Hearts Repaired

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Hearts Repaired Page 6

by Caraway Carter

  Marilyn and Henry kissed Curtis good night as Ethan walked up to them. “Thanks for coming, guys.”

  “It would have been nice if you’d explained that it was a couples’ group,” Lawrence managed to get out. His body was in sensory overload from Curtis’s hands and lips on him.

  “Seriously, I thought the two of you were dating. You were involved in a heated conversation about the mural painted on the back wall when I walked past you. It just made sense. Was I wrong?”

  Curtis grinned and held on to Law’s belt. “It took some convincing, but I think Law is getting closer to the idea of spending more time with me.”

  Dennis came up, his satchel slung over his shoulder. “It was great seeing you, buddy.” He leaned in and hugged Curtis. “We still on for the weekend?”

  Law slid his hand along Curtis’s back, pulling him close.

  “For the Getty? I think we’ll try to get there.” Curtis looked at Lawrence, his eyes brightening. “My last night at the ER is Friday, so we’ll see.”

  “I want you to know that I didn’t do this to continue seeing you, but I’m game if you are,” Law said. “Maybe we’ll see that painting the young kid talked about, the one by Sir Lawrence.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t know if we’ll see any art that his boyfriend was going on about. Although there may be a museum somewhere in Los Angeles that features Yaoi,” Dennis said.

  “Then it’s a date,” Curtis said. “Law and I will be there.”

  At the word “date,” Lawrence could feel his cheeks get warm, and he half blamed it on the alcohol. “Sounds great.”

  “I better get this guy poured out of here. He’s on some medication. I’m a terrible doctor for getting him drunk.” Curtis moved along with Lawrence.

  “I take thirty percent of the fault,” Lawrence said. “I brought us the cider.”

  Dennis walked with Curtis and Lawrence. “Well, you don’t live far. Did I tell you I’m putting a down payment on a loft in there?”

  “We’ll be neighbors,” Curtis said.

  “Right? Thomas is so excited. He won’t tell me what he has planned for the design, though.” He turned. “I can’t wait to find out! See you Saturday morning.”

  “Is Thomas this architect friend who specializes in showers?” Lawrence stood propped up beside Curtis as they waited in line to pay.

  “Yes, I met Thomas, Dennis, and Rick back when I was in college. We met like how people always meet, at a bar, and one thing led to another and we ended up brunching on Sundays at the Potholder, nursing hangovers and eating until we burst.”

  Lawrence looked askance at Curtis. “One thing led to another?”

  “No, not that. At least not with me. I always wondered about Rick and Dennis, but I think they’re just friends with benefits.”

  After the bills were paid, the two walked along the Promenade to the lofts. “This walk is good. It’s giving me a breath of fresh air, before I get too involved in you,” Lawrence said. Once they were through the doors it was like his hands had a mind of their own. He pulled Curtis to him, and the kiss that erupted from their lips was full of ecstasy and desire. The surrounding coolness disappeared as their warm mouths connected. His hands moved of their own volition as his fingertips squeezed Curtis’s ass.

  In reply, Curtis squeezed and finally came up for a breath. “We can do this in my loft. I mean, I don’t mind being your object of desire, but with where things are leading, I don’t want us to get arrested for indecent exposure.”

  Lawrence came out of his fog, realizing his fingers were on Curtis’s zipper.

  “You do realize we’re in the lobby. I led you through the front doors…” Curtis pointed.

  “Doormen are trained to not see anything unless we need help. You don’t need help, do you?” Law replied.

  “He’s not the doorman, he’s the concierge.” Curtis turned Lawrence’s head toward the man in the pinstripe suit.

  “Oh, fuck. I thought I was being led by you.” He lowered his hand sheepishly.

  “No, Law… you led. I followed and maneuvered us toward the elevator.”

  The bell dinged and Lawrence pulled Curtis in, making sure that no one was in the car. His hand reached for the zipper of the tight white jeans. He’d noticed the bulge when they were pressed against the wall.

  Curtis placed his hand on Law’s. “Let’s wait till we’re in the loft. I don’t know if anyone else will show up.”

