Taken by the Dom: A Light BDSM Bad Boy Romance

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Taken by the Dom: A Light BDSM Bad Boy Romance Page 66

by Dee, Cassandra

  “I’m trying to pack for my honeymoon, silly. Bobby and I leave for Tahiti the day after tomorrow and I’m having a horrible time deciding what to take.” She plopped down on the floor where her suitcase lay open, but empty. “But now that you’re here, you can help me decide,” she said cheerily, holding up a tiny bikini top. “What do you think?”

  I sat down near her on the floor with my legs tucked.

  “What do you mean, what should you take? It’s your honeymoon Elaine, do you really plan on wearing clothes?” was my jest. My hand grabbed a silk teddy and folded it. Unable to stop her laughter, she playfully slapped me with the t-shirt in her hand.

  “Look at you, Little Miss Modest! Talking like you know!”

  A blush spread hotly over my face then, toes curling. Because Elaine thought I was still a virgin, it was one of her favorite subjects. She thought I’d never been touched, reading about dreamy romances through books.

  And my friend kept going with no idea of the changed circumstances.

  “Since when would you know anything about being naked with a man for a whole week?” she jived.

  Thankfully, I was able to shield my nervous embarrassment by pretending to dig through some random clothes.

  “I’m just saying, it’s your honeymoon. Most people spend the whole time in their hotel rooms,” was my mumble.

  Elaine shot me another weird look and I quickly added, “Or so I’ve heard.”

  Neither of us said anything for a moment as the blonde stared at me oddly. My hand suddenly found something interesting in the carpet and I looked down, fidgeting. But the moment passed, and Elaine hauled a pile of clothes into her lap, busy sorting before speaking again.

  “So, where have you been? I haven’t seen you for a while.”

  Her eyes were studiously careless, flipping clothes right and left.

  “I …” But before being able to say where I’d been or who I’d been spending time with, the woman interrupted again.

  “Ooh, I almost forgot to tell you, Bernard called asking about you. You remember Bernard? Bobby’s co-worker from City Hall. A tire around his midsection, but it’s just a small tire, not a big one. He’s a press secretary for some higher-up, one of those up-and-coming political types. Do you want me to …?”

  But the minute she said Bernard’s name I knew I couldn’t let her finish that sentence.

  “I’ve been spending time with Bobby’s friends from New York,” came my blurted reply.

  Elaine paused for a moment, confused.

  “Really?” she said disbelievingly. “Really? Well that’s … unexpected, to say the least. I didn’t even see you talking to Mason, Kane and Tyler at the wedding. How did you guys come to hang out?” she asked, brows lowered in confusion.

  And the motormouth in me started then. Was it so weird that three alpha billionaires could be interested in a curvy girl like me? The story came pouring in waves as I blabbered endlessly, telling all.

  “It’s been amazing. I know I’m not the prettiest girl in town, but these guys adore me. They constantly tell me how beautiful I am.” I was hesitant to tell her about the three of us together, but Elaine was my best friend, so I took a deep breath before spilling the beans.

  “I gave them my virginity, Elaine. It was wonderful. They treated me so special. Every time I’m with them they never let me forget that. Plus, you’ll never believe this, but they want to set up the non-profit I’ve always dreamed of. Can you believe it?”

  The smile on my face was tremulous as I waited for my friend to respond. The blonde’s usually supportive when good things happen. Surely, she would be happy for me. But unfortunately, Elaine’s demeanor indicated otherwise.

  There was a silent pause as my buddy chose her words carefully.

  “You know they just used you right, Katie?” She shot a pitying look my way and then shook her head again. “You do know that, right?”

  I gasped. I hadn’t expected her to completely understand, but still, this was unexpected.

  “What are you talking about?” Hurt lanced through my words.

  “Bobby told me about them.” Elaine shifted her position on the floor so she was facing me, heaving a deep breath.

  “They’ve done this kind of thing for a long time, since high school. They gangbang some girl, use all of her holes, use her like their own personal doll. They make her believe she’s ‘fallen in love,’” Elaine said with air quotes.

