Cajun Fire

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Cajun Fire Page 11

by Cheri Valmont

Jonas stared straight ahead. “But what if she’s not at the hospital?”

  “Don’t borrow trouble yet. Let’s just wait until we get there.”

  “Right.” He fell silent for the remainder of the ride. But he couldn’t stop dark, insidious thoughts from creeping into his brain. If anything happened because of this situation, and he found out Jubal lured her, then brother or no brother, Jonas would whip his ass. Rage was boiling up inside his body, tightening his muscles.

  He could feel Nikki’s anxious gaze on him. “Jonas?”


  “She knows.”

  “Knows what?”

  “She knows you’re not her birth father.”

  Jonas closed his eyes for a moment, before turning his head to look at Nikki. “Who told her?”

  “Ida Mae.”

  “That God forsaken bitch! Can’t she leave us in peace?”

  “I wanted to warn you, because who knows if this disappearance of hers doesn’t have something to do with her fear of telling you she knows.”

  “How did you find out?”

  “Jubal told me.”

  “Jubal! There is more going on here than we thought.”

  Nikki nodded her head but remained silent.

  “If she trusts him enough to tell him that kind of secret, then she must have feelings for him.”

  Nikki nodded her head again.

  “Do you think she’s in love with him already?”

  “I don’t know, it might be infatuation, but until she tells us, we won’t know for sure.”

  They both fell into quiet contemplation.

  As soon as they got to Lafayette’s Memorial Hospital and parked, Nikki had to rush to keep up with his forceful strides. He wanted answers and he wanted them now.

  * * * *

  Jubal stepped out of his father’s hospital room. Even in the cool temperatures the rooms were kept at, he was sweating profusely.

  Verna, his mother, had followed him.

  Turning, he look at her haggard, worried face with gut wrenching concern. His father’s health was ripping her apart. The light brown of her hair had lost its usual shine and hung limply against her head. He stared into her silver blue eyes, so like his own, swimming with unshed tears.

  “Is he coming?”

  This was the question he’d dreaded. After the tap to remove the fluid from his father’s abdomen, they’d expected him to rally. Instead his health had taken a downward turn.

  “He’s willing to meet Luke, Carrie, and Corey this weekend, but he’s still thinking about whether or not he wants to see Dad.”

  “This weekend could be too late,” Verna warned him. “You can see for yourself.”

  Jubal could see that. He hated to rush Jonas’ decision, but it looked like he’d have to return to Harrisburg this afternoon. The promise he’d made to Nikki to keep his distance would have to be broken. It was either that or risk having his father die without the chance to see his eldest son.


  “I’ll do my best, Momma,” Jubal promised. “Are the rest of the kids coming to see Dad tonight?”

  “Yes, Luke might be a little late leaving the shop, but Carrie and Corey should be here soon.”

  Jubal put his arms around Verna’s dejected shoulders in comfort. “Mom, take a break when they get here. Have Carrie keep an eye on Dad while Corey gets you something to eat.”

  Verna leaned her weary head against Jubal’s shoulder. “I’ll do that, cher. Now, go along. I’ll be fine until they get here.” She pulled away from him, grabbing both his hands in hers to squeeze them, as if trying to reassure him.

  Her gaze shot to something in the hall behind him. “Oh, sweet Jesus!” she exclaimed. Jubal grabbed for her as her legs gave out beneath her.

  “Momma, what...” He turned around to see what garnered such a reaction from his mother.

  Jonas stood still, as if he were also shocked. Nikki stood next to him. Jubal turned, with his mother still held against him.

  “Jonas? I didn’t think you were planning to come.” He helped his mother regain her balance, but she had eyes only for Jonas at the moment.

  “I knew it,” she said in hushed tones. “He’s the spitting image of his daddy.”

  Jonas was looking uncomfortable now. Jubal decided to get the introductions out of the way. “Momma, this is Jonas, as you already know, and this is his wife, Nikki.”

  “I’m so happy you could make it,” she spoke to both people, but didn’t look away from Jonas.

  With a cough, Jonas stepped forward to offer his hand to Verna.

  “Jonas, Nikki, this is my mother, Verna.”