  “I’m sorry.” Lawrence stepped back and leaned against the back wall.

  The doors parted as Curtis reached back for Law’s hand. He unlocked the door, and as it shut behind them, Curtis turned and held Lawrence tight against it. He placed his hands in Lawrence’s and raised them above his head, pressing both Lawrence and his wrists against the door. He began to kiss along Lawrence’s neck, his ears, his eyelids.

  Before long, their clothes were discarded throughout the loft. They walked nude to the bed, where everything from Sunday came flooding back. They took turns, and they exhausted themselves. A nap or two later, and they were back at it.



  Curtis brought it up first. “Law, would you let me fuck you?”

  “I’ve been waiting all night for you to ask.” Lawrence flipped on his stomach.

  “Oh, okay… right away.” Curtis kneeled between Lawrence’s legs, sliding his hands along the backs of his thighs. He left kisses on either side of the spine leading to the firm ass beneath him. His tongue inched out from his mouth as he pulled Lawrence’s cheeks apart and delighted in the warmth and licked around the hole. He went back for more, dipping his tongue in and out, wetting the area. The sound of Lawrence’s moans, muffled by the sheets, enticed Curtis more. As he dipped with his tongue, his hand searched the sheets for the condoms and lube they’d been playing with earlier.

  He pulled away to rip open the package. By the time he was ready to burst, he’d pulled the condom down and rubbed lube where his tongue had been. He began testing the area with his thumb, then his index finger. Lawrence bucked up, pressing along the length of Curtis’s finger.

  Curtis pulled out and inserted two, rubbing his dick along the crevice. He pulled his fingers out and lay on top of Lawrence, whispering in his ear. “I’m going… are you ready?”

  “Yes… ye… please, Cur, do it.”

  Curtis liked the nickname in the heat of passion, and he replaced his fingers with his lube-coated dick. Slowly he moved inside Lawrence and pulled up. His legs and body tingled as they connected. He sucked Law’s earlobe and grabbed his hands. They both panted as Curtis began a steady in and out. Soon their breathing was in sync, and he knew the point they reached connection. The moans and shouts weren’t coming from Lawrence; they were coming from his own mouth. His rhythm quickened, and he collapsed on Lawrence as he shot.

  Rolling off, he lay alongside the man he’d fallen for, tracing his rib cage. When Lawrence rolled over, they discovered the puddle of cum.

  “I’ll get new sheets.” Curtis jumped off the bed, and Lawrence rolled off.

  “I’m sorry. That hasn’t happened before—I’ve been able to control it, but you found the spot that no one ever has found before.”

  “I’ll remember that the next time,” Curtis chuckled as they pulled the sheet and wrapped it in a ball. “I’ve got to get some sleep. I’m in earlier tomorrow at seven. Will you be able to sleep?”

  “On fresh sheets, hell yes.” Lawrence made the bed, and they collapsed. He pulled the duvet over them, before sliding his arms around Curtis.

  Curtis lay in bed, exhausted and satiated, wrapped in the arms of a man he looked forward to getting to know better.

  He woke an hour later, unwound himself from the sheets and Lawrence and headed to the bathroom. He turned once to glance at the sexy ass, grinning as he thought about getting back there again.

  Curtis sat on the toilet and checked his messages to see if he needed to be in to work early, when he saw one from Marilyn.

ll me, hour doesn’t matter, I’m on call tonight.

  He dialed and shut the door. “Hey, what’s up, hon?”

  “What can you tell me about this Dennis dude?” Marilyn sighed.

  “He’s great. He’s finished everything except for his dissertation. I think this class is a final project for his degree.” Curtis walked to the doorway to make sure he hadn’t woken Lawrence. He had rolled over, and was stretched out in the middle of the bed, snoring. Curtis turned once more to the bathroom and shut the door.

  The silence on the phone lasted for a long time. Finally, Marilyn came back. “Sorry, I had to answer a question. You still there?”

  “I am.”

  After a few more seconds of silence, Marilyn asked. “What are you thinking?”

