First Impressions of a Second Nature

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First Impressions of a Second Nature Page 12

by Kate Speck

  Elizabeth stood, seeing Darcy pale with taking responsibility upon himself for whatever threat that he was speaking of.

  She stepped in front of him and gently caressed his cheek. “Will, no matter who or what threat, it is not your fault. You have done nothing to cause my sister or me any harm, but you need to tell us what is happening.”

  Darcy held her hand and kissed it again. “But it is my fault. If I had exposed him earlier after this summer, if I had paid him off better, or not disclosed his wrongs in Meryton, he might not be seeing revenge against me, either through you or directly on your sister!”

  “Will, are we speaking of Wickham? You know the service you have done for Jane by uncovering that man’s evil ways. If he is seeking revenge, it is not your fault by any means. What is he planning for us?” Elizabeth quickly surmised.

  “Goodness, you are quick. You are truly as intelligent as Mr. Darcy boasts, Miss Elizabeth.” Louisa was finally able to smile.

  Elizabeth pulled Darcy back to the seat and handed him the glass of wine. “Thank you, Mrs. Hurst. I still do not understand the whole story and would like to hear it from the beginning. I never had a good opinion of Mr. Wickham and I am happy to understand that my first impression was correct,” she winked at Darcy, “unlike this gentleman here who has changed my opinions so much since our first meeting.”

  Darcy took several sips and returned her smile. “I will start over, Elizabeth.”

  Just then, there was a knock and the butler entered. “Colonel Fitzwilliam.” Mr. Colin announced.

  “There is a party here! Thank you pulling me out from my father’s incessant demands for my future, Darcy. I did not realize the lovely ladies would be here as well!” He smiled and bowed to all three ladies. “What is the urgency?” He asked, seeing the serious faces.

  “I am glad you are here, Richard.” Darcy began to explain what had happened and Wickham’s threatening words that Sally had relayed.

  Jane Bennet sat in shock while Elizabeth fumed after hearing the full accounting.

  Colonel Fitzwilliam growled, “I should have put a bullet through his heart when I had the chance.” He turned to Jane and asked, “Are you well, Miss Bennet? Wickham’s threat toward you is before Miss Elizabeth’s and I know Darcy will guard his betrothed with his own life.”

  Jane sat up straight. Instead of blushing or remaining serene with this gentleman’s question, her face was firm with determination. “I know I will be kept as safe as possible and although I am afraid, I will not have my life ruined by an evil man’s threats. I know there are others who wish for my safety as sincerely.” She turned her eyes to Mr. Bingley.

  Bingley flew to her side and sat next to her, embracing her unexpectedly without regard for anyone else in the room. “I love you, Jane Bennet. I will protect you with my life and if I should die for you, I will die happily knowing I was of some good to you.”

  Hearing such an intimate declaration, the rest of the party quietly left the room to remove to the sitting room to give them some privacy.

  “I love you, too, Charles. Your letter meant so much to me and I forgive you fully and completely. I should not have blamed you but I have learned my lesson as well. Please forgive me for judging you without knowing your story.” Jane cried in his arms.

  “There is nothing to forgive. I know that I do not deserve you, but it would make me the happiest of men if you will agree to marry me. Will you marry me, Jane Bennet? A scoundrel and an ignorant fool, who is still learning to be a man. Will you marry me and help me through life as we travel and learn through it together?”

  Jane beamed. “Yes, Charles. I will marry you. You are kind and generous and it would be my honor to walk through our lives’ journey together.”

  Bingley tenderly held her face in both hands. “May I kiss you? I had wished to kiss you for so long.”

  Seeing her in agreement, he leaned in and fondly kissed her lips, a slow gentle touch of the lips that grew in passion, as she opened her mouth slightly, and he was able to kiss her deeply as he had wished for weeks. He felt shivers up and down his body as their tongues met for the first time, and slowly released her to see her still revel in her first kiss.

  “May I assume that it was your first kiss, Jane?” He asked.

  “Oh, yes, Charles. It was the most wonderful feeling I have ever experienced.” She sighed.

