Taken by the Dom: A Light BDSM Bad Boy Romance

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Taken by the Dom: A Light BDSM Bad Boy Romance Page 25

by Dee, Cassandra

  “Just do it,” were my terse words.

  And eyes wide, she trembled for a moment, still like a doe. But then that curvy body began to sway, and shit the female was sexy. Those big hips swung like pendulums, her breasts bobbing to the beat. One small hand crept up her thigh, sliding over one hip before making its way to the back of her dress.

  Even the sound of the zip was so fucking sexy. The slow hiss rang in our ears, audible even with the music playing.

  And then that fabric dropped.

  Oh fuck oh fuck.

  She was beautiful.

  Because Joanie had on red lace lingerie, but those tiny scraps of lace couldn’t restrain her assets. The big boobies swung and bobbled as she moved, almost popping out they were so huge. And we could see that her panties were already wet, the crotch a deep maroon color, soaked through with desire.

  Andrew and I shared a look. Fuck, this was gonna be amazing.

  “Keep going,” my brother growled, unzipping to release his dong. “Keep going sweetheart.”

  And I nodded, pulling down my zip as well. Because shit, I’ve never been this hard before, ready to release from just the sight of tits and ass. But these weren’t your average tits and ass. This was grade A female, the best of the best.

  But what we hadn’t counted on was Joanie. Because the moment she caught sight of our dicks, all movement stopped.

  “What?” was that breathless gasp. “Oh god!”

  And I don’t blame her. Our cocks are enormous, ten inches long and wide around as her wrist. They stood proudly, pointing stiffly straight towards her, tips dripping with lust.

  “These scare you?” I rasped. “This too much, sweet girl?”

  The girl couldn’t answer, eyes flying between the two fuckshafts, mouth opening and closing silently.

  But Andrew is a man of action.

  “Keep dancing,” he grunted, blue eyes fixed to that curvy body. “Let us see it. Don’t stop.”

  But the girl just couldn’t move. Her eyes continued to flicker between his cock and mine, the wet spot on her panties growing bigger and darker by the second, a heavy aromatic smell rising in the air.

  Oh shit.

  It was the scent of hungry pussy.

  She was getting it tonight for sure.

  But we’re guys who enjoy our in-flight entertainment, so I twirled one finger, my eyes never leaving hers.

  “Dance,” I commanded. “Do it.”

  And slowly, the female’s hips began swaying again. Good. Her tips were pointy beneath the satin silk, body flushed and warm. She was ready for sure.

  “Take it off,” I rasped again. “Everything.”

  But the command was unnecessary this time. Because on its own, a huge tit popped out. Oh yeah, Joanie was too luscious for mere lingerie to contain, and the heavy white orb flew free, jiggling and wiggling, making my cock jerk.

  “Fuck,” Andrew rasped, eyes hungry as they devoured our sweet girl. His hand was working up and down that stiff fuckpole, greasing it up. “Fuck.”

  “Fuck is right,” I growled ravenously. “Because take it all off, pretty girl. We need to see.”

  And the slut revealed herself then. Purring like a kitten, Joanie shot us teasing glances as she eased the bra straps off those narrow shoulders, big boobies unveiled. But the girl didn’t stop there. Oh no. Still swaying in time to the music, she lifted one big breast to her lips, licking at the nipple before biting down coyly, never dropping our gazes.

  “Mmm,” she moaned throatily. “Tastes good.”

  We were ready to pounce then, to fuck this girl all the way to Atlanta, right here on the floor of the G6. But Joanie had tricks up her sleeve. Because still dancing, she turned around, shooting us a sly glance over one shoulder. And then spreading her legs, the girl bent over.




  Until that big ass lifted in the air, like a rocket about to take off, creamy mounds that couldn’t be denied. Giant boobies dangled towards the floor, huge and pendulous, swaying in time to the music.

  “You like that?” she cooed, looking at us from between her legs. “You like that, big boy?”

  And without waiting for a reply, the girl slid one small hand up a meaty thigh before plucking her g-string out of her ass and pulling it the lace the side so it bisected a big white cheek.

  “How do you like that?” she cooed throatily. “How do you like that, big boy?”

