Die Twice- Shadow's Call

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Die Twice- Shadow's Call Page 11

by Honie Jar

  “Oh good! You’ve heard of us,” whispered Armin. “We were not certain and feared that we would have to explain everything and get you to trust us.”

  Leila continued, “The King lent us to Darius as gifts. We say lent, because the King expects us to poison Darius with our bodies. Only problem is, we replaced two Quirnas that we killed and took their places. We have no poison accumulated in our bodies.”

  “We figured we would just poison his food,” interjected Armin.

  Asha listened intently as these beautiful ladies imparted to her what they had found out. “Seems like your courier pigeon made it to the House of Palladius Bardus. The High Justicar sent us a note to find you and to tell you the plan. We had been searching for you for some time,” explained Leila.

  “Right, we were scared that you might have left and we would have to behead you,” admitted Armin.

  “No, what was once taught is not true. What was once taught is old,” stated Asha.

  “Right!” Leila exclaimed. “You get it! Once you’re initiated, you’re going to make the perfect sister! I already can tell we can share cosmetic tips!”

  Armin interrupted Leila’s enthusiasm, “So, we need to tell you the plan.”

  “Oh, right. So, Ramin and Ervin are being sent as royal guests to watch the execution. The Shield have already been banished from Çiriş, as Darius believes they sent Bijan as a spy to take over Çiriş.”

  “Yeah, The Shield are known for being greedy, and when they found Bijan with his shield tattoo, they instantly thought he was sent to overthrow the King’s government,” added Armin.

  “He’s not a member of The Shield?” Asha asked, not knowing the answer.

  “No! Of course not!” Armin shouted, sounding almost offended that Asha even asked.

  “I realize, it might be confusing,” soothed Leila. “Darius was the highest member of The Shield, and his father before him was as well. Bijan was initiated into The Shield, but renounced the teaching of it and joined the Clan of Bahram. Because of Darius’ ties to The Shield, they have a place to worship here and the King does not destroy their Holy Land.”

  “So Darius is the leader of The Shield?” Asha asked.

  Armin chimed in, “Not any more. When the King took over Kazeveh, Darius denounced The Shield as well, but years after Bijan did. Darius essentially got a promotion when he became the leader of Çiriş. No need for The Shield anymore. But, he makes sure they have a place to worship, and here in Çiriş.”

  Asha asked, “But then why did the guards say they caught a spy, a ranking member of The Shield?”

  “Oh, they probably were mistaken,” concluded Armin. “Probably by his tattoos. Bijan was branded with the insignia of The Shield in a more prominent area than the brand he has for the Clan of Bahram. Darius knows which clan Bijan is a member of.”

  Things became clear for Asha, as she was finally able to put the pieces together. “That is a relief,” she relented.

  “All this time, you thought Bijan was in The Shield, and you were still willing to risk your life to save him?” Leila asked. “You definitely have passed the First Degree!”

  “Well, I wasn’t exactly sure. But, I remembered that during the First Degree that I had to pledge blind allegiance to the mentor who chose me, so I’ve been roaming around Çiriş until I could figure out how. In the meantime, alerting the Clan that we would not be returning as we planned.”

  “In any case, later today is Bijan’s execution. As we started, Ramin and Ervin are coming down to witness it as the royal guests. Ramin because his family are nobles in Khora, and Ervin…because he’s Ervin and somehow wrangled a royal invite,” explained Leila.

  Armin interjected, “We still are not sure how he does it.”

  “Dana should be down here along with Yasamin. I would guess Donya will be here as well. They’ll be hiding among the crowds,” continued Leila. “Obviously, we are holding off on Darius’ poisoning until this takes place. Then we will murder the sick bastard and return to the House.”

  “So what are we all going to do?” Asha asked.

  “Oh, right. Well, Bijan will be executed in front of a crowd. We are going to cause a diversion while you untie Bijan and get him to safety,” answered Leila. “We will have Ervin, Ramin, Armin, and I with Darius. The others will be in the crowd. We will cause a commotion on both fronts. Meanwhile, you dash in and get Bijan. After all, he’s your mentor.”

