Hearts Attached

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Hearts Attached Page 12

by Scarlet Wolfe

  “Oh, hey, Luke. Um, how’s McKenzie?”

  “Why don’t you tell me what’s up Stew’s ass first.” After pulling on my skate, I straighten up and stare at him.

  “Look, he really likes McKenzie. He’s wanted to date her for as long as I can remember.”

  “She’s fucking pregnant. He needs to move on.”

  “I told him today that he has to cut that shit out. I know he’s been a man whore, but he genuinely wanted a shot with her. I think she’s the girl he would’ve treated differently.

  “She’s always belonged with me.”

  “She had finally agreed to go on a date with him, and then you get with her right after. He’s pissed, feeling like you had years to make your move.”

  “Noah, Kenzie and I have been together our whole lives. Things happened between us over the years, but we didn’t tell anyone and kept fighting it.

  “No other guy had a chance at being with her, just like I didn’t want any other girl. I didn’t take her from him; McKenzie has always been mine.”

  “Everyone else knows that, but he doesn’t want to see it, and he didn’t mean what he said about her. He’s jealous.”

  “It’s a moot point, so you better convince him of that before I kick his ass.”


  “I have news, Liv. I told Luke I wanted to tell you.” We’re both sitting on my bed, and she’s leaning over, painting my toes for me. I’m already uncomfortable when I try to do it.

  I can’t believe how much bigger you get with twins. All my friends say I’m still small to be pregnant, but I don’t feel like it.

  “We’re having twins, Liv.”

  She stops moving before her eyes tilt up at me.

  “No way, Kenz.”

  “Guess what else.”

  “Are you having a boy and a girl?” she asks in a high pitched tone, instantly getting emotional.

  “Yep.” Tears begin tumbling to her cheeks and to my bed.

  “Shit, girl,” she says, trying to put the brush back into the bottle of polish. “You’re messing up my fine work here.” Liv wipes her eyes but then bursts into tears.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, tearing up myself.

  “I can’t tell you,” she says.

  “Oh, my god. You aren’t pregnant, are you?”

  “No, I’m not pregnant.” Her head is giving me an adamant no.

  “It’s selfish of me, but I don’t want you to give up the babies, Kenz. That’s my niece and nephew in there. I want to watch them grow up.”

  This is the Liv I love. The one who doesn’t have a defensive wall up. This is the girl I’ve been good friends with all my life.

  I begin sobbing, too, and now we’re both a blubbering mess. Leaning over, she hugs me, and we literally cry on each other’s shoulders.

  My door swings open, and Luke and Dalton are standing there, looking baffled and uncomfortable.

  “God, can I ever walk into this room without tears? Liv, why in the hell are you crying?” Luke asks.

  She wipes her eyes and promptly stops her tears. I imagine it’s mostly due to Dalton’s presence. His blonde hair is still wet and messy from the shower he took after hockey practice. Luke’s hair is the same.

  “Kenzie just told me about the babies.”

  “Babies, as in plural?” Dalton asks.

  “I was going to tell you soon, man, but yeah, McKenzie is pregnant with twins,” Luke says, staring straight at me. “I need to be alone with Kenzie, Liv. Can you and Dalton go over to our house?”

  Without a word, Liv swipes tears away again and climbs off the bed. Dalton hugs her before they go out the door.

  Shit, I can’t tell Luke that she wants us to keep the babies or that I want to keep them.


  “What’s going on?” I ask after sitting across from Kenzie.

  “Oh, Liv got emotional about us having twins, so then it got me crying.” She wipes away more tears and grins at me. She’s full of shit.

  “What did she say?”

  “I just told you.”

  “No, you shared what you think I need to hear.” Cupping one side of her face, I stare into her eyes. “She doesn’t want us to give up the babies, right?”

  Kenzie’s head drops. “No, she doesn’t, especially now.”

  “Hon, we can’t keep doing this. We need to make a decision and accept it.”

  Kenzie’s eyes cloud with anger as she pulls down my hand. “We did decide, but it doesn’t mean I’m not going to be upset about it.” She turns her head away, but I pull it right back.

