Taken by the Dom: A Light BDSM Bad Boy Romance

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Taken by the Dom: A Light BDSM Bad Boy Romance Page 70

by Dee, Cassandra

  Kane stood up and took off his clothes, the whole time never taking his eyes from mine. As he undressed, my thirsty eyes drank in the sight of his naked body. The muscles in his chest and arms flexed. He was beautiful all over, but his cock was glorious. My view was even better than the other night and I was absolutely riveted. The hard pole throbbed and quivered and seemed to grow bigger before my eyes. Pearly, glistening liquid leaked from the tip, making my mouth water.

  Unconsciously, I reached out a hand. And Kane stepped closer and grabbed my small fingers, wrapping them around his hard dick.

  “Rub the pre-cum over my cock,” he grunted. “Get it real wet.”

  The billionaire threw his head back with a moan as my hand obediently spread the jizz over his cock, lubing up that fuckrod. His fingers wrapped around mine, tighter as he showed me how he liked his stiff pole stroked.

  “Fuck, that feels good!”

  Suddenly, Mason and Tyler pulled themselves away from my body and began to remove their clothes. My body mourned their absence, but my cunt continued to gush like a firehose. I didn’t have time to watch the clothes come off their magnificent bodies because Kane issued an order then.

  “Get on your knees,” he commanded. And obediently, I did as told. My body trembled as I slid from the couch, hand still jerking his dick. Now that thickness was barely an inch from my face, so close to my lips. My breath made his dick spasm and I desperately wanted to lick the fat purple glans, to savor it with my pink pout.

  “Spit on it.” Kane’s gaze was so intense as he waited for me to bathe his cock with my saliva. And once his dick was coated, he took my hand and rubbed it up and down his cock. No longer able to resist, my tongue swirled around the tip, tasting the special essence that was all him. The billionaire bucked against my mouth.

  “Suck it, yeah, suck it,” he let out on a choked breath. His hand went to my hair, gripping my curls as I vacuumed away, cheeks going hollow.

  “Fuck, yeah!”

  My mouth sucked him in deeper, running my tongue along the underside of his dick. One of the other alphas grabbed my other hand and placed it on his balls. As my fingers cupped him, I heard a swift intake of breath. My fingers caressed and squeezed the delicate sack, like they were filled with precious jewels.

  The third cock was rubbing against my cheek, begging for attention. Taking my mouth from Kane, my lips wrapped around Mason’s rigid length. Looking up at them as I sucked, I pleaded with my eyes, moaning continuously.

  “Shit!” Mason swore more as my head bobbed up and down on his cock. My hands continued to fondle Tyler’s balls and stroke Kane’s large fuckpole. My pussy was leaking cunt juice down my inner thighs, stickily sweet. And after a few more minutes, suddenly they were pushing me onto my back. The carpet rubbed against my ass as they spread me out and readied me for the taking. It was about to happen. They were about to take my virgin cherry.

  “We agreed that Kane gets to fuck you first since he found your sweet virgin barrier.” Tyler gazed down at me from over my head as he caressed my breasts with the palms of his hands, kneading them together. Mason sat off to the side stroking his turgid cock. In between my thighs, Kane stroked the tip of his dick between my wet folds.

  “Unnh!” I moaned ecstatically, writhing in anticipation. “Mmmm!”

  He looked down at me with heavy-lidded eyes as he held his cock in one hand and continued swiping his cock through my juices. Then he spit in his hand and smeared it along my clit as he stroked his thumb across it, making me see stars.

  “This is going to hurt for a minute, but then it’s going to feel so fucking good.” I could only nod my head. For another minute he continued dragging his stiff dick through my pussy lips to massage my fat little nub with his other hand. My hips were arching up from the floor wanting even more friction, more pressure.

  Finally, he began to slowly push his engorged cock into my tight wet channel.


  Inch by delicious inch he sank deeper inside. My hands stroked his chest as he continued burrowing into my slick, wet heat.

  Suddenly, I felt the head pushing against my barrier.

  “It’s okay. I’m almost there,” he growled through gritted teeth.

  My body resisted for a minute. It felt like something was ripping inside.

  “I don’t know,” I breathed on a ragged whimper.

