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Reclaiming Willa

Page 16

by Delta James

  She removed her boots.

  “Socks, too.”

  She removed her socks, tucked them into her boots, and tossed them where he’d indicated.

  “Now the rest of your clothes. You cook and cater to me naked so I can decide which hole I want to fuck first. Ever been butt fucked?”

  “Not until recently. Can’t say it’s my favorite thing.”

  She couldn’t keep the blush from staining her cheeks as she remembered the way Mac taking her rear entrance had made her feel.

  “Well then, that’ll have to be the first hole I use.”

  Willa suddenly heard the distinctive almost prairie dog-sounding twill of the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher—a bird rarely heard in Arizona, but the State Bird of Oklahoma. Mac was here. She schooled herself not to react and finished undressing.

  Once naked, she built the fire and put the cooking gear together. If possible, she meant to drive her best chef’s knife through Eastwick’s heart.

  He laughed as she jumped when he patted her rump. She hadn’t heard him approach.

  “Somebody’s been spanked recently. You like getting spanked, Willa?”

  “Not really.” She prayed Mac would only have John, or John and Gus with him.

  “Your man likes to make you submit to him, doesn’t he? Are you a good little submissive? Or does he make you submit? Is that how you ended up with a good ass paddling and butt fucking? Personally, I like a little fight in my girl. I find the best way to remind a woman of her place is to butt fuck her and spray your cum all over her back. Maybe I’ll write him a little note and suggest that.”

  Willa said nothing but cringed inside. She focused on staying alive and keeping Eastwick’s attention on her so Mac could do whatever he needed to do. The sound of the Scissor-tail came again. She darted her eyes to its source and saw Mac. He held up his hand flat then indicated he wanted her to drop down. He raised three fingers then lowered one, lowered a second, and then lowered the last one.

  As she dove to the ground, from behind she heard, “Federal marshals, Eastwick, drop your weapon.”

  Eastwick turned to fire, leaving himself vulnerable to an attack by Willa. She grabbed a good-sized tree limb she’d used in the fire and broke it over his head, dropping Eastwick to the ground. She had scooped up the rifle before Mac or John could close the distance to her. Eastwick was shaking his head as the two marshals entered the camp.

  “Get up, you slimy son of a bitch. Make a play for me now. Give me half an excuse to drop you.”

  “I’m unarmed. You can’t shoot an unarmed man. Not with two marshals as witnesses.”

  “Wanna bet?” she said, clearly composed and capable of doing precisely that. “I’m pretty sure neither of them arrived here until after it was over. They found me sitting away from you, doubled over in tears and terrified. Your spare gun in your hand. Isn’t that right, boys?”

  “That’s the way I remember it. John?” Mac moved to her side.

  “Oh yeah,” John agreed. “We could tell the guy had come at her—tried to shoot her, but she managed to get the drop on him. Score one for the fairer sex.”

  “Hey, Cowgirl, why don’t you let me have the rifle. John can put this guy in cuffs, and we can head home,” said Mac gently.

  “I think maybe I’ll put some clothes on first. You don’t mind, do you?” she said, trying to regain her emotional footing.

  “Well yeah, but John would probably prefer you do, and, if he doesn’t, Mandy will,” Mac teased as he took the rifle from her and folded her into his arms.

  Willa clung to him. Right now, it was the only place she felt even remotely safe.

  “It’s okay, Willa, I’ve got you.”

  “Could you help me gather my things and stand between the others and me while I put them on?”

  “Sure I can, sweetheart.”

  “Eastwick, turn your ass around and step forward.” John shoved him hard enough that Eastwick stumbled and fell on his knees. He booted Eastwick in the ass as the fugitive got to his feet. John turned away from Willa as well. “Eyes forward, asshole, unless you want Willa to be the last thing you ever see.”

  Once Willa was dressed, Mac helped her up onto Gator as John got Eastwick mounted. Mac trained the rifle on Eastwick as John got on and grabbed Sadie’s reins.

  “Didn’t you once tell me Sadie has the roughest gait of any horse you own?” John asked Willa.

