Covert Assignment

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Covert Assignment Page 9

by Missy Marciassa

  What? Elle seriously thought she was going to throw up as the girls laughed.

  “He’s all like, ‘I’m with Elle’ even as I pulled his dick out of his pants,” Bella went on. “Then I started sucking on him and that shut him up.”

  “’He’s with Elle,’ huh?’ Going for chuck when he has prime rib,” girl #3 snorted. “At least he has the pictures for mementos.”

  Elle now knew what a clenching stomach felt like. They would think of women in terms of beef cuts. Bella was lucky she was a “prime” piece of meat because that was all she was.

  “He’s still pissed about those,” Bella said, “but he says not everything is about looks. Or sex, I’m guessing. We did it three times last night.”

  Three times? Adam was the guy who sometimes told her on Tuesday he would be too tired to have sex the next weekend because of all the stress from some project or another. Sometimes they had sex one night and the following morning, but that was it. All the nights she had lain awake, frustrated, while he slept… Elle put her hand to her mouth as bile stung her throat and its bitter taste spread in her mouth.

  “Yeah, I know,” the other girl said. “I thought he was going to break my phone before I deleted them right in front of him. Like it mattered: they were already saved on my hard drive.” More laughter.

  “Even the smartest guy can be dumb,” Bella said. “I told him we’re just a fling, no worries. That little mouse of his will get him back once we get our A. Besides, I’m going to blow his mind away tonight. He can have some fun memories for when he’s saddled with her.” All three of them laughed as they left.

  Elle was surprised to feel her legs and arms shaking. She realized she was hunched over. Words really could be as powerful as physical punches. That bastard had screwed that whore again last night. No wonder he had been so “busy” today. She resisted the urge to hit and kick the stall as she inhaled. After a few deep breaths, and when the shaking stopped, she felt steady enough to step out.

  She splashed cool water on her face. Her skin burned so hot, she almost expected the water to sizzle when it hit her cheeks. The fluorescent light from above seemed to bounce back up off the white tile of the floor and sinks, burning Elle’s eyes. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the illumination, and focused on her breath. Deep breath in, hold it for a beat, and slowly let it out. It was a good thing Tina dragged her to yoga. Besides, she didn’t need to rush. Give those bitches more time to walk away.

  Preston was waiting outside. His smile faded when he saw her. “Are you okay?”

  Elle forced a smile. Dammit, she’d forgotten all about drinks with him. But she sure as hell could use a drink. Or three. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” she said.

  They started out of the library when she glanced to her right at the check-out desk. Bella and her cronies were there, checking out some library books. Bella glanced over and saw her. She looked surprised to see someone come out of the restroom. Her friends glanced between Elle and Bella, looking a little worried. Bella’s lips spread in a knowing smile, and of course her minions followed suit.

  It was in that moment that Elle realized Bella wasn’t just a ditz. She was one evil bitch. Bella’s eyes moved to Preston. Her appreciation was obvious. It was also obvious he and Elle were together. Elle could practically hear her wondering, “What the hell?” And she couldn’t hold back the glimmer of satisfaction that Preston didn’t even spare her a glance.

  “I got a good parking spot, it’s pretty close to the building,” Preston was telling her.

  Elle smiled at him. “That’s good to hear: it’s chilly out there.” Her voice sounded normal to her ears, at least. She glanced back to see Bella and her cronies still looking at them with open curiosity before stepping into the darkness with Preston. Let the whore have her sloppy seconds. Maybe she’d even choke on them.

  Chapter 15

  Preston took Elle to The Whistle Stop. It was a bar only a couple of miles from campus, but it didn’t cater to the students. It was more upscale, with a pricey menu, near several hotels where parents and guests of the university often stayed when they were in town. Elle had never been inside. Preston ushered her in, nodding at the hostess, who led them to a corner booth tucked away in the rear of the restaurant. Leather lined the walls of the booth, and it was so deep you could practically sink back into it. The hostess handed each of them a menu and stepped away.