  Bingley beamed in her innocence but then grew morose. “Jane, I have no ‘firsts’ to offer you. I am so sorry, my love.”

  Jane lifted an eyebrow as her sister would have done. “I should hope that was your first proposal! And that I am your first betrothed? And your first wife eventually? And first to have future children?” She teased.

  “Of course you are my first proposal! I have never had a wife before! Oh!” Bingley ceases his speech. “You are jesting with me.” He smiled broadly. “We shall have many firsts together, my love. We will go see plays and visit places and have dances and balls, and together, we will experience everything for the first time together. Even if we have done something before, we will do it together for the first time. I love you, Jane Bennet.”

  They kissed for several more minutes, then rejoined the others to share the news.

  Chapter 27

  “While you were busy fixing your love life, Bingley, we came up with a strategy in capturing Wickham.” Richard spoke in solemnity. “As he is most likely circling Sterling House for a chance at his revenge against the Bennet ladies or at Darcy House against Darcy or Georgiana, we will hire some men to find him and watch him in return.” Colonel Fitzwilliam began to explain. “He does not know that we know about him. When we first heard he ran from the militia, we kept extra watch here at Darcy House but did not think Sterling House would need watching. We do know from Sally’s information that he has no intentions of returning to Meryton, so he has the next three days to attack before you all depart home for the wedding preparation.”

  Richard walked around a bit. “We will certainly have a full guard at all times, but to be someplace public will be safest, since he will not know who is working for us and the ladies can be better protected. His intention is to abduct one of the ladies to force himself on her to blackmail us, either for marriage or to prevent a scandal.” He looked at Darcy. “What were your plans for the next three days?”

  Darcy replied, “Kew Gardens tomorrow, dinner with both earls at my home tomorrow night, our engagement ball at Sterling House the day after, then finalize shopping before leaving the day after that.”

  “Hmm, he knows Darcy House well. He may know of ways to sneak in without being seen. The ball will be crowded and he could enter in a disguise as a servant or obtain an invitation from an acquaintance. We will need to control the situation if we want the advantage. I know you had wished to cancel the Gardens tomorrow but it is the best place with minimal risk. He does not know that we know what he is planning. There is not much time but I believe it is the best option.” Colonel Fitzwilliam stated.

  Louisa Hurst stood. “Although our dinner for four has turned to seven, I have asked more places to be set and we will take a quick repast. Please, let us strategize while we eat. My babe is hungry.” She smiled. “We must also celebrate another engagement as well!”

  The group took their place for dinner and although concerned for what was to come, they enjoyed the time that they had together and celebrated the joyous occasion of becoming one big happy family.


  “Absolutely not! I shall not risk my girls being exposed to that villain and putting themselves in danger!” Mrs. Bennet cried. She grabbed both of her daughters possessively and embraced them.

  “Oh, mama. It is all my fault. I should not have accepted that man’s attentions so quietly and made him believe that he had a chance with me. If I made my intentions clear with Mr. Bingley, he would have never left Hertfordshire and Mr. Wickham would not be after my dowry.” Jane affirmed.

  Elizabeth harrumphed. “We can blame me, then! I was th
e one to keep pressing him for the truth and he knew I did not believe a word out of his mouth so he attached himself to you, Jane. Or we can blame Mr. Darcy for his negligence of not throwing him in debtor’s prison sooner. We can condemn everyone but the fact is, Mr. Wickham is responsible for his actions. HE is the one that is a criminal and a gambler and a seducer. HE should be blamed for everything as is right.”

  “I agree with Lizzy,” Mr. Bennet stated. He looked at his brother-in-law. “Stephen, do you agree with Darcy and the colonel’s plan? I believe nipping this in the bud quickly is the best solution. Will you be able to gather enough men to see this through tomorrow?”

  Lord Eldarion smirked, “I like those young men. I never cared much for Matlock before but his sons have a good reputation and the colonel was impressive.” He looked at his favorite niece, “Your betrothed is an excellent man, Lizzy. I could not be prouder of your choice. Yes,” he confirmed, “we will be ready to unleash fire and brimstone on that blackguard tomorrow.”

