Blood Page 17

by Tina Traverse

  “No, sweetheart, there is nothing wrong with that, it’s only natural. I understand what you’re saying, but be patient, the time to see him will come soon.”

  “I know. I’m just anxious.”

  “I know. Listen, I have to go, but hang in there, okay. I’ll see you on Thursday.”

  After Avery said his final goodbyes to Katrina, adjusted the scarf over his scar and he left with a heavy heart. Aaron’s daughter had a heart as big as her mother’s. Problem was, he was afraid that Aaron was going to destroy them.

  The cold and empty cavern-like labyrinth of the abandoned warehouse swallowed the screams of the men in its bowels. Not that it mattered how long they’d been there; God only knew how long, because they’d lost count after a day or two, their screams worn away to whispers.

  Four were Navy Seals bound together through a lifetime friendship; the other two were college seniors, all buddies from childhood. They were restrained by titanium chains, each man tethered to the ceiling, their bare flesh numb to the cold and the pain of their torture.

  In the beginning, they fought for their lives and kept each other from giving up that fight, but round after round of horrific, nightmarish torture, they prayed for death. During this unknown time, each man endured burnings to their flesh and genitals. They endured broken bones, body parts were torn away, their skin was peeled, and they had to commit vile sexual acts on each other and on their captors.

  They were raped nightly for hours on end, eager cocks and inanimate objects violating their mouths and anuses until they bled and begged for mercy. They never knew the identity of their tormentors because they never showed their faces and they rarely spoke. Their voices were concealed by a young girl’s tone, making it disturbing and surreal.

  They were never without water or food, as their captors kept them well fed and plump for ‘play time’. When any of them refused to accept the food, they would force it down their raw throats.

  Weak and defeated, they heard the dreaded familiar beat of footsteps towards them and then a bright light glaring straight at them, assaulting their swollen eyes. As the light quickly faded away, it was replaced but a softer one, one that was more manageable. Peering through half-lidded eyes, the entire captives’ bleary vision focused on one face.

  It was the face of a beautiful vision. A woman, her hair concealed under a large floppy hat. She stared at them through designer sunglasses, her bow-shaped mouth curved into a gentle smile.

  Was she their savior? They could only hope, but deep inside, they knew better.

  Daniel Richards glared at the bitch before him and snarled. “You fucking whore! Why?”

  The vision marched up to the leader of the Navy Seal group and stared up at him. “Really, you fucking pig? You’re wondering why I’m doing this.”

  “Of course, bitch,” Daniel responded.

  “Why I hired five of the most cunning, demonic, psychopathic sexual predators in the world to find you, kidnap, torture and fuck you in every way a human can? If you need to ask, then you really don’t deserve to know. However, the reasons will become moot in a few minutes.”

  Daniel struggled against his restraints, frustrated, and spat in her face. The woman simply took out a handkerchief from her top pocket and wiped the offending spittle off her delicate features, returning the favor with a sly smile.

  “Tsk, tsk, tsk, Daniel. For a decorated war hero and so-called disciplined leader, you sure can behave like a child. Lucky for you, I’m in a good mood and will let that little tantrum slide.”

  “What in the fuck do you want with us? Tell me now, or I swear to a higher power that when I get down from here, I’ll burn you, bitch!” Daniel snarled.

  “Really? That sounds like fun! Robin, could you come here please?”

  She never took her eyes off her captives. A tall, wiry, imposing figure sauntered to her side out of nowhere.


  “I need each of your men to release the prisoners.”

  “Of course.”

  “Then execute Plan 357. I have to leave. I’ve wired the rest of your compensation to each of your accounts, and you will find your plane tickets to a destination of your choice on the table over there. Do I have your word that neither you nor your men will speak of this incident?”

  “Consider all that you’ve instructed, done.”

  “Good, it was a pleasure to work with you.”

  “The pleasure was all mine.”

  The mysterious woman sashayed over to Daniel. “It has been a real pleasure, Daniel. Enjoy your freedom!”

  “You, fucking, fucking whore! We’re going to fuck you until you bleed and then set you on fire!” Daniel struggled with his restraints, lunging at the bitch who ordered his torment.

  Suddenly, Robin’s beefy hand snaked around his throat. “I’d watch my threats if I were you, fuckhead!”

  “I’d listen to the big man, Danny, or he just might tear your throat out. So, stay still while I do this.”

  Firmly grasping Daniel’s balls and cock, she produced a long serrated blade from her top pocket and drew it across her victim’s genitals. She dropped them to the floor as she walked away, leaving Daniel screaming in agony.

  “Holy shit, will you look at that!”

  Aaron was jolted out of his intense journal writing by the booming voice of Dick Larson, the head orderly of Cypress Grove Mental Health Treatment Centre. He walked out into the hallway to join the other curious onlookers. The crowd had formed around Dick as he peered up at the TV of the multi-purpose room, pointing. “That’s some crazy shit there!” he exclaimed.