  “Right. Got it,” answered Asha with a nod and a sense of relief that she was not alone. In fact, she was never alone.

  Looking at either side of the entrance of the enclave the fake Qurinas stood, Armin said, “We need to get back before Big D realizes we are missing.”

  “Big D?” Asha asked.

  “Yeah, it’s Darius’ nickname. He makes us call him that. But from what we can tell, there’s no substance behind the name,” explained Leila.

  Asha chuckled for a second, her eyes shut as she laughed. When she opened them, both Leila and Armin were gone.

  Asha was grateful that she ran into those two. They were funny and smart and everything she hoped to become. She also relished in the relief to know that there was a plan to rescue Bijan.

  As Asha walked toward the square, the center of Çiriş, she was pushed by people in the streets. However, this time, they were not filling orders and lining up the caravans to go to the different cities. Instead, they were filtering into the town square as the horns from the stage sounded, echoing in Asha’s ears. Right! The Execution!

  Asha followed the crowd, moving with the sea of humanity as they filled the town square. Surrounded by the mosque, the temple, and the church, the people crammed in there, leaving the middle of the square empty. A stage by the temple had on it Darius, who wore a wreath of fig leaves around his head, Ervin and Ramin, and the Qurinas.

  The Qurinas were gorgeous, as Asha had never seen such beauty kept in one place. The silk of their harem pants rustled as they walked. Each girl wore a unique color that suited her best. On loan from the King, Leila and Armin were not the only gifts. Some wore pink to bring out the rose undertones in their skin, others gold or yellow to match their hair.

  One of the more exquisite girls wore green and turquoise colors. Close fitting halters were sumptuously embroidered and decorated with gold clasps, into which gemstones were inlayed. Beneath the halter tops, were brightly colored blouses of the finest silk that had been imported from Zamer. The girls were adorned with stacks upon stacks of rich bracelets on both wrists, necklaces of pearl and coral. Some wore a jewel-tone head wraps around their heads, which brought out their elaborately decorated eyes.

  Their sandals were artfully carved from tan leather. They had the longest nails, much longer than any other woman in the land. Some wore metal nails over their poisoned nails, to prevent them from breaking.

  One of them emerged. She was long and thin like a pool and carried herself tall and upright. She had dark skin and sunken cheeks, but intense large dark eyes that held a mystery about her. The Qurinas were captivating and mesmerizing. They sat on plush pillows, waiting for Darius to return, as they were fanned by servants.

  Ramin and Ervin had Qurinas around them, however, they were cautious not to touch them. They appeared as though they were refraining because they did not want to piss off their wives.

  Asha became lost among the crowd and could not clearly see what was going on. She needed to be at her best, and being fully aware of what was going on was paramount. She would watch perched from the top of the Church of the Sinless, which was on the opposite side of the square from where the stage and temple were.

  Exiting the crowded square, which was now overflowing with people, Asha ran around to the back of the church. Running as fast as she could, she scaled up the side of the eight story chapel, standing from the roof top, careful that no one saw her.

  Much better. As she looked down, she was horrified by what she saw. She saw her mentor, Bijan being wheeled by a chariot of horses, tied to woo
den beam that was horizontal while it was wheeled out. Hooded men took the beam that Bijan was tied to and erected it in the middle of a pile of lumber. Bijan was now suspended on the stake, with plenty of fuel to char his innards.

  Darius, the keeper of Çiriş, address the crowd, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have gathered here today to witness the end of my torment. For years now, my own son has betrayed me, as he is also betrayed the King, by assisting The Shield with their greed. I once was a member of The Shield, but I have left that clan and have seen the Light. I honor the Congregation of the Five Gods, and I worship them along with the King. But my son has not, instead he continues to serve The Shield and to erect the Holy Land of Khora and tout that as the one and only way to paradise.”