  She grinned. “Yep. If he’d had anything of interest between his legs, he’d have been damn uncomfortable.” She leaned out of her saddle to kiss Mac. “Don’t ever ride Sadie. I’d hate to see you injured.”

  Mac laughed and shook his head as they dropped behind John leading Eastwick.

  He leaned over and whispered, “You’re really okay?”

  “Babe, the minute I heard the Scissor-tail, I knew everything would be okay. I’ve never been so happy to hear a birdcall in my life. Gus is okay, isn’t he?”

  “He’s at the truck and trailer, chomping at the bit and mad as hell at me.” Mac straightened and took his phone out of the saddlebag. He called his team to let them know Willa was fine and Eastwick in custody.

  By the time they returned to Gus and the trailer, Mac’s team had arrived and placed Eastwick in the SUV to take him to a federal holding facility. Each member of the team made sure Willa was all right but chastised her for taking off like she did.

  “I’ll tell you what. Y’all come to the ranch tomorrow, and I’ll show you what I can do with a real kitchen and no budget restraints. Gus? You up to cooking a side of Wagyu on the spit?”

  “You bet I am. I heard John say you had promised to make your famous Drunken Decadence pecan pie.”

  “I can do that. I also do a great peach cobbler with a bit of a kick and homemade Mexican vanilla ice cream.”

  “Willa, you don’t have to—”

  “Sure I do, don’t I, boys? I figure you’re only slightly more pissed at me than they are…and them I can’t placate with lots of sex.”

  She grinned, trying to coax a smile out of him. She knew he was going to fail in trying to keep a straight face when his men starting laughing…partly at her but partly at seeing how she could rattle their normally cool-as-ice boss.

  “You’re a piece of work, Cowgirl,” Mac said, shaking his head. “How about we let them take him in, and you, me, and Gus head to the ranch? We can figure out dinner when we get there.”

  “I kind of horned in, Mac,” said John. “I gave Mandy a call. I knew she’d want to see with her own eyes that Willa is okay. My guess is, by the time we arrive, Mandy will have everything ready.”

  “Sound all right to you, Willa?” Mac hugged her close.

  “As long as I end up sleeping next to you tonight, I’m fine with anything that comes before that.”

  The team of marshals headed to Scottsdale to process Eastwick. Not only did they now have Willa’s testimony about his confession and Mac being able to corroborate it, but they had him dead to rights for assault, kidnapping, intimidation of a federal witness, and a handful of other charges. Eastwick would never take another breath as a free man.

  “John, you sit up front with Gus. I want to keep Willa close.”

  Willa found she was exhausted, and the minute the door to Mac’s side of the SUV closed and he pulled her over to him, she dropped her head onto his shoulder, nuzzled his neck, and fell fast asleep.

  She didn’t know how long she’d slept before Mac kissed her softly, coaxing her up from the depths of slumber.

  “Hey, Cowgirl, we’re home. I’m going to sit you up, but you stay right there. I’ll come get you.”

  “I can walk, Mac.”

  “Yes, and I can carry you. Considering how much trouble you’re in, you might want to start looking for ways to make me forget you almost got yourself killed.”

  She looked at him and realized the bantering tone was for Gus, but that he was more serious about his threat than not. Willa stayed put. Mac opened her door and scooped her up in his arms.
He carried her into the house and was almost knocked over by Mandy.

  “Is she okay? Have you been hurt? Why didn’t you take her to the hospital?”

  “Let’s see, in order: she’s fine, she isn’t hurt, and she hates hospitals, so trying to keep her in one is more trouble than I want tonight.”

  Mandy stepped back. “Sorry. But you’re really okay?”

  “I will be when Mighty Mac here puts me down.”

  Mandy giggled as did Willa. John glared at both of them and Mac rolled his eyes.

  “Did I miss something?” asked Gus.

  “Nothing of substantive value,” Mac responded.

  “Not true,” accused Willa. “I highly value it, and it has lots and lots of substance.”

  She and Mandy broke into gales of feminine laughter.

  “Do I want to know?” Gus asked no one in particular.