  The Channel 5 news anchor with over-bleached blond hair and too much makeup stared seriously into the camera while a clip of a fire loomed behind her.

  “The Los Angeles fire Department are working hard to contain the blaze that has claimed the life of six men, whose identities are unknown at this time. The fire chief has stated that the fire at the abandoned Smith Johnston textile warehouse was caused by faulty wiring. Chloe Wesley, CFC News.”

  Stunned, Aaron slipped from the crowd and returned to his room. It was over, finally over! He silently rejoiced.

  A few weeks prior, he’d received an ordinary looking package in the mail. He found a tiny slit in the back cover of an innocuous novel. In it, a letter in a woman’s handwriting explained that she’d found and kidnapped the six individuals who had caused him and his family such pain. She said they were facing justice.

  She provided photos of the Smith Johnston warehouse and pictures of the six men. The four that tormented and tortured him and Martina on Halloween night, and the two men who viciously attacked Katrina. The woman detailed the torture she was inflicting on the captives, and the date she was going to make them pay the ultimate price.

  Last night was the night.

  The former actor decided to calm down by going for a walk in the backyard. He went in search of his caregiver when, unexpectedly, an arm shot out from the stairwell and grabbed him. Aaron didn’t have a chance to fight back. He felt an intense pain in the back of his head before passing out.

  When he awoke some time later, he discovered that he was in a car. Though he had bleary vision, Aaron sensed that they were speeding.

  He slowly sat up and cringed as a sharp pain raced through his head. As Aaron’s vision cleared, he saw he was in the front seat, and the car was racing down the highway.

  A sudden foul smell assaulted his senses and he looked around, searching for the source. Turning around, he saw two dead bodies. One male and one female stared at him blankly. He stared at them. Strangely, the male was dressed exactly like him; a white sleeveless t-shirt, hip-hugging dark blue jeans, and black motorcycle boots. The corpse’s hair was even styled like Aaron’s. The female was an exact replica of the driver.

  “Jesus!” he yelled in surprise. A woman in a big floppy hat looked at him with designer sunglasses and smiled.

  “Relax, lover, you’re going to be just fine.”

  “Who in
hell are you?” He inched further to the door, clutching the door handle.

  “I’m your savior, gorgeous. Therefore, I’d remove my hand from that door handle if I were you. Don’t want the asphalt tearing up those breathtaking looks and stunning body, do we?”

  Aaron was too stunned to respond. He held on to his seat, his fingers digging into the leather as the driver sped down the deserted highway. He’d never truly prayed in his life, but the faster she went, he found himself reciting the Lord’s Prayer repeatedly. Aaron held his breath until he saw it.

  It was an eighteen wheeler, stalled in the middle of this otherwise deserted road, and the crazy bitch was heading right for it!

  The only thing he could do was to brace for impact.

  Bright sunlight burned through his eyelids, and an incredible aching made Aaron open his eyes. He saw nothing but bright blue sky.

  Was he alive? This couldn’t be possible, there was no way in God’s creation he could have survived such a crash. The full impact of the car smashing into the massive truck...

  However, here he was, on his back and staring up at the big blue sky. The sun’s rays bathed him in warmth. The only thing he felt was the aching in his back and legs as he attempted to sit up.

  Aaron did it slow and carefully. When he was fully erect, leaning against a tree for support, he found himself staring at the same floppy hat and dark sunglasses of his driver.

  “We made it.” She began to laugh, Aaron right along with her; he reached up with stiff arms, removed the hat and sunglasses, and kissed Martina breathless.

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  Connecting independent readers to independent writers.

  Did you love Let There Be Blood? Then you should read Scarlet Desire: Covet by Tina Traverse!

  Hiding in an isolated Newfoundland outport, Scarlett Winters is the living bearer of the secret of immortality. Sebastian Sinclair, vampire and stealer of souls, might be her only hope to escape a deadly power struggle. But can she trust him? Caught between sacrificing her morals and betrayal by those she trusted, Scarlett will risk everything to escape...unless she dies trying.

  Read more at Tina Traverse’s site.

  Also by Tina Traverse

  Scarlet Desire

  Scarlet Desire: Covet



  Forever, Christian

  Let There Be Blood

  Watch for more at Tina Traverse’s site.

  About the Author

  Tina Traverse is a passionate writer, avid reader, a self proclaimed Autism Warrior Mom and Proud Newfie Gal. Tina hails from a quaint little hamlet on a quaint little island known as Canada’s youngest province, Newfoundland. The desire for writing came at an early age when she wrote her own spin on the Bible’s Good Samaritan story for her third grade class. When she fell off the traditional publishing path, Tina stumbled onto an exciting new path called, self-publishing. It’s been an thrilling journey, publishing not only her own work, but being a part of numerous anthologies. In her spare time, Tina enjoys leisurely strolls in the great outdoors, playing Thomas the Tank Engine with her youngest son and being beat at Wii bowling by her teenage son. Tina lives with her husband of too many years to count, in a scenic town by the bay.

  Read more at Tina Traverse’s site.




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