  A spark of happiness returned to his mother’s silver blue eyes, and as she shook hands with Jonas, she offered gratefully, “You don’t know what this is going to mean to him.”

  He noted the look Jonas threw in Nikki’s direction. For some reason Jubal had the feeling Herbert Horville wasn’t the main thing that had brought these two to the hospital. “I’m sorry,” was the only thing Jonas replied in return.

  Jubal had a feeling his half brother didn’t want to be a hypocrite and mouth words that didn’t mean anything to him.

  When Jonas turned his gaze on Jubal, he knew something was very wrong. His brother looked to be so angry he could spit. And right now, that anger was directed at him.

  “If you don’t mind Mrs. H...” Jonas stopped.

  “Please, call me Verna,” Jubal’s mother rushed to insist.

  “Verna, then, if you don’t mind, before I go in, I need to speak to Jubal.”

  “What? Oh, Meh oui, cher, that’s fine. It will give me some time to get to know ton tit femme.”

  Jubal followed his brother’s steady stride until they reached a little waiting room to the left along the stark white hospital hall.

  Jubal didn’t have a moment to collect his thoughts before Jonas whirled around. “Where is Lizabeth, Jubal?”

  Jubal felt a flush creep up his neck and into his face. “What! What do you mean, where is Lizabeth? The last time I saw her was this morning before she left for school.” What was Jonas accusing him of?

  “She called to leave a message this afternoon that she was staying with a friend for the week. No name of the friend, nothing. And when we try to call on her cell, nothing—it’s been turned off. Are you telling me she hasn’t contacted you?”

  “That’s absolutely what I’m telling you.” Had Nikki not told Jonas yet that Lizabeth already knew the truth about her birth? Could this all have something to do with her fear in telling Jonas? God, he hoped she wasn’t feeling pressured about having to own up to her knowledge. This was his fault. “I’m in love with her, Jonas.”

  “What! You just met her!” Jubal could see Jonas’ anger flaring in his face.

  “It doesn’t matter. From the moment I met her, I knew I wanted to be with her.”

  “She’s just eighteen!”

  “I know that too. If you want me to back off, I will. I won’t come between the two of you. You want her to go to school and if that’s what she wants, then so do I.”

  Jonas walked over to sit down on the nearest chair. Jubal watched as his brother rubbed his hands over his face in frustration. Jonas looked up at him and said, “Obviously, she trusts you and must have some feelings for you or she wouldn’t have told you the truth about her real mother and father.”

  A momentary hint of relief flowed through him. Thank God, he knew. But then he stiffened again when he remembered what had brought Jonas and Nikki here. She still didn’t know her father knew the truth. “We have to find her,” Jubal stated.

  “Yes, you do,” Nikki said from the hallway.

  Both men looked at her.

  “I have to find Lizabeth. I’ll call you when I find her.” Jubal said when, because he didn’t want to think about the word if. He would find her even if he died trying. “I need the addresses of all of Lizabeth’s friends.”

  “We’ll both go,” Jonas told them.

nbsp; Nikki pulled something from her purse and began writing. Jubal waited impatiently while Nikki wrote down the addresses of Lizabeth’s friends and where they might be hanging out.

  “Jonas, I’ll head out first. I’m begging you to meet our father before you follow. I promise I’ll call the minute I find out any information.”

  “But she’s my daughter, my responsibility,” Jonas insisted.

  “And she’s the woman I love, and come hell or high water, I’ll bring her back to you.”

  Jonas and Nikki looked at each other, somewhat unsure. As if by some silent communication, they appeared to be willing to trust him to bring her back. “All right, I’ll meet him first, and as soon as you find out what’s up, call us, we’ll follow behind.”

  When Jubal turned to leave, Nikki said, “Thank you, Jubal.”

  “There’s no need to thank me. I love her.” With a heavy heart, Jubal left the hospital to find the woman he loved.

  * * * *

  “I don’t know what to say,” Lizabeth stared at the frail looking old man she’d just met and now knew was her biological father.