  “At some point, Mac might want to have a discussion with Willa about things you do and don’t say in front of a team of federal marshals. My fear is he may well be stuck with that moniker,” said John with a chuckle.

  “Mac? We’re in the house. Want to put me down?” Willa asked sweetly.

  “Not particularly.”

  She kissed his cheek then nibbled his ear. “Please? I’d really like to have a shower.”

  He set her on her feet. “Fine, but don’t be too long.”

  “I won’t. I just want the trail grime off of me.”

  By the time Willa had showered and rejoined them, Mandy had made a great pasta with scallops dish, garlic bread, and a big leafy salad. They all sat in the living room. Mac seemed to want her where he could reach out and touch her. After the men did the dishes, Gus excused himself to head down to his place and, shortly thereafter, Mandy and John did the same.

  As Mac closed the door, he turned to Willa, arched his eyebrow, and pointed to their bedroom without saying a word. Willa thought about trying to argue or plead her case, but decided she had caused him enough grief for one day. She walked into their bedroom, removed her clothing, and stood in the corner by the fireplace.

  “Would that you had thought about behaving this afternoon.”

  “He had Gus.”

  “You had a team of highly trained US Marshals with you, and a whole unit who could have been called up to help. Do you remember what I told you would happen if you misbehaved at the safe house while I wasn’t there?”

  She whirled around. “You can’t honestly mean, after the day I’ve had, you expect me to let you spank me?”

  “Put that nose back in the corner, Cowgirl, or when I turn your ass the right shade of red, you and my belt will have a discussion about what happens to naughty cowgirls when they disobey their man. As it is now, I’m willing to forego welting your pretty bottom because, as you said, you’ve had one helluva day. But there is no way you get a free pass on putting your life in danger.”

  The bedsprings creaked as he sat down.

  “Come here to me, Willa. This needs to be done.”

  She turned to see him pat his knee.


  She hated the way her voice sounded even to her own ears—pathetic and whiney.

  He shook his head. “No. You had a lot of options that didn’t include you running off to play some kind of cross between Dale Evans and Wonder Woman. Now, Willa. You don’t want me to come over there and drag you over my knee.”

  She could see absolutely no way to avoid this. Maybe this was the best way. He was furious with her, and she had a fair amount of guilt about how she must have made him feel. Perhaps his spanking her and her capitulating to his dominance would help them put this behind them and back on the right track.

  Willa stopped and stood directly in front of him. Her nipples were becoming rock-hard, a pool of desire gathering between her legs. He spread his legs so she had just enough space to step between them and to see the enormity of the bulge in his jeans. He reached up and reverently traced the areola of her breast spiraling down to her nipple, which he flicked with his thumb, causing her to moan and her knees to almost give way. He drew her across his lap and gently placed her in position.

  His other leg closed against hers, trapping her neatly between his. He pressed her down into the bed. She barely had time to register that the cool night air from the French doors was raising goose bumps on her skin before Mac’s hand connected with her ass with a resounding thwack, causing her to yelp in response.

  Before she could even think of anything to say that might in some way deter or mitigate the spanking she knew he intended to give her, she felt another resounding swat across the fullness of her buttocks. She yowled in response.

  Mac laid into her with repeated and targeted blows to her backside. Willa squirmed and tried to get away from him. He had her trapped over his knee and her legs pinioned between his. Her ass was on fire.

  “Please, Mac.”

  “Please, Mac, what? Please stop spanking me? Not until I’m convinced you understand how pissed I am at you and decide doing as you’re told is a much better way to behave.”

  Mac’s hand was a formidable instrument when used on her bottom to punish her. She yelped with each landed blow. She could feel her butt heating up and was sure that it was changing color to a deep red. Willa already accepted it would swell and be very painful for the next few days. She wondered why it was so hard to capitulate to his authority before he started spanking her and knew that until she did so, he would not relent and would continue to blister her bottom.

  “God, Mac, I’m sorry I made you angry. I’m sorry I disobeyed you. Please, babe, please stop. I’m sorry.”