  Elle was happy to relax into the booth; she still felt a little wobbly. After telling her it was over, that worthless sack of shit had cheated on her again. He’d been lying all along. Was he thinking like Bella was: this was a fun fling for the moment before he chained himself to Elle? Had he been thinking he’d have more fun in grad school, since he was likely going to grad school in Massachusetts, too? And she would just be the sad sack who waited for him until he was ready? Bella could blow him all she wanted; Elle was done.

  “What would you like to try?” Preston asked after a couple of minutes.

  Elle had opened the menu but hadn’t actually looked at it, so she scanned it. She’d grown up watching chic single ladies drink cosmopolitans on TV, and there it was on the menu. “I’ll try a cosmopolitan,” she said. She’d had the drink before, but this felt like an appropriate occasion for one.

  When the server came, Preston placed both of their orders. He ordered a Scotch on the rocks for himself. After the server left, he asked, “Are you sure you’re okay? You look a little pale.”

  She needed to get a grip. Elle smiled and was glad her lips were steady. Dammit, she would not let that lying bastard ruin her evening. Why should she? Preston was a hot guy. They were working together on a project to help protect their country. Why shouldn’t she enjoy hanging out with him? Even Bella and her bitches found him intriguing. “I’m fine,” she assured him. Time to change the topic. “So is this where you come to… entertain yourself in the evenings?”

  “That’s right,” Preston replied, still studying her face. The x-ray eyes were back. “My hotel’s right across the street, so it’s perfect.”

  “You must spend a lot of time in hotels,” she said.

  “A fair amount,” Preston said. “It’s part of the job. I’m still living out of boxes in my apartment, so the hotel is actually a step up.”

  The server arrived with their drinks. Elle took a big swallow of hers. Before she could stop herself, she asked, “So I take it that means you’re single?”

  “Yep,” Preston confirmed. “It’s not easy to maintain a steady relationship in my line of work.” He glanced at the menu. “Are you interested in an appetizer or anything?”

  “Sounds like a great idea,” Elle agreed. Something to help soak up the alcohol would probably be good. She slid over to be a little closer to him so they could both see the menu he held.

  Preston glanced at her as he suggested, “How about the sampler platter?”

  Elle looked up at him and nodded. She had never sat so close to him before: she could see flecks of what looked like gold in his rich brown eyes. “The sampler platter sounds delicious.” Delicious. The alcohol must have inspired her to say that word; it wasn’t one she typically used, although she knew what it meant, of course.

  She could’ve sworn his eyes watched her lips as she spoke before he met her gaze again. “Great idea,” he said. “No need to choose just one.”

  She smiled, feeling the warmth from the alcohol spread through her. “No need at all.”

  Preston raised his hand to flag down the server and order the sampler platter. Then he let his hand fall right next to hers. After the server left, he began stroking her hand with his fingertips. Elle thought things like “electric touches” and feeling “tingles” from someone’s touch only existed in romance novels, but that wasn’t true. Preston’s touch set off tingles that seemed to spread up her arm and through her torso.

  “You said Adam’s working on a project tonight?” Preston asked.

  Or doing his project partner, Elle thought to herself, bu
t figured it was best not to say it aloud, so she just shrugged. “That’s what he says. Whatever.”


  She met his gaze and didn’t even feel tempted to look away. Whether it was liquid courage or something else, Elle was glad for it. “I realized we aren’t the best match.”

  He never let up from stroking her hand as he inched a little closer. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  She twisted a little, so she was facing him more fully, and turned her hand over so his fingers were now stroking her palm, which set off a new flurry of tingles. “Are you really sorry?”

  Preston smiled. “An ending is always a new beginning.” He glanced down at her empty glass. “What would you like next?” He nodded at her glass.

  Elle thought about another movie she had seen. “I’ll try a martini.”

  Preston again flagged down the server and ordered her drink. The server brought back Elle’s martini along with the sampler platter. She also brought two small plates, but Preston set those aside. They were sitting so close together, the platter just had to be set down in front of them.