  “Kenz, are you going to be able to give them up?”

  “Yes, Luke. We agreed it’s what’s best for our future, but it doesn’t mean it’s what’s best for my heart.”

  “I don’t like it, either. I hate seeing you hurt like this, and I feel helpless.”

  “Luke, can we pretend they’re ours longer? Can we wait until, I don’t know, maybe thirty weeks before we search for a family? That will still give us a couple of months to interview people.”

  Taking hold of the back of her neck, I pull her to me and kiss her forehead. “Of course, sweetheart. My parents will have to get over it. Can I see those ultrasound photos again?”

  Kenzie smiles before she climbs off the bed and digs through her purse. She sits next to me, and we pass them back and forth. “Look at those tiny fingers and toes, and that penis has a ways to grow,” I say, chuckling.

  “Yeah, well, he needs to keep it in his pants even longer than you did.” Kenzie begins giggling and falls back onto the bed. I set the photos on her nightstand and lie next to her. Her fingers tangle in my damp hair as mine draw circles on her belly.

  “Luke, stop.” She grabs my hand and holds it still. “Oh my gosh. I felt one of them kick.” We both lie motionless and silent. “It’s this weird flutter, but I feel it.” Her enthusiasm is adorable and heartbreaking at the same time.

  “I’m afraid you might not want to be with me after we give them up. I’ll be a reminder,” I say.

  Kenzie rolls onto her side and grabs my face with both hands. “Luke, I will always want you. This experience has only strengthened the bond between us.”

  “I don’t feel I deserve this.”

  “I know, Luke. I’m sorry this disrupted your life and future.” Taking her hands from my face, I hold them tightly between mine.

  “No, Kenzie. That’s not what I meant. Getting to love you is already too generous of a gift.” I place my hand on her belly. “To know there is a part of both of us in here is over the top.”

  Her mouth is on mine, and it’s warm and soft, sweet like her, and I thank God every day that I’ve been blessed to know her all my life. To even imagine that another guy like Stew could’ve felt these lips makes me crazy jealous.


  Since giving my parents the news about the baby, they’ve initiated more “family” time. I wouldn’t mind it if I didn’t feel like they have another motive besides genuinely wanting to spend time with us.

  They want to ensure I won’t keep the twins, and they’re trying to occupy Liv’s time, so she can’t have one of her own. Actually, they think it’s one baby.

  We’re eating dinner together, and I guess now is as good a time as any to tell them. Setting my fork on my plate, I clear my throat. “Um, I have some news.”

  Mom and Dad look over immediately, while Liv’s gaze goes straight to her plate as she shoves mashed potatoes into her mouth.

  “We found out Kenzie is having twins.”

  “Good lord, can this situation get any worse?” my father asks.

  “Dad, those babies are from our genes. How can you speak of them like they’re a nuisance and easily disposable?”

  “Luke, you’re my child, and my job as a parent is to protect you and help you succeed in life. It’s nothing personal against the babies.”

  “Well, they’re my children, so I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t speak of them negatively.”

  “Oh, no. You’re already getting attached to them,” Mom says. “I’ve been worried sick this would happen.”

  Liv throws her napkin on her plate.

  “What’s so wrong with that? It means he has a good heart. You should want him to take care of his responsibilities. I personally want them to keep the babies.”

  “Olivia Lucille. They’re eighteen years old. They have no means of caring for twins, so don’t encourage them,” Mom says.

  “They’re having a boy and a girl. Would you have wanted to give us up? Actually, don’t answer that since I’m beginning to doubt that I’d like the answer,” Liv spouts before sliding her chair back and stomping off toward the stairwell.

  “Olivia, that was uncalled for,” Dad yells. I hear her run up the stairs and slam her door. “Luke, obviously it’s too difficult for you and McKenzie to look for a family, so your mother and I will speak to Charlotte and handle it.”

  “No way. Kenzie and I are adults. We will pick the couple when we’re ready to, and you’ll have to deal with it until then.