  His son, who had been listening quietly, spoke up now. “Lizzy, will Miss Darcy be safe? She… I hope she will not be Wickham’s target. I found her to be very… shy.” He timidly inquired.

  Elizabeth’s eyes sparkled in hearing her cousin’s question. “She will be well-guarded. Her cousin Richard will take care of her. Aaron, would you like to join us tomorrow? I know not if her brother will be pleased with his baby sister gaining the attentions of a two-and-twenty-year-old gentleman, but you are honorable, are you not?” She winked, seeing his pale face.

  “I… but… I do not…” He stammered.

  Elizabeth laughed and saw her uncle’s smile. “She is sixteen and has not come out yet. You will have to wait a few years, Aaron. You are starting your career and she is no way ready to be someone’s wife. As her sister, I will be guiding her but perhaps, eventually, you might qualify enough to court the honorable Miss Darcy of Pemberley.” She teased. “It would be great if you establish a friendship with her first so you both get to know each other.”

  Mr. Sterling smiled, “That is a great suggestion, Lizzy. I would be honored to join you tomorrow.”

  Lord Eldarion chuckled, “Perhaps the Darcys will be closer to our family through marriage than I expected! Wait until I write to Albert all about this. He is sure to be disappointed in missing all of the excitement and will not arrive from Devonshire until Lizzy’s wedding.”

  “Stephen! Please promise me you will take care of my girls. I am still fearful but I know it will be better to capture him as quickly as possible.” Mrs. Bennet begged.

  “Sister, I promise you Wickham will not get within ten yards of our girls. With my men, Darcy’s men, Colonel Fitzwilliam, Bingley, and Aaron guarding the ladies, the scoundrel will be captured quickly and will be thrown into prison for the rest of his life. Darcy was very thorough with collecting Wickham’s debts, and Colonel Fitzwilliam is dispatching the militia to try him as a deserter and surely he will be punished, if not hung, for his crimes. He will not bother us ever again.” Mrs. Bennet’s brother assured her.

  “And do not think Jane and I will sit idly while our safety is threatened by such a coward. We will have more than our embroidery needles to protect ourselves!” Elizabeth spoke confidently.

  Mrs. Bennet was finally able to smile after their declarations. She squeezed Jane's hand. "It was very kind of Madeline Gardiner to take in that maid, Jane. It was good of you to suggest the Gardiners for that maid to find a new position in the store. She has done us a great service and as long as she works hard, she can make a good living."

  Jane smiled softly, “I do not begrudge a woman for trying to make her way into this world. I am most fortunate to be born to a wonderful family and I can only thank the Lord for not being left destitute. If I had been in a different situation, I might have had to live in the hedgerows!”

  The family laughed merrily and relaxed. Soon, the ladies retired to their rooms to rest while the men wrote several letters and planned for the next day’s adventure that awaited them.

  Chapter 28

  “Oh, Jane, I am so happy you are finally engaged to Mr. Bingley! With my marriage to Mr. Darcy and yours to that wealthy man, we shall want for nothing!” Elizabeth loudly proclaimed. “Now, when we get to Kew Gardens at one o’clock today, you must make sure to seek some private time with that amiable young man. I will distract the others when we are touring Kew Palace and perhaps you can show him how enthusiastic you are of his attentions.”

  Jane blushed, “Lizzy, I thought you would certainly wish for some private time with your betrothed. You have certainly been engaged longer than I!”

  Elizabeth giggled. “Perhaps we shall both take turns and show our young men how much like them.”


  Damn! Darcy and Bingley are both very fortunate to connect themselves with these wealthy harlots who will open their legs for their men. Too bad one of them will be sampled by me first. Wickham gloated to himself, as he hid behind the bushes in the park near Sterling House. He had seen Miss Elizabeth every morning, who walked for her constitution with two footmen for the past week, but had been surprised to see Jane Bennet out this morning with her.

  Now that he knew of their plans for the day, it would be a perfect time to grab one of the ladies at Kew Gardens, give her the pleasure of her life, then perhaps sample the other sister after the first deed was done.

