First Impressions of a Second Nature

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First Impressions of a Second Nature Page 14

by Kate Speck

  She replaced the small dagger into its sheath and placed it back into her secret pocket. She turned around to find her sister and Lady Catherine smiling at her.

  The set had ended by then, and Bingley rushed over with Darcy and stood by the ladies.

  Elizabeth directed the conversation, “Mr. Darcy, my dear Aunt Catherine,” Darcy’s brows shot up at the term of endearment, “and I have something to discuss with Mr. de Bourgh. Charles, perhaps you can take Jane for a glass of punch? I am certain she is parched after the setdown she gave this…” she looked up and down the rascal with disgust, “man, and I would like a word.”

  “Certainly. I do not wish to murder anyone before your wedding, dear sister.” Bingley curtly replied, seeing that the former resident of Netherfield might have been behaving ungentlemanly toward his betrothed.

  Elizabeth continued his inspection for a few more seconds while Lady Catherine and Darcy waited for her scrutiny to be completed.

  “My first impression may have been wrong but I now see your true nature as it is. You are a coward and a lecher. Only by my aunt’s generosity are you living as if you are the master of Rosings to those who do not know you, but we all know who the true, deserving mistress is, do we not?” Elizabeth sharply attacked him with her verbal sword. “You will never be allowed near her again. No one dares insults or injures my sister without incurring my wrath.” She turned and stood next to Darcy.

  Darcy chuckled, “And I know it well.” Elizabeth laughed as well at that. “Mr. de Bourgh, we have not met yet but I am Fitzwilliam Darcy, your cousin by marriage, and Miss Elizabeth is my betrothed. As this is our engagement ball and we do not wish to cause a commotion, I will allow you to walk out of here with your dignity intact. We will not see you, hear of you, or know of your existence any further until we visit Rosings for Easter next year, and my dear aunt has a number of changes that she will be making at Rosings. I assure you, my uncle, the Earl of Matlock, and my new uncle, the Earl of Eldarion, will fully support us in her new decisions on how Rosings will be run and how you will treat her daughter. You will leave now, allowing my aunt and cousin to enjoy the ball. Return to Kent in the morning and if you dare disrupt our peace again, well.. I will have the ladies handle you and no one will be wiser.” He scoffed at the odious man.

  “Oh, Mr. de Bourgh,” Elizabeth stepped closer to the rake and gingerly placed her left hand on his chest, as if she was flirting with him. Seeing Mr. de Bourgh relax slightly, she quickly pulled up the small dagger she had concealed on her right hand and sliced off the remainder of the waistcoat buttons, making his lawn shirt spill forth. “You must speak with your valet, sir! It is most shameful to lose so many buttons in a grand ball like this!”

  Mr. de Bourgh could only flush red in embarrassment as he scurried out of the ballroom with his tails between his legs.

  Lady Catherine was the first to laugh loudly, sending shock to Darcy once again, having never seeing her so amused before.

  “Oh, Lizzy! That was the most fun I had in years. I will have my enjoyment on the ride home with him tomorrow and I cannot wait until I tell Anne about this. I heard a little of your sister’s reply to however he provoked her, but Anne will be livid and will keep him reined in. She has learned to manage that scoundrel after she caught him harassing a maid. I will tell you all about it later. It sounds like the supper set will begin soon.” She turned to Darcy, “Lizzy is not going to take any nonsense from you, nephew. Make sure you listen to her well.” She beamed and left to look for her daughter.

  “’Lizzy’? ‘Dear aunt’? How in the world did you do that? Lady Catherine is the most difficult person I have ever known and you converted her to your side in minutes. Is it witchcraft? May I know your secret?” Darcy teased.

  “It is no secret. She wishes for frankness with respect and she will always have it from me. I do not think she was so difficult. I recall a certain gentleman being much more infuriating.” She laughed seeing his frown. “Once I understood you, Lady Catherine was not difficult at all. As long as you do not incur my wrath by insulting my family, we will be most happy.”

  “Let us dance. I plan on dancing with you twice more and I cannot be happier, Elizabeth.” Darcy smiled once again. “Just please do not pull out that dagger at me if you ever get angry with me. How in the world are you able to conceal so much in that dress of yours? You and Jane both?!”

  Elizabeth beamed. “Would you believe that I also have a handkerchief, a coin purse, as well as a fan in here? Pockets are so wonderful!” They laughed merrily and enjoyed the rest of the night in peace.