  What? What the hell? Tears formed in my eyes as I tried to process what Elaine was saying. Could it be true? My lip trembled as I listened mutely.

  “Yeah, they get girls to ‘fall in love,’” Elaine stated again with those damned air quotes. “Then they up and leave. Once Mason, Kane and Tyler have their fun, they wrap it up and then presto whammo! It’s a disappearing act. There are parting gifts alright. Money, jewelry, a car or maybe even an apartment, so it’s not like she’s poor. She gets something too, like an exchange.”

  Elaine made it sound like a business transaction. But my friend threw me another pitying look then.

  “Sounds like your consolation prize is a non-profit. Is that what you asked for?”

  I flew on the defensive then.

  “It wasn’t like that,” was my protest. “They really like me; we talked. They feel something for me. It’s real, I swear.”

  But suddenly, I didn’t know if I was trying to convince Elaine or myself. The air in the room grew heavy, invading my lungs and making it difficult to breathe. Was this the Twilight Zone? Was I in some nightmare where waking up was impossible?

  But my buddy shook her head slowly, casting a sympathetic look my way.

  “Katie, Katie, how many of the other girls do you think said the same thing? You’re not the only one.”

  My head fell into my hands, defeated and lost. But Elaine continued, trying to make things better.

  “This was your first experience with men, you’re so innocent and don’t know how ruthless certain alphas can be. How could you have known? It was all so sudden, they basically breezed into town and steamrolled an unsuspecting virgin.”

  The words made me curdle inside. Because she was right. As much as I wanted to deny it, I couldn’t, it was true. How many times had Mason, Kane and Tyler pronounced that my innocence was one of the things they adored most about me? My head swam painfully, overcome with the implications.

  But Elaine was on a roll now, intent on helping me, even if all it did was hurt.

  “Katie, they used you. Those guys don’t care about you. They don’t care about anybody other than themselves. If it makes you feel better, it wasn’t you, per se. It’s just the way they are, women are a playthings and nothing else. And unfortunately, you were their target this time.”

  Elaine stood up and began to gather up clothes from around the room as she continued.

  “I’m so glad Bobby hasn’t had much contact with those douchebags since college because they are definitely not husband material. Can you imagine bringing someone like that home to meet your mother? I think not.”

  My lip quivered as I tried to hold my tears at bay. Was this really happening? Oh god, oh god. But Elaine continued, not looking at me.

  “They’re a bunch of playboys who love gangbangs and screwing chicks. They used you Katie, and now they’re buying you off. It wasn’t real. It was never real, don’t blame yourself.”

  She dumped some items in her suitcase then, still proclaiming this and that.

  But I couldn’t believe it. Swiping at an errant tear, I willed it not to be true. Please God, please. Everything these past few days was just a lie to get me in bed? But there were so many other women! Stacy, Linda, all the other bridesmaids, heck, all the other women at the wedding if it came to that. They could have used any of them.

  But after everything Elaine said, I could no longer deny that she was probably right. After all, who sets up a non-profit on five minutes notice? Who says, take all this money, it’s yours to do with as you wish, have fun? And be
sides, the men made no mention of sticking around. I was gonna be on my own in Knox, just me and their parting gift.

  So I shook my head, sorrow coursing to my core.

  “Oh my God, I think you’re right.”

  Elaine swung back around in surprise.

  “You’re joking right? Have you been listening anything I’ve said? Of course I’m right!” she exclaimed indignantly. “Bobby is their best friend, he would know. And besides, I wouldn’t make something like that up to hurt you. My husband will be home soon, why don’t you stay and you can ask him for yourself? He’s known them since childhood Katie, I bet there’s a string of women they’ve loved and left.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest huffily, glaring my way.

  Because Elaine had a point. I had no reason to be angry with her. Don’t shoot the messenger and all that.

  I apologized even as my heart broke.