  “Try this one,” Preston said, holding up a little fried ball of dough. “It’s battered shrimp.”

  Elle was about to take it from his fingers but, struck by a moment of inspiration, opened her mouth instead. He slipped the ball of shrimp into her mouth, his fingertips brushing her lips as she closed them around her food. She took a bite.

  “The menu describes it as ‘bursting with flavor,’” he said. “I’d agree with that assessment.”

  So would she. “Delicious,” she said after she chewed and swallowed. She picked up what must’ve been the crab and dip eggroll, cut in half. “The menu said these would melt in your mouth.”

  Preston opened his mouth, letting her feed him. She could feel his breath on her fingers. All of her senses felt heightened, which must’ve been what made the crunch from his chewing so noticeable to her ears.

  He held up a fried mozzarella stick for her to try next. She bit into it, enjoying the crackle of the fried batter. The soft mozzarella oozed down her chin. He scooped it up with his fingers, pushing it between her lips. She let the tip of her tongue lick his fingertips. Another flash of inspiration hit, and she sucked on his fingertips for a moment. She could’ve sworn she saw his pupils dilate.

  No sooner had she swallowed the mozzarella than Preston was sliding his hands around her waist, pulling her up against him. One hand gave her ponytail a gentle tug, tilting her face up, so he could press his lips against hers. His tongue surged between her lips as he kept a firm grip on the back of her neck, holding her in place. Elle could smell his cologne, feel the heat from his body, and she melted into him. The intensity she saw in his eyes was poured into that kiss.

  Preston broke the kiss to stare into her eyes. She was still in his arms, which held her close. “Are you ready to sample something new?”

  Elle struggled to catch her breath, feeling her chest heave as she tried to think. This hot, gorgeous male specimen wanted her? If that kiss was any indication, the answer was most definitely yes. She looked into his eyes and learned what the term “smoldering eyes” truly meant. Rather than answer, she pressed herself up against his hard chest and kissed him.

  Chapter 16

  It was like slipping into an alternate reality. Elle couldn’t get enough of Preston: his lips and his hands stroking up and down her back and around her waist were about to drive her crazy. She wanted- no, needed- more. Now. He didn’t waste any time paying the bill, driving her across the street to The Manor, and handing the keys to the valet before hustling her inside. Elle had been inside this hotel when Marni’s and Tina’s parents came to visit, so she knew it was opulent, but the idea that she was now entering to have a… a tryst added an extra thrill. Once she and Adam nearly spent a romantic evening at a B&B in town but decided to save the money at the last minute. No- she would not let herself even think about him.

  Preston kept her enfolded in his arm, tight against him, as they waited for the elevator. It was empty, so as soon as the doors closed, he pulled her close for another kiss as his hands slid down her back to squeeze her bottom, pressing her up against his pelvis. She could feel him, hard in his pants.

  “This trying something new: I need to do it more often,” she heard herself say. Did she seriously just say that?

  Preston cradled her cheek with one hand. “Absolutely,” he told her before kissing her senseless again.

  The ding of the elevator door opening barely registered as Preston pulled her out and down the hall. How did he manage to walk, pull her along, and still have his hands and lips everywhere? He was really doing this. He knew what he was doing. And she… did not. Not really. She’d only slept with one other guy- whose name she wouldn’t allow herself to even think right now- and the groping and stuff they’d done was no match for this. Forget being thrown into the deep end of a pool to learn how to swim: this was like being flung into the ocean.

  As soon as they stepped into his room, Preston had her up against the door, unzipping her coat and pulling it off. Then his hands were up under her sweater, pulling the t-shirt up out of the waistband of her jeans so he could caress her bare skin. She couldn’t believe how fast this was moving. Before she knew it, her sweater and shirt were off and then her bra was loose and his hands were cupping her breasts. He clearly had no difficulty unfastening bras. Did they teach that at the CIA?

  “I, uh, I just want you to know… I don’t really have a model for this,” she managed to say.

  He paused to look at her. The puzzled and inquisitive look would have been comical but they were both breathing too hard to laugh.