  Andrew and I sat there thunderstruck, unable to move. But only for a moment. Because the female was so fucking delicious. Wet, swollen lips stared at us, that vaginal hole dripping with goo. As we watched, a small bead of cream coagulated before running hotly down, trailing off her lips to drop to the floor.

  And oh shit, that ass. Big white cheeks with a pink slit in between, punctuated by a brownie up top. I had to taste it. There was no more waiting.

  And in a flash, both Andrew and I were out of our seats, kneeling behind the beautiful girl. I tongued her back hole as Andrew kissed that sweet slit.

  “Oh!” Joanie squealed, eyes squeezed shut as we ate both her sensitive spots from behind. “Oh oh oh!”

  I’m a dirty motherfucker for sure. Because running my mouth over her rim, I traced those tight pleats before slipping my tongue into her brown star. It wasn’t easy but I did it, easing that muscle into her rump.

  “Oh!” Joanie screamed then, bracing herself against a chair. “Oh oh oh!”

  Shit, the musky ass taste was so good. But even better was Andrew’s reply. Because he strummed her clit with his tongue before opening his mouth and forming a suction over her hole.

  “She creams even harder when you do that,” was his grunt. “Do it again so I can get more.”

  And I obliged. Forming my tongue into a point again, I slithered it up her rectum, the musky ass taste so dirty and yet hot. And Andrew grunted, eyes going wide, mouth fixed to her hole as he gulped furiously. Oh yeah, she must have poured like Niagara Falls down his throat, that sweet pussy cream oozing like tasty lava.

  But the flight from Chicago to Atlanta isn’t long, and we’d already used up precious time chitchatting and watching her dance. It was time to get down.

  So slowly, we lowered the luscious female form to the floor. Big boobs heaved, her private parts slick and wet from our saliva and female juice. But it was time for man juice now.

  Easing a finger into her channel, I watched as Joanie’s eyes rolled up in the back of her head, only the whites showing.

  “You’re tight,” I rasped. “Real tight.”

  Never mind, tight would make everything feel better. I leaned over that ivory form, getting ready to ease my cock in.

  But Joanie came to for a moment, gasping and half sitting up.

  “I’m tight because-“ she paused, embarrassed.

  I raised an eyebrow.

  And she blurted, cheeks flushing red.

  “I’m tight because I’m a virgin,” was her rushed admission. “But please don’t stop,” she begged, cupping her tits while spreading her legs wider. “Please don’t stop, this feels so good.”

  Andrew and I exchanged startled glances. A slut like this was a virgin? The creamy girl who’d just danced for us, pulling her thong out of her crack and licking her nipples like a pro? What the hell?

  But there was truth in those words, her brown eyes wide. So Andrew leaned forwards, brushing his lips against the sweet brunette’s.

  “No worries,” he rasped. “Aaron will go easy on you. He’s just the guy you need.”

  And there was truth in those words. When we double team virgins, usually I break them in. It’s just preference. Andrew likes his cunts squishy and wet, often with my sperm already sloshing around inside. Meanwhile, I like ‘em fresh and new, so tight that I have to work my way in.

  So I nuzzled her clit again, biting down on that sensitive bud before leaning back and bumping my glans against her hole.

  “You ready sweet thing?” came my growl. “You ready
for some heavy fucking?”

  Because there was no sense in denying it. After all, we’re two alpha males. There’s no such thing as sweet and light when there are two animals coming your way.

  And yes, Andrew and I do double teams all the time. It’s our thing. The girls act all scared at first but once they get a taste of twin cock, it’s all over. Then they turn into horny sluts, opening all their holes and begging us to put it in.

  So Joanie’s eyes widened but like a good little girl, her thighs parted even more, those soft nether lips pulling apart a bit on their own.

  “Yes, Aaron,” she murmured breathily. “Yes, take me.”

  And sweeter words have never been heard. Because I lined up my glans with her virginal entrance and began to press. Nothing happened at first, she was so small and young. But these things have to be finessed. Reaching a finger down, I stroked her nub, caressing that hard bud.

  “Let me in,” came my coaxing rumble. “Let me in, sweetheart.”