  I think Jane Bennet will do well. She is a delicate creature and will not fight much. Elizabeth Bennet might kick and scream but Jane will comply and only cry when I take her virtue. I will be able to blackmail Darcy once he marries Miss Elizabeth and line my pockets even further. The earl will get my militia desertion charges dropped for his nephew and I will have money and women at my disposal as a rich gentleman! Wickham was extremely proud of his plans and left to return to Mrs. Younge’s to dress in his finest.


  “He is gone, miss.” The plainly dressed officer reported to Elizabeth. “We have four men trailing him back to Mrs. Younge’s and we will be ready for him.”

  Elizabeth and Jane both let out a deep breath. They had been speaking more animatedly and vulgarly than inclined, but they had wanted to put on a show for Wickham.

  “I cannot wait until this day is over. I felt like the silliest girl in the country to talk so foolishly. Can you imagine anyone being so blatantly crass? I just wish to dance with my Will and get married next week.” Elizabeth grumbled after thanking the man.

  Jane hugged her dear sister. “It will be over soon. I am so thankful for you, dear Lizzy. I do wish we were getting married together. But your wedding is only a little over a week away while mine will be months in wait.”

  Elizabeth spoke as they returned to the house. “I thought it a sound decision for Mr. Bingley to wish to wait two months to show you his constancy. He wanted to get all of his finances prepared to ready for a wife of such exalted status, niece to an earl!” She laughed. “I believe Miss Bingley will be an absolute sycophant to you now.”

  “Oh, I hope not. I am still upset that she had attempted to ruin her own brother’s happiness with lies but I will forgive her for Charles’ sake. He assured me that she is truly repentant and she will be my sister by marriage.” Jane calmly stated.

  “You are the most forgiving person I know. I would have poked her eyes and spit on her. But of course I could never marry Mr. Bingley. Good thing we each are marrying exactly the man we should be.” She giggled. “Mama is so happy to be rid of her most deserving daughters and have spent hours on taking Mary shopping and getting her ready for her little season. I was certain mama would wish to keep her tucked away in Hertfordshire longer but with both of us engaged, she wants to ensure Mary will be given her due before your wedding in February and before she becomes too large with our sister or brother expected in June. What exciting times lie ahead!”

  Jane smiled. “All her daughters will be gone soon. But she will still have Benji and perhaps a new young daughter to dote on. Our
family is indeed so blessed.”

  “Let us get ready. We have much to prepare!” Elizabeth excitedly commented. Miss Bingley did have one redeeming quality,” she added. “Her former maid Nancy is a godsend and has created the most comfortable secret pocket. Let us see if our dresses are ready.”

  The ladies prepared for their outing and for Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley to arrive to escort them to the magnificent Kew Gardens.

  Chapter 29

  Wickham looked around the busy gardens and carefully trailed the large group walking toward Kew Palace.

  This place is much more crowded than expected. Who would have thought so many would be here in December? He thought. It will be difficult to get Jane Bennet away from the group but once inside the building, I will have a chance to drag her away.

  Wickham watched the three Bennet sisters chatter with Georgiana Darcy and Mrs. Hurst while the men followed behind them in their own conversations.

  Once near the palace, Wickham saw his opportunity when he saw Jane and Elizabeth separated from the group to inspect a large topiary in one of the isolated sections of the gardens.

  Knowing time was short, he approached them quickly, fully intending to carry Jane behind the nearest hedge, where he would tear her clothes and ravage her for witnesses to find them. His plan was to knock Elizabeth unconscious so he would have some time before anyone came looking for them.

  “Ladies, how nice it is to see you here. Jane,” He smirked, “I have missed you and I know you have been eager for our reunion. I plan on giving you every attention you deserve, my dear. We shall be married before the week is out after what I do to you today.” He blatantly threatened.

  “Do not step closer, Mr. Wickham!” Elizabeth shouted, pulling out a small pistol from her concealed pocket that Nancy had cleverly built into the dress. “Ten yards is quite close enough.”


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