  “I don’t… I don’t know…” She didn’t know why she was still talking, but she felt like she needed to at least warn him.

  Preston froze in terms of his hands and his eyes, but he kept her pressed up against the door. “Are you… Have you ever…?”

  “Oh, yes! God, yes. I’m not a virgin,” she reassured him.

  That seemed to unfreeze him: his hands started moving again, stroking her skin.

  “I just meant- well, I’m not a fashion model,” she finally said.

  “You’re a one-of-a-kind,” he said before kissing her on the lips. His lips made a hot trail down her throat, giving her a nip here and there that sent shivers through her. The soft leather of his jacket rubbed against her skin as he held her immobile against the door.

  “I don’t know all the necessary… variables…” What the hell was she saying? She knew she should shut up and just enjoy what he was doing, but she couldn’t hold the words back.

  “Baby, I know all the variables to get the desired outcome,” Preston assured her.

  He called her “baby.” No one had ever called her “baby” before. His lips reached her breast, and then he sucked a nipple into his mouth. Elle’s back arched; she felt as if her bones melted. Normally she would have been a little concerned about holding herself upright, but power radiated from him like a force. She knew he wouldn’t let her fall, wouldn’t even let her slip as he held her up. She felt his fingers unbuttoning and then unzipping her jeans, pushing them down so that her bare bottom pressed up against the coolness of the door. Luckily she was wearing slip on ankle boots, so it didn’t take much for her to push them off.

  When Preston stepped back and helped her step out of her jeans and panties, Elle realized the lights were blazing in the room. The heat of his gaze felt like a caress, and she didn’t even care that he could see her clearly. Under his laser-like gaze and with his rough hands caressing her bare skin, she felt like a fashion model.

  “One of a kind,” he told her.

  She was sure her hips swayed with each step as he led her to the largest bed she’d ever seen. He helped her onto it, and she laid back on the sheets. These sheets were smooth and cool, smoother and cooler than the jersey sheets she used, but she didn’t have to resist the urge to burrow under them. Instead she lay sprawled on top of the sh
eets, head resting on one of the oversized pillows, as she watched him.

  Preston’s eyes held hers as he stripped. She had never seen anyone undress that fast but certainly appreciated the view. His body was flawless: the only bulk he had was muscle, and he had plenty of bulk. Before she knew it, he was looming over her on the bed, his eyes alone still pinning her in place. The way he looked at her made Elle feel like prey, but she had no problem with the idea of being caught.

  “You’re one of a kind yourself,” she said as he moved closer to her.

  His next kiss felt possessive, as if he was capturing her mouth with his, as he spread out on top of her. She could feel the heat radiating from him, the roughness of his skin as he seemed to engulf her, the weight of his body. Never before had she felt so small and feminine. It felt like he was everywhere, touching her all over with his mouth and his hands. He took his time exploring every part of her body that could make her moan, and she didn’t feel the slightest bit of hesitation about letting her moans escape. She didn’t care who could hear; it felt too good to care. She let her eyes close, surrendering to all the sensations he was awakening within her. He had no trouble working her body like a maestro until Elle heard herself crying out his name, her body twitching helplessly beneath him.

  Then the weight lifted. She heard the crinkle of plastic and opened her eyes to see him rolling a condom onto himself. He was huge. Although Preston always had an underlying intensity to him, he had also always seemed somewhat relaxed: there was enough of the easy-going air to take the edge off the intensity. That relaxed bit was gone now: he was focused and intent. On her. The realization made her breath catch. Elle had just enough time to register that thought before he flipped her over as if she was a doll.

  “All the variables are coming together,” he murmured into her ear, his breath hot.

  Preston’s hands firmly grasped her hips as he raised them up into the air. She had always felt a little embarrassed to try sex doggie-style: it felt, well, undignified to her, but she didn’t have time to think as he positioned her before he plunged deep, causing her to cry out. She felt… taken. There was nothing she could do but let him have her, and she was okay with that. She supported herself on her forearms; the pillow cushioned her forehead.


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