  And with a cry and a mewl, my cock slid in a little. Not a lot, probably just two or three inches.

  Joanie’s eyes flew open.

  “Oh god!” she panted. “You’re so big!”

  “Mmm hmm,” I confirmed, chest and abs hard, looming over that sweet form. “I’m big, but you can handle it sweetheart. Here, suck on a lollipop as you get fucked, it helps sometimes.”

  And on cue, Andrew bumped her cheek with his massive dong.

  “Suck it baby,” he commanded. “It’ll loosen you up down below.”

  And shit, but it worked. As her cheeks hollowed, sucking wildly on my twin’s fuckshaft, her pussy did gush a little.

  “Um,” moaned the girl, lashes perfect half-moons on her cheeks. “Oh um.”

  Obligingly, my dick slid in a couple more inches.

  “That’s it,” I rasped, eyes intent, balls already beginning to pulse. “We’re almost there, sweetheart, suck harder.”

  And as her cheeks hollowed even more, I did it. With one smooth, swift motion of my hips, I fucked right through that tiny piece of tissue, breaking it in one go.

  “Mmmph!” Joanie screamed, mouth full of cock. “Mmmph!”

  But Andrew was on it. One big hand reached forwards to flick a nipple, squeezing and massaging her luscious breast flesh.

  “It’s done,” he soothed in a low voice. “You did so good.”

  Her pussy juiced more even as those young muscles clenched me tight.

  “Mmmph,” she squealed again. “Mmm, mmm!”

  And I didn’t blame her for screaming. Because how many girls have their virginity taken by two alphas on the floor of a private plane? How many girls lose it as part of the Mile High Club with cock in their mouth and a second cock in their puss?

  But Joanie’s a lucky female because we adore women, especially lush, feminine ones with assets to spare. So slowly, I withdrew, watching my slick fuckshaft reappear before pushing it once again into her warmth.

  “Mmmph!” came that helpless squeal again. “Mmmph!”

  Andrew was on it. One big hand held her head in place as she sucked furiously on his shaft, pussy getting dicked below.

  “Slow, slow,” he soothed. “You’re doing great.”

  And she was. Because as I began a smooth rhythm down below, that cunt creamed heavily, coating my fuckpole in her fluids. It was so fucking dirty, my cock looking like it’d been dipped in superglue on every withdrawal.

  Andrew glanced up from by her head.

  “Keep going,” he rasped. “Keep going, her mouth feels tighter the more you drill her vag.”

  And oh shit, but it happened then. Because a twin dicking overloads the senses, our big male bodies demanding, plugging two holes up tight. And with a shiver, a shimmy, and one last squeal, Joanie careened over the edge.

  “Mmmph!” she screamed. “Mmmph, mmmph!”

  And that was it. Her cunt clamped down like a vise then, once, twice, before dissolving into a series of tremors.

  I was next. The incredible squeeze propelled me into outerspace and I roared my pleasure, blasting baby batter all over her fertile space.

  “Fuck!” came my grunt. “Fuck fuck!”

  And Andrew did something fucking nasty then. Without pulling his dick out of her mouth, he got up and straddled the brunette’s head so that he could really force it in all the way.

  “Take it,” he ground out. “Take it all the way.”

  What could Joanie do but obey? She was stuffed with twenty inches of hot cock, one pulsing into her pussy as the other erupted down her esophagus.

  “SHIT!” roared my twin. “Shit, suck it, suck it!”

  Joanie had no choice. Like a hoover, she gulped and swallowed again and again, welcoming the sperm into her stomach. And on the other side, her pussy spasmed furiously, pulling my virile jism deep into that fertile teen snatch.

  Because oh shit. I hope Joanie’s not on birth control. There’s no way she’s not, but I can’t help hoping. Something about the girl’s curvy form, and the way she was so receptive, made me want it. Hard. Hot. Bareback into fertile pussy. Again and again.

  But this is a service. This sweetly creaming cunt was bought and paid for by a group of billionaires. So what next? How could my brother and I possibly lay exclusive claim to this curvy form?