  “I’m so sorry, Elaine. You have to understand this is just a shock to the system.”

  But my apology fell on deaf ears, Bridezilla showing her monstrous face again.

  “I’m not sure I do,” the blonde snorted, on the offense now. “I’m not sure where we stand in all this.”

  I sighed. Trust Elaine to make this about herself, taking the focus off me. But there was no sense in making the situation worse.

  “It’s just the things they said, the way they touched me,” I mumbled sadly. “It couldn’t all have been a lie.” My insides trembled, still refusing to fully accept that I may have been a pawn in their sex game.

  And taking a deep breath, I turned to my friend once more.

  “Listen, say hi to Bobby for me, okay? Because I’ve gotta go. I have to see Mason, Kane and Tyler, talk to them and look into their faces. I have to hear them say it themselves.”

  Jumping to my feet, I looked frantically around for my purse, locating it under a stray heap of clothes.

  “Katie!” Elaine ran over and grabbed my arm, concern and frustration written on every feature of her face. “Are you crazy? Do you want to get your heart broken all over again? Do you think they’re going to tell you the truth? Hell no! They’ll twist words and make you think you’re the one who’s insane. They’re master manipulators honey, don’t be fooled.”

  Maybe my friend was right, but all the same, I had to see for myself. So shaking my arm free, I turned to face her.

  “I don’t know what to think anymore,” was my conflicted confession. “I don’t know what to think. This is all so crazy you know? Three men and me,” I took a deep breath. “It was insane to begin with. But I have to know,” were my determined words. “I have to know.”

  And my friend stood out of my way then, eyes understanding. Because no matter how hard or painful this was, a confrontation was necessary. I’d fallen in love with the alpha males … but evidently, this was nothing but a game to them.



  A glance at my watch revealed we had fifteen minutes before the car arrived. Parking my suitcase by the door, I thumbed through emails on my phone absentmindedly. Shit, there was ton of stuff to get done, money doesn’t just make itself. My mind was already on business, churning away at the Dow, the markets, and the exchange rate.

  Kane and Tyler were nowhere to be found. So I did a quick scan of the living room, making sure we weren’t leaving anything behind before calling out.

  “Bros, let’s get a move on. The ride will be here soon.”

  Two massive forms emerged, dragging bags behind them while studying their phones. One thing about new technology is that it’s fucking rude at times. Everyone’s always glued to this gadget or that, no eye contact, no real human interaction anymore.

  But this wasn’t the time to say anything.

  “No worries, we’ll make the flight,” Kane rumbled, still busy at his cell. He was more than likely checking the stock market, ready to start trading once we were back. After all, our vacation was at an end, the fun and games over. There would be no talking on the jet, each of us engrossed in our laptops, preparing for city life once more.

  And whaddya know, but right on time the doorbell rang, its melodic chimes sounding out.

  “It’s the bellhop,” Tyler grunted, still engrossed by his phone as he strode across the living room. “I’ll get it.”

  But before the door was even completely open, it was forcefully pushed forwards, causing our heads to jerk up, surprised. What bellhop was this?

  There was no bellhop. Instead, Katie stood in the entryway, flushed and quivering. But not in a good way. She looked unsteady, her hair a little frazzled, color high in her face. What the fuck?

  “Katie sweetheart, is something wrong?”

  I took a step towards her, one hand outstretched.

  “Yeah, what’s up?” Tyler turned towards the female as well. “We’re leaving for the airport hon, so make it quick.”

  But the girl wasn’t listening. Stepping back, she almost collided with the front door. That was weird. Sure, Katie’s not a ballet dancer, but she’s not a klutz either. What was going on?

  Wildly, the female looked around the room like a caged animal. Her breasts quivered, the look on her face frantic. This was making me uneasy. Real uneasy.

  Kane interrupted then.

  “You want to tell us what’s wrong, sweetheart?” He stood from his chair, a third massive figure looming over the girl. “You want to tell us what’s going on? Spit it out, sweetheart,” was his firm command.