  Once Ida Mae had let her make her phone call, Lizabeth had been escorted back to the living room. Daniel had disappeared, and instead an elderly man sat in one of the cushioned chairs. After some very awkward introductions, and ordinary chitchat, her father finally popped out with, “The red Porsche out front is yours.”

  “I don’t know if my Mom and Dad would let me accept it,” Lizabeth admitted.

  She could tell the old man wasn’t happy at that statement. He scowled and said, “You’re eighteen, aren’t you?”

  “Well, yes.” Lizabeth frowned. Where was he heading with this?

  “Nikki and Jonas Horville need no longer have a say in your life.”

  Lizabeth felt insulted on her parent’s behalf. “Now, hold on. This is my life and Jonas and Nikki Horville are the only parents I’ve ever known. It’s my decision if I choose to continue to take or listen to their advice, no matter how old I am.”

  The old man leaned forward, fists clenched on the arms of his chair. Obviously, Lizabeth’s defense of the absent Horville’s didn’t set well with the old man. He looked at her face and must have realized she wouldn’t budge from her decision, because he subsided back onto his seat.

  “You’re right, Lizabeth. I’m sorry I said that. Put it down to the onset of senility, possibly.” All of a sudden, he seemed much frailer. Lizabeth felt sorry for him.

  “I’m sure that’s an exaggeration, Mr. Dugas.”

  “Please, call me Ben. I’m sorry I’ve never tried to see you. I was forbidden to ever darken your door.”

  “What?” she exclaimed, sitting forward in her chair in her increasing agitation.

  “You don’t think I would have tried to see you before now if that hadn’t been the case?”

  “Who forbid you from trying to see me? My parents?” If nothing else, she wanted the truth.

  “Of course. Jonas’ divorce from Ida Mae was a messy business. I’m a respectable businessman, and he let it be known he would plaster the news of my affair with Ida Mae across the countryside if I tried to have any further involvement with you. Ask Ida Mae if you doubt my word.”

  “Oh God! Why would they do that?”

  “It could possibly have to do with my sending Nikki away to school to separate her from Jonas.”

  “What does my mother have to do with all this?” she asked, her confusion obvious in her voice.

  “Didn’t they even tell you Nikki was my daughter?”

  Lizabeth sagged against the back of her chair. “What! What’s going on here? They’ve never mentioned your name.”

  “I’m not surprised. They never forgave me for separating them. It was all done for her own good, of course.”

  My God, this man was painting a picture of a Jonas and Nikki she didn’t know. What was she supposed to believe? Was this man telling her the truth? And from what else he was saying, they knew about her paternity all along. Lizabeth’s hands were sweating, her anxiety level rising. Could the people she adored all her life be liars? Had they deliberately kept her paternity a secret because of a grudge they held against Nikki’s father? Oh, Crap! If Nikki was Ben Dugas’s daughter, then her mother was really her half-sister.

  Lizabeth’s eyes burned with unshed tears. Her whole life was a lie! Had they just pretended to love her? No, no! It couldn’t be!

  “This can’t be true!” she cried out in anguish. The hot tears rolled down her face.

  “My dear, please don’t take it so hard.” The old man stood and walked next to her chair. “I’m sure they did as they thought best at the time.” It was as if the old man was trying to downplay the severity of his accusations.

  “How could they do this to me?”

  “Lizabeth, don’t go on so. I’m here for you, as I’ve always wanted to be. Just don’t let them pretend with you any more. Tell them you want honesty.”

  “Honesty...” her words faded and she sniffled. She no longer knew whom to trust.

  “Now, Lizabeth, I want you to claim your rightful place. With your real father and mother.”

  Lizabeth buried her face in her hands and burst out crying.

  Chapter 11

  Jubal rolled up to the house of Lizabeth’s best friend, Sue Landry. Nikki must have called and told the girl to expect a visitor because she stood on her doorstep. He recognized the area; just around the corner was the small house in which Jubal first made love to Lizabeth.

  The girl was thin, blond, dressed in a pair of skimpy shorts and a tank top. The look on her face told Jubal she was anxious about her friend, though.

  She didn’t even let Jubal dismount before she sprinted over and stood next to his bike. “You must be Jubal. Ms. Horville told me you’d be coming. I don’t know what else to tell you. She was at school today. I didn’t see her leave with anyone, either.”