  “Benji is a wonderful young man. He is more like you than your sisters, Elizabeth.” Darcy commented.

  “Oh, he used to be just like Mary, so shy and introverted. School has been so good for him. It is a time of enlightenment and he has grown so tall. I do believe he fancies Georgiana, Will. He could not stop looking at her and wished to sit by her the entire past week.” Elizabeth laughed.

  “Oh, yes, but I Georgiana is quite charmed by Aaron Sterling. He seems intent on winning her and asked me if he may call on her, only for her safety, of course, while she remains in town.” Darcy remarked.

  Elizabeth smiled fondly. “And Mary is being courted by Colonel Fitzwilliam. She has been in love with him since first meeting him. He is so much older and will have to wait a little before proposing but I know he will be patient and most kind. Soon, everyone will be off on their own paths and my family will be separated.” She sighed.

  Darcy rubbed her back. “You will see them again for Jane’s wedding. All will be well. I promised that I would keep you in my prison for two full weeks, then I will release you out into the world. Perhaps I will have tamed my shrew by then, my Katherina.”

  Elizabeth’s eyes flashed with indignation for a moment but then she smiled deviously and moved to sit on the opposite side of the carriage.

  Darcy missed her soft, warm body immediately and whined, “Why have you moved back? We will not reach the next coaching inn for another quarter hour. Do you wish for me to sit on that side now?”

  “Oh, but kind sir, it would be most inappropriate to sit next to you. I would never presume to do anything to dishonor you, Petruchio.” Elizabeth smoothly retorted.

  “Aargh, Elizabeth! I was only jesting. Will you please return to my side?” Darcy grumbled.

  Elizabeth huffed, “You said I needed to be tamed. You called me a shrew, William, as if I… as if I am some wild animal to be conquered!”

  Darcy was already on his knees in the carriage, with his lips kissing her hands on her lap repeatedly and asking for forgiveness.

  Darcy looked up to see a huge grin on his new wife’s face and she spoke, “Who is taming who?” She laughed gleefully.

  “Why, you…” Darcy took a seat next to Elizabeth after dusting off his knees. “I am at your mercy, Mrs. Darcy. Or shall I call you Petruchio?” They laughed heartily.

  Elizabeth tenderly stroked his cheek. “No, my love. We neither of us tame the other. We are equals, you and I. We will always treat each other with respect and love each other fiercely. You will be my master and husband, and I will be your mistress and wife. We will infuriate each other and make love,” Darcy kissed her head and held her tightly in his arms, “and be most happy together. I care not if we hide away in the country and have our fifteen children, never to be seen in public again. I only wish to be with you.”

  Darcy kissed her hair again and stroked her shoulder, “I have been thinking, Elizabeth,” he spoke seriously.

  After half a minute later, Elizabeth anxiously asked, “What have you been thinking about, Will? Any regrets?” Her heart pounded rapidly with tension and she hoped her husband did not regret her impertinence already.

  Darcy slowly replied, “I have been thinking, fifteen children are just too many. Although we have enough bedrooms to fill Pemberley with fifty children, I do not know if I can manage ten brooding and solemn boys and five energetic and b
oisterous girls. They would take your attention from me and I wish you all for myself.” He laughed, feeling her body relax.

  “Why, you…” Elizabeth started but Darcy began to kiss her fervently.

  “I love you, Mrs. Darcy. Whether no children or fifty, I am going to love you for the rest of my life. I hope you never tire of me because I am going to be at your side as often as possible and kiss you anytime I please.” He kissed her again. “Forget society, forget what rules we were taught. There will be no doubt in anyone’s mind that I am wholeheartedly in love with my wife everywhere we go.”

  “And I love you. You are the best man I have known and everyone who sees us will know how much we love each other.” She embraced him tightly. “Will?” She called him, as the carriage slowed down to approach the little inn.

  “Yes, my love?” Darcy answered, as she began to sit up.

  “Have you ever heard of fellāre, my love? The Romans had a particular way of pleasuring with the mouth. Now that we are finally married, ‘Si fueris Romae, Romano vivito more.’” She winked and opened the carriage door.

  Darcy gulped, as he could only imagine the wonders that awaited him with his wild, untamed wife in their bed tonight.

  Only The Beginning...




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