  But that was for later. Not now. So as the pulses subsided, I pulled back, watching my stiff cock exit that beautiful pink slit. Her pussy lips hugged me tight, like they didn’t want to let go. And simultaneously, Andrew withdrew too, pulling his gleaming fuckrod from between the brunette’s lips. Inch after inch reappeared, glorious and dripping, stiff and wet.

  The girl didn’t let us down. As we watched, she raised her knees and a well of sperm bubbled up from inside, cresting at her vaginal opening before sliding hotly down one big butt cheek.

  “Oh!” she exclaimed, wiping at her mouth while staring down. “Oh god.”

  “That’s right,” I growled, kissing her. Shit, the taste of my brother’s sperm was fresh on her lips, pungent and salty. And I had to make things even. Bending my head, I slurped that cream pie from between her legs before reaching up to kiss her again, pushing my semen into her waiting, willing mouth.

  “There you go,” I rasped hotly. “There, you’ve got some of me in both holes.”

  And shit, but the girl licked her lips, savoring the flavor. But Joanie’s crafty. Because she smiled then, turning to my brother.

  “Andrew, I have Aaron in my pussy and my mouth. But I only have you in my mouth. Want to make it even?” she purred, spreading her legs once more.

  My twin sprang into action like Superman saving Lois Lane. Because there was still an hour before our landing in Atlanta … and not a moment to spare.



  Oh god.

  I lay on the bed in the private room at the back of the jet.



  Sated, creamy curves splayed every which way, the white sheets stained.

  Because I wasn’t supposed to be here. This space was for passengers only. But after the intense session on the floor of the cabin, the twins moved our hot play here.

  It’d been crazy.


  Absolutely mindblowing in more ways than one.

  The sheets were no longer spotless, that was for sure. There were dribbles of cum everywhere, wet spots from both their jism and my juice. There were even some pale pink splotches, the evidence of my innocence.

  Because my virginity went out with a bang. A huge, nuclear explosion, gifting it to identical twins who were gods. Aaron and Andrew had dark hair with intense blue eyes. Builds fit for a professional athlete with broad shoulders and long, strong legs. But that wasn’t the only thing that was Olympian about the men.

  Their cocks.

  Andrew and Aaron had giant poles, stiff and constantly dripping.

  And I’d let them use me again and again, pumping me full of cum as I begged for more.

/>   “Yes,” I’d panted. “Right there, oh yes.”

  And the three of us had watched as Aaron pulled out and Andrew pushed in, taking his brother’s place. It was so nasty. What girl services two men her first time?

  But I’d done it.

  Both those cocks had been streaked with red on the sides, my innocence lost forever.

  And yet it felt so good.

  Like I belonged.

  Like they belonged.

  A shiver ran down my spine.

  More , whispered the voice in my head. Give me more.

  Because am I a slut?

  Slowly, I rose to a sitting position, pussy sore and achy, pushing tumbling curls out of my face.

  I had to be a slut.

  What girl does this? What flight attendant?

  And to make it worse, my cell dinged then. I lifted the phone limply, staring into the screen. A twenty thousand deposit had just appeared in my account, joining the ten I received from Damien and the ten from Charlie.

  I’d made forty thousand dollars in three days.

  At this rate, I’d be a millionaire in no time.

  But was it worth it?

  Was this right? Was it legal even?

  Inside the voice whispered sibilantly.

  It’s a lot of money , it said. Can you really say no?

  And that made me feel bad. Really, really bad. Slowly, I got up, eyes brimming. Because what girl does this? What amount of money would justify my behavior?

  With trembling hands, I stepped into my dress, zipping up the crumpled fabric. And then like a good stewardess, I stripped the bed and dumped the sheets and pillow cases into the utility hamper.

  Because I’m the cleaner. The maid. The waitress. All that plus a couple other things.

  In short, I was their dirty, X-rated employee.

  Slowly, I made my way off the plane into the huge, empty hangar. Echoes sounded as I grabbed my stuff and stumbled onto the shuttle van, whisking me to the hotel.

  God, what had just happened?

  I lay on the bed, lifeless, the A/C whirring like a drone. A snippet of my interview with Helena popped into mind. Because during the interview, she’d asked if I was on birth control.

  I goggled. Was this legal? Can you ask something like that during an interview? But Helena made some strange excuse.


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