  Mac’s hand did not land the swat she was expecting, but instead it came to rest gently on her behind. He rubbed it soothingly. He released his hold on her, but as she tried to rise, he forced her down before delivering another hard swat. She forced herself to relax over his knee.

  Mac continued to hold her in place but slipped the hand that had been punishing her between her legs to stroke and caress her clit that responded as it always did by becoming engorged and sending out feelings of arousal and well-being.

  “Please?” she cried.

  “Go stand in the corner, Willa. Push your bottom out and spread your legs.”

  Willa still couldn’t speak, so she simply nodded and went to stand facing the wall, quietly crying. She said nothing but braced her hands against the wall and did as he’d instructed. Willa knew he was angry but hoped the brunt of his anger was beginning to subside. She heard him approach, and she snuck a glance over her shoulder to see him begin to unbutton his fly. The head of his cock probed between her legs before any other part of him touched her. He grasped her hips in both hands and leaned down.

  “Never again, Willa. Do you hear me?”

  As he said the words, he thrust forward, spearing her depths with his cock. She gasped, but more in pleasure than anything else. This, she knew, was what she was made for…this man and his cock. It was perfect, and she mewled her acceptance of his discipline, his dominance, and his love. It only took three thrusts before her first orgasm exploded.

  “I hear you, Mac, and I’m sorry.”

  Mac grunted as he took long, hard strokes with his cock, never quite uncoupling from her, but driving into her with vigor and force. Each time she moaned in response.

  As he quickened the pace of his thrusting, he wrapped one arm around her body to hold her in place while he fucked her. The other he brought up to play with her nipples, alternately pinching and rolling them between his fingers.

  “God, I missed you,” she sighed.

  Mac fucked harder, plunging even deeper within her. Every lunge brought the tip of his cock to the deepest part of her sheath and his pelvis into painful contact with her backside. He pistoned in and out of her at a furious pace. Willa came again as he buried himself inside her, unleashing ropes of cum into her waiting pussy as it spasmed around him to coax every last bit from his body into hers.

  When they had each caught the
ir breath, he withdrew and pulled her away from the wall and into his embrace. He wiped away the remnants of her tears and kissed her deeply. “Don’t you ever do that again. If there’s a next time, no amount of my being happy you’re okay will save your ass from my taking my belt to you. Do you hear me?”

  “Yes, Mac.” She snuggled against him. “I really am sorry.”

  Chapter 19

  Willa woke next to Mac who lay there observing her.

  “Don’t you have anything better to do than to watch me sleep?”

  “I can’t think of a one. You scared the shit out of me, Cowgirl. Don’t you ever do it again.”

  “Yes, Mac. As I understand this dynamic, once you’ve gotten to beat my ass and fuck my pussy nice and hard, you’re supposed to quit fussing at me.”

  Mac laughed and nodded. “Point taken. But you start asking for help instead of just going off on your own.”

  Before she could reply, there was a sharp knock on the door, which then opened.

  “You two decent? Well, it doesn’t really matter. If you have a bunch of hungry marshals coming out for supper, we need to start cooking,” said Mandy from behind the door.

  “What time is it?” Willa asked.

  Mandy stuck her head in the bedroom. “Really, Mac? You couldn’t let the girl have a decent night’s sleep?”

  “I slept very well,” asserted Willa. “What little he let me actually sleep.”

  Mac lightly patted her backside. “I would think, Cowgirl, you’d want to go easy on the sass with me today.”

  Willa grabbed a pillow, hit him over the head with it, leaped out of bed then ran through the bathroom door.

  “Mac?” said Mandy. “John and Gus need your help with setting up the spit and getting the side of beef started.”

  “Nice try, Mrs. Hampton. Get out of my bedroom so I can put some clothes on.”

  “But Willa says the Mighty Mac is an impressive sight.” She laughed, ducking behind the door as Mac threw his pillow at her.

  “Willa McDaniel, get your ass out of that bathroom right this minute,” hollered Mac.

  The door flung open, and Willa’s eyes widened in surprise. There on the floor of their bedroom, completely naked, was her Mac down on one knee with a ring in his hand.


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