  “I’m wondering if the guy in my bed is more than just sex,” Curtis sighed.

  “It’s been, what, a week?” Marilyn asked.

  “I know… I really like him. I like him for more than just the sex,” Curtis said.

  “And… that’s an issue?”

  “I’m preparing to settle down with the practice. I’d like someone to settle into that with me.”

  Marilyn laughed. “Aren’t I enough? But seriously, what are you worried about? His age?”

  “Oh no… not in the least. He’s got stamina. But I don’t know anything about him outside of sex.” He stared off as though he could see through the walls.

  “But, like you said, it’s only been a week,” Marilyn said.

  “I’m jumping to conclusions. Here I am, worrying about something before there’s something there.” Curtis sat on the toilet seat.

  “What do you like about him?” Marilyn asked.

  “He’s intelligent, he’s interested in art, and he’s great in bed,” he chuckled.

  “All good things. You always said you didn’t want vapid,” she noted.

  “Right… Why’d you ask about Dennis?”

  “Henry told me on the walk home that he was really hot for the guy, so I just wanted to check up on him.”

  “I’m not sure he’d be into a three-way,” Curtis said.

  “I told you, he’s not for me too. He’s for Henry only,” Marilyn whispered into the phone. “Sorry, I’m not alone, that asshole is here.”

  “Which ass… oh, that. Don’t give him ammunition.” Curtis sighed.

  “That’s why I whispered.” There was silence and muffled voices, and then she was back on the phone. “I’m in the bathroom. I didn’t want him to make snide remarks about me not being able to satisfy Henry.”

  “Me too. It’s our bathroom confessionals.”

  They both laughed.

  “I don’t know if I could share, but look at me… I’m thinking long term with a guy I’ve been with…” He counted on his hand. “Three times. Well, two nights—I can’t figure out how many times we’ve been together in those two days.”

  “Must be his age.” Marilyn laughed.

  “Law is sixty-five,” Curtis retorted.

  “Maybe it’s you? You’re getting older?” She chortled.

  “Is that it? I think I just want him all to myself,” Curtis said.

  “I think Henry has the FOMO curse,” she laughed.

  “Want me to ask Dennis if he’d be interested?” Curtis asked.

  “No… let’s see where Henry wants to go with it, and if he needs help, I’ll direct him to you.”

  “Sounds great.” He stood up and filled a glass with water. “I’ve got two more days in the ER, so next week, I’ll start working on the office. Hopefully Bernie will let the list go.” He drank the water. “I should get back to bed.”

  “Night, hon. See you Saturday?”

  “Yes, night.” Curtis hung up the phone and walked to the bed.

  Lawrence had flung the sheets off and ended up on his side, facing a bed without Curtis. He sent a quick text to Marilyn and felt Law’s arms engulf him. He was the small spoon.

  It’s been so long since I’ve been the small spoon. See you Saturday.



  Lawrence rolled over and woke up, feeling a certain familiarity, a comfortable release as he stretched out on the bed. He rested his head on his hand and stared at Curtis, lying on his side.

  He’d remembered pulling Curtis into his arms at one point, but somehow, they’d ended up facing each other. From where he lay, Lawrence could see the soft eyelashes that had caressed his body last night… and those fingers. He sighed as he remembered their magic work all over, and in, his body.

  A warmth spread over his cheeks as he grinned and got out of the bed. He grabbed his phone and headed toward the kitchen to see what foods Curtis had available. He pecked out a message to Mario about being gone most of the day because of the hand, and hit Send.

  He was still getting used to the wrapped hand, so everything had to be pulled out one thing at a time. A carton of eggs, some butter, and a bag of shredded cheddar cheese got piled on the counter. He got the red apron from the cabinet and awkwardly tied it around his waist.

  He glanced across the room to see Curtis pull the sheets around him, his head resting where Lawrence’s head had been earlier. A grin crossed his face as he went back to work. He eventually found a pan – not cast iron like he was used to, but some coppery thing.

  Lawrence dropped some butter in, and as it sizzled and melted, he went through the prep of creating a breakfast for both of them. Every once in a while, he’d look across the counter at Curtis and realize he’d been thinking about him more than his own job.