  I fought the urge to push him from my body. Kane leaned down and kissed my open mouth, tonguing me back into a blissful mood.

  “It only hurts for a minute.”

  Then he reared back, pulled out a little and plunged through, breaking my hymen in a swift stroke. Finally, he was seated balls deep inside. My fingernails dug into his back as my body adjusted to being invaded. His cock was pulsating inside of me, begging to move and slide. But the billionaire stayed rigidly locked in place, not moving until he knew I was okay. Sweat glistened on both our bodies from the effort.

  Gradually, my body grew accustomed to him. Kane began to slide his dick in and out, slowly at first.

  “Your pussy feels so fucking good!” He shut his eyes and sped up his strokes. My hands slid down his back and settled on his tight ass. I could feel his muscles clench and unclench with each thrust. The pain lasted for only seconds and now my body was experiencing an ecstasy it never had before.

  When I looked over, Mason was stroking his cock and watching Kane’s dick disappear inside my snatch as he fucked me raw. He spit into his hand and pumped his meat. Then he leaned over and rubbed his length around my nipple. The tip leaked pre-cum and he used his dick to smear it around my nipple, before bending over and sucking my nipple into his mouth.

  Tyler joined him on the other side of me, both swirling their tongues around my rock hard nipples. Emboldened by this new feeling, my cries became even more vocal. I moved my hands from Kane’s ass so I could pull Mason and Tyler further into my body. My body was burning up from all the sensations.

  “Don’t stop! Keep sucking my tits!”

  They both sucked hungrily and greedily. Kane even stroked his dick into me faster. He seemed to be fascinated with watching his cock disappear between my sweet folds.

  “Unnh! Your cock feels so amazing! “

  “You like that? You like the way my dick is pounding you?”

  Kane began to drill my pussy even harder and deeper, his reach incredible. His balls were slapping my ass with each wild thrust of his hips. The suction of Tyler and Mason’s mouths, combined with the friction of Kane’s cock, was going to send me over the edge. Seconds later, Kane began his hurdle over the finish line.

  “I’m gonna fucking cum!” he roared as seed began to shoot into my snatch. He held himself rigid above me, emptying his cum deep within. I plummeted over the edge into my own orgasm as his dick continued to jerk inside of me. Our combined cum leaked out of my cunt, dripping down to my butthole. My pussy seemed to suck his dick even further inside of me.

  “Ahhh! Ahhh! Unnh!”

  My body was a big ball of nerves, everything so sensitive. It was an incredible feeling. When they made me orgasm with their tongues the feeling had been indescribable, but this was otherworldly.

  Kane slowly slid his semi-hard dick from my pulsing vag. He wrapped his hand around his quivering member and pumped it a few times to ensure every bit of cum had been released. A slight trickle leaked out. He ran his thumb over it and then popped it into my mouth. Sucking his thumb, I tasted not only him, but my own cunt juice as well.

  “Does my jizz taste good?” The billionaire smiled down at me after the question, enjoying watching me suck his thumb. I nodded yes as I swirled my tongue around his finger.

  But then Mason quickly took his place between my parted thighs, rubbing his cock through the sloppy mixture that belonged to Kane and I. It turned me on watching him coat his dick in our cum. His thumb spread the combined juices over my clit as he rubbed it. Then in one stroke he thrust his cock deep within my warm, wet channel.

  “Shit, you feel so g
ood! So warm and tight.”

  He picked up my left leg and placed it on his shoulder. The new angle had him hitting a sensitive spot deep inside my pussy.


  Mason plowed into me with smooth, even strokes, as he held my leg against his glistening chest. Suddenly, Tyler loomed over my head, upside down.

  “Open your mouth.” His lust was riding him hard, it was barely contained. My mouth barely opened before he shoved his dick inside grunting in relief. He tilted my head back to give him better access. No longer could I see Mason, just the underside of Tyler’s dick and his balls. My nostrils were full of his manly scent.

  Two of my holes were filled with hard, stiff cocks. Tyler’s balls rubbed against my nose and forehead as he fucked my mouth. I was about to reach my hand up to stroke him, when Kane grabbed my hand and placed it on his cock. My hand stroked him as the other two pounded my body from either end.