  “If you want me to feel that you love and respect me, then believe that you raised me well enough for you to trust my decisions.” I leave the table and run up the stairs after my sister. “Liv, can I come in?”

  “Sure.” She’s lying on her bed and hugging a throw pillow when I enter. She lifts her legs, so I can lie horizontal across the end of the bed on my stomach. Liv drops her legs back down across mine like always. My cheek is pressed to the bed as I peer up at her.

  “Are you going to be OK?” I ask.

  She lets out a clipped laugh.

  “You shouldn’t worry about me, Luke. You and McKenzie have the difficult decisions to make. I hate it for you and wish we had the kind of parents that wanted to help you keep the babies. Maybe that’s asking for too much.”

  “I’m sorry they’re making it harder for you to see Dalton.”

  She gives me a sly grin. “We find our ways.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think I want to hear about that.”

  “He’s a great guy, Luke, and because of you and Kenzie, we’re extra careful.”

  “Liv, I don’t want to hear about it.”

  “Hey, you knocked up our best friend.” She frowns and stares off. “I’m sorry again that I kept the two of you apart for so long. I had no idea you and Kenzie loved each other that much. You both tried to tell me, but I didn’t want to hear it.”

  I begin to chuckle, so she smiles at me.


  “I guess I can finally tell you that I kissed her several times over the years. They were pecks, but it happened a lot.”

  Liv’s mouth falls open before she hits me in the head with her pillow. “You didn’t. You were always too big of a chicken.”

  “Seriously, I did. One time she asked me why I kissed her, and I told her I did it to shut her up. I didn’t have the smooth moves I have now.” I laugh harder, and so does Liv.

  “Aww, I hate that neither of you felt you could tell me. I’m done being a brat. I’m sorry it took me so long to grow up.”

  I have a thought and become serious.

  “She’s going to need you, Liv. There is bound to come a time through this when she’ll be furious with me for getting her pregnant.”

  “Only when she’s pushing out two of your babies.” Liv giggles again. “The fact you will have to witness that is kind of funny. I love you, Luke. I’ll keep supporting the both of you through this.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Seven Weeks Later


  “Oh, my god. I can’t take the stares from everyone another day, Liv,” I say as we walk down the hallway to class.

  “Grab your stomach, double over, and grunt like you’re in labor. That should make them flee.”

  “I feel like I’m in labor most days.” The uncomfortableness has me sighing heavily as I pat my belly. “Only one week, you know.”

  “Until what?”

  “Until Luke and I pick a family for the twins.” Four girls walk by and stare me down with curiosity before their delusion of superiority kicks in, lifting their chins. They have to be freshmen or sophomores, still naïve to the fact that their life will not be a bed of roses.

  “What, have you never seen a pregnant person before?” Liv asks, quite rudely. “Instead of checking out my friend, all of you need to be looking in a mirror and rethinking those outfits.”

  “Liv,” I say before snickering.

  “I was surprised you already interviewed some couples. I was hoping you had changed your mind.”

  “We figured we should pick by thirty weeks, so we would still have time to get to know them. It’ll be easier to give the babies to someone we truly trust. That meant we had to start screening earlier. We’ve narrowed it down to three couples.”

  “Please tell me you’re not considering the one that doesn’t believe in organized sports. Any child of Luke’s will likely be a natural.”

  “They’re a negative. You should’ve seen the look on Luke’s face when they told us.” We take a seat in the class we have together. I don’t know if I will fit in this chair much longer, and I’ll die from embarrassment if it breaks while I’m in it.

  “Do you want to hang out after school? Your parents and Luke are going on another tour of Dartmouth.”

  “Sure. I’m excited you and I are going to Plymouth together.”

  “Me, too.”

  I don’t know if I’ll be able to stay busy enough at college not to miss the twins, but I’ll have to try.


  “I can’t, Liv. Have you forgotten I’m pregnant?” I’m staring up at her smiling face as she peeks out the door of the treehouse. All I desire is to go to my room and take a nap.

  “Please, Kenz. You’re pregnant, but you’re not old. You can climb these stairs. Just be careful.”

  This probably is my last chance at getting up there, and besides being present wherever Luke is, it’s my next favorite place to be.