  It’s not just the sex, because the sex is amazing. It’s like I wish I could be more… Here he was, falling for a guy who was out of his league, and it’d only been a couple of overnighters.

  The eggs nearly finished, he popped a pod into the Keurig. Lawrence opened the cupboard where he’d remembered Curtis pulling down the cups last time. The rainbow of mugs greeted him.

  “Oh, son. I didn’t know you were this gay.” Lawrence chuckled and pulled out a red mug and a blue mug.

  I just don’t want to fuck this up. Maybe he’s nothing like Jeffrey was. Maybe he never has to find out that I’m not that educated. Stop thinking about long term. It’s two overnights. Just serve him breakfast.

  When he was finished, he gathered everything on the counter and turned around to see not only Curtis watching him with a smile on his face, but someone across the street, staring.

  A few weeks ago, Lawrence would have ducked behind the counter, but the look in Curtis’s eyes urged him on. “There’s a Peeping Tom behind you.” Lawrence held up a plate with his good hand.

  “Oh?” Curtis turned and waved. “That’s the houseboy for some attorney. He’s harmless. Did you make me breakfast too?”

  Lawrence balanced the plate on his right wrist, avoiding the bandage, close to his body and waved. “I did. Let me serve you in bed.” He looped his left fingers through the handle of the cup, and inched his way across the room to the man sitting up in bed with the sheets tucked around him.

  Curtis reached up and took the plate, and Lawrence placed the coffee cup on the nightstand.

  “I’ll be right back.” Lawrence turned to head back to the kitchen.

  “I see you’re getting used to not wearing clothes around here,” Curtis laughed.

  He once again balanced the plate on his right wrist, grabbed the blue mug, and made the trek. “Why is this so hard?”

  “Are we talking about the food, or you?” Curtis grinned.

  “The food, the travel, the walking,” Lawrence said as he stopped by Curtis. “Can you take my plate?”

  Curtis did as he was instructed. “You know, the blue mug goes with the yellow plate and the red one with the purple plate.” Curtis chuckled nervously.

  “OCD?” Lawrence walked to the other side of the bed and sat down.

  “No, CDO. I like everything in order.” He grinned.

  “I didn’t know. Would you like me to switch them for you?” Lawrence put his pla
te on the nightstand. “Be right back.” He got to the kitchen and after opening the third drawer found the flatware, slid it into the apron pocket, and was back. “We can’t eat the eggs without them.”

  “Thank you, and no need to switch them. It just irks me in the cupboard. Eggs with cheese?”

  Lawrence wondered if this was too domestic too fast. He had them broken up before Curtis had to head off to work. “Are eggs too soon?”

  Curtis slid the fork into his mouth, followed by a grin. “Uh, no… they’re perfect.”

  “I’m sorry I was so shameless last night. Honestly, Curtis, I haven’t been that brazen in years.”

  “It was welcome. As I said that first night, I have no complaints.” He drained the coffee. “You remembered how I liked it.”

  “I’m very observant. Though I couldn’t find the paper towels.”

  “There’s a hidden drawer by the sink, but I usually use cloth napkins. It’s a holdover from my childhood. My aunt loved a well-set table. Paper towels weren’t welcome.”

  “I’ll have to explore the kitchen more next time.” Internally, Lawrence briefly beat himself up for suggesting there’d even be a third time. The words that came out of his mouth next shocked him. “You’ll have to get drunk near my house someday.” He shoved eggs in his mouth to stop any further discussion.

  “I’ll bring the cider on Friday night, when I’m crashing. Maybe I can drop you off before I head into work.” Curtis finished the plate. “So, what do you do again?”

  “I don’t think I told you…” Lawrence shifted his hand away from Curtis’s, ostensibly to pick up both plates and carry the dishes into the kitchen. “I, uh… own a few businesses. I’m pretty much retired, have kids working for me.” He winced internally at the half-truth but returned to the bed.

  “Oh?” Curtis looked surprised.

  “Not that way, and by ‘kids’ I mean guys your age.”


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