  Confusion fell over Asha. She was certain that Leila and Armin were telling the truth. Why didn’t Darius just say that Bijan was a member of the Clan of Bahram? The crowd erupted in applause, while Asha noted the facial expressions of Ervin and Ramin who sat on the pillows among the Qurinas. Nothing.

  Darius continued after waiting for the applause die down. He yelled, “My son also masquerades as a Counsellor in the Clan of Bahram and fools everyone into thinking he is one of them. This has gone on for long enough, and he therefore he must returned back to his true calling, which is spreading the word of the Church of the Sinless.

  Asha heard the same story when Bijan was apprehended the day before as the guards indicated that he was a ranking member of The Shield. She did not know whether to believe the story or not, and it was a tough decision for her when she decided to send a courier pigeon to the headquarters of the Clan. Hearing this only made her realize that perhaps Bijan was actually a member of The Shield and only pretended to be a member of the Clan so that he could know the secrets and give them back to The Shield.

  Another interesting notion was that Darius was no longer a member of The Shield, but instead renounced that religion and joined forces with the King of Kazeveh. Conflicted as to what to do, she watched below. Seemed he changed his faith with the wind or whoever was buttering his bread.

  Asha repeated to herself to squash her anxiety the lessons of the First Degree, “Blind Allegiance to Mentor. What was once taught is not true. What was once taught is old. It was the initiate’s old way of life. It was poisoned with bias, prejudice, and malice. What was once taught must be forgotten. As the initiate passes through the First Degree, their old educational constructs are left behind as they seal a vow of blind allegiance to the mentor who chose them.” Stating the First Degree eased Asha’s emotions and she knew what she needed to do.

  While Darius spoke, Asha watched the crowd and the stage. Before her eyes registered what they were seeing, Ramin walked up to Darius and stabbed him in the ribs, while Ervin beheaded several of the Qurinas, eliminating several of the King’s henchmen. Darius bowled over, but mustered up the strength to yell, “Seal the exits and torch the square!”

  From the command, guards sealed the exits as people attempted to flee. Naphtha, an accelerant was poured onto the pile of wood at the base of the prisoned Bijan. Over to the right, another fight broke out as people screamed and climbed over each other more swiftly than the other parts of the anxious crowd. That must be where Dana or Yasamin were. Perhaps they stabbed a guard.

  Asha had a moment to act and she knew what to do. Diving head first off of the ledge, she used her cape as a parachute to slow the speed at which she dove. Grabbing a rope that went from one ledge to the other of the immense church, she sliced it with her dagger, swinging from the end of it so it allowed her to get lower to the ground.

  As she dismounted the swinging rope, she did a back flip and landed on her feet, not even making an audible thud as she landed. Her new skills were definitely paying off.

  When she landed, she did not spare one moment and darted in the direction of Bijan, who had flames quickly approaching his legs. Hysteria filled the square as people ran only to find blocked exits, and then were trampled by the pouring crowd as the endeavored to head in the opposite direction.

  Asha ignored the pandemonium with extreme focus as she used the dagger to sever the rope that bound Bijans legs, before leaping up to the cross beam to free his hands. Once Bijan was freed, he did a summersault in the air to avoid the flames that ate at the wooden stake.

  “Close one!” Bijan shouted when Asha met him on the ground, engulfed by the hysterical crowd. He took Asha’s hand and said, “This way!” Leading her toward the entrance of the mosque that bordered the square in between the temple and the church.

  Expecting it to be locked, Asha braced herself to leap and scale the mosque’s wall. However, as Bijan ran up the stairs, the door of the mosque opened. The homely monk, Hitus was on the other side, ushering them to safety.

  Both Asha and Bijan darted into the open door and it was quickly shut behind them. “Hitus, once again, present in our time of need!” Bijan mused to his friend.

  “Always!” the homely monk retorted. Bijan and Asha took a moment to catch their breaths. Without hesitation, Hitus pulled Bijan close to him, and placed a dagger to his neck.

  Holding him from behind, he said, “Come with me willingly, or I will have the girl taken, never to return again!”