  That spurred her into action.

  “Sweetheart?!” came her voice. Her mouth curled at the edges, like the word was sour. What the hell? What was wrong with calling her sweetheart? We called her that all throughout last night as she moaned and trembled in our arms, spasming wildly. What was different today?

  “I’m not your sweetheart!” she raged. “Tell me is it true? Is it true?” the woman demanded, her control hanging by a tenuous thread.

  What was this all about? The three of us exchanged puzzled looks.

  “Is what true?” I questioned smoothly, one eyebrow raised. “What are you talking about?”

  But Katie wasn’t having it.

  “Don’t play games with me! I know it’s been nothing but a farce. I just wanted to hear it from your mouths.”

  Suddenly, the air changed. Katie’s anger deflated like a balloon going flat, replaced by sadness and hurt instead. Those sweet shoulders slumped, energy trickling from her curvy frame.

  But she hadn’t said her part yet.

  “I know I wasn’t the first. I know you’ve done this before.” Her voice was dull as she stared at the floor. “I know.”

  At this point it was clear what was going on.

  And no words came because what could we say? Katie wasn’t the first. This wasn’t the first time we’d gone to another town and gangbanged a girl, leaving her with gifts. The thing is, no one had cared in the past. No one had been hurt. Money talks, and the expensive presents took the sting from our hasty departures. Usually the women just sighed, gripping the furs and jewelry tight before moving on with their lives.

  So yeah, this was unexpected. Because our little girl cared. Really cared, this wasn’t some passing fling for her. And it’s not that we don’t care about her, that’s too simplistic. Because we do, things are just complicated. After all, we’re billionaires with businesses in New York. We can’t just up and leave, re-settling in Knox, population one thousand.

  But before any words were spoken, Katie broke down weeping.

  “I’m nothing to you,” was her heartbroken cry. “Nothing.”

  Oh shit. The sobs tugged at my heartstrings, which was unusual. Usually crying women make me go cold inside, I absolutely hate it. But this time, it was different and I leaned forwards, mouth opening.

  Katie cut me off again, looking at the pile of suitcases.

  “Were you just going to leave without saying goodbye?” The hurt in her gaze made shame course through my veins, entire body going hot. Sh
it, shit. But the thing is, we weren’t running from her or attempting to sneak off. It just looked that way right now with the luggage strewn about.

  “I know it started out as a wedding fling,” she choked, wiping tears from her face before continuing, “But I thought I meant something. That what the three of us shared was something more.” She looked down at the floor, swiping at her cheeks again.

  And then the worst part came with a crash.

  “I didn’t know you were buying me off,” she said softly, voice strangled. “I didn’t know that things like that could happen.”

  The silence quivered in the air between us. Mutely, the woman lifted her tear-stained cheeks to stare at us, expression hopeful. Oh god, it broke my heart. The sweet girl was praying for a response, something that would make sense. But after a few uncomfortable seconds of silence, it was clear no explanation was forthcoming.

  And then, quiet as a mouse, Katie was gone. That plump form let herself out, the door snicking shut, and Tyler, Kane and I stared at one another in the silence.

  What the hell just happened?

  It was like the silence after a storm, vibrating almost.

  Had we screwed up? Misjudged in some way?

  But there were no answers.

  “Holy fuckballs, what was that?” Tyler ran his hand through his hair as he walked to the sofa, folding that massive frame into a seat.

  “No idea, bro,” Kane shook his head and paced the floor. “No fucking clue.”

  I lowered myself into an armchair.

  “We’ve done this shit before, screwing women and paying them off, but damn, something went off the rails this time. Did you see the look on her face?” A heavy feeling settled in my gut as I recalled Katie’s expression. Holy shit, it tore at my conscience, making me feel about two inches tall.

  “Don’t remind me bro,” Kane shook his head once more, still perplexed. “We should have known she was going to be different. This was the same female that didn’t want money, clothes or jewels, nothing for herself, just a fucking non-profit for kids.”


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