  “OK, give me a minute.” After yanking up my maternity jeans and pulling my sweatshirt over my enormous belly, I start up the steps. We’re into March now, so along with the cool breeze, I can smell a hint of spring.

  “You made it,” she says before giggling.

  “Geez, I’m out of breath.” I grab Liv’s hand and put it on my stomach. “Feel, Liv. That got them going.”

  “Aww, they’re kicking like soccer players.” She gathers her long hair and holds it up loosely like a ponytail.

  “Do you remember when we used to drag our baby dolls around everywhere? We would push them in those plastic strollers, and then we placed that cradle in here for them to sleep in.”

  “Yes, and I remember telling Luke he was the daddy. Boy, have we ever come full circle there. Who knew?”

  Liv and I lounge on the floor and talk for thirty minutes. I’m fairly certain it’s been about that long since that is typically the longest stretch of time I can go without having to pee.

  This floor is uncomfortable, too, and the indoor/outdoor carpet smells like mildew. I realize I’ve been daydreaming about the treehouse when Liv stops speaking.

  “Who is that? Do you hear them?” she asks.

  “It’s male voices.”

  Liv jumps to her feet and almost hits her head on the ceiling as the floor creaks loudly. I remember when this room seemed enormous. Now, I’m enormous.

  “Hi, Dalton,” she says, leaning half her body out the small door.

  “Hey, babe. What the hell are you doing in there?”

  “Having a club meeting with Kenzie,” she replies with a giggle. “No, we’re hanging out. What are you guys up to?”

  “Noah, Stew and I were going to grab something to eat. You two want to come? I’ve been trying to call you and your brother.”

  “Oh, sorry. I left my phone in my room.”

  I hear the thundering sound first; the type that crackles loudly and unexpectedly. I jump and feel my body tense as the
treehouse begins to come apart in more places than my sight can take in.

  Sitting with legs stretched out and crossed, I’m helpless as I frantically look for something to grab onto. The screams from Liv echo as mine begin.

  I’m witnessing my imminent future as she falls forward from the treehouse. Her screams become shrills that confusingly blend with the bellows of fear from our friends.

  I’m at the mercy of the splintering sounds, unable to run for cover. The ceiling comes apart above me, light appearing, but I’m falling away from the sky, which is peeking through the red maple tree. My eyes close as I wrap my arms around my stomach and fall. Our babies.

  “McKenzie! McKenzie, can you hear me?”

  Who is that? I know that voice.

  “Oh, please, McKenzie, open your eyes. Please be OK,” Stew says. I open them to a frantic pair staring back at me.

  “Lord, McKenzie, don’t move,” he says as he pulls wood off of my body.

  I feel pressure alleviate from my chest and stomach. The twins. “Our babies! Are my babies OK?” I ask, screaming as loudly as I can. Pain punches me in the chest, instead of the air I need to fill it.

  “Try to calm down and lie still. Did you call 911?” Stew asks, yelling. I see him looking toward my house. There is too much shouting and chaos. I can’t understand what is happening.

  “McKenzie, wake up. Wake back up!” My eyes fly open, and Stew’s tapping my cheek. “Where is the fucking ambulances?” he yells.

  “They’re on the way,” Noah replies.

  “She won’t wake up, and bloods coming out her mouth and nose,” Dalton says but it’s woven with cries. “Liv, baby, please be OK.”

  “Liv. How is Liv?” I try to get up, but Stew holds me down.

  “Luke isn’t answering his phone.” Noah approaches and is towering above me. “McKenzie, where is Luke?”

  “He’s at—at Dartmouth.”

  “Where is your phone? He might answer a call from yours. If not, I’ll go there.”

  “It’s in my pocket. How is Liv?” I turn my head as Stew pulls my phone from my jeans. She is lying on the ground, too, but she’s not moving, and there is blood on her. “Liv!”

  Stew cups my face. “Look at me, McKenzie. The ambulances are coming. They’ll help you and Olivia. You have to stay calm and still.” His eyes appear panicked as he scans my face and then my body.


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