  Bijan apparently was taken off guard, a mistake he rarely made, but he obviously had not eaten and was not as sharp as he usually was. Behind Asha came three large hooded and caped men, threatening to take her away. Bijan’s eye’s widened at their sight, and he angled his pupils to look at the homely monk. He whispered, “Take me and let her go.”

  The monk nodded, and the three hooded men stomped passed Asha, taking either arm of Bijan and leading him down one of the corridors. Before Asha could fully comprehend what was going on, or chase after Bijan, another man came up behind her.

  This time Asha was ready. She took her scimitar in her dominant hand, her dagger in her other. “Take another step, and I will have your ass,” she hissed.

  The figure stepped further from the darkness and into the light that came from the open, latticed windows. “Asha, it’s me, Dana. I’ve come to rescue you. This way!”

  Asha put her dagger and scimitar back in their holsters and ran to keep up with Dana who was several paces down the hall. “We have to get back to Adar instantly!” Dana yelled when Asha caught up with him on the back side of the mosque.

  “What about Bijan?” Asha yelled, asking about her mentor who she swore blind allegiance to.

  “We must return. We don’t have a choice,” yelled Dana. The street was less crowded since most of the crowd was left in the square, presumably burning by now as their screams and yells only increased in volume.

  Asha followed Dana to a horse who appeared to be one of the steads of the Clan. Asha mounted first with Dana climbing on behind her. Dana yelled, “Yeah!” As he kicked the belly of the giant beast. The horse instantly darted off into a gallop, running at a rapid speed.

  10 We Are Assassins

  Before the dawn, Asha dressed in her cape and hood like the morning she did on the day of her First Degree. This morning she would find out if she fulfilled the requirements of the First Degree and would move on to the Second.

  She looked in the reflecting glass, hardly noticing herself. Her once pudgy exterior was toned and strong. Her muscles becoming lean and long along her thighs and calves. She was a mere resemblance of what she used to be. Much like her physique had changed, so did her internal monologue.

  She once was a person of self doubt and self hatred, who did not like looking at herself. Passed around like a discarded doll, she saw herself no better than the garbage that laid in the street. Now, she finds that she can rely on herself, she has the ability to accomplish missions, and she has the loyalty of the brotherhood to help her if she cannot make it on her own. She had everything she wanted in her previous life, and it was within the walls of this mansion, where the Clan of Bahram dwelled.

  Placing her dagger in her holster, her scimitar on her back, she was ready for the Secon
d Degree of initiation or a beheading, whichever she deserved. Either way, she was ready and it did not matter which one was dealt, they were the same.

  Bijan had said that she would spend the remainder of her life learning to die, and when she got to that point, then, she would experience true freedom. At the time, she did not know what he meant, however, after going through the battle at Çiris, she realized death or life, they were both the same.

  She hurried down the stairs and to the main floor where the reflecting pool sprawled in the foyer, bordered with lush ferns. “Morning Asha,” said a hooded assassin, whose voice Asha did not recognize at first.

  Within a second, Asha made the connection of the hooded soldier, and she responded, “Morning, Dana.”



  “Then let’s go. They are waiting for us.” Dana led Asha down the catacomb-like tunnel where the secret meeting room laid. Just as before, after the knock door entrance, the door revealed hooded assassins each holding a candle with the High Justicar at the front waiting for the pair to stand on the etched eldritch runes.

  The High Justcar began as soon as Dana and Asha stood in the middle of the runes. “You returned without your mentor. How do you plead?”

  Find out if the act of rescuing Bijan was enough for Asha to advance to the Second Degree in Die Twice: Shadow’s Revenge. Sign up to be the first to know about the release.

  Die Twice: Shadow’s Call Rulebook

  1 The Doctrine: The Nine Degrees

  Appendix IV

  Members who are initiated into the Clan of Bahram must pass through the nine degrees of initiation. As the initiate goes through the nine degrees, they are able to receive hidden powers and timeless wisdom that will ensure that they will be a Legend once they exit this life.


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