  “Nikki told me there might be some of your friend’s hanging out at Te Cher’s bar?” Jubal asked.

  “Some of the guys, maybe. I don’t know about any of the girls, unless they’re there with their boyfriends.”

  “Can I ask you to come with me, to see if you recognize anyone? It might save some valuable time.”

  Sue Landry nodded her agreement and hopped on behind Jubal. The bar, he knew, was only a few blocks away, positioned in a central location in the small town.

  When they reached Te Cher’s, there were several late model cars and trucks parked in the dirt parking lot across the street. Sue pointed for him to park next to an old green Ford truck, possibly a ’64 model, which Jubal did.

  “We might just be in luck,” Sue told Jubal.

  “How come?”

  “That truck there,” she pointed at the truck she motioned him to park beside, “belongs to someone she had a date with last weekend.”

  Jubal’s gut clenched. Shit! He was jealous! He couldn’t help himself. Even though he knew Lizabeth had previous sexual partners and she dated the guy before she met Jubal, he still had the strongest urge to beat the guy senseless. Doing his best to keep a lid on his jealousy, Jubal followed Sue Landry’s hurrying figure.

  Sue opened the old door to the bar. Several younger guys played pool, while a few old men were smoking and playing cards at a corner table, and still others nursed their beers at the bar. Sue walked straight over to a tall, muscular guy, with, if his expression was anything to go by, a bad attitude.

  “Daniel have you seen Lizabeth today?”

  “Why do you want to know?” came his cocky comeback as he turned to face them, leaning his elbows against the bar. His body language oozed aggression.

  Jubal pushed Sue aside gently, just in case things got nasty. “She wants to know, because her parents want to know.”

  “Her parents know where she is,” the aggressive looking Daniel said with a smirk.

  “I just left her parents and they do not know where she is. Where is she?”

  “I told you, man
, she’s with her parents.” The bastard had the audacity to grin this time.

  That was it! Jubal had enough of his crap! “Tell me where she is, bastard!”

  Daniel lunged at Jubal, going for his throat. Jubal swung with a sharp jab to the guy’s jaw, knocking him back. Grunting, the man advanced again, letting fly with a punch to Jubal’s gut. People swarmed around them, hooting and hollering, egging the two men on in their fight.

  “Tell me,” punch, “where she,” jab, “is,” uppercut to the nose. Daniel smashed against the bar, his hand flying back to knock off several glass bottles.

  “All right, man! Enough!” Daniel gave in as he pulled his bruised body off the bar. He held his bleeding nose in one hand, trying to staunch the flow of crimson blood. “Fuckin’ bastard, I think you broke my nose!”

  Jubal remained in a fighting stance in case the man thought to resume their fight. His fists were bruised, but he would not relent until the man answered his question.

  “Where is she?” Jubal asked again. Now that the fight was over, all the other occupants of the bar, save Jubal, Daniel, Sue, and a guy that had his arm around her as if protecting her from the fight, went back to what they were doing before the fight broke out.

  “All right, shit, I’ll tell you. All this ain’t worth getting my ass kicked. She’s at the Dugas Farm,” he finally admitted.

  “The Dugas Farm?” Jubal looked to Sue to answer his question.

  “It’s on the outskirts of town.” Sue went on to give him directions that were more specific.

  “Can you get a ride?” Jubal asked Sue.

  “Don’t worry ’bout me. Just find Lizabeth.”

  “Thanks,” Jubal said to Sue and didn’t even bother looking at the bastard he’d just beat up, before turning on his heel to leave.

  * * * *

  As soon as Ida Mae had made the introductions between Ben and Lizabeth, she’d hurried back to the study. She knew what awaited her because of her earlier defiance of Gary. She’d been unable to stop herself though. Just the thought of her Master fucking her slut daughter filled her with terror. How could Ida live up to her young daughter’s firm, flawless body?

  She opened the door to see Gary pacing angrily back and forth in front of his desk. When he heard Ida’s entrance, he stopped and glared at her. Ida Mae swallowed. Would he beat her? Shivers ran up her spine at the thought.


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