  “Damn!” Tyler cursed.

  Our collective groans, along with the sound of skin slapping skin filled the room. Mason was fucking me so thoroughly; I could feel my second orgasm building up inside me already. For a minute, my body felt paralyzed as overwhelming amounts of pleasure shot through me. Mason strummed my clit a few more times and that catapulted me into the stratosphere.


  My cunt gushed all over Mason’s cock. The heavy fluid rocked him into orgasm because seconds later, he was pumping into me furiously, roaring my name.

  “Katie! Katie! Katie!”

  And then the billionaire slumped over me, spent. Slowly, he sat up and pumped his cock over my belly, leaving me covered in sticky cum. Gripping his cock, he swatted it against my pussy lips a few times sending pleasure radiating through me.

  But they weren’t done yet because Tyler jerked his dick from my mouth and rolled me over and onto my knees. Without preamble he pushed his huge cock inside.

  “Motherfucker!” was his roar. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

  He buried his head in my back, gripping my hips tightly. That fat dick swelled causing me to tighten even more around him.

  “You’re so fucking small,” came his rasp.

  Since he hadn’t started moving within me yet, it gave me time to brace myself on my hands and knees so I could take whatever he was about to deliver. Something told me that Tyler wouldn’t be so gentle. The cum deposits that Kane and Mason had made were now running down my thighs. Tyler rocked his hips into me, as he remained pressed to my back a few seconds longer.

  My eyes had been closed, savoring the feel of his pulsing dick, when something rubbed against my lips. Opening my eyes, I found Kane on his knees in front of me with his cock in his hand, waiting for me to open my mouth to him. My lips parted to admit his already weeping cock. He groaned and slowly fucked my mouth, fisting his hand in my hair to hold me in place.

  Tyler began to move his cock in and out of me as he ground his hips after each thrust. My eyes rolled into the back of my head.

  “Mmmph.” The incoherent scream was muffled by Kane’s enormous cock being rammed down my throat. Suddenly, my body tensed for a minute, as it was introduced to a new sensation. As Tyler’s cock worked my pussy, his finger rubbed around the ring of my asshole, stroking the sensitive pleats.

  “Your little asshole likes that, doesn’t it? Makes you feel good, huh little slut?”

  At first it was so foreign, but gradually I lost myself to the euphoria he was creating in my body. My ass pushed back onto his finger, causing the tip of his thumb to penetrate my virgin asshole. The feeling made me cream harder on his dick.

  “Yeah, your asshole wants to take dick doesn’t it? Next time, I’m going to stretch this pucker open and make you cum so hard.” He kissed my back and kept fucking me. My snatch wept all over his cock at those words. Fuck yes, I wanted his cock in my ass!

  Both men had me so full; there was nowhere I could go. Tyler’s cock was thicker than Kane’s or Mason’s and dragged along every inch inside my cunt as he shoved himself deep inside me.

  “Does. That. Dick. Feel. Good?” Each thrust punctuated a word.

  My moan made Kane’s pole throb in my mouth. His cock was lodged in the back of my throat, both his hands holding my head in place for his enjoyment.

  “Milk my cock, Katie!” he growled.

  I sucked him harder and felt his hips stop moving as he held himself in place, enjoying the feel of my lips and tongue taking him beyond control.

  Mason rejoined our group by sticking his head under my bobbing tits. He took my hard nipple between his teeth and gently bit, flooding me with even more pleasure, if that was possible.

  “Your tits are so perfect.”

  Then he swiped the flat of his tongue across it before he suckled as much as he could into his mouth, his tongue swirling, tasting and sucking like he was enjoying a good meal. Mason groaned around a mouthful of my breast as he jacked off.

  My focus returned to Kane as he began furiously fucking my mouth. He was close to another orgasm. Right before his balls exploded, he pulled his cock from my mouth and began pumping it. His jizz released in spurts, hitting my chin and covering my lips. I licked his cream from my mouth, enjoying the taste of him. Ropes of cum coated the lower half of my face. His semi-hard dick bobbed up and down in front of my face as it continued to ooze cum. He rubbed his semi-hard cock once more across my lips. I licked at the slit on the tip, tasting his spunk. My action made him throw his head back and moan in ecstasy.

  Nudging my thighs further apart with his hand, Tyler didn’t break his rhythm. With my pussy stretched further open he could thrust even deeper. His punishing strokes felt so good. He was grunting, gripping my hips and ramming his cock hard into my vaginal canal. My insides quivered around his rod and then I felt him explode inside me.

  “Holy shit!”

  He continued moving his hips as he deposited his load inside my snatch. His spasms shook his body as the never-ending stream of cum flooded my body and leaked out where are bodies were joined.

  My clit was engorged with need. Now that Kane’s dick no longer resided in my mouth, I made my demands known.

  “Rub my clit!” My breathy moans grew even louder as Tyler’s fingers found my hard little nub and began to play with it to bring it out of hiding. He was still lodged firmly inside my slick channel. I started grinding my pussy on his cock, wanting every bit of friction and stimulation possible.

  “Cum for me! Coat my dick in your juice!” He leaned over and spoke low in my ear, riding me until my hips bucked against him and I came hard, squirting and spraying my cunt juice all over his stiff cock. It was the hardest I’d cum all night and I knew it was due to all the stimulation my body enjoyed. Tyler pulled his cock from my channel and replaced it with his mouth.

  “So delicious! Your pussy juice is like an elixir,” he said as he caught the spray of cunt juice that squirted out of my vag as my orgasm continued to erupt from my body. His tongue lapped up every drop he could. Our mingled cum ran down my inner thigh. My legs trembled in an effort to keep holding my body upright. I was spent.

  Mason released my nipple with a soft pop and quickly turned me over on the plush carpet so I was lying on my back. He vigorously pumped his cock over my chest until cum jetted out, landing across my belly and boobs. Tiny grunts fell from his lips as he worked his hand over his dick.

  “Fuck me! That felt good!”

  My pussy was filled to overflowing with three loads of their spunk and it was heaven. Our scents mingled in the air and I inhaled deeply. Everywhere my skin was slicked with evidence of the orgy we’d just enjoyed. I couldn’t move for a moment. My body still pulsed with want. Was it possible that I could still crave more after they’d just made me cum three times?

  “Did you enjoy that good fucking?” Kane’s velvety voiced asked me.

  “Yes.” My voice trembled with desire and lust. I would never forget tonight. These alphas had done things to my body that would be forever ingrained in my mind and in my flesh. I was fi
lled, sated, and fucked so good by the three hottest men ever.


  Watch Katie and her men go at it again in Tasting Her Secrets , FREE when you join my mailing list at http://www.subscribepage.com/cassandradeeromance .



  By Cassandra Dee



  “Seriously El, you can’t wear that,” said my friend Rachel.

  I looked back at her, a little miffed.

  “Why not?” I asked plaintively. The jeans I had on were nice, a dark denim wash, and I’d paired them with a long-sleeve top, crushed velvet with a scoop-neck. “Looks okay to me.”

  Rachel snorted.

  “Seriously El, we’re in Vegas for the week. We’re going clubbing at a place that doesn’t even have a name, it’s so hot. You can’t wear the stuff you usually do, now take it off,” she commanded.

  I thought about refusing flat out, putting down my foot and digging in. But the thing is my friend is the one with the fashion sense, Rachel always looks amazing, knowing exactly how to do herself up for every occasion. In comparison, I was a little frumpy, dazed and confused most times, my brown hair unfashionably curly, my curves unfashionably round. So yes, I got invited to good parties because I was Rachel’s friend, but I didn’t look like any of them, skinny minnies all.

  And frankly, it was amazing that Rachel and I are friends at all because we’re so different, she’s swan-like, thin and elegant, with a modeling portfolio, whereas I’m round and small, an A-student. So our interests are poles apart, not to mention our paths in life. But we’ve known one another since we were five, and have seen one another through thick and thin again and again. Take last year, for example, when Rachel’s parents got divorced. I was her confidante, her therapist, and her anchor when she was lost at sea, adrift on waves of sadness. And I know she’d do the same for me if our situations were reversed. So despite the fact that outwardly, it looks like we have nothing in common, in fact we have a bond that goes deep, far further than mere clothes or personalities would suggest.


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